Project: Adapt - Achieve: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 2)

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Project: Adapt - Achieve: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 2) Page 21

by Jade Waltz

  Deep in Kaede’s bones, he felt they were still in the midst of an asteroid field and had just come to a break. The question was, how long did they have to breathe before things got hectic once again? Would they ever escape?

  This was why he needed to fight whatever he—she—they did to change him the day she went into labor. Did it have something to do with her bringing forth his cock from its sheath? Or did it have something to do with him finding his release for the first time?

  Each time he scented her, he felt something he’d never felt before—a great need to rut her, pin her down, and use her for his own will. His cock was always hovering at the seam, waiting to release itself from its prison whenever she was around.

  The problem was, his body knew her blood, thus she was his prey. He could easily track and hunt her down whenever he pleased, as tempting as it was sometimes. This was why he was avoiding her. He needed to get ahold of himself. He wasn’t hers and would never be.

  Yet in the back of his mind, there was always a thread of hope that by some slim chance, the Fates and Stars would allow them to be together; he mustn’t be like them and take.

  Kaede promised himself he would never force Selena to do such a thing. Their one time together would be the only moment they would have for him to cherish—even though the circumstances weren’t favored.

  He settled for making sure she was happy—and safe—for she deserved to have that in life and not have others take that away from her.

  He hissed in anger at the thought of what Prince Zirene did to her. After everything he did to her, she was starting to forgive him—only for him to abuse the trust and everything they had built together for useless secrets.

  How could he be so dimwitted?

  Even with the short time Selena spent with him, Kaede knew she preferred being told the truth and having all the facts from the beginning. Yes, Kaede knew he had been blunt with her, but after she cooled down, she realized he was right, even if his way of expressing it may not have been the most tactful. Something about her always made him say the wrong thing.

  But it didn’t matter, for he could not—would not—pursue Selena. She was Prince Zirene’s Nova, first and foremost. Xylo was a mistake, her foolish actions resulting in their court bonding, and she didn’t want to break it because she hoped he would always protect her. She took Odelm in because she pitied him. And the banished Circuli princes? The only reason she court-bonded with them was to reward them and protect them from their mothers. That was it—a political arrangement.

  Kaede was furious Selena had gathered these Circuli males who didn’t deserve her.

  He was the one who hunted for her for nine years—who fought and killed to bring her to where she belonged. If any male other than Prince Zirene should be at her side, it should be him.

  It should be him watching her right now, guarding her on her first night away from her nestmates willingly.

  Kaede halted in his tracks and growled, turning toward his display wall. In a moment of rage, when he’d ported in from his argument with Selena, he had put the four drones assigned to following her on passive mode, not wanting to be reminded of her dismissal of him in favor of his sisters, whom she had just met.

  How could she blindly trust them?

  They were his sisters and wouldn’t do anything to harm her, but they also were known for getting carried away. It was something they couldn’t afford to do—especially when they weren’t on their own turf.

  He refused to believe it was jealousy he felt, so he settled on the one thing that mattered—she was punishing him for keeping his distance from her. The distance he created in hopes of learning to control himself around her and calming the instincts that had been begging him to track, claim, and protect.



  He fell back onto his bed and shut his eyes, allowing his drones to flood his inner vision, sending their feed directly to the A.I. part of his brain and allowing him to expand himself in as many directions as needed.

  His control over the drones was personal—they were a part of him in a way no one else in the galaxy could experience. His experience was more personal than ones in dreamdomes used to build worlds or pilot Prince Zirene’s fleet.”

  The Aldawi implants were simple imitations of the ones Kaede and his half-sisters had, the Aldawi’s capabilities only a mere fraction of true versions they had.

  No one knew that Kaede secretly had a back-up plan if anything went awry. He’d implanted a self-destruct program he could trigger anywhere and at any time if anyone betrayed him, Selena and her clan, or the Aldawi Empire. He would not allow the Aldawi Empire to betray them, and with his newfound ability, he could make sure she was safe from harm as long as he had a drone near.

  Without his drones, he’d depend on his AI to hack into the system and wreak havoc until he could get to her.

  He scanned through his drones; they were all on autopilot and doing whatever task he assigned them. Most were patrolling aimlessly around the space station as they listened to random conversations. Others were following specific targets—politicians and questionable citizens—in hopes of finding any secrets they may be hiding. A select few of them were stalking Selena and her clan members’ every move, making sure they were safe from those around them.



  Hundreds of screens minimized, leaving only the six surrounding Selena.

  Kaede snarled at what he saw.

  Selena was grinding herself all over Qraniebi with his hands all over her.

  Something about her movements seemed off. Kaede commanded his drones to focus on her as he zoomed in the extended vision they gave him.

  Her eyes were cloudy as she stared aimlessly around the room. Her face and exposed flesh were flushed and sweaty, as her spots glowed pink—something the Ulax saw as arousal, displayed when one was flirting or trying to court someone.

  Something triggered deep inside Kaede, and dread filled him.

  In an instant, he jolted to his feet as he minimized the screens in his visor, giving him enough space to actually see with his own eyes.


  < COMMENCING PORT IN 3… 2… 1… >

  Kaede closed his eyes as he felt his body shift as if it collapsed into his uniform’s core. In an instant, sounds of the club assaulted his ears as his feet touched solid ground once more. A slight feeling as if his body was expanding washed over him. Now wasn’t the time to readjust himself. He refused to take a precious moment to settle the slight uneasiness that happened whenever he ported.

  He opened his eyes and locked his gaze on Qraniebi. His drones marked him yellow—an ally, but could be a potential threat. The others in the room glowed orange— nobodies who could be either friend or foe. There were no reds—enemies—in the room, and the only greens—friends—were his half-sisters on the second floor, looking down at him.

  He hissed but refused to look up and acknowledge them.

  They were playing a game —something he didn’t have the time or need for.

  Licking his fangs, Kaede flipped his wrist, snapping his infused blade into his hand as he stepped behind Qraniebi. Kaede grabbed hold of the blue and green feathers on top of Qraniebi’s head and pulled it back, pressing his blade to his neck.

  “I don’t care who you are, but you won’t get away with whatever you did to Selena,” Kaede hissed in his ear. “Release her before I slit your throat right here on the dance floor for all to see.”

  Qraniebi jerked and halted his movements, pale green eyes widened.

  “I don’t know what you are accusing me of. I am teaching Selena how to dance and have done nothing to her.”

  Pages from his half-sisters pinged frantically. He ignored their desperate pleas, not caring what they had to say, for they did not protect Selena during their watch.

  “Release. Her. Now,” Kaede growled, pulling Qraniebi’s he
ad farther back. “Do it.”

  Qraniebi glared at Kaede as he opened his wings, revealing Selena and released his grip on her ass.

  She fell slowly to the ground as her limbs failed to keep her position. When her ass hit the hard floor, her head rolled back, dropping her hood, revealing her silver hair for all to see. Her hazy eyes kept closing as she moved her head side to side, confused with her surroundings. Her hair shimmered in the club’s lights as the spots on her face glowed bright pink.

  “What is wrong with her?” Qraniebi asked, his melodic voice laced with concern and confusion.

  Kaede removed his blade and shoved Qraniebi out of the way into the nearby crowd. Yells of protests didn’t mean a thing to him; everyone on the station knew who he was and what he was capable of. He dared someone to start something with him. Kaede didn’t care if Qraniebi tried to escape—he had drones aimed at him if he tried to run without being questioned.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, confused as she searched for Qraniebi with her hands. “I need youuuuuuuuuu,” she said in English.



  Kaede knelt and grabbed her wrist, bringing it to his lips, and took a bite.

  Alarms blared in him when Selena didn’t flinch at his touch and was completely unresponsive to his bite. Her blood tasted impure, laced with something that did not match with her blood he had stored in his system.

  Someone had drugged her.

  He released her wrist and licked it, sealing his marks, and picked her up off the ground, his arms wrapped around her tightly as he cradled her in his arms.



  Kaede cursed his luck. The one night he listened to Selena and put her wellbeing in another’s—five others’—hands, she was taken advantage of. Now he didn’t know what was in her system or who had put it there if Qraniebi was telling the truth about not being involved.

  “If you wanted to dance with her, you could have told me,” Qraniebi muttered as he stood nearby, watching him.

  Kaede ignored him and walked away, needing to get Selena out of the club and somewhere safe. He couldn’t port out without knowing what affect it would have on Selena with the unknown substance in her system, and the nearest safe location was the apartment he shared with his sisters.

  “Don’t worry, Selena, I have you now. Everything will be all right,” Kaede whispered into Selena’s ear

  She tried to grab his face but missed and caught his hair instead.

  “Kaede… I need you,” she pleaded as she rubbed her face with his hair.

  “Kaede! Wait!” B yelled behind him.

  Kaede could see his sisters closing in on him on his radar, his drones easily confirming their locations. He turned around as soon as he exited the club onto the empty floor.

  “You failed, B. Your team failed to protect Selena, and instead of doing your job, you allowed someone to drug her. Or was this some sick game to prove something?” He took a step toward B. “Your trust in that feathered lovesick fool blinded you. If he is responsible, I will have the pleasure of slitting his throat in front of you. I will personally have his feathers made into a fan or perhaps a dress piece for Selena.”

  Her eyes hardened. “Qran had nothing to do with it. He would never betray Prince Zirene. You know this.”

  Kaede chuckled. “I also know the Quaww are waiting for Selena to slip up so they can claim she is too unstable to be in public. They want her—so much, they almost started a war.”

  “Qran left the Quaww a long time ago, you know this.” She looked down at Selena’s form. “We are responsible for this. Let us find who is to blame and bring them to justice.”

  Kaede glanced at all five of his sisters and pursed his lips in disappointment.

  “I want a full report. Don’t fail Selena—or me—again. I won’t protect you from the Prince.” He turned to Kaica. “Take a sample of her blood and try to figure out an antidote. Hopefully, the others will catch who is responsible, and we can make them talk.”

  Kaica nodded and took out a hidden syringe from her belt pouch. Kaede watched Selena’s reaction to Kaica taking a sample—once again, she seemed unfazed.

  “Kaede… I need… I need,” she begged as she tried to rub her legs together.

  Kaica backed away and secured the sample, watching Selena worriedly. “I will go to my lab on our ship and report any findings.”

  Kaede nodded as he struggled to keep Selena from falling out of his arms.

  “I am going to take her to my bedroom since it is the closest safe point and page her clanmates.” He gazed at B. “I will report to the Prince as well.”

  B nodded. “I know… We will correct this and face our punishment.”

  “I would say happy hunting, but this isn’t a joyful moment.” He stepped away from them. “Don’t fail me again, and if I find out you guys did this as a joke, be prepared for my wrath.” Kaede turned and left toward their shared apartment.

  “Kaede… Kaede… I have a secret,” Selena murmured.

  “And what is that?” he replied, trying to keep her coherent.

  “I wonder… would you dance like… your cock?”

  Kaede almost tripped. He shook his head, lost for words as he tried to will his body to not respond to her. Now wasn’t the time to have urges.

  “You know? Would you fuck me? Hard? Gentle?” she asked as she looked up at him, her eyes filled with a clouded lust. “Would you fuck me now? Please? I need you.”

  Relief flooded him when their apartment door opened as he stepped to it.






  < 1. Z OPENED. >

  He cursed. Why weren’t her nestmates responding to his messages? He brought up their drone’s feeds. They were sleeping, nestled together in Selena’s nestbed.

  Kaede walked into his bedroom and placed Selena onto his bed. As he tried to pull away, she wouldn’t let go of his hair.

  “Selena. Can I have my hair back?”

  “Kaede. Why am I so hot?”

  He scanned her body with his visor. Her temperature was well above normal.

  “Someone drugged you. You aren’t feeling well,” he explained.

  “I would feel better if you took care of me,” she said, rubbing her legs together.

  “What do you mean?” Kaede asked, afraid to hear the answer. He could smell her arousal in the air and didn’t want to believe what she had been asking him to do this whole time.

  “I need to be filled. I need you, Kaede,” she said, yanking his hair.

  Kaede fell forward and caught himself before his body crushed her. She used his position to her advantage, wrapping her arms around his head, and bit his neck. He hissed and rolled away, feeling Selena’s fangs ripping away.

  “What was that for?” he yelled, getting onto his feet and stepping away from the bed. He could feel his manhood breaking from its sheath as his body temperature rose along with his senses.

  “You bit me. I wanted to bite you.” She licked her lips. “Don’t you want me now?”

  Kaede shook his head and walked into his bathroom. He needed to get away from her. He didn’t want this—not when she was drugged and didn’t know what she was asking. The Fates were cruel to send her begging for him in this state.

  The door slammed shut.



  Kaede could feel his core temperature rise as his cock pressed painfully against his armored leggings. He closed h
is eyes and took in deep breaths, but each one filled his lungs with her needy scent, driving his unknown instincts to take over.

  He launched himself to the door and started banging on it.

  Selena was on the other side—needing him, wanting him—and he was trapped, unable to capture his prey and satisfy her completely.

  “Kaede! Why did you run from me?”

  Kaede stopped and watched his drones’ feeds, breathing heavily.

  Selena’s cape was on the floor as she was struggling to take off the matching spacesuit his sisters had given her. After a while, she finally succeeded and fell onto his bed, panting. Her long silver hair framed her, making her look like a shining star in the darkness that was his black blanket. Her dark blue-green eyes were unfocused as she trailed her hairless body with her hands.

  “Kaede… Why?” she asked, her voice filled with both sadness and confusion.

  He growled.

  They both needed their release. Why couldn’t they do it together?

  He shook his head, and he collapsed his suit, tossing it onto the counter.

  No. He would not take advantage of her. He was better than that.

  If she wanted him, she would have him when they both weren’t under someone else’s influence and impaired by aphrodisiacs coursing through their veins.

  He was better than Prince Zirene. If she wanted to take him, he would allow her but only with a clear mind and no outside pressure.

  But he couldn’t ignore his throbbing manhood that refused to go away.

  A groan sounded on the other side of the bathroom door. Her scent got heavier in the air.

  Kaede closed his eyes and hissed, banging his head against the door.

  Selena was on his bed with one hand pinching one of her perky nipples and the other fingering herself. He got weak in the knees from the display and collapsed to the floor, his back hitting the bathroom door.

  “Kaede…” she moaned.

  Unable to resist, he grabbed his cock—for the first time—feeling it throbbing in his hand as he watched her masturbating on his bed, picturing himself pleasuring her. His cock jumped as shimmery fluid burst all over it. Grunting, he used the liquid as a lubricant, feeling how smooth his hand felt as it rubbed up and down his bumps.


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