Project: Adapt - Achieve: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 2)

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Project: Adapt - Achieve: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 2) Page 29

by Jade Waltz

  Zirene locked his tablet and attached it to his loincloth’s belt. Odelm had paged for food to be delivered. He may as well take this time to introduce Selena to the staff and give her a tour of her villa’s property grounds.

  Soon, he would need to stop neglecting his duties and leave Selena behind on Destima. He hoped they could work out their differences beforehand. They were going in the right direction, but he needed to make sure everything was right between them. If war broke out, he didn’t want to be distracted by what ifs and regrets if it was the last time he would be with her in the flesh for a while.

  She didn’t need to be told about the war—she had overheard enough as it was. It was his duty to make sure she was protected and hidden away from others; Selena ending up in the wrong hands was not an option. Not only could they use her as a pawn to get their way, if they knew what she was capable of, she would fall back to the ways of her past—an object to be experimented on.

  Zirene growled. He would make sure that never happened.

  He hoped by giving her this moon, she would keep herself occupied, spending her time building it to her vision while being protected. Once things calmed down, and he found out who was reaching out to her, he would allow Kaede to fly her around the Aldawi territory. Their technology was advanced enough, it shouldn’t be an issue.

  Zirene walked past the dining hall and nodded at its workers. All three watched him in shock as he passed by as if they didn’t believe someone of his status would acknowledge them. That was something they would have to get used to.

  Selena’s villa had twelve staff members employed to keep it running smoothly. Each one was vetted and trained by his senior staff from his palace on Lunkai. They didn’t want to work at the gem mine or any of its support companies and were among the first to request a chance to prove themselves worthy. Vagren said they had passed all the tests and were hard workers.

  Secretly, Zirene hoped Selena would get used to the idea she wasn’t alone anymore and form friendships with those around her. There were over five hundred demi-humans on Destima waiting to meet its owner. Because of her past, he would not pressure her to introduce herself publicly, but it was expected of her. Once the Destiny arrived and its crew settled, he would try to convince her to host an assembly. Until then, she could relax and explore what Destima offered.

  The doors to Selena’s master bedroom were open as an empty delivery cart waited in the hallway. Zirene was pleased to see Odelm’s order had arrived at an acceptable time. These next few weeks would determine if the staff members were serious about their responsibilities. It would be interesting to see who survived the pressures over time.

  Silently, Zirene walked into the doorway in hopes of watching the worker in action.

  Zirene was glad to see the Villa Headmaster Symi proudly describe the dishes before Selena, Odelm, and Xylo. Her tan Aldawi ears framed the top of her long, light brown hair, which traveled to the base of her matching tail. Dressed in the modified Aldawi service uniform, Symi wore her violet and silver clothes confidently as she worked hard to impress Selena.

  “Is there anything else you want? Or can I clean up your dishes?” Symi asked, her cheery voice ringing throughout the room.

  Selena glanced at both of her nestmates, who both nodded in reply.

  “I believe we are done for now. Is there a set time for meals here, or do we request it?”

  “Lady Selena, I don’t know to explain this to you, but this property is yours.” Symi picked up multiple empty dishes as her bushy tail twitched behind her. “If you wanted a multiple course dinner in the middle of the night, it might take some time, but they would make it.”

  Symi curtsied and turned around, halting as her golden flecked green eyes met his. Her mouth gaped.

  “Sire, I didn’t know you were here.” She gulped as her hands trembled. “Is there anything I can do for you?” she asked softly, dropping her gaze.

  Zirene pushed himself off the doorway and advanced over to the table, smiling gently at Symi. “No need for titles. Selena doesn’t like it, and this is her home after all.”

  Zirene chuckled to himself as she glanced between Selena and him, her face scrunched in confusion as if she was trying to figure out if it was a test or not.

  “He is correct. There are enough titles attached to many of my nestmates, so I would rather save time and skip the formality, in hopes it will make everyone comfortable.” She covered her mouth, smothering her giggles. “Odelm knows firsthand I don’t like any peacocking around me—especially my mates.”

  Zirene stuck out his chest. “That is because I would win.”

  Selena rolled her eyes. “You aren’t in my bed at the end of the day. I wouldn’t call that winning.”

  Symi gasped as her face paled, eyes wide. Xylo and Odelm stared at Selena in shock.

  Zirene purred, his lips curling in a sly smirk. Selena’s fiery sass was refreshing. He hoped she would continue to blossom now that she could relax without fear about her immediate future.

  “No… but I am in your dreams every night.”

  “And?” Selena taunted, tilting her chin at him.

  “Perhaps I need to remind you what I am capable of.”

  “Perhaps… but that doesn’t help you here and now.” Selena reached over and grabbed her nestmate's hands. “Good thing I have two willing males who can fulfill my needs.”

  “Lady Selena—”

  “Symi.” Zirene held up his hand to silence her. “Don’t take banter between Selena and me seriously. She is still recovering from all the stress from the CEG Space Station while I am having fun teasing her.”

  Symi nodded quickly. “Yes, Sire.”

  Zirene turned his attention to his Nova, who watched him with an eyebrow raised. Symi was nervous around him. He checked his aura, confirming he was projecting as he was trained to do around civilians. It was safe to assume Symi wasn’t used to being around royalty, which was acceptable, for most weren’t. He would have to make sure the Villa Headmaster grew comfortable around him and any other high-status guests Selena would invite to stay with her.

  “Selena, are you interested in a tour of your villa’s grounds? That is, if you are well and rested enough to do so. I understand if you want to lounge around and take everything easy for now.”

  Xylo squeezed Selena’s hand and smiled. “I believe you should take his offer if you are feeling up to it. I need to make sure the healing team has settled in and started inspecting the villa’s small infirmary. If it is okay with you?”

  Selena bit her lip in hesitation and shot a glance at Zirene. “If that is what you would like to do.”

  Odelm leaned forward and cupped her face, brushing his thumb over her lips. “None of that, Selena.”

  She growled and nipped his thumb. Selena laughed as Odelm jerked his hand away in shock.

  “I am assuming you want to unpack your instruments or something?” Her eyes softened. “Maybe even play? I know it’s been a while.”

  Odelm hesitated as his tentacles adjusted themselves around him. “I would love to…”

  Selena lifted her hand from his and pressed it between the pair of Odelm’s hearts. “Then go,” she said with a gentle smile. “I know how important it is to you and how long it’s been since you last played.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Selena rolled her eyes and sighed before climbing to her feet.

  “You both have sacrificed a lot to take amazing care of me. While it will take some time to adjust to our new lives here, I would like you both to feel at home.” She looked over at Zirene and locked her eyes with his. “I believe Zirene has been waiting patiently to show me what he has created after all these years.”

  “You are correct.”

  Selena leaned over and gave both of her nestmates gave a quick kiss on their foreheads. “Loves, I am only one thought away. Have fun. Enjoy yourselves. We are at home.”

  Selena walked over to Symi, who was trying to remain invisible to their
private conversation, and held out her hand.

  “I am not good at this… but I am happy you introduced yourself and hope we can get to know each other.”

  Zirene watched the exchange as Symi looked down at Selena’s hand and slowly grabbed it. Selena smiled and gave it a few shakes before letting go.

  “Thank you for the meal. It was delicious.”

  “Page me if you need anything at any time, Lady Selena.”

  Zirene offered his hand and hoped Selena would grab it. He purred as she willingly accepted it without hesitation with a smile on her face. He pulled her close and wrapped his arm around her waist, leading her out of the room. He looked over his shoulder at her nestmates.

  “Take your time. I will bring her to the dining hall for the evening meal.”

  Xylo nodded as a smile crossed Odelm’s face.

  Selena halted and gasped as they exited her bedroom into the glass-domed, climate-controlled room.

  “What is this?” she asked, staring at her surroundings in awe.

  “This is your sanctuary—the central gathering location of your villa. It has artificial hot springs that flow down into the pool. The plant life is native to this island. I wanted to provide an indoor paradise where you can spend time with your clan and guests while being with nature. A carpet-like grass covers the ground, so you can relax and sunbathe while listening to Odelm’s music.”

  “Odelm’s music?”

  “See those three large archways under the balcony?” Zirene pointed to the left. “The closest one was made into Odelm’s music room. All of his large instruments were unpacked there while the rest were transferred to his bedroom—”

  “What do you mean, his own bedroom?” Selena hissed.

  “Selena, calm down. I can explain,” he sighed. “Down the middle archway is a hallway leading to three wings—your mates’ wing, the staff wing, and the warehouse. I didn’t know how many mates you would accept into your clan, so I designed ten rooms equipped with a bathroom and office. I figured they would need their own private quarters where they can work, relax, or store their things. It wasn’t meant to hurt you.”

  “Ten? You believe I will have ten mates?” she asked in disbelief.

  “It’s better than Kaede’s suggestion of twenty. He believed you would take in any unmated Circuli with a story.”

  “Twenty?” she choked. “Is that how he thinks of me?”

  “No one knows with him.” Zirene pressed gently on her back, trying to change the subject while continuing their tour. “Selena. Think of it this way. What if one of your mates wanted some alone time with just you? They would have a private place of their own to entertain you. Or if you decided for some reason you wanted to sleep with one mate, the others would have their own bed for the night.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “Things may be going well now, but no one knows how everything will be once you take in the princes completely and officially as a part of your clan. Or perhaps sometime in the future, you connect with a male who doesn’t share well. They would need time to adjust,” he explained as they came to the final archway along the left side. “Here is your dining hall. You have a head chef and a bartender capable of creating anything you wish. You see, Selena, I designed your villa to have an open location where your whole clan and guests can gather and enjoy themselves freely. There is an abundance of seating along the walls and dining hall to allow private conversations in the relaxing social atmosphere.”

  Selena pulled away from him and took a few steps onto the grass, testing its texture on her bare feet as she stared at the ceiling.

  “I can’t believe all the details you put into this, and somehow, it’s all mine.” She peered over her shoulder and shrugged. “It doesn’t feel real. I keep waiting for the dream to end and to wake up once again in my cell.”

  Zirene growled and stepped toward her. “This place is real, and so am I, Selena.” Grabbing her hand, he placed it over his heart. “Feel that? That is my heartbeat.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “No, Selena,” he breathed. “This isn’t a trick or a dream you will soon wake from.” He combed her silver strands as she stared up at him with her eyes full of doubt. “I made my mistakes and am trying to make it up to you, but I am not trying to trick you. Not again. This moon is yours to build whatever you want. If you want to make it an art capital or private resort destination where guests are invite-only, so be it. I have faith in you and your abilities.” He sighed. “I want the best for you… and this villa was my way of showing you how much you deserve to live.”

  She licked her lips. “It’s beautiful.”

  “And so are you,” Zirene replied gently. “Selena, you have sacrificed so much in your life, allow luxuries to spoil yourself.”

  “I will on one condition.”


  “Can we keep doing this?” she asked, gripping his mane. “I like this… it feels like old times, only now I can see who you are.”

  “It will be my pleasure.”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  How did I deserve this?

  Just over a month ago, I was an experiment, waiting for the next sleep cycle so I could get lost in the dreamscape with my amethyst-eyed mystery male. Somehow that dream became a reality. The dreamscape world I knew so well was real—along with my male I grew to care for.

  Now, I was the owner of a magnificent villa built with an immeasurable amount of detail and thoughtfulness, and it was unbelievable; it was mine.

  All the random questions he’d asked over the years made sense. He was trying to understand what I liked, not for conversation but to use in his design.

  The sanctuary? That in itself was a masterpiece.

  I could see myself relaxing in the pool or in one of the lounge chairs as I read while listening to Odelm play his gorgeous music. If I got hungry or needed a drink, the open layout allowed me to continue watching the cubs from the dining hall as they played in the sanctuary.

  He impressed me with the location of the infirmary on the opposite side of the sanctuary from the music and dining halls, nestled between the entrances to the children’s and guests’ wings. Attached to the infirmary was my own hatchery, which was connected to the children’s domed terrarium, filled with their own forest to play in.

  There was a small second floor with eight suite rooms for guests who stayed for extended periods. Zirene mentioned the Fab Five had used them from time to time when they were working on the villa’s security. Kaede was the only one who was currently using one of the rooms since he was my personal guard.

  Even though I was still mortified by what I did to him, I was glad to have him near. Kaede had proven himself to me. He may be an ishing frax, but he was faithful and he cared—he just had a strange way of showing it.

  Zirene was the same way. When you were a prince of a powerful empire, used to being in charge while getting everything you want, how did you have a personal relationship with someone? He was trying. I could tell.

  The moon was his gift to his Seedbearer—but this villa? It showed how much he cared. Sure, the elaborate luxuries were a bit too much, but considering I was mated to a prince who was used to such extremes, it made sense. I was an extension of him—literally, with our Nova and Shadow connection—so it would be expected I would have the same living conditions as him.

  Would I allow him to try to buy my love? No, I wasn’t a fool.

  But if he continued to act the way he did so far today and treated me as if I was an equal like old times, I couldn’t see why we couldn’t try to work things out between us. He would have to understand I would not cast aside my nestmates just because the Fates decided we were destined.

  Just because I was his Nova didn’t mean I would allow him to push anyone from my clan around. They were a part of me as much as he was, and I chose them. The Stars may have guided me to the Circuli crew, but it was me who made them a part of my clan—my life—and I would not let
anyone take that away from me.

  Not Zirene and his subtle possessiveness—or Kaede and his jealous remarks.

  I would have to watch how he interacted with them because I would not tolerate bullying. Sure, more mates meant more personalities to mesh together, and I was sure jealousy and arguments would happen. Zirene’s reasoning for my mates to have their own wing made sense, now that I thought about it.

  Once the princes arrived and I claimed them as my own, it would be something we would discuss. I knew the Circuli thrived on togetherness and being near their nestqueen, so I didn’t believe they would want individual nights alone, at least not consecutively.

  After showing me where each of the eight archways led, Zirene introduced me to the staff, and we checked on the cubs, who were passed out in their own domed terrarium. Not wanting to wake them, I suggested we retreat back to the sanctuary for a beverage, knowing we hadn’t explored the whole villa yet, including the outside.

  “Is there something you want to do? Or perhaps a place you want to see?” Zirene asked as I stared at the sanctuary’s glass dome. The sky was getting cloudy, but I could still tell it was mid-afternoon.

  “I want to visit the beach—to feel the warm sand between my toes.”

  “That can be arranged.” His eyes twinkled in merriment as he offered his paw. “I know the perfect place.”

  I accepted it, enjoying the soft warmth surrounding my hand.

  My hair whipped around as the wind blew around my raised arms.

  “This is amazing!” I yelled, glancing at Zirene.

  He smiled, full teeth showing as he kept his focus on driving our purple and silver four-seater hovercraft on the spiral mountain road.

  There were three entrances to my villa—the personal spaceport, the set of lifts primarily used by staff and deliveries, which went straight down to the base of the mountain, and the long windy road that twisted around the whole mountain to the bottom. He explained that both of the lifts and road ended at the same location, a small base filled with Vagren’s house and office, another warehouse, staff apartment, and a few other buildings.


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