Ascension (The Ascension Series)

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Ascension (The Ascension Series) Page 1

by A. L. Patterson


  Clark O’Sullivan was a sixteen year old who lived in the quiet eastside suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio. It was the start of the second week of January. This meant the tall, dark haired, and lanky Clark was supposed to be preparing for the first day of school. But he had more important things on his mind. Minutes prior, his girlfriend of the past four and a half months, Sarah Ryan, knocked on the front door of his house with a backpack draped over her shoulder. Clark’s pregnant mother, Mrs. O’Sullivan, answered the door and embraced the small-figured girl.

  “So nice to see you, Sarah,” Mrs. O’Sullivan said before noticing the girl’s hair. “I just love the new style.”

  Sarah twirled a finger through the long dark highlights. “Thanks. And it looks like your new baby’s going to be here any moment.”

  “Two more months,” Mrs. O’Sullivan smiled. “And you know, Clark’s father and I decided not to find out the sex of the baby until it’s born. Call us old fashioned!”

  “I think that’s nice,” Sarah laughed.

  “So Miss Ryan, are you here to see Clark?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Sarah said shyly.

  “He’s upstairs getting ready for class.”

  As Mrs. O’Sullivan stepped aside, Sarah entered the old two story house and raced up the stairs to her boyfriend’s room. Clark opened the door and promptly locked it behind. That way they could remain undisturbed. Minutes later, the stereo in Clark’s room was playing “Pink” by his favorite band, Aerosmith.

  Clark wasn’t getting ready for the year’s first day of school. In stark contrast, he was lying in the middle of his bed fully unclothed with the exception of a pair of socks which covered his feet. Sarah, still wearing her top and skirt, was lying on top of him. When they began dating nearly five months ago, Sarah told him he’d have to earn his way into her jeans. And he did just that.

  They had sex for the first time on New Year’s Day and followed up every day after. It was usually the same inexperienced routine─ which Clark didn’t mind but Sarah finally wanted to try something different. This time she got on top of him. When she felt comfortable enough to move at her own pace, his closed eyes were rolling to the back of his head in rapturous ecstasy. Despite an attempt to contain herself, Sarah became louder which coincided with the squeaks of the mattress. Clark’s quick remedy was to turn up the volume of his stereo speakers.

  ♪Pink, how I love that color ♪

  He opened his eyes and looked at his digital alarm clock.

  “It’s 7:50. We’ve only got ten minutes,” he said as he turned his attention back to Sarah.

  “When I’m on top, you only need two,” she whispered. “So don’t break up my rhythm.”

  ♪Pink, goes with my passion ♪

  Sarah began to straddle a little faster until he came to a climax. Before Clark could fully enjoy the moment, she hopped off of him and lied next to him on the bed. The curtains were drawn open and allowed the morning sunlight to bask not only them but Clark’s entire room which accentuated the bright blue hues that made up the room.

  “How much longer?” Clark asked as he closed his eyes.

  “Eight minutes,” Sarah said as she hugged him.

  They remained silent for several moments until Clark spoke again.

  “I really don’t feel like going to school.”

  “I thought you were planning the first party of the year?” Sarah asked.

  “Then I guess I better do like Iggy Pop and boot ‘n rally.” He opened his eyelids and stared not into Sarah’s eyes but at the pair of colorful Saturn jewels she wore on her ears. “Those are really cool earrings,” he told her.

  “Thanks. My mom got me these for Christmas. She actually got me a pair of earrings that represent each planet but these are my favorite. I was afraid you’d think they were a little, y’know, campy.”

  “No,” he corrected her. “They’re really cute─ time?”

  “5 minutes,” Sarah told him.


  Clark jumped out of the bed and Sarah followed by tidying herself up. She threw Clark his boxers, pants, and shirt as he raced to get dressed. He picked up a box of condoms off his floor and chucked them into a dresser drawer. At a record pace they placed on zip-up hoodies, threw their backpacks over their shoulders, and were ready to go.

  Bounding down the steps and through the kitchen, they each stopped to grab a sandwich, courtesy of Clark’s mother. They swooped out the front door of the house and hit the porch as Clark’s mother waved them bye with one hand and held her expecting stomach with the other.

  With his girlfriend in tow, Clark rushed to the bus stop at the end of the street just as the bright yellow school bus halted.

  “All aboard,” the old bus driver growled.

  While holding hands, Clark led Sarah onto the bus. He searched for an empty seat and fist bumped several other boys along the way. He sat with Sarah toward the middle of the bus and allowed her to take a window seat. They watched as the driver of the school bus checked his many mirrors before pulling off. The bus drove through another subdivision of middle-class homes but Clark and Sarah paid little attention to any of the pit stops; it was only the final destination that mattered: Franklin Pierce High, where they were high school juniors.

  Clark placed his arm around Sarah’s shoulder during the duration of the bus ride.

  “So what kind of party are you throwing?” Sarah asked him.

  “I don’t know,” he said honestly.

  “Then why not wait?”

  “It’s tradition, Sarah. At the beginning of each year, a junior is chosen to host the very first party. And I’m already late as hell. I’ve got to get everything going for Saturday. So I’ve got five days to put an entire party together.”

  “Don’t sweat it. You’re going to be great, you always are.”

  “Sarah, you’re a cheerleader and all… so you think you can invite the rest of your team?”

  “Yeah,” she assured him. “It’s the first party of the year. Everyone wants to be a part of it.”

  “I know, that’s why it’s gotta be perfect. The music will be easy but I need a location and there’s gotta be drinks.”

  “You could host it at Charles’s place,” Sarah suggested.

  “No,” Clark refused the idea. “Charles is always hosting his own parties. This is my thing, not his. And besides, I already asked him for a favor. He’s supposed to be bringing the drinks.”

  “Ok, no problem,” Sarah agreed. “And a party at Charles’s place is always going to overshadow everything else.”

  “I wonder where he’s at right now,” Clark said aloud. “I’m sure he’s not taking the bus.”

  Meanwhile, across town, Charles Walsh was speeding down the street in a brand new BMW. The vehicle was so polished that it looked as if it had been waxed only minutes before takeoff. The jet black car matched both Charles’s hair color and the designer aviator sunglasses he wore. With the newest high top sneakers money could buy, he pressed on the gas petal and roared through the streets of Cincinnati. He made his way out of the ritzy Oakely region and his car headed west.

  Along the way, Charles stopped at a red light and revved up his engine in order to catch the attention of a car filled with college girls. They were clearly much older than his sixteen years of age but his stylish car was enough to earn their smiles and winks. As the light turned green, he dashed off into incoming traffic and darted his way through countless cars.

  Before going any further, he turned into a trendy coffee shop. He returned the smiles and nods of girls entering and exiting the coffee shop as he pulled into the drive-thru line. Charles tapped a single button on his door and the d
river window of the car silently rolled down as he stopped at the speaker.

  “How may I help you?” a female voice asked through the microphone.

  “Alright, sweetheart,” Charles said, “Gimme two mocha lattes with steamed milk and an extra shot of caramel espresso. And also gimme two Danish bagels.”

  “You got it. Your total is $27.39, please pull to the next window.”

  Charles pulled up to the store’s window and smiled at the girl taking the order. She was twenty year old Kristina Renaldo and Charles was clearly familiar with her.

  “Kristina, how you doin’, baby?”

  “Doing good, Charles. Nice car. Haven’t seen that one before.”

  He handed her a credit card, she swiped it, returned it, and waited for his caramel espresso shots to brew.

  “Oh yeah,” Charles said, returning to the discussion, “The car was a Christmas gift from my old man.”

  “Christmas? I thought you were Jewish.”

  “Baby, in my house, we celebrate ‘em all. Christmas, Hanukkah… hell, I’ll even celebrate Ramadan if there’s presents involved.”

  She laughed, handed him the two mocha latte cups and said, “Well, it’s a really nice car.”

  “I suppose it’s alright. I wanted a Ferrari but this will have to do. You know what the best part is though? It does beat a Ferrari in one way.”

  “How’s that?” Kristina asked.

  “It’s got a nice big backseat. Perfect for me and you. We’d be way too crammed in the back of a Ferrari.”

  “Sounds good, Charles. I haven’t seen you since last year. You wonna hang out sometime?”

  “That’s what I like to hear, Kristina. How about my place tonight?”

  “Like I said, sounds good.”

  “And make sure you wear lace,” Charles winked. “You know that’s my favorite. I’ll pick you up around seven.”

  The car behind Charles became impatient and blew its horn. Charles scoffed as he turned his head to look around.

  “Hold your freakin’ horses! Your coffee’s not gonna get cold!”

  Charles threw a peace sign to Kristina and drove off. Moments later he was back in traffic, swerving through lanes from left to right as he sipped his latte. The second latte was firmly planted in the cup holder and the two Danish bagels were in the passenger seat. Charles took a swift left turn, came to a red light, took a right, and arrived in a neighborhood with countless dusty houses. There was litter strewn throughout the empty walkways and the occasional person walking down the street in multiple jackets. It was a far cry from what Charles was used to.

  He pulled into the driveway of an old yellow house that had large quantities of paint chipped off on every side. Charles blew his horn once. Nothing happened so he turned off the car and got out. He walked up to the door and knocked. The door was cracked open so when he knocked, it opened further. Charles looked inside the old house and could see beer bottles lying about the floor.

  Suddenly, a boy rushed up to the door and closed it behind him so Charles could not see inside. The boy was John Ahern. With a skinny frame he was just slightly taller than the shorter-than-average Charles and had a head full of long blonde hair that swept across his face and ended at his shoulders. His skin was pale and his eyes were a glossy blue. He was wearing a black trench coat with a hoodie attached to it. Underneath the trench coat he wore a very faded t-shirt with the Looney Tunes character Wile E. Coyote printed on it.

  “Thanks for picking me up, man,” John told him.

  “Anytime,” Charles assured him with a pat on the back.

  Charles got into the driver’s seat of his car while John opened the passenger door and noticed the bagels in the seat. He picked them up and jumped inside. Charles put the car in reserve, backed out of the house, and roared off with John.

  “I got a Danish bagel in there for you, and that’s your cup,” Charles said as he pointed to the latte in the cup holder.

  “Thanks man, you’re really awesome for this,” John said with a cracking voice.

  “No problem.”

  “Usually,” John told him, “I take the bus with Andrew. He lives about two or three blocks down but sometimes I gotta deal with my dad and that makes me too late to catch the school bus.”

  “As I said, my man─ any time. I love driving this new beamer so any detour is cool with me.”

  Charles took a bite of his bagel while John quickly ate his own. He gulped down the latte as if he were starving.

  “This is so good,” John said. “On a tight budget with my dad and all, I usually just stick with the cheap crap. Wish I could even look for a job but what hours can I get between school and trying to look after my father?”

  “Yeah, I know it’s hard out there, dude,” Charles said. “Is your dad alright?”

  “Ugh,” John sighed before continuing. Even with his pale face obscured by a scuffle of long blonde hair, Charles could see that John’s face had turned slightly red with embarrassment. Charles figured that John had told him too much. “He’s the same as always, I guess. It could be worse so we’re alright.”

  “Hey dude,” Charles quickly changed the topic. “I see you’re wearing the coat I got you.”

  “Yeah, man. It’s really nice,” John smiled. “It’s even got a hoodie and all.”

  “You look good in it, it fits you perfectly,” Charles said.

  “I’m telling you, man, I’m gonna wear this thing every day,” John half joked.

  “I like when people appreciate my gifts, to be blunt,” Charles told him before finishing up his bagel. He stopped the car at another red light.

  “I don’t know anybody more generous than you,” John said.

  “You know I believe in spreading the wealth. I got coats like that for Clark and Sarah too but I haven’t seen either of ‘em in it. Bunch of schmucks,” Charles chuckled.

  John laughed as Charles took a right. Their school, Franklin Pierce High, could be seen just past the next light.

  “You know about Clark’s party?” John asked.

  “Oh yeah,” Charles confirmed. “It’s considered an honor for any junior to host the very first party of the year. In fact, I spoke with him yesterday about it. I’m gonna be bringing the booze and I’ll see who’s interested in knowing my good friends, Molly, Mary Jane, and Roxy if you know what I mean. You know what I’m saying?”

  “Sounds great,” John said. “A party is just what I need to relax for a little while. When’s it gonna be?”

  “This Saturday, that’s the plan.”

  “Where’s it gonna be at?” John asked.

  Charles slowed his speed dramatically, turned into the school, and found a parking spot. He answered John right before turning the car off. “The location is still ‘to be determined.’”

  They got out of the car and Charles grabbed his backpack from the backseat. He pressed a button on his keychain to lock the car when he noticed that John was without a backpack.

  “John… Where’s your book bag, dude?” Charles asked.

  “It’s the first day of school. We never do work on the first day, just a bunch of orientation garbage for our new classes. I’ll bring one tomorrow.”

  “Smart thinking! I always knew beneath those golden locks was a man of great knowledge,” Charles smirked.

  The interior of Franklin Pierce High was bursting with color. The moment you walked through the double doors of the front entrance, there was a massive mural of the school’s mascot, the Franklin Pierce Panther. The school’s major color was blue which imbued every locker and checkered floor pattern throughout the campus. But other colors figured in as well. There were orange, green, and yellow banners hanging from every hallway. The floor was pristine and the walls smelled of freshly dried paint.

  Principal Walter Hayes, an older gentleman wearing a polka dot bowtie, was walking down the hallway and enthusiastically shaking the hand of every student in his path, one by one.

  Clark was holding hands with Sarah as he l
ooked at the announcement board.

  “This is the year,” Clark said.

  “I’m wishing you the best,” Sarah told him. “And I plan to join the volleyball team later this year.”

  “Tight schedule,” Clark said.

  “Yeah,” Sarah agreed, “But it’s worth it. I’m on my way to Prom Queen and that means I’ll need a king.”

  Sarah pulled out her schedule from her jacket pocket. Just as she did this, Charles and John joined them.

  “Clark, Sarah─ how’re my two favorite lovebirds doing?” Charles cracked.

  “Doing good, Charles. Nice to see you,” Clark said before turning to John. “And good to see you too, John. How’s everything going?”

  John brushed his blonde hair out of his face and half smiled. “Things are decent.”

  “So are both of you coming to Clark’s party later this week?” Sarah asked them.

  “Yeah!” Charles and John both said together.

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Charles continued. “First Clark gets a girlfriend, now he’s hosting a party. My boy’s all grown up.”

  “Shut up,” Clark laughed.

  The enthusiastic Principal Hayes approached the four of them with a warm greeting.

  “Good morning!” Principal Hayes waved.

  One by one, he shook each of their hands. He paused before he shook each hand while placing names to faces. “Clark O’Sullivan, Sarah Ryan, Charles Welsh, and John Ahern.”

  “Am I right?” Principal Hayes asked with a smile.

  “Yeah,” Clark said.

  “Wow, you’re good at that,” Charles told him.

  “Clark and Sarah,” Principal Hayes addressed them first, “Very good grades last year. Keep up the good work.” He turned to Charles and John. “You two could use some work.”

  “I’m on it, Principal Hayes,” Charles said. “It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn, it’s a new year. I promise that GPA is gonna be higher than ever before.”

  “I hope so, young man,” Principal Hayes said sternly. Then he turned to John. “You too, young man?”

  “Oh, yes sir,” John said. “I’m going to give my best.”

  “Well then, I’ll see you all later.” And with that, Principal Hayes swiftly turned to another cohort of teenagers to greet and interrogate.


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