Alone in the Apocalypse: Post-Apocalyptic America: After the Solar Flare

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Alone in the Apocalypse: Post-Apocalyptic America: After the Solar Flare Page 5

by AJ Newman

  Stunned nearly beyond words, I said, “What? Mary, are you serious? All this happened since yesterday?”

  “What the fuck is going on, Matt?”

  I was glad I was dropping out and had moved to Wyoming.



  The cold depths of space held the atmospheres of these three wandering nomads frozen for billions of years until, dead ahead, a faint pinhead of light began beckoning the trio on a collision course with a yellow sun billions of miles away.

  Chapter 3

  The Jones Homestead

  The place was finally mine and all of my possessions had been delivered. I had been gone for eight weeks when I walked up the four steps to the house.

  “Matt, you look like you haven’t eaten for a week. You look like Rambo coming up the steps with that pistol, knife and ammo belt.”

  “I’ve been taking some courses in living in the mountains. I learned how to trap, hunt, skin and tan pelts. I’m not Jim Bridger, but I can survive in the woods. Keep all of that to yourself.”

  “Of course I will.”

  “Matt, if the shit hits the fan and I showed up on your door step, would I be welcome?”

  I gave her a hug and replied, “Mary, you will always be welcome here, but please don’t bring half the town.”

  “Thanks and I’d never do that.”

  “Matt, I need to fill you in on the real reason my husband quit NASA and built this place.”

  “I thought he retired.”

  “No, he was part of a team that discovered something horrible was going to happen and he quit to prepare this place so we could survive.

  Only a handful of scientists, military and government officials know about the pending apocalypse and half don’t believe the worst will happen.”

  “Mary, what is the cause of the alarm?”

  “In two months the sun enters the highest solar activity phase in the last 10,000 years. If we get hit with a CME during this period it will make the Carrington event pale in comparison.”

  “But Mary that wouldn’t cause an apocalypse; it would ruin satellites, disrupt the grid and create havoc with GPS systems. The governments of the world would just shut all power generating stations, transformers and communications down during the event. It would only take months to recover.”

  “That’s true if it wasn’t for Alpha Omega I, II and III.”

  “What the heck are they?”

  “Astronomers think they are part of a young solar system that didn’t form properly, or part of an older one where their sun went Nova. The bottom line is that they are going to hit the sun during this peak period of solar activity.”

  “Mary, of course that sounds really bad, but the sun is so large that it wouldn’t even notice the impact.”

  Mary took on a sullen appearance and retorted, “Matt, you could not be more wrong, the Sun will definitely notice and it will cause an enormous Coronal Mass Ejection that will fry all electronics and will potentially be an E.L.E. (Extinction Level Event) on the side of the earth that is hit.”

  Now I felt her dread, and became ashen faced as I asked, “When is this supposed to happen?

  “The solar activity has already started and will get much worse over the next two months.

  The first collision will occur in 59 days, the second three days later and the last and worst 29 days after that.”

  As Mary continued, her voice began to develop a vibrato effect in her effort to hold back the tears that threatened to overwhelm her. “The problem is that these planets are hundreds of times larger than the earth. The second one is the smallest and it is massive.

  I can’t remember the composition of the planets, but the largest has a core of molten iron, but is surrounded with frozen Hydrogen thousands of miles thick.

  The first two stir up the shit and the third’s impact causes large ejections of plasma that may entirely circle the sun and send an E.L.E. our way.

  A direct CME hit wipes out all life and leaves the Earth a scorched ball. A near miss just ends life for those caught on the receiving end of this horror,” sobbed Mary, now unable to hold back her tears.

  I slumped back into my chair and said, “Damn, Mary, I don’t know how to process this information. I need a day or two to clear the shit from my brain and think about this.”

  “The good news is my husband’s astronomer friends are certain that we will only get a close miss by the largest CME, loss of all unshielded electronics and back to the wild, wild west, oil lamps, and for most people, just one horse power, if they can get a horse.”

  “Wait a minute. Will the Faraday cages work?”

  “Yes, well, in theory, God Willing and the crick don’t rise. That’s why your bomb shelter, barn and garage were built to with stand any Solar Flare or EMP attack. I know, the construction doesn’t look it, but every building on the homestead is a steel building. The logs are just façade.

  “And the government isn’t telling anyone?” I asked, my depression turning to anger, near rage.

  “No. That pissed Frank off and helped him decide to quit. The government has been stock piling electronic gear and manufacturing replacement transformers for two years, but Frank told me that they would only go to the major cities on both coasts while we sit in the dark, for decades, maybe forever. The government has not told any other country. They feel this gives us an advantage in the post-apocalypse. The government doesn’t know that the scientists leaked the info to the Brits and Israelis.”

  “Mary, I’m sorry, but I can’t wrap my head around this. Let’s get back together and determine what we have to accomplish in the next 59 days. Does Patty know?”

  “Only you and I know.”

  “Let’s not tell her or anyone else. We just charge ahead getting ready.”

  “I agree. One favor please.”


  “Can Patty and I stay with you in the bomb shelter when the last collision occurs?”

  “Of course you will! Look Mary, I just gotta ask. Why did you sell the place if you knew this was coming?”

  “My husband was dead and I didn’t care about living. I already liked Patty, but during the sale, I got to know her much better and then I met you.

  I really haven’t spent much time with anyone in town because Frank and I stayed at the homestead. Now I know you two and feel as though you are my friends. I want you two to survive.”

  “Is your middle name Cupid?”

  “Maybe, time will tell.”

  Mary moved into the guest room and still cooked for us every day. She wasn’t a gourmet chef, but she cooked good down home food that stuck to your ribs.

  I killed a deer my first day back, we had deer steaks and made the rest into dear jerky and sausage. I was very proud of my first kill on my own land. I tanned the hide and hung it in the great room. I have to tell you that butchering and tanning are difficult, messy jobs. I did get used to it though.

  I was supposed to travel back to Atlanta one more time that week to finish my training, but since that option had dried up I relished exploring my property and seeking places to locate my caches of survival supplies. I purchased twenty plastic 55-gallon drums from Patty and used them to bury my caches. I had to bury most of them with rocks since you couldn’t dig more than a couple of feet without hitting rock. I tried to conceal three a day and soon had them all hidden.

  I made a map along with some markings on trees and rocks to help me find them should the need arise.

  I tried to shake the impending doom from my mind and concentrate on what we needed to do to increase our chances of survival. It was rough, hard work, and I was pleased at the reflection in the mirror. There was no more excess weight; that had been replaced with muscle. I noticed that my face seemed more…I don’t know…hard, almost like it had become carved in granite.

  Both Mary and Patty complemented me on the change. They said that my face looked chiseled. Yeah, it felt good.

  Yes, I guess I am bragging si
nce I want you to know that I dropped over 50 pounds during my training. I was never what you would call a lard ass, but I was a bit chubby at five foot ten and 240 pounds. Okay, screw it. I was fat. Get over it. I did. Maybe that’s why the bitch left me. Like Jimmy Buffet said, “Hell, it could be my fault…”

  The most significant find during my wanderings around the property was a cave about half a mile up the mountainside. I was looking for another place to hide a cache when I stumbled upon the cave. I was riding the ATV with the drum strapped on the back when I needed to stop and take a whiz

  I was about 500 feet up a ravine when I stopped the ATV. I heard a noise and saw a bear coming towards me from some bushes on the side of the ravine. I shouldered my rifle and waited to see if it was going to attack. I knew the .338 Lapua would bring the bear down, but I didn’t want to kill such a magnificent animal unless forced to do it.

  The damn bear saw me, was startled and ran at me. At the last minute, it rose on its hind legs and swiped at me. I shot it in the chest and the large killer Lapua round dropped that bear like a stone. It was beautiful and I was proud that I handled myself so well in a pinch, but sorry for the bear.

  I think that was the moment I realized that I was actually seeing a new me. I wasn’t quaking in fear, I felt exhilarated, strong.

  Later I wondered why the bear was out, and about in late fall. She should have been hibernating. I never did find out, and no one else had any suggestions, either.

  I looked over to the side of the ravine and wondered where the bear had come from. I kept my rifle ready and walked through the scrubs to find an opening into the hillside. The opening was about four feet high and led into a very dark chamber.

  I went back to the ATV, fetched my flash light and entered the cave cautiously. The opening led to a tunnel that kept increasing in height until I could stand upright about twenty feet in, then it opened up into a large room.

  The room had a ten-foot ceiling and was about 15 feet wide by thirty feet long. I was expecting to see human skeletons, gold and Spanish swords and armor. What I actually found were boulders, small animal skeletons, a dirt floor and a place where there had been many fires over the centuries, though there hadn’t been a fire in many years.

  I did see a place on one wall where someone had made scratches as though they were tracking how many days had past.

  This place was perfect for my bugout location if I was chased out of my house.

  I scouted the entire cave and found it only had one opening large enough to get through, but appeared to have a tiny crack that opened to show day light on one side. I made a sketch of the cave and started planning what to stock it with and how to keep it hidden.

  I started by hauling the drum into the cave by slowly pushing the drum into the mouth of the cave. After about 10 feet, I turned the drum and rolled in on into the cave.

  I tied the bear to the ATV and pulled it further up the ravine, cut off a hindquarter and the loins, and then drove past the cave pulling some brush behind me to wipe out the tire tracks. I kept brushing my path until I was several hundred feet past the mouth of the ravine.

  I drove back to the house while my mind was thinking about how to make the cave my primary bugout location.

  I made a mental list of my needs and quickly decided to leave the other caches alone and to purchase more supplies for the cave. I also came up with some ideas to hide the mouth of the cave in case someone wandered into the brush as I did. I suddenly remembered to buy pallets of dog food when Gus and Tina greeted me at the door.

  I decided not to tell anyone, including Mary, about my find. Loose lips could get my newly buff ass killed. So, anyway I drove into town that afternoon, parked in front of the General Store and went in to meet with Patty and her husband to order my supplies.

  I saw Patty at the back of the store and Mary was behind the counter waiting on a customer. That explained why she had to rush out this morning and left me with a cold bowl of cereal.

  I said, “When did you start working here?”

  “I’m just helping out until Patty can hire a clerk.”

  “I’m here to order a few things. Have a great day. I’ll see you later.”

  I walked to the back of the store and said, “Hey Patty, can I talk with you in private?”

  “Of course, come on in to my office. Hey, you look better each time I see you.”

  “Yeah, well, I’ve been eating better and the ranch takes a lot of work. I grew up on a farm, but must have forgotten how much work it takes.”

  I followed her to the other corner and entered the office behind her. I must admit that I did enjoy the view. There’s just nothin’ so fine as a purty gal in boots, boot jeans, and a cowboy hat; yeah, she even made that flannel shirt look good. No slapping myself now, it must be all the physical change.

  “Patty, I want to order a lot supplies from you and I don’t want anyone to know about the order. Of course, George will know, but no one else. Can you do that?”

  “I guess you don’t get much news out there, but I would have thought Mary would have told you that George and I separated last week and I have filed for a divorce.”

  “I’m sorry for you and no, I didn’t hear about it. No, wait, that’s not even close to true. I didn’t like him from the first time I ever saw him. You definitely deserve better. I hope I haven’t offended you.”

  Blushing, Patty said, “No, of course you didn’t offend me. I’d have been offended if you defended the rat bastard. So there.”

  Well anyway, I need to purchase the items on this list from you. I’ll purchase the ammo on line if you don’t have it in stock.”

  “There are a couple of items that I’m not familiar with, but I can get everything else on the list and can deliver it in a week or two, but are you sure you want it delivered? Why don’t I have it delivered to Cheyenne, and we can go and pick it up there. We can use my truck. That way, no one will know.”

  I put on my serious face and asked, “Patty, can you speed up on the delivery. I’d like to get everything as quickly as possible, like yesterday.”

  A concerned look overcame her face and she said, “Well, sure, but it’s going to be much more expensive. I’ll get the order out today, and we’ll be able to pick it up, let’s see, this is Monday, no problem we should have everything ready by Wednesday afternoon. Does that work for you?

  I thought you had enough for 10 people to survive for a long time.”

  “Just chalk it up to paranoia, and yes, Wednesday is fine. The food is all long shelf life items and the rest will keep for 25 years. I never want to be starving in the snow when the lights go out due to a failure of the grid. I’ll bet you are asking about the 200-gallon steel tank. I can get it elsewhere, but thought I’d give you a chance at all of my future purchases.”

  “Thanks, I’ll get a price on one and get back to you before I order it. I’ve ordered a couple before, but this is the first one with a large hinged opening.”

  “I’m in a hurry. Go ahead and order it. I know it will cost more, but it will be worth the money.”

  “Damn, I forgot to tell you that I also need one of those heavy garden wagons that you have on display outside. The big black one; I’ll take it with me. Oh, and have everything packaged in heavy duty boxes. I’ll pay extra for that, but I need it. Make sure none is over 50 pounds. Sorry for the extra work.”

  “You are the customer and you pay your bills, so you get what you want.

  Okay, what is going on?”

  Not replying to her question I simply asked, “How did you talk a rich lady into being your clerk?”

  Understanding that I did not wish to say more, she said with a smile, “I promised to throw George’s ass out if she’d cover his job for a few weeks.”

  “Are you okay, did he make a scene?”

  Very proud of herself, and almost laughing she said, “Well, he started to, but Mary’s 357 magnum calmed him right down. I haven’t seen him since. When he left, he was so scared that
I thought I saw a dark spot on his crotch. Damn, but it feels good to be free of that worthless sack of shit.”

  I laughed, shook her hand and headed up to see Mary.

  “Hey have you mentioned to Patty about the warnings about the upcoming solar event?”

  “Yes, and we have both been quietly stocking food and other supplies at her house. I think I found a place that is about a half mile from Patty’s place. I made an offer this morning and should know by lunch. I won’t tell her about Alpha Omega III, but I wanted to give her a sense of urgency.”

  “Mary, take back the offer and stay with me until this catastrophe is over. You might not need a place.”

  “That’s a great idea. I’ll give it some thought. Thanks.”

  She wasn’t convincing on stopping the purchase.

  “Assuming we aren’t all fried, I hate to be Mr. Gloom and Doom, but she should know that within two to three days after TSHTF her store will be looted and nothing will be left. They might even go to her house thinking that the store owner would have food squirreled away at home.”

  “Good advice. Would you mind if I invite her to supper tomorrow so we can give her some brief training on being prepared?”

  “No, not at all, just so long as we keep it between us three.

  Oh, and back off the house thing. You are staying at the ranch. No, don’t say it. I need the both of you. Now, you two just figure out how to make it happen. Nuff said!”


  Unfortunately, I got a chance to use my new skills later that night. I had supper at the diner after leaving the General Store. I had a great meal then apple pie with ice cream.

  I figured that I’d better eat ice cream while I could since it would be damn hard to make after TSHTF. I finished eating, paid my bill and left to walk to my truck, which was parked across the street by the Barber Shop. It was dark outside and several streetlights were out. I stopped, bent down to open my door and felt a crack and pain in my shoulder. I fell to the ground dazed and saw a man hoovering above me.”


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