Passion and Sand; Taming the Rebel

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Passion and Sand; Taming the Rebel Page 11

by Andromeda -

  He could not take it anymore. They had taken away his child, the one thing in this whole world he wished for, other than freedom. They were going to pay. Cornelius was going to pay. No…, not just Cornelius, as he was only a product of a system that had made him this way. He was the product of Rome, and if he was going to truly get his revenge against them all, he had to go to the highest tier in the system: Rome.

  Rome had stolen his freedom. Rome had enslaved millions. Rome was known for its greed. Rome. Rome was at the fault of all the pain and suffering in the world and he was going to do something about it.

  It was time to rebel.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Kaiser watched as Artemus trained with the wooden target a moment before he approached him. The seeds of rebellion had been planted in his mind for several days now, but he needed water to make it grow. He needed help. He had whispered his thought to Aleron, who told him that he was foolish and most likely would get them all killed. So, he now looked to his next best alternative: Artemus

  About one-half of the gladiators were Greek, and as the champion, Artemus held a powerful sway over them. If Kaiser could get Artemus on his side, then he might have a chance. First, he had to break the subject, though he had a feeling it might not be as hard as he thought.

  After an hour of training, he invited Artemus to the cool shade to talk for a moment. Quickly, he spoke his mind and then waited for his answer.

  For a moment, Artemus did not say a word, but then he gave a slow nod after he had thought all this through. “You are one crazy son of a cunt, you know that?” he said. “However…, there might be some merit to your thoughts.”

  Kaiser’s eyebrows shot up. “You agree with me?”

  “I did not say that,” Artemus corrected him. “But, I am interested. So, persuade me.”

  “We could finally get revenge on those who had stolen the lives we know we deserve,” Kaiser pressed him. “We can bring Rome to its knees, and in the process, free millions of slaves who had been given the shameful collar.”

  Artemus stroked his chin as he thought over Kaiser’s words. There were many areas that were true to Kaiser’s points, however, there was also some crazy points, too. They were very small in number, no more than forty gladiators at best, with about one hundred palace slaves.

  What chance did they have against the infamous Roman legion? Close to zero chance at success. However…, who said they had to fight against Rome? Merely escaping the city was good enough for him.

  “Say I knew men who would help us,” he said slowly, “what could I promise them, besides revenge? We need something else to motivate them.”

  “Freedom,” Kaiser said firmly. “Freedom and the ability to break the gag that Rome has placed upon us. A chance to return to our homelands.”

  Artemus nodded as he considered this, too. A figure emerged from one of the doors and when Kaiser saw that it was Ayanna, he quickly stood up and walked to her. She looked better, as he guessed maybe sleeping in his arms at night seemed to help, but there were still dark shadows under her eyes.

  “How are you feeling, Bärchen?” he asked gently, as he tenderly stroked her cheek.

  “Well,” she answered. “What were you talking to Artemus about?”

  He looked around and then pulled her into a corner so that they would not be easily heard. “How would you feel in leaving this place?”

  She blinked. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean,” he said slowly, “if you had the chance to leave…, would you?”

  “Of course,” she said, nodding. “But that choice is not up to me.”

  “What if it was?” he asked.

  She looked at him curiously, with an arched eyebrow. “You are up to something. What do you have planned?”

  He looked around again to make sure none were around before he uttered the most dangerous words a slave would say. “We are going to rebel,” he said in a low tone. “We are going to escape.”

  Ayanna blinked. She was sure she had heard him wrong, yet, as she looked in his eyes, it seemed that he was serious. “K…Kaiser…,” she began to say, but he held up his hand.

  “After what Rome has done to me, to you, to us, to all of us,” he said persuasively, “it’s inexcusable. They must pay for what they have done, and we can’t do that if we are serving them hand and foot. We have to get out of here.”

  “B…but, Kaiser…,” she said again, but he shook his head.

  “No, Bärchen,” he said firmly. “There is no ‘buts’ when it comes to this. They have taken everything from us: our homes, our people, our lives…our child. I know the fire of anger burns within you. The hunger for revenge has gone unsatisfied for too long. You must want the same things I do, Bärchen.”

  As crazy as he sounded…, he was right. She did have a fire of anger burning within her. She did desire revenge for what Rome had done to her people, her home, her mother. She wished nothing more than for it to burn and never be rebuilt, but even with all the pain…

  “What about Aurora?” she asked softly. “Aurora has helped me so much… I can’t betray her.”

  Kaiser took a deep breath. “Bärchen, I hate to say it, but you cannot let that hold you back. Aurora, though she is your friend, is still a Roman. What would you do if you suddenly lost her favor and she gave you to her brother? What would you do, my love? You can’t let her hold you back.”

  She nibbled on her lip nervously. “Can…can I think about it? Please. Please tell me that you have not made official plans as of yet.”

  “No, we have not,” he said as he shook his head. “But I need to know your answer, and I need to know it soon.”

  She nodded. “I understand. Just…give me a moment please, and you will have it.”

  He watched as she left, no doubt to think of what he had to say, and he hoped and prayed to his gods she picked the right decision.


  For two days, she thought of what he had said, as she weighed the pros and the cons to this suggested plan. There were so many cons, and so little pros, yet…, if the pros could be achieved, then it would make the risk worth it.

  On the third day, as she brushed Aurora’s hair, she looked at her friend in the mirror. She tried her hardest to see evil, the mark that all Romans had within their souls, yet with Aurora that could not be seen. She tried over and over to try and see what Kaiser had said was always there, but saw nothing.

  “Aurora,” she said finally after several moments. “Can I ask you something?”

  Aurora looked up from where she was nursing her son. “Yes. Of course, you can, Ayanna.”

  Ayanna tried to not look at the babe, as it just made her envious of her friend. “Did you…really mean it when you said that you’d free me when you got the chance?”

  “Of course, I did,” Aurora said. “Ayanna, how could you ask such a thing?”

  “I…I am just wondering,” Ayanna lied. “So many things are going through my mind right now…and I do not always know what to do.”

  “Ayanna, you can talk to me,” Aurora said as she turned around. “Please, tell me what is wrong.”

  Ayanna swallowed. She had a choice to make and knew that if she told Aurora what Kaiser had in mind…, then she would risk her telling her father. That was a chance she could not allow, but she did have to warn her some way.

  “Aurora,” she said. “When is your father, leaving for another campaign?”

  “Within the week,” Aurora answered. “We are throwing a big party before and after to see him off. Why?”

  “The night of the party, after he leaves,” Ayanna said seriously, “I need you to stay in your chambers and lock the door. Alright? I need you to trust me.”

  Aurora arched an eyebrow. “Why?”

  Ayanna knelt before her, clasping her hands. “Just trust me, please? I do not wish for you or your son to come to harm.”

  Aurora understood the message, and she nodded slowly, gripping her friend’s hands. “I
understand. I understand perfectly.”


  The night before the party was to take place, Kaiser held a meeting with Artemus, Aleron and several other gladiators who wished to join them in freedom. They knew they had to fight their way out, they knew that there was a chance that they might all die, but they were all willing to risk that chance. The yoke of Rome had become too strong, and it needed to be broken.

  Ayanna, Damali and a couple other palace slaves also attended, but their numbers were low, as to not arouse suspicion. Ayanna had told them of the parties, and Kaiser decided that was the moment for them to strike. They would escape when the emperor was far enough away with his armies to turn back.

  “…the plan is simple,” Kaiser was saying. “When they least expect it, we will attack. Kill all the guards, of course. Kill all the men, no matter what age, and choke the women until they fall unconscious. We are not the savages they think we are. After that, take everything of value you can find. We will escape in the carts that are in the stables. Am I understood?”

  Everyone nodded and Kaiser began to give them their separate assignments. Ayanna and the palace slaves were to be the lookouts, and it was only when Ayanna gave the signal, would the gladiators break free of their chains and attack the Romans. After that, they had to work quickly and hope the other house slaves joined their cause and did not alert the other villas nearby.

  There was one person also they had forgotten to inform and that was Barack. Kaiser was nervous, in talking to the African man, yet he had a strange feeling within him, that Barack might follow their lead.

  It was going to be under an intense time crunch, but if they were able to pull it off, then they would all be free within a fortnight.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The sounds of bells filled the dining hall of the imperial palace as the dancers moved their slender hips. The emperor had been gone no longer than a week, which put a good couple hundred miles between the palace and the imperial army. Cornelius lounged on a couch with Aurelia in his lap, the girl still sad after the death of her brother, Aurelian, almost two years ago. It was too bad that Cornelius did not know the real reason behind her sorrow.

  Along the walls, oiled and freshly bathed, stood Kaiser and the gladiators, once again on display for the Roman elite. They had no idea what was planned for later this night, and what would happen to them. Thankfully, there weren’t any children at the party, as it might have made Kaiser rethink his plan.

  Killing children was the Roman way, not his.

  “How much longer must we handle the greasy fingers of these Roman pigs upon us?” Artemus whispered to Kaiser through gritted teeth. “One more hand upon my body and I will cut it off with a kitchen knife.”

  “We have to wait for the signal,” Kaiser said back. “The time is not ready yet.”

  He looked to Ayanna, who was pouring wine to Aurora. The girl locked eyes with him a moment, and then bent over to whisper to her mistress.

  “My lady,” she whispered, “the time has come.”

  Aurora looked to where Kaiser stood and then back to Ayanna. “Will you protect me?” she whispered.

  “If that is your wish,” Ayanna answered. “But we must all go, now.”

  Taking her hand, she led Aurora from the dining hall and then looked across the room to where Damali and two other slaves stood at the doors. She nodded to them, and together, they all closed the doors and slid the bolt to lock them tight. Damali and the other slaves had a mission: quickly get the carts ready while Kaiser and the gladiators handled the other Romans.

  As they rushed to Aurora’s chambers, the sounds of the screams soon began to fill the halls as the slaughter began.


  The weapons had been hidden the night before, as well as the key to their shackles. The moment they broke free and grabbed the hidden swords, the Romans knew that their lives were at stake. Almost none of them had weapons on their bodies, and it made them easy pickings for the enraged gladiators.

  Blood coated the tiles as first the guards were killed, followed by the men. These were important men, senators and magistrates, all men who held powerful positions in Rome. Their deaths would shake Rome to its core and provide a bit of dysfunction, which in turn would provide them with time to further escape.

  As the men were killed and the women choked until they fell asleep, Kaiser looked through his bloodlust and saw Cornelius cowering in a corner. A slow, knife-like smile formed on his lips.

  “You,” he said as he slowly approached him.

  Cornelius looked at him with clearly horror-filled eyes. He knew that the end was near and there was no way he could escape it, but he refused to roll over and die to a slave. His pride would not allow it. So, he grabbed the nearest thing close to him, and in this case, it was a golden candlestick holder and stood to his feet.

  “I will not die at the hands of a weakling slave,” he spat. “I will die a warrior!”

  “That is something we both can say you are not,” Kaiser said as he attacked with his sword.

  It was easy to disarm him, and as he pulled the sword back to end this Roman pig once and for all, the banging of a door in front of him made him stop. He heard guards beating their way in, and he looked to Artemus and the other gladiators.

  “They are almost here!” he shouted.

  Forgetting Cornelius, Kaiser instead turned to the door as it burst open, and the imperial guards came pouring in. Steel clashed. Blood was spilled. Heads were crushed. Bones were broken. Though it was clear that the gladiators were going to be the victors, they had more skills training in their short lives than these guards had in their long ones, and it was because of these skills that they were able to kill them all.

  Kaiser stood on the body of the captain, his head held high in the air. “Rome shall fall!” he bellowed.

  The gladiators and slaves all clapped their hands and cheered, as they awaited their next orders.

  “Take what you can,” Kaiser commanded. “Then, everyone meet in the stables for us to leave as soon as possible!”

  They nodded and hurried off to do as he said, but when Kaiser turned around to finish what he had started with Cornelius, the boy was gone. Cursing under his breath, he knew they had even less time as the Roman no doubt had run off to get help.

  As he ran off to gather supplies, he slammed into Barack in the barracks, who eyes were wide with shock and horror. He did not look happy, and when he saw the fresh blood dripping from Kaiser’s sword, he knew what just had taken place.

  “What have you done?” Barack asked.

  “What needed to be done,” Kaiser answered. “Come, we must leave this place, before more come and try and enslave us again.”

  Barack turned his head away, unsure a moment. This Ludus was all he had known, he was born and raised here. Yet a man of honor…he had seen the dishonor that had crept within these walls. Not a friend of Rome, he had seen what had happened when carnal desire and lies, could grow here; rather than truth and justice.

  “I cannot go,” Barack answered after several moments. “I am to widely known. They would know of me!”

  “We cannot just leave you here!” Kaiser declared.

  “I must stay,” Barack said firmly. “But you have my word, I will find you.”

  Kaiser nodded and held out his arm, which Barack firmly clapped then nodded for Kaiser to strike him, thus would aid in his escape. He did not wish too, but Kaiser knew that he had too, so reluctantly he pulled his fist back and punched him hard in the face, knocking him out cold.


  Ayanna stood in front of Aurora’s chambers with her twin daggers in her hands, ready to fight any slave who thought to cross the threshold.

  “Y…you are really leaving?” Aurora asked.

  Ayanna looked at her out of the corner of her eye. “Yes. I am.”

  “Will you take my son with you?” Aurora asked.

  That made Ayanna turn fu
lly around as she looked at her friend in shock. “What…what do you mean?”

  “I need you,” Aurora said, “to take my son. He will never be given his birthright as a Roman, but if he goes with you…, he can at least live with his father.”

  Ayanna swallowed. “Aurora, please think this through.”

  “I am thinking this through,” Aurora said firmly. “I have never been so clear about anything in my life. I want you to take my son. Take him wherever you are going. I will try my hardest to come and find you, but I cannot go now.”

  Ayanna walked to her friend and knelt before her, clasping her hands. “Is this a suggestion…, or an order?”

  “This is a request,” Aurora said firmly as she held out the child. “From one friend to another. Take my son. Raise him as a warrior. Give him to his father. I will join you all again. I know I will.”

  Ayanna swallowed, but none the less, took the sleeping babe and tied him to her chest. Aurora had tears in her eyes as she kissed her son, but she had sworn that she was going to see her son again. She knew it was going to happen. She just had to pray to the gods to make it happen.

  “Take this,” Aurora said as she held out a small sack of gold. “And before you go…, I need you to strike me, hard. Leave me marked so that when my father comes back, he will not know that I had a hand in this. That…that is my last and final order…”

  Ayanna pulled her friend close and gave her a chaste kiss before she pulled her hand back and did as ordered. The force of the blow knocked Aurora unconscious, though Ayanna was careful to lay her on the bed so that she was not too hurt. Already a light bruise was forming.

  She hugged the child to her chest and held the sack of gold in her fist before she ran off to get to the stables. The slaves were already loading everything they could find and what they wanted upon the carts, along with themselves. Kaiser and Artemus were in the middle of it all, directing the slaves as they all got ready for their departure. They had to hurry.


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