Gifted - The 5 Book Paranormal Romance Box Set

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Gifted - The 5 Book Paranormal Romance Box Set Page 67

by Amira Rain

  This, despite the fact that I'd never once mentioned that the appearance of my breasts bothered me or that I desired to change them. Also, I'd never once complained of back pain or anything like that. So, deciding that this particular boyfriend was no man I'd ever want in my life in the long-term, I'd dumped him soon after he'd made the comment in question.

  I’d immediately forgotten about him, although his comment had kind of stuck with me. Which was possibly why it seemed my natural inclination to creep my arms up to cover my breasts before anyone could get too good a look at them, anyone in this case being Mark.

  However, before I could fully cover them, Mark took my wrists with a light, gentle touch, and he spoke in a very husky voice, indicating his extreme arousal, although I could clearly see his arousal by way of a large bulge in his jeans.

  "Please don't. Please don't cover your breasts. You're utterly gorgeous, Paulina...every single inch of you."

  Believing him because of an unmistakable look of sincerity in his sky blue eyes, I allowed him to gently place my arms back by my sides. Then, with a low growl rumbling deep in his broad chest, he first feasted his eyes on my bare breasts for a long moment before bringing his hands up to cup them with another low growl. When he slowly and lightly began circling my stiffened nipples with his thumbs, I moaned, leaning back against the counter. Seemingly encouraged by my reaction, Mark quickly transferred a little saliva to each of his thumbs, then repeated the slow circling motion, this time with a little more pressure, making me moan again.

  By this time, I'd developed a distinct yet dull ache deep in my belly, an ache that was making me wish Mark would trail his caresses a little lower. After tracing a few more slow, light circles around each of my nipples, he seemed to intuit that my need was growing urgent, and he did move his caresses a little lower, trailing his long fingers down my stomach to my feminine lips, which were now drenched in slickness.

  Then, with his breathing becoming increasingly fast and ragged, he probed my lips apart, located the sensitive spot between them, and began slowly stroking it, making me drop my head back with a long, low moan.

  "Yes...please, Mark. Please don't stop."

  He didn't, but very soon, I wanted him to, only because I was more than ready for things to progress. I wanted to feel him inside of me, needed to feel him inside of me, and I told him so in a voice hoarse with desire.

  Seemingly just as eager for things to progress as I was, he ripped off his t-shirt, tossed it on the ground, and spoke in a voice just as gravelly as mine had become, if not more so. "I don't want to just make love to you in a way that will please you, Paulina; I want to make love to you in a way that will have you seeing stars."


  I couldn't deny that I liked the idea of seeing stars more than a bit, and I told Mark that I was ready. "If you can actually do that...if you can actually make me see stars."

  Even in my highly-aroused and desperate state, I still couldn't help teasing him a little bit.

  Already taking his jeans down, Mark didn't look as if he'd taken my teasing challenge as any laughing matter. "Help me take my boots and pants off."

  Soon he was completely naked, and now I was the one who certainly wasn't laughing. I was just borderline-panting, raking my gaze up and down the length of Mark's long, lean body. From his chiseled pecs to his muscular thighs and calves, his body was like a work of art glowing in the sun that was filtering in through the tan kitchen curtains.

  One part of his body in particular, though, was an absolute masterpiece. Thick, long, and ramrod straight, his manhood was breath-taking. Except that the way it was making the rate of my breathing accelerate even further, it was somehow the opposite of breath-taking at the same time, however that worked.

  Once I'd had my visual fill, even though I wasn't quite sure I could really ever get my visual fill, I told Mark to please make love to me. "I can't wait any longer."

  Surprising me, he immediately picked me up, then spoke in a low, husky voice near my ear. "Let's just try something. I'll pay close attention to your cues, and if you don't like it, we can try something else."

  Wondering just what exactly he had in mind, I nodded. "Whatever you want to try, I'm definitely up for giving it a try."

  He was definitely up for it, too. His erection, pressing against my feminine lips, was hard as a rock, making me squirm with urgent need even as he held me with my feet off the ground.

  After giving me a brief but very passionate kiss, Mark shifted me in his arms, making me face the counter. "Go ahead and lean over the counter, bracing yourself with your arms. I'll do the rest."

  However he was going to make love to me, I had no doubt he was going to be doing most of the heavy lifting, whether it be metaphorical or literal. Even the way he'd turned me to face the counter, swiftly and deftly, while still holding me in his arms, indicated his shifter strength, which gave shifters increased strength compared to human men, even when in human form.

  Once I'd done as Mark had asked, resting my upper body on the counter with my elbows supporting me, I felt him slowly spread my legs, moving his hands downward to hold them by the knees. Getting a clue about what he was going to do, a little thrill of anticipation rippled through me, followed by another when I realized that Mark now had a very up-close and personal view of my most intimate parts on full display.

  This felt deliciously naughty to me; bizarrely, or maybe not, considering my past intimate relationships and things that had been said to me by previous boyfriends, I felt more comfortable having Mark examine me this way than I'd felt when he'd taken a close look at my breasts. Although by this point, I'd become convinced that he really did think every inch of my body was beautiful.

  Hearing that his breathing was now becoming a series of ragged gasps, I felt him guide the head of his thick shaft into my slick entrance, which he'd done, presumably, just by tilting his hips. He hadn't even removed a hand from one of my knees to help guide himself in. Maybe this shouldn't have surprised me, though, considering how very hard he was. Just feeling the first inch or two of him had me thinking that he was harder than any man I'd ever been with in my life.

  After a brief pause, Mark slid into my depths with one exquisitely slow, powerful thrust, the sensation one of such intense pleasure that I moaned, with my eyes rolling back in my skull. Pretty sure that I'd be making a few more possibly-unattractive faces, I was now incredibly glad to be positioned how I was, facing away from Mark. If I'd had to name our lovemaking position, I would have called it something like man-holding-wheelbarrow, though that maybe didn't do it full justice.

  It certainly didn't do justice to how incredible this position felt. I'd had men make love to me from behind before and had liked it, but somehow, being entered from behind with the lower half of my body held aloft was something on a whole other level, with this positioning seeming to be making my most sensitive spot a lot tinglier than it usually was during lovemaking. And Mark hadn't even started thrusting yet.

  Once he did, immediately hitting some spot deep inside of me that I didn't even know I had, I made a face that I was sure was so contorted in pleasure it would scare the devil himself. However, as Mark soon got going with slow, deep strokes, pulling out almost completely before burying his rod deep inside me once again, I soon lost all awareness of what faces I was making or wasn't making, becoming far too lost in carnal bliss to even care.

  Beyond the kitchen windows, which were closed and curtained, thankfully, so that the guards out in the backyard couldn't see us or hear us, birds chirped in the shrubbery that surrounded most of the house in a tight circle. Though I was only aware of their chirping in a hazy, abstract sort of way, I eventually realized somewhere in the back of my mind that I could still hear them, although faintly; and if I could hear them, it was possible that the guards could hear Mark's and my groans and moans of passion,

  especially since shifters possessed hearing slightly more sensitive than that of average humans. Again, though, wheth
er the guards could hear us or not, I was far too involved in my pleasure to even care.

  With Mark's masterful thrusting, which had begun to make me moan with every stroke, it wasn't long before I felt my erotic bliss nearing a peak. Seeming to sense this, Mark accelerated the pace of his thrusts, grunting, and I soon buried my face in my hands on the counter, then threw my head back, crying out, as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over me.

  Experiencing the strongest climax I'd ever had in my life, by far, by miles, I did see stars, tiny dancing pinpricks of light, and in front of my open eyes, no less. Sounding like he was seeing a few stars of his own, Mark drove his granite-hard pole into me the deepest he had yet a few final times, making a noise between a deep growl and a groan.

  Once both of our bodies finally relaxed, Mark slowly withdrew his manhood from my depths, then gently pulled me off the counter, turned me to face him, and pulled me into his arms. For at least a solid minute, we just clung to each other while our breathing slowed. With movements that were almost imperceptible, Mark rocked me side to side, smoothing my still-damp-from-the-shower hair while he did so.

  I was the first one to speak, lifting my face from his chest. "I not only saw stars; I'm pretty sure I was almost seeing galaxies for a second there."

  Mark cracked a sexy half-grin, still smoothing my hair. "I might have seen a few stars and galaxies myself." After brushing a brief, tender kiss against my lips, he continued. "That was fun, to say the very, very least, and I think I might like to do that again only a thousand more times...but for the very next time we make love, I already have a different idea."

  "What is it?”

  "Next time, I want to see your exquisite eyes when you see stars."

  I smiled, touched on some very deep level by how much he seemed to love my eyes. "That's fine with me, as long as you promise me there will be a next time...because I'm pretty sure I'm going to need a round two. And maybe a round three and get the picture."

  Mark grinned, indicating that he definitely did.

  After I'd placed my head on his chest again, we just held each other again for another minute or two, until I began to get very sleepy at about the same time that my legs began to feel very rubbery. And honestly, I wasn't even sure if sleepy was exactly what I was. Maybe just brain-scrambled. Dopey on the best lovemaking session I'd ever experienced.

  Vaguely and pleasantly lightheaded, I lifted my face from Mark's chest once again. "Can you please carry me to bed? I don't think I can walk."

  His face instantly became a mask of concern.

  "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

  I shook my head, only intensifying my lightheaded feeling. ", not at all. It's just...I don't think my brain signals are firing fast enough to reach my legs right now."

  I wasn't kidding. Maybe I could have walked or run if the house had caught fire, but at present, my sense of being thoroughly mind-blown was so profound that I knew making my legs work was going to require a hell of a lot of effort. Much more than I was wanting to spend, especially since I had a man with strong arms and strong everything else right in front of me who could easily make it so that I didn't have to spend any effort at all.

  Clearly not put out at all to be asked to carry me, Mark scooped me up with a grin. "Your wish is my command."

  A short while later, we snuggled in bed, facing each other, deciding that we'd take a nap.

  Looking into my eyes with a slant of sunlight illuminating his own, Mark caressed my cheek with a feather-light touch. "Please don't be hurt or alarmed if I'm not here when you wake up, though. I do need to check in with my men and organize the day's scout and guard patrols, but I think that can all wait an hour or so. I do want the pleasure of sleeping by your side."

  Smiling, I soon closed my eyes, and I was almost asleep just a minute or two later when I realized something; something that instantly made my stomach churn with worry that bordered on dread.

  Now suddenly wide awake, I flicked my eyes open. "Oh, no...Mark."

  He opened his own eyes, looking a bit alarmed. "What is it?"

  "Rocky. He left the kitchen earlier, probably because he thought we were going to fight again like the last time we were in the kitchen together. Then, I didn't see him anywhere on our way in here. He probably heard our lovemaking sounds, thought we were fighting again, and probably hid somewhere, terrified. One of us should go find him and make sure he's okay."

  Mark sighed, looking like he was actually fighting an eye roll. "I think you baby him too much."

  "Please just go find him. Bring him back into bed with us."

  "He won't stay. There's something about this bedroom that makes him just want to frolic and play."

  "Well...I discovered that myself one night, but please just bring him in here anyway. Just for a little bit."

  Mark sighed again, but this time, when the deep exhale was completed, he was wearing the hint of a smile. "Fine. I'll go get Rocky. Do you want him delivered with a baby bonnet on his head, too?"

  I thought of Rocky wearing a baby bonnet and had to stifle a strong, immediate urge to vocalize a drawn-out aw.

  Mark left the bedroom and soon returned holding Rocky upright, like how a shepherd might carry a little lamb, instead of holding him on his back like a baby, like I usually did.

  Alarmingly, Mark was wearing a sheepish sort of look. "Well...I think maybe we did scare him a little bit."

  Sitting up with the blanket up around my chest, I gasped. Eyes wide, Rocky was shaking like a leaf.

  "Oh, God...we traumatized him with our lovemaking noises."

  Mark sighed for the third time in as many minutes, looking from me to Rocky. "Well...I think he's going to live."

  "Please just bring him into bed right now. We need to cuddle him up and get his mental state back to normal as soon as possible, so that he doesn't go on thinking that we're complete monsters or something and become permanently afraid of us."

  Muttering something under his breath, though with a smile playing around the edges of his full lips, Mark dutifully brought Rocky into bed, situating him between the two of us. Looking as if he thought he might have just been placed between two maniacal lunatics, Rocky continued shaking, big brown eyes wide open, as if he was on high alert for the two maniacs to make any sudden moves.

  Which we didn't, of course, instead petting Rocky's golden fur slowly and soothingly. And, after a minute or two, with his trembling having greatly decreased, he actually licked my cheek, wagging his tail beneath the blanket. Exhaling in a rush, I knew he was going to be okay.

  Once he'd closed his eyes, seeming like for once, he was going to sleep and not play in this bedroom, I spoke to Mark in a low voice. "I know he's a dog, and a male dog, and I know you want him to grow up acting like one...but he's very, very special, Mark. He needs to be treated like it. I think we should consider putting him in the care of the guards outside the next time we make love...just so that he doesn't develop trust issues with us."

  Mark groaned faintly, though with his lips twitching with a smile, just as they'd done when he'd brought Rocky into bed. "Okay. Let's take a nap now, Paulina."

  I smiled in return, closing my eyes. "Fine. Goodnight."

  Little did I know that the next time Mark and I spoke, things between us wouldn't be quite so warm. They'd be more like nerve-wracking.


  I didn't wake until one in the afternoon. Rocky was gone from bed, and so was Mark. However, by the looks of a tray full of food on the nightstand, it appeared that Mark had made me lunch before he'd left, and on the side of the tray, there was also a note, penned in heavy masculine scrawl. Smiling, I picked it up and read it.

  Anyone who looks as gorgeous as you do sleeping should wake up to lunch in bed. Hope you enjoyed your rest, sleeping beauty. –Mark

  Smiling even harder, I folded the note and held it to my chest briefly before tucking it under my pillow.

  With my stomach growling because I hadn't had breakfast, I p
ulled the tray of food onto my lap, thinking that Mark had been very wise to shut the bedroom door before leaving. If he hadn't, I was pretty sure that the chicken sandwich on my plate would now be only crumbs, considering Rocky's nearly ever-present hunger and the fact that he seemed to have zero moral compunctions when it came to sneaking human food off plates.

  Once I'd finished my lunch and half a cup of lukewarm coffee, I realized that I was feeling a little un-fresh after Mark's and my lovemaking session, so I decided to take my second shower of the day before getting dressed. And it was only then, under the warm spray of the water, that I realized I'd made a big mistake.

  I hadn't only connected with Mark on a physical level, I'd connected with him emotionally as well. And maybe that connection had been growing since the very first day I'd met him. I'd known it, somewhere in the back of my mind, but I'd allowed myself to become weak, and I'd allowed myself to indulge in the affection and physical pleasure I'd been denied for so long.


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