Evocation (The Training of Eileen)

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Evocation (The Training of Eileen) Page 6

by William Vitelli

  Her body also remembered the sessions on the Sybian, the strong pairing between the fullness in her throat and the powerful ecstasy the machine gave her. The conditioning was too thorough to will away; she felt herself respond as she had been trained to. Butterflies fluttered. Wetness flowed.

  Dr. Moreland pressed his fingers into her quivering pussy. Eileen tightened down around the invasion. He thrust them deeper, wriggling his fingertips against the inside wall. The dildo in her mouth silenced her involuntary moan.

  “The subject does exhibit an exceptionally powerful sexual response to forcible oral penetration, in marked contrast to her behavior on her last visit. Additionally, the subject shows considerable improvement in her overall vaginal muscle tone.”

  Eileen looked desperately up at the nurse, who returned the look with sympathy. “You poor thing!” she said. “This must be very humiliating for you.” She pushed, and Eileen felt the dildo slide farther down her throat.

  She felt herself clench tighter. The prospect of having an orgasm in front of these people while they abused her this way was absolutely unbearable. She struggled with all her will against the rising pleasure. Please, she thought, please, no, don’t let me come! Every thrust of the dildo, every slight little movement of the fingers inside her, threatened to overwhelm her resistance. She felt her will crumbling in front of the relentless tide of her own growing ecstasy.

  At the exact moment she thought that she could no longer hold it back, the doctor slipped his fingers out. She shuddered with relief, and gave silent thanks for the reprieve.

  The relief was short-lived. A moment later, she felt the cold wet slick of lubricant, then a sudden violation in her ass. “Nnnnnnngh!” she cried.

  “The subject shows virtually no resistance to anal penetration even with three fingers,” the doctor said. “This is a tremendous improvement in so short a time and shows remarkable progress on the subject’s part.”

  Eileen squirmed helplessly on the exam table, impaled simultaneously in her throat and ass. Tears flowed down her face. The fingers worked in her ass, pushing and probing. The nurse smiled wider, and began thrusting the dildo in and out Eileen’s mouth. She whimpered, face red with helpless shame, pinned between them, hanging on the edge of an unwanted orgasm.

  “Thank you, nurse.”

  The fingers and dildo slid out of her. Eileen coughed and gasped. “What are you doing? This is not a medical examination! You can’t do this to me!”

  “What am I doing? Examining you,” the doctor replied. “Evaluating your progress.” He looked down at her and smiled warmly. “For the next phase of your training, you will be kept in a heightened state of sexual arousal for extended periods of time without release. Today you will be fitted with a custom training device, which you will wear locked inside yourself vaginally throughout the coming weeks. This device will vibrate at random intervals for random periods of time in order to maintain sexual arousal. The random periodicity of the device will ensure that your body does not become acclimated to it. In other words, you will not be able to forget it’s there, and you will not go numb. Additionally, while you are wearing the device, it will be held in place with a metal chastity belt, which will permit normal bodily functions and sexual access to your anus but will not permit you to stimulate yourself to orgasm, no matter how badly you may want to.”

  Eileen breathed more quickly. Her heart raced.

  “This device has several purposes. First, it will keep you near the edge of orgasm for extended periods of time, which will help to enhance your compliance with the training program. Second, it will train you to be aware of your genitals at all times. After the first few days, you will find that a part of your attention is always focused on your sex, no matter what else you may be doing. Third, your body will become acclimated to penetration, so that you will feel most comfortable when something is inside you, and it will seem strange when you are not being penetrated. Fourth, your body will be conditioned to crave sexual stimulation all the time. And finally, you will be conditioned to accept that neither your sexual release nor your degree of sexual arousal are in your control. After you have worn the training device for a sufficient length of time, these behavioral and physical changes will become permanent.”

  Eileen breathed harder. Her nipples stood out almost painfully, and the familiar butterflies of arousal fluttered in her.

  “The device which will be fitted to you contains a number of myoelectric and blood flow sensors, so that if you should be close to orgasm, it will sense this and shut down until the incipient orgasm passes. However, since every woman’s sexual response is slightly different, we will need to program it with your specific physiological profile. In order to do that, we will need to measure your body’s response during orgasm. To obtain the most accurate profile possible, this will involve averaging across repeated orgasms. This is the main purpose of your visit today. Unfortunately, you may experience some discomfort during this procedure.”

  “What? What do you mean, discomfort?” Eileen struggled against the straps. “What are you going to do to me?”

  “You should save your strength, sweetmeat,” the nurse said.

  The doctor opened a cabinet and took out a large, heavy-looking metal box with a long, polished metal rod extending from one end. He unfolded a set of legs from the machine and set it up at the foot of the table.

  “What are you doing?” Eileen’s voice quavered.

  Samantha took two clear glass domes from another cabinet and fitted them over Eileen’s breasts. When they were snugly in place, she opened a small door on top of the machine and drew out two long, transparent plastic tubes. She connected them to small valves on top of the domes.

  There was a mechanical whirr, and Eileen felt a strong suction draw her breasts up into the domes like giant hungry mouths. Her body trembled. “Stop! What are you doing? Stop!”

  The doctor fitted a blunt dildo made of a hard, white, glassy material studded with flat silver spots to the end of the shaft. “This contains sensors that will measure your body’s reactions. As the computer learns your particular responses, it will grow better and better at inducing orgasm. This will allow the software to build the profile which will be loaded into your training device.” He pulled a flat bundle of wires from the end of the dildo and connected them to a port in the side of the machine. When he was satisfied that it was connected properly, he extended the arm. Eileen cried out as the hard white dildo entered her.

  The doctor spread her open with his fingers. She felt his thumb touch her clit, then a pinching sensation, not unpleasant but very strange. “I have just clamped a small electrode to your clitoris,” he said. “This will send tiny electrical impulses directly to the nerves, which you will feel as a kind of vibration or buzzing sensation.”

  “Stop! This is wrong!” Helplessness, shame, and humiliation washed over her. “Take these things off me! You can’t do this to me!”

  The doctor opened a panel on the side of the device and pressed some buttons. “We will now begin the process of building the subject’s physiological response profile.” Something whirred inside the metal cabinet. The doctor stripped off his gloves. “While this machine is working, I have another patient I must attend to. We will return in approximately two hours.”

  “Two hours? Wait! You can’t just leave!”

  He pressed a series of numbers into a keypad beside the door. It opened with a metallic snick. The doctor stepped out, with the nurse trailing behind him. The door closed again with a solid thud. Eileen heard the lock click.

  Chapter 4

  Eileen lay strapped to the table alone for a long minute, tears flowing down her cheeks. Helplessness surged in her. “Come back!” she cried. “Let me go! Come back!” Nothing happened. The door remained closed. The thing inside her felt hard and smooth. The suction on her breasts caused her nipples to harden painfully. “Please,” she whispered, “don’t leave me here.”

  The machine made a soft beep. The suct
ion on her breasts increased. A tingling, buzzing sensation began on her clit. The hard, smooth shaft started moving in and out of her.

  She struggled frantically, sobbing. The straps on her arms and around her hips prevented even the slightest movements. Her hands clenched at empty air. “Stop! Come back! You can’t do this!”

  The suction on her breasts began to pulse. Her nipples swelled. The buzzing on her clit intensified, and sent such a jolt of pleasure through her that it took her breath away. The hard object moved faster within her.

  “No!” she screamed. “No! Stop it! Come back! Turn it off!”

  The machine picked up speed. Her screams changed, became less tinged with panic and more colored by her arousal. Everywhere she focused, she was met with waves of pleasure; the pulsing suction on her breasts stimulated them delightfully, the vibrating thrum on her clit sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body, and the shaft touched something exquisite inside her as it moved.

  “No,” she moaned, “no, please, no…”

  And then the orgasm hit, and she could do nothing but thrash in ecstasy as tears streamed down her face. It went on and on and on, wave after wave of intense pleasure, while she struggled and sobbed and screamed. “Oh, God, no! Please!”

  The machine wound down. The buzzing stopped, the shaft ceased its thrusting, the suction abated on her breasts. Eileen stared blindly at the ceiling, chest heaving. “Oh,” she whimpered, “oh, thank God…”

  Another soft beep. The suction started up again, pulling at her breasts, tugging her nipples. “No!” Eileen screamed. The buzzing on her clit began anew. The shaft started stroking in and out of her. “No! No! Stop!”

  She fought it for as long as she could. Her hands clenched. The machine thrust steadily, driving the shaft deep into her over and over again. No matter how hard she tried to push them away, the sensations dominated her awareness. Ecstasy built relentlessly, and she felt herself starting to contract, a forewarning of her inevitable climax.

  When it came, the second orgasm lasted even longer than the first. Eileen fought against the straps and screamed helplessly while the machine forced pleasure from her body. It went on far longer than she ever thought was possible. When it finally ended, nearly two minutes after it had started, she slumped limply in the straps gasping for breath.

  The machine beeped again. Her eyes opened wide with fear. “No!”

  The third orgasm hit. Eileen shook and moaned under the waves of raw physical rapture washing over her. The fourth orgasm was an agonizing pleasure, powerful and unstoppable. The fifth was just agonizing.

  After that, she lost all sense of time. The only things that existed for her was the excruciating, exhilarating pleasure crashing through her, and the quiet beeping sounds that signaled the start of the next round. She screamed until her voice was hoarse and struggled until she was too weak to move. Sweat bathed every inch of her body in a slick sheen.

  Still it continued. After every orgasm, Eileen felt as if she had been wrung out, the last ounce of strength squeezed from her, incapable of responding any more, and yet… Somehow, it seemed to know exactly what to do, exactly how fast to move, exactly how hard to suck on her breasts to wrench just one more orgasm from her body. Even after she could no longer scream or fight, still it kept going. She wept openly and whispered “no, please no” as her body shuddered into orgasm after orgasm. Time stood still; the only things that marked its progression were the beeps and the inevitable, unbearable sexual ecstasy that followed. “Please,” she whimpered hoarsely to nobody, “please make it stop.”

  If anyone heard her, there was no sign. Nobody came to free her. It worked relentlessly, forcing her into climax after climax until she felt that her body was simply another part to the machine, the part that shook and sobbed and begged for it to stop.

  She was so completely consumed by what was happening that she didn’t even hear the door open. Not until Samantha’s face swam into view did she realize she was no longer alone. She shivered in relief. “Please,” she said weakly, “please, no more.”

  The nurse stroked her face softly. “Oh, sweetmeat,” she said, “I’m not here to make it stop. We haven’t run the full course yet. I’m only here to watch.”

  The machine beeped. Eileen’s eyes widened. “No! No, please, not again!” Suction tugged at her breasts. “No! No, I can’t take any more!”

  “Shh. Yes, you can. I know what it feels like. I’ve been there myself. You can take it.” Her fingers stroked Eileen’s shoulders soothingly. “I know it might not seem like it, but it’s better if you don’t try to fight. Just relax and take it.”

  By then, the shaft was thrusting smoothly and Eileen was beyond hearing her. She moaned and whimpered, and a moment later her back arched against the straps in the throes of another orgasm. “Please!” she wailed.

  “Oh, you suffer so sweetly,” the nurse said. Her fingers traced the lines of Eileen’s cheek. “God, you are so beautiful when you’re suffering like this.” One hand crept up her own body, over teddy bears and rainbows, and squeezed her own breast. “If you had any idea how much it turns me on to watch you this way…”

  The machine beeped again. Eileen shook her head. “No, she said weakly, “it’s too much!” The nurse leaned down to kiss her forehead gently as the next orgasm took her. She flailed helplessly. “No!”

  “Yes.” The nurse stroked Eileen’s cheek gently. “Oh, yes. Take it, sweetmeat.”

  Hungry mechanical mouths sucked at her breasts, tugged on her engorged nipples. Her throbbing clit twitched and buzzed. The machine fucked her in quick, short strokes. The nurse caressed Eileen’s face and looked deep into her eyes, waiting for the moment when the orgasm became inevitable and Eileen had no choice but to accept it. In that brief instant, when Eileen stopped fighting and let it happen, Samantha thought she was the most beautiful creature in all the world.

  When the pleasure peaked and ebbed and reason returned, at least partway, to Eileen’s eyes, she looked up pleadingly. “Please,” she whispered, “please.” The machine beeped again. Samantha watched the tiny shudder ripple through Eileen’s body, barely recognizable, the only response her spent muscles were capable of.

  The cycle started again. The machine did its work, and once again Eileen became creation’s most beautiful creation. The nurse felt wetness saturate her own panties and run down her leg.

  She stayed by Eileen’s side, gently stroking her hair, whispering for Eileen to take it, through countless more cycles. Her own body responded, as if the pleasure wrung from Eileen’s torment flowed up through her fingertips and into herself, until her own heart raced and she felt as if she might come along with the captive woman. They remained that way, both of them wrapped up in Eileen’s exquisite suffering, until the lock on the door clicked and the doctor walked into the room.

  He flipped a switch on the machine. As simply as that, it was over. The shaft whirred to a halt. The suction bled away with a hiss, releasing Eileen’s breasts. The dildo withdrew.

  He examined a small monitor on the side of the machine. “Excellent, excellent, we have some very good data here,” he said. “Strong characteristic initial contractions at 8 Hz from the pubococcygeus muscles about two seconds before each orgasm. That will make an excellent marker. Strong surge in blood flow several seconds before each peak. Very strong muscular response. This is very good data indeed! The profile will be ready to load into the training device’s flash memory shortly.”

  Eileen barely heard his words through the relief flooding into her. The nurse pried the glass domes from her breast and placed them on the counter. The doctor took the clip off her clit and coiled its wires neatly. She felt her own wetness spill over the surface of the examination table and flow under the cleft of her ass.

  “Now, then,” he said. “We’re almost done. I just need to evaluate your response to unwanted forcible anal intercourse, and then you will be free to go. Nurse Bowes will help you get dressed and give you your new training kit once
it has been programmed.”

  “Permission to play with the subject?” Samantha said, her eyes not leaving Eileen’s face. “She seems compliant.”

  “Hmm,” the doctor said. He stroked his chin thoughtfully, considering the request.

  “That’s a difficult call,” he said finally. “On the one hand, allowing you to have her for a while will help to reinforce her status as a sex slave, who is given no control over who has sexual access to her. On the other hand, the subject presents as straight, not even incidentally sexually interested in women. A strong negative reaction at this point could set back her progress.”

  “Oh, I don’t think she’ll have a negative response,” Samantha said.

  “No? Hm. Perhaps not. And reinforcing her status might help facilitate the training.” He twiddled a pen idly between his fingers for a few moments while he thought. “Very well. You may play with the subject. But I am sexually aroused myself, and had planned to spend this arousal on my evaluation of the subject’s response to forcible anal penetration. Since you will be evaluating the subject, I will spend my arousal on you instead. Nurse, disrobe and lean against the wall, please.”

  Eileen saw a quick flicker of something she couldn’t quite identify cross the nurse’s face. Assent? Disgust? Resignation? Distaste? Whatever it was, it was gone almost as fast as it had come, replaced with a smooth blank expression. “Yes, Doctor.”

  Eileen watched in confusion and shock as the nurse stripped. Off came the scrubs with their cheerful teddy bears. Beneath them she wore a lacy bra and panties in a rich, deep burgundy. She reached around to unhook the bra, which slipped off her shoulders to reveal firm round breasts with large pink nipples, prominently erect. The panties, a dark stain of wetness clearly visible, slipped off next.


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