Gifted - The 5 Book Paranormal Romance Box Set

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Gifted - The 5 Book Paranormal Romance Box Set Page 40

by Amira Rain

Something made me think I wasn't going to like whatever it was that she and the other agents hadn't yet told me about my assignment.

  "All right, then. Cynthia, it is. Now will you please just tell me the further details about my assignment?"

  With her expression unreadable, she finished stirring her sugar into her coffee, tapped the spoon on the rim, and set it on a paper napkin.

  "All right. I'll just get right to it. There are two leaders of the new Haverwood community. They're both wolf shifters, as are all the shifters there."

  "Okay." I wasn't quite sure why the men had to leave in order for her to tell me this.

  But then, after a sip of her coffee, she continued. "We strongly suspect one of these two leaders is a spy, secretly working for the Angels...and in addition to your duties as a Gifted, we want you to try to determine which of the two leaders isn't loyal. We need you to get close to both of them to try to learn the truth."

  Now I was beginning to understand why the two male agents had left us two women alone.

  "Okay. you mean...."

  "I mean that it would probably be wise if you try to get close to the two men on a romantic level...though don't get me wrong...I don't mean a true romantic level. I'm not suggesting you actually allow yourself to fall in love with the two leaders in the process of getting information. In fact, I'd strongly advise you do not do that. When you do finally ascertain which of the two is working for the Angels, we don't need you to feel conflicted about giving us that information. So, really, forget I ever said 'romantic level.' I really should've said 'physical level.' You'll need to get close to the two leaders on a physical level in order to figure out what makes each of them tick, and hopefully, find out which is hiding a secret. Though, of course, if they start falling for you on a romantic level, all the better. That might be just the thing to get one of them to slip up and reveal their secret to you."

  Speechless, I just stared at Cynthia for a long moment. "So,'re saying that I should try to...."

  Seemingly amused by my shock, Cynthia smiled, making her teeth and red lips glint in a shaft of sunlight slanting in through one of the kitchen windows.

  "The government is asking you to try to get both leaders of the Haverwood community into the sack with you, yes. I realize it's a somewhat unorthodox request, of course, but as strange as it is, it's necessary for national security. We need someone to literally sleep with the enemy in order for us to find out exactly which of the two leaders that enemy is."

  Still experiencing more than a bit of shock, I just sputtered briefly. "But, why me? Didn't you say there are fifty other Gifteds in Haverwood? Why weren't any of them selected for this task?"

  Across from me, Cynthia leaned back in her chair, crossing one long leg over the other.

  "Well, for two reasons. The first is that up until very recently, we weren't positive that one of the two leaders is indeed working for the Angels. We just had strong suspicions. But over the past couple of days, we've become fairly convinced. There have been a few attacks on Haverwood, and to make a long story short, we're confident these attacks wouldn't have occurred without one of the two leaders feeding the Angels information.

  "For example, one of the attacks occurred when the village wasn't well-guarded because the two leaders' elite wolf pack was running patrol to the south. Many in the village chalked it up to really bad luck and timing, but there have simply been too many of these kinds of coincidences for them to just be a result of those things alone. The Angels also seem to have knowledge of a few things about the village that only the leaders would know. So, we've become pretty convinced that one of them isn't playing for 'our' team."

  "All right. Well, what's the other reason you picked me to try to find out which leader is working for the Angels?"

  With her red lips slowly curving, Cynthia snorted. "Really? It's not obvious?"

  It wasn't. "Should it be?"

  With bright sunlight accentuating a few fine lines around her eyes and mouth, Cynthia heaved a sigh. "Well, at least you're not conceited, I'll give you that."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean that the other reason you were chosen for this particular little task is because it should be fairly easy for you, considering your looks. Because of them, I don't think the two leaders of Haverwood will put up much resistance to you trying to get them into bed. In fact, I suspect you won't have to put up much effort on that front at all. They're both red-blooded men in their early thirties, Jayme...and shifters to boot, meaning that like all shifters, they not only enjoy increased strength and stamina in the bedroom, they also have increased drives, too. Not sure if you were aware of that little fact about shifters."

  I hadn't been.

  "So, I suspect that once they get a look at you, with that nice, hourglass figure of yours, your pretty long brown hair, and your gorgeous face, they'll probably both be salivating over you."

  I knew I was attractive, though I didn't see myself as that attractive. I liked my heart-shaped face and my honey-brown eyes, though I'd definitely never seen my face as gorgeous before, even though Ashley had always insisted it was. I'd always chalked that up to an exaggeration made by a loving sister.

  "So, you probably won't have to do much convincing at all. They'll probably try to start convincing you, first thing."

  I was still having kind of a hard time wrapping my head around what was being asked of me. After finishing the rest of my coffee in one long gulp, just buying a second or two to think, I set the cup on the table.

  "So...well, if I agree to do this...which leader am I supposed to sleep with first? And then I just supposed to act like I'm bored with him and move on to the next? Or...well, am I supposed to be sleeping with them both at the same time, and just be sneaky about it so that they don't find out? I guess I just don't understand how this is all supposed to work."

  With the corners of her mouth twitching for some reason, Cynthia tucked a stray lock of platinum blonde hair behind one ear.

  " were on the right track when you asked if you're supposed to sleep with both leaders at the same time."

  "All right. So...I'm just supposed to be sneaky about it, then? Not let either of them know I'm sleeping with them both?"

  Cynthia's mouth was now twitching so much it actually looked like she was on the verge of laughter.

  "Not quite, Jayme. My fellow agents and I are thinking that things might be easier if there's no sneaking around involved...if everything is all just right out in the open, and there's nothing that might lead our two leaders to jealousy, and fighting, which might disrupt your whole mission. Best if the experience of our two leaders becoming close to you is a shared one for them."

  "So, you mean...." I had an idea what she might mean, but I could hardly believe it.

  "I mean it would be best if you and the two leaders share a bed, so that they can share you. That way, there will be no petty jealousy while you try to gather information. It might allow you to overhear some conversations between them as well, which might give you a few clues as to who our turncoat is."

  I couldn't speak for some reason, and after a long moment of silence, I suddenly began coughing or choking or something, seemingly on air. Once I'd recovered, patting my upper chest, I spoke in a raspy screech. "You're actually saying that you want me to sleep with both the same time?"

  Seeming to be thoroughly enjoying my shock, Cynthia actually threw her head back and laughed. "I'm sorry...I really am sorry, Jayme. I don't mean to find amusement in this. I fully realize what we're asking you to do is highly unorthodox. It's just that so many women would kill to be in your position. The two wolf shifter leaders are very, very attractive men, and you get the chance to serve your country by enjoying a menage a trois with them both, as bizarre as that sounds. But it's true...and it's all necessary for national security. I suspect that once your shock wears off a bit, and once you meet both men and see just exactly what they look like, you're probably going to be a
little more enthusiastic about the whole idea."

  My shock was nowhere even close to wearing off yet, but some very deep, very private part of my brain was already a little enthusiastic about the possibility of sharing a bed with two attractive wolf shifters at once. I'd always had a fantasy about receiving very intimate attention from two strong, virile men at once, but I'd never dreamed I'd ever get a chance to actually live out that fantasy in real life.

  Raking a hand through my hair, I found I suddenly couldn't look Cynthia dead in the eyes anymore.

  "All right, so let's say that it does turn out to be a piece of cake for me to get the two leaders into bed with me. What's everyone else in the village going to think? I mean...if I have to live there indefinitely, I kind of don't want people thinking I'm some sort of insatiable sex fiend or something...and if the two leaders and I share a bed together, I'm sure it will just be a matter of time before everyone finds out."

  Uncrossing her legs and leaning forward, Cynthia picked up her coffee cup with her mouth twitching again.

  "Well...I don't think that will be an issue, and I don't think anyone will think anything negative about your actions."

  "Well, why not?"

  "Well...because menage-type relationships have kind of become the norm for some folks in Haverwood; definitely not all...but some, for sure. You see, some of the shifters are married and brought their spouses to live with them in the community, and same for some of the Gifteds...but still, a lot of single shifters and Gifteds were thrown together when the community was established a few months ago. And being that the number of single shifters was far greater than the number of single Gifteds...well, I'm sure you can figure out the rest. It's kind of a single Gifted's paradise from what I've heard.

  "Of course, a lot of the folks involved in the menage a trois relationships don't go around broadcasting it with bullhorns, but people know anyway, and it seems to be pretty accepted in the community. People aren't going to be showing up at your door with pitchforks, calling you a harlot."

  Cynthia gave me a little smile and the hint of a wink before taking a sip of her coffee and setting the cup back on the table.

  "Now, we really should get going, but I would like to ask you for a decision before we hop in the car with my fellow agents. Know that you're not bound to do this information-seeking menage a trois plan in any way, and refusing to do it won't be considered any kind of a crime, like if you refused to be posted as a Gifted. This choice is completely up to you, with no penalty. However, do keep in mind that the government finding out which of the two Haverwood leaders is working for the Angels is something that will be for your own personal benefit, as I'm sure you don't have any desire to be part of a community that's continually attacked, and it's also for the good of everyone in Indiana, as well as the entire nation.

  "If you agree to do this task, you'll be helping in an effort to keep everyone safe, including your own family. If the leader who is betraying us is never found out, that puts everyone in the area at risk to be overtaken by the Angels."

  That got to me. The idea of Ashley, Brian, and Kenna being attacked by murderous sorcerers was one I could barely even stand to think about.

  "Also, Jayme, it's worth considering that, in addition to being able to serve your country, even above and beyond your regular work as a Gifted, this menage a trois plan really might not be entirely unpleasant for you; I can't overstate this enough. As I said earlier, the two wolf shifter leaders are extremely attractive, and because they've both been so busy doing work to establish the community, neither of them have had time for fun with any of the Gifteds, if you get what I mean.

  "I think both of them are probably pretty hungry for some physical intimacy, and not to be rude by getting into your personal business, but maybe you are, too. The government has a file of information on you, and I know that you've lived in this rental house alone the entire time...indicating maybe you've been single for a while. There's no information indicating you've been part of a couple since you changed your address from the home of a Mr. David Summers and rented this house on your own."

  Uncomfortable with Cynthia knowing so much about my personal life, and also about how that information related to the "menage a trois plan," I just wanted to change the subject. Avoiding her eyes, I rose from the table and pushed my chair in.

  "I guess I should probably grab my bag to leave. Movers will pack up the rest of my stuff and bring it to Haverwood, right? Isn't that how it all works? My sister said something about how the government hires movers for all Gifteds, so that they can be relocated quickly without-"

  "You still need to give me an answer, Jayme. Please." Wearing a slight frown, Cynthia rose from the table. "I won't say anything else about your personal life but I do need to know what your choice is in regards to your 'above and beyond' mission. Will you accept it? Will you agree to the not-unpleasant task of sharing a bed with two very handsome, well-built wolf shifters for the good of everyone?"

  Still avoiding her eyes, I dipped my head in a fraction of a nod. "Yes. I'll do it. I'll try to find out which of the leaders is working for the Angels because I want to help keep everyone safe."

  That certainly wasn't the only reason I was agreeing, although it was the only one I was willing to admit to out loud.


  On the way to Haverwood, Cynthia sat in the back of the sedan with me, and the two male agents sat up front, listening to some sports talk radio show with the volume on low. Bright sunlight slanted in the windows, warming my skin just enough that I was appreciative of the air conditioning, which Agent Watterson had set somewhere around medium blast.

  At first, Cynthia mirrored me, just quietly looking out the window, but after a few minutes, she turned to me and spoke. "This may be a funny question, but do you consider yourself a leader, Jayme?"

  I did think it was kind of a funny question. "Well...a leader in what way?"

  "Just in a general way. In your work life, and in your friendships...are you the type that generally leads the group, or are you generally more happy in a supporting role?"

  I was generally happy to not be asked questions like this about myself.

  "Well...I guess I'm usually happiest in a supporting role. Although...well, I don't know if happiest is exactly the word." I honestly wasn't sure what was. "But at any rate, I guess I don't know if I'm happiest in supporting roles or not, since supporting roles are the only roles I've ever had the chance to fill."

  Giving me a little smile, Cynthia shook her head. "That's not true. Leaders lead, no matter where they are, or what the circumstances."

  "Well, at work, there are three managers above me, so-"

  "A real leader would have found a new job, or else risen above those three managers within four years."

  I quietly scoffed, a little taken aback by her bluntness.

  "Look. I tend to get really comfortable with things. I have always wanted more from my life than just doing data entry, but...." I shrugged, at a loss for words and mad at myself about it.

  Cynthia gave me another little smile. "'But, what?"

  I shrugged again, not sure if I really liked her anymore, if I ever did. "I'm not sure. I guess we're all not cut out to be ambitious government agents. I guess some of us are just better suited to data entry."

  "You just lack confidence, Jayme. And a strong sense of purpose, too, maybe. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's pretty common for people in their mid-twenties."

  "Or, maybe I'm just better in supporting roles."

  "No, I don't think so. There's something about you that makes me think you might make a great leader if you get a little confidence and purpose. You honestly remind me a little of myself at your age. I was a younger sister, too, the youngest of five sisters, actually, and unlike all my older sisters, I just couldn't figure out what I was meant to do with my life at first. It turned out that I needed to be pushed out on the stage of life and thrown into very unfamiliar surroundings before I was really able
to come into my own, and that reminds me of you, and this whole situation, with you discovering that you're a Gifted. I think you might find that this is the situation you've been waiting for your whole life, even if you haven't even been aware that you've been waiting."

  Cynthia turned back to look out her window, and I mulled over her words, wondering if she could be right. As a kid, I hadn't exactly dreamed about doing data entry all my life. I'd actually dreamed of being an astronaut, and then a ballerina, and finally, in my teen years, I'd dreamed of being a famous artist. However, although I'd proved myself to be good at painting, and drawing, and sculpture, I hadn't been great at it, so during my first year of college, I'd brought my dream of being a famous artist back down to earth a bit, deciding to become an elementary school art teacher. Since I loved kids as much as I loved art, this seemed like the perfect career choice. The only problem was that during my last year of college, I'd discovered that not many schools were hiring art teachers. In the wake of The Takeover, school budgets were even more strapped than they'd been before, and art teachers were a want, not a need.

  Although Ashley had tried to encourage me, saying that there had to be a teaching position for me somewhere in the country, I hadn't even finished my degree. I'd taken the data entry job at the health department; I'd gotten comfortable and the rest was history. Before my Gifted powers had come to light, I supposed I'd just been hoping to continue on with my comfortable, fairly happy life, and maybe have a loving husband and children someday. Really, I'd wanted a loving husband and children a lot, and I still did, despite Dave blowing that dream to smithereens, or at least effectively putting it on hold.

  I couldn't deny, though, that some of what Cynthia had said was absolutely right. I had always felt somehow adrift, lacking a sense of clear purpose. And maybe I did, at times, feel like I could be a leader of some sort. At times, I felt like as much as I wanted to be a wife and a mother, I was destined to do other great things in my life, too. But then, whenever I thought this, some little voice would ask me what other great things, specifically, and I never had an answer.


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