Bound in Lingerie

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Bound in Lingerie Page 6

by Gina Gordon

  Too much to analyze. One hand lifted to his mouth and he licked his thumb. It traveled to her clit, and it rubbed and circled around until she exploded. Her orgasm whipped through her body, crippling and cramping every muscle, every tendon and nerve. She couldn’t stop her hands from clawing at his chest, no doubt leaving marks. Two seconds after her release he came too, thrusting his pelvis up one last time before she felt the warm pool of cum trapped by the condom.

  He pulled her down and captured her lips, devouring her mouth just like he did her pussy the night before. They caught their breath together, in between sucking on tongues and biting of lips. Amie finally slumped against his chest, content, sated, reeling from the extreme want she couldn’t stop from taking over her body.

  Amie lifted her bottom, and his soft member slipped out of her pussy. She rolled off but he didn’t let her go far, his arm cradling her against his side. He liked to cuddle. The room was silent except for the sounds of their heavy breathing. The sun had moved in the sky, and the soft stream of light that shined through the window illuminated a little more of the dim room.

  “Are you into…you know…” He looked down and shrugged. “S and M?”

  “BDSM? No.” Amie snorted. “I won’t lie, I did look into it, but it’s not for me.”

  “Oh…good. I mean…” Milton backpedaled. The look of relief on his face as he attempted to stutter out a save was sweet.

  “It’s okay. I scare the crap out of a lot of men, so your hesitancy doesn’t surprise me. Neither does your question.”

  “You do like being in control, that’s for sure.”

  “You didn’t seem to mind.” Amie looked up at his face and cuddled closer. Their skin rubbed together, slight friction from the sweat drying away.

  “I think we both like being in control. And I think…” He stopped talking. Was he going to say that he wouldn’t be able to do it again? That he couldn’t. Did it matter? This is only for fun anyway. You hate him, remember?

  Desperate for information, Amie prompted, “You think what? Tell me.”

  He exhaled loudly before saying, “I think we played off each other nicely.” That was not the answer she was expecting. “For a few moments you made me forget who I was and everything that goes along with it. For a few moments, I was free. Of myself, of my commitments, it was only you and your voice that mattered.”

  Wow! Corporate was getting philosophical. Corporate just said out loud that he was comfortable with her excessive sexual needs.

  “You’d be open to sex with a woman who took charge?”

  “Obviously, since I let you torture me last night.”

  “I didn’t torture you.” Amie chuckled. “I just made sure you were concentrating on me. It’s more selfish than being a control freak.”

  “However you want to spin it.”

  “I guess being a high-powered business man is stressful. No wonder you liked not thinking about anything.” She could sort of relate. A long time ago her fate had been sealed, but she’d broken free and carved her own path. It took a long time for her father to understand that she didn’t want to have anything to do with the family business, but he finally came around.

  “It’s stressful, but I do love it. I wouldn’t trade my job for anything in the world. It’s just sometimes…” He looked away.

  “What? You can tell me.” Was it weird? Was it weird that only hours ago she could have tackled him to the ground and punched him, and now they lay beside one another, wrapped in each other’s arms after incredible sex. Her Spirit Path would never have guessed this one.

  Milton let out a sigh. “Sometimes I wish my father and sister realized how much I have on my plate.”

  “They don’t acknowledge the work you do?”

  “Oh no, nothing like that. My father is very proud and very quick to tell the world how much he adores his children.”

  “That’s wonderful.” Amie felt a sadness creep inside her body, pushing out the satisfied glow. It was a shame it couldn’t have lasted longer.

  “I have a great family. It’s just that with my father getting older and my sister on her own with a kid, I take on all the extra work, personal and business, which leaves no time for me.”

  He did have a stick up his ass but not an uptight stick. Well, he was a little uptight, but it was more of a puppet stick. This guy needed to let loose and have a good time. But everyone needed a partner. “I guess a wife would probably find that tedious after a while.”

  “A wife? No, I don’t plan on getting married. But I would like to maybe see a movie without getting a crisis phone call from my sister. Or have a drink with a friend without my father calling about some new deal.”

  “No marriage?”

  “That’s what you take away from all of that?” He laughed. “Marriage is just not for me. That doesn’t mean I won’t date or let a woman ravage me in bed.” Milton looked down and winked. That wink tingled along her skin. “You’re cold.”


  Milton grabbed the brown comforter and laid it across their bodies. Stupid libido! “You just got goose bumps.”

  “It’s a little chilly.” And now she was lying.

  An idea began to formulate in her brain. Amie was always looking to fix people. First with Aleks, then with Maggie, and she got to do it all day long at work through the practice of holistic medicine. Maybe Milton showing up was a sign. Maybe he was the distraction she needed.

  “How long are you going to be in town?” Amie hoped she would be able to convince him of her plan.

  “A couple of weeks.”

  “I have a proposition for you.” She sat up and leaned on her elbow, one hand resting on his chest. “What if I could offer you a chance to not think? Would you go for it?”

  “I’m listening.”

  “For the duration of your stay, you hand yourself over to me. I, of course, will allow you to work, work hours will be off limits if necessary but as soon as the clock strikes five…you’re mine. You will do what I say, when I say it. With no questions asked. You and I are going to have some fun.”

  “You’re going to force me to have fun?”

  She nodded. “Just so you know, and so we’re on the same page, I will be making all the plans. You will have no choice but to comply.” This was the greatest idea she had ever come up with. Not only did she get to flex her wild side and have a partner to take along for the ride but this partner was only temporary. Milton was leaving, and she’d heard it straight from the horse’s mouth–he didn’t want a wife. He wanted nothing to do with the happily ever after she had been searching for.

  “Will any of this fun be x-rated?” He raised his hands and mimicked air quotes when he said the word fun.

  His air quotes turned to a defensive position at her glare. She wasn’t even going to address his comment. “What do you say? Are you in?”

  “I think that might be exactly what I need. I’m in.”

  “Fantastic!” Amie jumped out of bed, not bothering to cover herself as she sauntered into the bathroom. “We start today.”


  “Did you have better plans?” She peeked inside the linen closet and grabbed a fresh towel.

  “I was going to work actually.” Milton sat up and rested against the headboard.

  “Boring. You’re coming with me.” She rustled through the cupboard and found a brand new toothbrush and some toothpaste. “We just need to make a quick stop by your hotel. I assume you brought some t-shirts and shorts with you.”

  “Yes.” The word came out long. He looked confused, hesitant about the direction she might be heading. “What exactly are we going to do today?”

  “You just leave that to me.” Amie gave him a wink as she pointed the toothbrush in his direction.

  “Is this room always prepared for guests?”

  Amie laughed out loud. “I told you this room has seen action.”

  She reached for the faucet, but Milton distracted her. “Hey, wait! You know about
me, but I don’t know anything about you.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “What do you do? For a job.”

  “I’m a holistic practitioner. I teach yoga, I’m a Reiki Master, and I am currently looking into Blue Energy Matrix healing.”

  “Blue what?”

  “Blue Energy Matrix. We can get into that another day.” Turning the faucets, Amie grabbed the soap from behind the glass door of the shower and lathered up her hands. She soaped her face with gentle circular motions.

  “What about marriage?” His voice was louder, closer. When she rinsed her face clean, she noticed he was now sitting on the edge of the bed. “Are you a husband, two point five kids and a dog kind of girl?”

  Yes. And Milton wasn’t at all the type of man she was looking for. They didn’t fit. At least not for the long term. He was caviar, and she was sardines. He wasn’t looking for long-term, and Amie wanted a man she could bind herself to forever.

  He sat there, intently, waiting for her to answer.

  “I want it all.”

  Chapter 7

  Milton slid out of the two-door sedan with his gym bag in his hand. It was a perfect summer day. The humidex wasn’t their friend today. Sweating while standing still was never his favorite part about summers in Toronto. “Are we exercising?”

  “Nope.” Amie slammed the driver’s side door shut and walked around the front of the car to meet him.

  “Then what–” The little light bulb of realization flashed in Milton’s head when he noticed the writing painted on the front window of the building–Lotus Flower. “We’re doing yoga, aren’t we?”

  “Ding, ding, ding,” Amie sang.

  “No way. I can’t do yoga.” He shook his head with adamancy.

  “Ever tried?” She grabbed his hand. A warm wave of heat tingled up his arm, and it wasn’t from the blistering sun.


  “Then how do you know you can’t?” She pulled him away from the car toward the studio.

  “I just can’t.” Yoga was for pansies. There was no way he’d be caught dead in tights, chanting to Buddha or whoever those freaks chanted to.

  She stopped and centered herself in front of him, a stern look on her face. “Did we or did we not just agree that I am calling the shots and you have no choice but to comply?”

  “Yes.” He sighed. “But it was to have fun not contort my body into impossible positions.”

  “See, you do know about yoga.” She grinned. “How about this? For every fun thing you do, you get a reward.”

  “What am I five years old?” He had no doubt the expression on his face matched the sarcasm in his tone.

  “I don’t think a five year old would appreciate the many sexual acts I have in mind as reward.” Amie swung their joined hands together between them.

  Milton swallowed hard. “Sexual rewards?”

  “This isn’t all about you, you know.” She pulled him further. She looked both ways before they crossed the street and led him quickly to the front door of the building.

  Inside, women dashed to and fro, rolled up mats and water bottles in their hands. A few women sat in a waiting room type area, for what he could only imagine.

  As Amie led him inside the pungent scent of soap and what smelled like nasal spray hit him hard in the face.

  “Hi, Amie,” a petite young girl called out from behind the reception desk.

  Amie nodded but didn’t slow her pace as she led him past the waiting area and through a small hallway. There were double wood doors at the very end of the hall, on the left a long window pane. He could see a group of women huddled in conversation.

  White doors lined both sides of the hallway. Amie ducked her head behind one of the doors. “You can change in here. I’ll wait for you.”

  Before he had a chance to argue, Amie pushed him through the door and shut him inside. The stink was worse inside the room. Soft light illuminated from the ceiling. Milton rested his bag on the massage table and changed into his shorts and t-shirt.

  When he emerged from the room Amie was talking with an older woman, her brown hair sat on top of her head in a bun. She had a bright smile, something like Amie’s.

  He cleared his throat, and the two women quickly stopped talking. When they looked over they had the same look in their eyes–guilty.

  “Milton, this is my friend Maggie.” She gestured to the woman. “Maggie, this is Milton. I’m introducing him to yoga today.”

  “You’ll love it. You two have fun. I’m going to go so I can get a spot in the front.”

  “We’re not sitting in the front, are we?” Milton blurted.

  Maggie laughed and walked away. It would be humiliating enough being in the room, let alone being in front where everyone could see how ridiculous he looked.

  “I’ll be nice. We can stay at the back.”

  Milton let out a sigh of relief.

  “Come on, Campbell. Let’s see how well that body bends.” With a grin Amie walked away, her hips swinging from side to side, a magnetic sway that pulled him forward against his will.

  Amie grabbed mats for them from the side of the studio and Milton placed his right behind the woman in front of him, blocking himself from the long mirrored wall.

  As if this wasn’t humiliating enough, from the side door entered a familiar face. A pregnant familiar face. Martina. She walked into the studio, ethereal, glowing, angelic in her features and gait. An angel dressed in black, skin tight clothing.

  “What is Martina doing here?” he asked. Despite her beauty, he just wasn’t okay with another person laughing at him.

  “Martina is teaching the class.”

  “But she’s pregnant,” he said. A little too loudly. A few women turned and gawked.

  “Do you know there are yoga classes specifically for pregnant women? Martina is a professional. Even better than me.” She winked and took a step onto her mat.

  “Namaste.” Martina’s voice carried from the front of the room.

  The entire room answered in a singular sound. The group of woman sat on their mats at her command, cross-legged, hands palm up on their knees.

  Twenty minutes into the session, sweat dripped from Milton’s forehead as he posed his body–tried to pose his body–into some kind of porpoise position.

  Beside him, Amie flawlessly moved from pose to pose, not a lick of sweat anywhere on her body. Of course she wouldn’t sweat. She was a yoga instructor, after all. And her body was perfect, tight and toned. Her limbs able to bend in abnormal ways. Her legs the most flexible he had ever seen. Turn away. A boner during yoga class would be inappropriate.

  “Put your feet flat on the floor.” Martina’s whimsical voice came from behind him.

  Milton grunted as he reworked his footing on the mat.

  Martina grabbed his hips, and he tensed. Not good. Friend’s woman’s hands on your body. Not good. She pulled his body back, straightening his legs. Milton felt the pull in his hamstrings.

  “You’re doing very well, Milton.” Martina rested her hand on the small of his back. “Pretty good for a first timer.” She leaned over closer to his head. “Pretty good for a man.” She chuckled and walked away.

  Perfect. She was laughing at him. Was he crazy for agreeing to this? Was he disturbed for liking the idea of a woman taking charge of his sexual pleasure–taking charge of his life outside of work? Was he crazy for agreeing to let the woman from the store window take him under her wing?

  Milton watched the women around him change their positions, and he followed suit. Jumping up to his feet on unsteady legs, his head spun from the blood having collected at the top of his head. He grabbed his foot and lifted his leg–more like scrunched his leg up to his body. Surely she’d give him credit for trying though.

  Score! There was a woman who couldn’t get her leg straight. He wasn’t alone. Crap! She was just taking her time. Milton watched as the redhead used her arm to pull her leg up and out as she balanced on one foot.

sp; He and Amie had gotten off on the wrong foot, and under normal circumstances he would have brushed off her malicious comments and moved on. But there was something about her, something that stirred his soul. No matter how much she despised him or his business he had a crazy urge to explore everything about her.

  No, you’re not crazy. You just promised yourself you would get a life. And Amie was just a small detour to get him warmed up. Without his father and sister, he wasn’t reminded of his life every second of every day. And he had no doubt that Amie was the perfect girl to distract him from…himself.

  * * * *

  Guzzling a bottle of water, Amie waited for Milton to return from the bathroom. He would be hurting tomorrow. The yoga session had likely forced him to use muscles he probably didn’t even know existed.

  Amie didn’t want the day to end. Not by a long shot. It surprised the shit out of her. He was supposed to be the man she hated. Despite the very intense, very pleasurable, very satisfying sex session they’d had, he was the enemy for all intents and purposes. Yet she felt the need to help the enemy.

  But was she really helping? Amie was using him just as much as he was using her. Milton was getting free no-strings sex and fun, something that was obviously lacking in his life or he wouldn’t have agreed. And Amie got the chance to take control, play out her fantasies that other men shot down. Getting a man to agree to let her call the shots was the perfect way to test her inner desires.

  Her concentration was broken when she noticed Milton walking down the hall toward her. He had a calm, confident stride. His red shorts hung to his knee and the black sleeveless t-shirt stretched over his hard muscular chest. The smooth skin of his arm covering hard biceps, strong biceps. Amie remembered those arms wrapped tight around her body.

  He stepped to where she was leaning against the wall, a sly smirk on his sexy face. “When do I get my reward?”


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