Alone in the Apocalypse: Post-Apocalyptic America: After the Solar Flare

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Alone in the Apocalypse: Post-Apocalyptic America: After the Solar Flare Page 17

by AJ Newman

  Mary asked, “Bill where did you get the helicopter and where did you come from?”

  “We stole it and we came here from Seattle. Where is Frank and what happened to you?”

  “Frank died several months back, I sold this place to Matt and I got shot by looters after The Flare is the short story.”

  “Damn, I’m sorry to hear about Frank, and you, of course. He would have wanted to see the fireworks. Why are you still here? Frank knew about the likely probability of an extreme weather change to colder temperatures.

  We are rapidly moving into a new Ice Age and only the area roughly 10 degrees north and south of the Equator will have suitable temperatures for mankind’s survival.

  In five years, a one-mile high glacier will cover everything as far south as Charlotte, North Carolina, and run in generally a line straight across the U.S. Everything from Charlotte south to Sarasota, Florida will be in a constant Alaskan winter. Sarasota south will be similar to Ontario, Canada.

  The coastal shoreline will expand outward to the continental shelves.

  Hell, England will be a part of the landmass of Europe, not that it will be habitable. Bottom line is we are screwed, and it could get even worse. The entire planet could become one big snowball.”

  “Yes, Frank did mention the possibility, but he hoped he was wrong and we decided to take our chances here. You know how he loved Wyoming.”

  “Mary, Frank told me that if his worst fears came about, he was planning to head south with us. We came here to pick him up and refuel the helicopter. Frank was supposed to have fuel for us. That was his payment for his passage south. We didn’t know that you were still with him.”

  “What? Why would he lead you to believe that?”

  Bill looked down at his feet and said, “Mary, I’m sorry to be so blunt, but Frank did not intend for you to come with him. He confided in me that you had betrayed him and that you would not be around when we arrived.

  We thought it was strange when we couldn’t contact him, but hell we were busy tracking the planets that have so abruptly ended our civilization.”

  Mary thought for a minute and replied, “Can we go with you?”

  “Sorry, but the trip was planned for seven including Frank. We just do not have room for all three of you. Having said all that, I cannot begin to tell you how imperative it is that you move south immediately, all of you!

  The snow is already two feet deep in Seattle and a minimum of four feet deep over most of Montana all the way down to South Dakota.

  In another four or five days, you won’t be able to get out. The temperatures are dropping so fast that your fuel will likely freeze.

  This place will be covered in snow all summer long.

  Do you have the fuel?”

  I stepped into the conversation and said, “Mary please go with them. Patty and I will quickly gear up and head south to join you later. Bill if we leave in the next three days, will we be able to get south of the snow and make it to where you are going?”

  “Yes, if you leave before the snow gets too deep to be able to drive south. The question is will the Mexicans allow you to cross their border? The change in weather has been a major topic at the UN and nations are guarding against millions of Northern and Southern people from immigrating to their warmer countries.

  I probably should not tell you this, but I know that the U.S. plans to annex Mexico, by force, if necessary and it will be necessary.

  Northern Mexico will become similar in climate to the Mid-Atlantic States. Panama will be much like Ohio at best.

  Only a band about 1,000 miles wide will be as warm as Kentucky in late spring. A high of 70 will be a heat wave. Crop production will suffer and the estimation is that about half of the remaining world’s population will die off.”

  “Could you squeeze both women in if I pay you in gold or silver?”

  “Sorry, but no, the helicopter won’t take the extra weight.”

  “What if we don’t give you the fuel? After all, it now belongs to me.”

  One of Bill’s companions began to become aggressive as he started to reach inside his coat and said, “I told you this shit was going to happen.” He pulled a pistol and wheeled around towards me.

  I also knew this conversation would go south, and drew my own concealed handgun saying, “Drop it or die,” as I pointed my pistol at him.

  He continued upward with the pistol and I shot a split second before he pulled his trigger. My first bullet struck him in the chest, the second nearly in the same hole. His bullet missed me and shattered a display case on the other side of the room.

  I pointed my gun at the remaining five and said, “Drop your guns on the floor or you will be lying right beside him, do it, right now!”

  Bill yelled, “Drop your guns. Damn, I told that asshole to stay calm. This is madness. Matt, the guy in the green snowsuit is a soldier who forced his way on to the copter. You just killed his friend. They killed two of our friends and my guess is that, to expand the helo’s range, they had no plans to take anyone with us. They just wanted the fuel, and the pilot.”

  As Bill spoke, the man tried to get his pistol from under his parka. I stepped forward and hit him on the head with the butt of my pistol as Patty raised a shotgun and pointed it at his stomach. He fell to the floor and his pistol skittered across the floor. He was dazed, but not out.

  Bill asked, “What are you going to do with him?”

  I replied, “We’re taking him outside and telling him to walk to South America.”

  “That would be the same as murder.”

  “Normally, I would say that you are right, but, as you stated, this man murdered two of your companions and intended to maroon, or kill all of you right here. So, as the duly selected militia commander of the Pinedale area I sentence him to banishment, besides, we don’t have a jail.”

  I kicked the man in the side and said, “Get your sorry ass up before I shoot you where you lie.”

  He rose from the floor and raised his hands as we walked outside. Patty followed with the shotgun as I pushed him around the corner of the house.

  I asked him, “Do you believe in God?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, look around you. Would a god allow this to happen? I have no time for fairy tales.”

  “Well, I have a different opinion, now here’s the thing. If you are right, and I am wrong, then, what the hell, no harm, no foul, just blackout, but if I’m right and you are wrong, well, that’s just going to be a bad deal for you.

  Last chance, do you want to get right with God?”

  “Yeah, right, go fuck yourself.”

  I turned him around and said, “Boots, start walkin’” I started feeling guilty about having him die by freezing in this frozen tundra, so I took pity on him and shot him in the back of the head, turned to Patty and said, “Sorry, but he would have killed all of us if he could.”

  “Yes, I know, still, I hate that you had to kill him, couldn’t we have left him here when we left on the helicopter?”

  “Damn, you are right. On the other hand, there is no functioning 9-1-1 number, and now there are three open slots. We can all go with Bill and his friends. Sorry bud, but you would have killed me. I just got you first.”

  Patty stormed off mad as hell because I had executed the murdering scumbag.

  Whoa! Just hold it right there, I know what you are thinking, and the answer is no, I did not murder him, nor did take any pleasure from it.

  As the only available military commander, I held an abbreviated court martial, found him guilty and lawfully executed him. Yeah, it seems flaky to me too as I reread this, still, damn, I don’t know.

  I would, however, hope that you would consider this little factoid: If he set out on foot, how far would he go before he doubled back, and tried, or perhaps succeeded in killing one, or all of us. Still think I’m a monster?

  I followed her back into the house and found the remaining four glaring at me as I entered.

  “You executed
him. Didn’t you?”

  “Yes. He murdered your friends and had every intention of doing the same fucking thing to us. I am glad he is no longer a threat.”

  “So you get to be judge and jury?”

  “Yes, as the duly elected Militia Commander in this Area of Operations, I am, by law, the judge and jury, that is, until we leave this area, and no, I am neither sorry, nor ashamed of what I did. The bottom line is that there are no other judges, or juries available, and good men will have to take a hard stand to do what it takes to survive.

  Toughen up people. The world we grew up in is gone, dead, and is about to be buried under a mile of ice.”

  One of the women said, “I think you killed him just so you three can all come with us. Well I don’t want you near us.”

  I replied, “That’s fine. Get the hell off my property, NOW!”

  Bill jumped in with, “The helicopter was running on fumes when we landed. We can’t leave without fuel. Barbara, shut the fuck up. She doesn’t speak for the rest of us. Of course, you three may travel with us. Matt, please understand, we are scientists, and we tend to be timid in these situations. Personally, I am thrilled to have teamed up with someone with your skill sets.

  Now, please, may we fuel up the helicopter and leave in the morning.”

  I replied, “Let the three of us discuss the matter and we’ll get back to you in an hour. By the way, what is our destination?”

  Bill took a bit too long to answer and said, “Costa Rica. While you three talk, we’ll get some personal items out of the copter.”

  “All right, but understand this; this home is a no gun zone for visitors. If you come back with a weapon, I promise that it will not end well for you. We okay on this little fact?”

  Bill said, “Matt, we have no other weapons, and even if we did, none of us would be so foolish as to violate your, uh, local ordinance.

  We agree no weapons.”

  “Thank you, Bill, I believe in trust through verification, so you will be searched when you come back in. You good with that?”

  “Of course, we are good with that.”

  The four of them went out to the copter as we headed into the kitchen to discuss our fate.

  I opened the discussion with, “We just survived an attack by a group of strangers, and now these fine folks just drop in. Look, I don’t trust these people any further than the rats that attacked you, or Georgie’s little army. Their story stinks, even though Frank’s notes back up the need to get the hell out of here. I vote we use them to get to safety and a warmer climate.”

  Patty added, “I understand why that woman is mad at us. You shot that man in cold blood without a trial. I know you think you did the right thing but I don’t like it one bit. Having said that, I don’t want to sit here up to my ass in snow and become a human icicle either. I vote to go, but Matt you can’t be judge and jury again or we part company.”

  I ignored Patty’s comment because she would not have liked my answer.

  Mary held back and then said, “I don’t trust these people either, let’s be prepared for trouble tonight. Frank was Bill’s friend, but I barely knew the man.

  My guess is that Frank found out about my affair with Gary and planned to let me die alone here in the snow. I vote to go, but we must be on guard at all times.”

  Patty replied, “Gary?”

  “Yes, don’t be surprised. Frank turned bitter when he left NASA and wasn’t fit to be around on a good day. I was twenty years younger and I’m not ashamed to say that I needed a man in my life. Okay, that’s enough about my sordid little affair with the Mayor’s husband.

  Let’s pack tonight and be ready to fly out in the morning.”

  Even having calmed down, I decided to let Patty have the answer I bit back earlier, and said, “I’m sorry you feel that way about me, but I would do it again in the same situation. Sorry you don’t agree, but don’t get yourself killed worrying about a two bit asshole like that guy, so I suggest you get off your high horse.

  Patty, there is a chance that we won’t be welcome when we get to where ever we are going. If they say, “Go away,” are you willing to just roll yourself up in a big ball, and die. I’m going to be right up front here; I’m not.

  The old civilized world is gone. Now, it’s a world of only the fittest survive, so get that through your pretty head.”

  Patty was mad, but she was smart enough to look at the floor and not continue this discussion, now. Knowing her, I knew this was not over.

  To change the direction of this confrontation, Mary said, “Bill plans on Costa Rica.”

  “He lied, and not well. His first story places Costa Rica in the ice, but I don’t believe that for a moment. Costa Rica is south of the Tropic of Cancer. It won’t be tropical, but maybe like West Virginia, considering the mountains.

  Personally, I think we should go all the way to Brazil. That will put us right on the equator. I think they plan to ditch us as quickly as possible, and move on south.”

  Patty replied, “You might be right, the equator sounds like our best bet.”

  We all agreed and headed back to the great room when Mary grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the kitchen to say, “Matt, you did the right thing killing that prick. He would have killed us as soon as the helicopter was refueled. Please, don’t give up on Patty. She is having trouble coming to grips with this new world.”

  “Thanks for the support, but it’s too late for me and Patty. She made it clear that she isn’t interested in me.”

  “Okay, but take good care of Matt.”

  She kissed me on the cheek and headed into the great room.

  The others were waiting on us and I told them, “Ok, shuck the cold weather gear, and we will then frisk you. I hope you understand, but understand or not, this is gonna’ happen.”

  Bill smiled, and said to his crew, “Do as he says and no hard feelings. No one can be too careful these days.”

  “Thank you, Bill. I am pleased that you understand, now let’s get to it.”

  Following the successful search, and finding no concealed weapons, I said, “Bill, here’s the deal, we will give you the fuel in return for a safe trip down south. If you agree, we will fuel the helicopter and take off first thing in the morning.”

  Bill answered, “We agree, and will be happy to have you with us on our trip.”

  We’ve talked it over and have decided that our chances for survival are distinctly improved with you along.”

  “Well, all right, first thing is to get the helicopter moved to the back yard as close to the west corner as possible or we’ll have to put the fuel in cans and fill it one five gallon can at a time.”

  The pilot quickly replied, “Not a problem, I’ll move it now. Oh, we’ll have to run the engine from time to time during the night to keep it warm so it will start in the morning. We can top the tank off before we leave.”

  “Okay, let’s roll.”

  I remembered the comment they made about flying in on fumes and wondered if these people ever told the truth. We fueled the copter and came back into the house.

  Funny how the helo only took about ¾ of what I expected…hmmm.

  Everyone was now downstairs in the heated part of the bunker. Patty was watching the monitors while Mary helped one of the women prepare supper.

  I heard Patty say to Bill, “Yes, the cameras and sensors make guard duty bearable. We were very vulnerable for a while after The Flare pulling guard duty until Matt re-installed the cameras and sensors. It was weeks before we were able to obtain a good signal from most of the cameras due to the CME interference.”

  “Frank really set this place up for survival. Too bad we have to move on south.”

  Mary chimed in, “Yes, I love this place but I don’t like starving any more than freezing. We are lucky you came along. I hope you like deer soup and fried potatoes.”

  Mary caught my eye and winked.

  Bill asked, “Do you have any food or weapons and ammo that we can take w
ith us?”

  I interrupted with, “What, sorry, but if you could only take the three of us, how can you take more supplies?”

  Bill stammered for a second and replied, “We have some scientific equipment we can pitch. Our South American counterparts will have the same equipment.”


  “Yeah, well sure, we have some MREs and some frozen deer and raccoon meat. We will, of course bring our rifles, pistols and what little ammo we have left. Let’s make it an early night so we’ll be rested in the morning for our trip.”

  Mary placed all of them in a separate room so we could have some privacy.

  “Something doesn’t add up. Now they want more food and weapons on a helicopter that could barely get there if Frank joined them,” said a visibly upset Mary.

  “That’s why I downplayed our resources. We’ll load extra food for them and ourselves but no weapons for them. We need to use them to get down south and then part ways with these clowns without a fight.

  I’m not giving them their guns back until we get to our destination. Now let’s keep two of us up at all times. Patty and I will take first watch.”

  As we packed, I noticed that Mary was doing very well considering her recovery, and a little giddy in some respects.

  “All right, Mary, what gives? There is no way you can do all this work, yet. What did you take?”

  She smiled, and said, “Dang, I had hoped you wouldn’t notice. Yes, I took two hydrocodone tablets to mask the pain to allow me to pitch in. I’ll be fine, but let’s get this done before it works off.”

  Trying to look stern, but knowing that she was right, I just hoped she didn’t reinjure herself.

  “Okay, Mary, I get it, but once we are out of here we need to talk about taking such heavy pain killers without talking to me first.”

  We packed light on personal gear and clothes. We figured we would just have to find what we needed down south. Our duffle bags had two extra weapons, plenty of ammo and MREs.


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