Evocation (The Training of Eileen)

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Evocation (The Training of Eileen) Page 10

by William Vitelli

  She took down a wide green collar with a black plastic buckle. The smooth webbed nylon felt strange against her throat. He looked her up and down critically. “Hmm, I don’t know. That one really clashes, don’t you think?” He pursed his lips. “I think you should try a different one.”

  While she searched for just the right collar, a handful of customers came through the store. Some of them paid no attention to her. Others stopped to watch. Her face turned red and her nipples hardened.

  It took almost twenty minutes and over a dozen collars before she found one that met with his approval—a deep navy, nearly black, with a thin white stripe along its length. The vibrator buzzed rapidly enough to make her whimper. Wetness trickled down her leg.

  Anthony picked up a matching leash. “We’ll need this too.” He handed it to her. “Go pay for these things and we can go.”

  She reached to remove the collar. He slapped her hand. “No. Leave it on.”

  “Anthony, no!” Her voice cracked with shame. “You can’t make me do this!”

  “I can and I am.” He reached for her button.

  “Okay!” she cried, defeated. He watched her head for the front of the store, grinning.

  The cashier looked to be in his late twenties, with spiked hair and a Soul Asylum T-shirt. His eyes swept her as she approached. “Wow, you are smoking!” he said.

  Anthony came up behind her. “Say ‘thank you’ to the nice man.”

  The cashier grinned. “She’s hot! Is she your girlfriend?” His eyes didn’t leave her breasts.

  “My wife, actually. If you think she’s hot now, you should see her tits. Which…” He held up the scissors. “…you may get to do, if she doesn’t do as she’s told.”

  Her face flushed again. “Thank you,” she mumbled.

  “Just the leash for you today?”

  Anthony cleared his throat, arms folded. Eileen turned even redder. “No,” she stammered, “the collar too. The—the one I’m wearing…oh!” Deep within her, the vibration paused for a second, then started again, stronger than before. She stumbled and grabbed the counter tightly. She moaned, eyes closed, helpless to stop the pleasure surging through her…

  The vibration stopped.

  She hung there, feeling like a fly dangling from a spider’s web. Her body shuddered. A slick glaze of sweat clung to her skin. For a second, she felt that she might come anyway, even without the vibration. Slowly, the feeling slipped away from her. When her vision cleared, she found herself just inches from the cashier’s startled blue eyes. “Oh. I…I’m…”

  “That’s…umm, eleven dollars and fifty-four cents,” he said.

  The vibrator pulsed once. Her breath caught. She fought down a sudden urge to kiss him, deeply, recklessly.

  “I…oh.” The moment passed. She fumbled in her purse, drew out some folded bills, and passed them to him. He stared down her shirt, where the missing buttons revealed the soft curves of her breasts. She watched with helpless embarrassment, wishing she were wearing a bra, wondering if he could see her nipples.

  When the exchange was complete, Eileen fled the store. She wished, desperately, for a way to make her exit more graceful, but the spikes at her thighs forced her to walk with hips swaying. The cashier’s eyes stayed glued to her ass the entire way.

  Once they were out in the parking lot, hot anger shouldered her arousal aside. “Anthony! You bastard! How dare you do that to me, you son of—”

  He grabbed her and kissed her roughly. The anger raged. She pushed him away. “Enough! I will not let you do these things to me any more! You can’t treat me like this and just expect me to play along with you. You’ve had your fun, humiliating me in front of other people, letting that…” Her body shuddered. “That nurse do things to me, forcing yourself on me. I won’t put up with…oh! Oh!”

  The vibrator kicked to life with a staccato of short fast bursts, strong and intense. She leaned against the side of the car, legs spread, panting.

  “Yes?” Anthony said. He kissed along the side of her neck. One hand slid inside her shirt to caress her breast. Eileen moaned.

  The anger melted under a fresh wave of sexual need. Her hips pressed against Anthony’s. Over her shoulder, she could see the cashier in the pet store, pressed up against the window watching them. Her pussy clenched. Her arms slid around Anthony’s back. “Oh, God, that feels good,” she whispered.

  “Yes, it does, doesn’t it? You really can’t help it. This is the way your body wants to be treated.” Fingers tightened on her nipple. “This is what you are. Being a slave is the only thing that gets you off.”

  “Oh! Oh God, I’m going to—”

  “No, you’re not. Not yet.”

  The vibrator stopped. Eileen whimpered in frustration. “Anthony! You can’t—”

  “I can.”

  “Anthony, please!”

  “No.” He grinned. “Get in the car.”

  Sullen, she did as she was told. The cashier watched them pull away.

  Chapter 8

  They didn’t speak for a long time. The vibrator remained inert. Eileen could feel it lifeless inside her, and found herself tightening around it over and over again, trying to coax it back into motion. Nothing. Anthony seemed to pay no attention to her at all.

  They wound their way through Boston’s downtown streets. Eileen found her hunger subsiding. As it did, the little hot spark of anger flared again. She folded her arms tightly across her chest and stared out the window. The anger felt like the only thing she could control, the one part of her she still owned. Anthony could take possession of her body, even make it respond in ways she didn’t want it to, but he couldn’t dictate how she would feel…

  Very gently, so subtly she wasn’t aware of it at first, the vibrator started up again. She became aware of a tightening inside her. A faint warm flush passed through her. It sped up, very gradually. She closed her eyes and sighed. Visions of strange men holding her down, forcing her to do the most obscene things imaginable, swirled uninvited in her mind.

  The anger faded. In its place, she felt that familiar flare of need. Her hips rocked. The sighs became moans.

  She barely noticed when Anthony pulled off the main road and drove up the steep ramp into a parking garage. She was beyond caring about anything except the device buzzing powerfully inside her. She clenched the edges of the seat. “Oh! Oh!”

  Anthony parked the car. She heard, distantly, the sound of his door opening. The vibrator sped up. Her back arched. “Oh!”

  Then, right on cue, it stopped. The orgasm that had felt so close fled. A painful wave of agonizing desperation washed over her, her need so powerful that tears welled in her eyes. She slid her fingers between her legs and encountered hard metal. “Oh, God. Please, please!” she cried. “Anthony!”

  Anthony opened her door. A little smirk played across his face, instantly fanning the tiny ember of anger inside her into a roaring flame. She glared up at him in fury. “I’ve had enough! Take me home this instant. Your sick little games have gone way too far. I’m done. No more! You can’t keep doing this too me!”

  “Hmm. You know, you keep saying that. If I didn’t know better, I’d almost think you believed it.” He smiled. “I like these games. You do too. Shall we go?”

  “No! I’m not leaving this car until you bring me back home!”

  “Oh, I bet that’s not true. It’s just a matter of motivating you properly, I think.” He pulled out the scissors. Before she could stop him, he snipped off the next button. Her shirt parted.

  “Anthony!” She folded her arms over her shirt. “Stop it!”

  The vibrator kicked back into action, strong. She shuddered. Her nipples hardened. Fresh arousal coursed through her body, stealing her breath away. The anger retreated in front of its advance.

  He stroked her cheek gently. “Oh, my darling little whore,” he said softly. “You really can’t help it. You enjoy this so much.” He lifted her hand to his lips. “Don’t fight it. Let it happen.”
br />   Her breathing quickened. The vibration peaked and started to slow. She let out a low sigh. Every part of her body tingled; the arousal hummed inside her, making her want to surrender to him. She rose and stood meekly next to him. It surprised her how quickly the anger had drained away in the face of sexual arousal. Her determination that had seemed cast in iron just a minute ago had melted into compliance with frightening speed. The insistent need, painful and humiliating, hummed through her.

  He led her by the hand out of the garage. They emerged into the fading sun. She looked around and saw they were right on the edge of the commons. “What are we doing?”

  “Enjoying the day.” He led her across the street. “I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I wanted to spend some time with you.” The park opened up before them, inviting them in. He drew her close. “And I want some ice cream.”

  “What? We haven’t had dinner yet!”

  “Life’s uncertain. Eat dessert first.” He nuzzled her neck. “There’s more to living than getting from cradle to grave by the most clearly marked path, you know. Come on!”

  Her outrage wavered and finally drained away. The late afternoon air quivered all around her, beautiful, filled with the promise of joy, the end of one of those Boston late spring days that seemed too beautiful to be true. They took a meandering path through the park, along the trails that wound in no particular hurry through its center.

  The vibrator came alive with a steady low-speed hum. Eileen found that she was enjoying the walk, even in spite of the spikes strapped around her thighs and the device locked inside her throbbing, aching sex. The anger she had tried so hard to hold on to, that had felt so fierce and consuming only a few minutes ago, had gone without a trace. She wondered how that was possible. The air was cool and pleasant. Squirrels darted across the path in front of them. Anthony seemed happy to let her set the pace. They walked hand in hand, her hips swaying.

  The ease of all of it still surprised her. She seemed to be willing to allow him to possess her this way, and she still didn’t understand why. Her hips touched his occasionally while they walked, and every time they did, shivers went through her spine.

  Hours earlier, she had been strapped to a table, used beyond anything she ever thought her body could take, and then raped by another woman. Now, she was walking through a park with the top of her shirt open in a way that would horrify any person of moral decency, with an obscene vibrating thing buried inside her…and somehow she was happy. How could that be? Why she still not left him?

  “Penny for your thoughts,” Anthony said. “Fifty cents to act them out.” He grinned. She squeezed his hand but didn’t reply.

  Presently, they came to the edge of the commons. Anthony led her across the street into a small ice cream shop with an odd name. The place was quite crowded, forcing them to thread their way to a small table in the rear. He motioned for her to sit. “I’ll be right back.”

  As soon as he left her side, she felt suddenly vulnerable. Her shirt was parted enough to expose a lot more cleavage than she was comfortable with, and she was shockingly aware of how far the spikes made her part her legs. The vibrator, as if it could read her thoughts, ratcheted up its speed. She gasped.

  Anthony appeared next to her a short while later, holding an enormous banana split in a plastic boat. He grinned devilishly as he sat. “You look positively delicious, my dear little whore.” He scooted his stool next to hers. “I only brought one spoon. I’m afraid we’ll have to share.”

  He moved in closer to nuzzle her neck. “I know how you like sharing,” he murmured softly in her ear. She blushed.

  Slowly, bit by bit, the ice cream disappeared. After he fed her each spoonful, he planted a small, gentle kiss on her lips. Eileen could not prevent herself from sighing in pleasure.

  The bananas, hidden beneath the layers of the dessert, appeared. Eileen noticed that the sundae had been made with whole bananas. His intentions became clear to her a split second before he reached for one of them. Her eyes widened. “No! You aren’t—”

  “Yes,” he said, and winked.

  “Oh, no. No, no, no. Anthony! That’s obscene! No, I won’t! You can’t—”

  The end of the banana touched her lips. “You need practice.”

  She turned her face away, flushing crimson. “Anthony! We’re in a public place! No!”

  “Yes.” His voice was steel. He made a quick motion. She caught a glint of metal, and then another of her buttons was snipped away. Her shirt, held together only by a single button, parted wider.

  “Anthony!” Her face turned redder. “No! Not here!” The anger bubbled up again from some hidden spring. Humiliation wound around her. “You can’t!”

  The vibrator sped up. She yelped and clenched her legs tightly together. Spikes bit into her thighs. She screamed and flung her legs apart. Anthony slipped the end of the banana between her lips, and to her horror they wrapped around it automatically. Her stomach lurched. Waves of fierce, overpowering sexual need crashed through her. The scream turned to a moan. Her eyes closed. He was playing her body precisely, forcing her to respond. She felt defenseless against the raging, churning arousal that swept over her. His hand slid up the back of her neck, and his fingers twisted through her hair. He held her steady and pushed the banana deeper.

  “Do you need anythi—err, I’m sorry!”

  Her eyes flew open at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. The server stood in front of them holding a tray in his hand, staring down Eileen’s shirt. Time slowed. She realized with creeping horror that her breasts were almost completely exposed; from where he stood, he could clearly see her hard nipples. She felt the banana sliding between her lips and became aware that she was moving her head up and down obscenely over it, of her own volition, without Anthony forcing her to. Heat crawled up her neck, into her ears. Anthony grinned.

  “Not a problem at all,” Anthony said. “We’re fine. Thank you.”

  He cleared his throat. “Well, then, um, if you, uh, need anything, you know, anything at all, err…just say so.”

  “Thank you! We will.”

  He backed up away from their table so suddenly that he collided with the chair behind him. “Sorry. Sorry. Err, let me know if you…you know.”

  When he had gone, Anthony took the banana from her lips. “Very good. You’re getting the hang of it!” His eyes sparkled with mirth as he bit off the end.

  “Anthony! You…oh!” The vibrator began a deep, powerful throbbing inside her. Surges of pleasure sucked her breath away. Her entire body shook. It held her there, on the edge of ecstasy, for a long moment before it slowed. “Oh!” The feelings subsided, became a hurting need. She panted for breath, her mind in a turmoil.

  “Yes? I’m sorry, you were saying?”

  “I…you can’t! Please, stop doing this to me!”

  He turned the spoon thoughtfully in his fingers. “No. No, I don’t think I will.” His lips brushed her neck. “I don’t think you quite understand how much I like seeing you like this. And I know you don’t quite understand how much you like it.” His eyes danced. “Do you want that other banana? Because I’d like it if you don’t want it.” The statement hung in the air, defying her to interpret it.

  The vibrator spun down slowly. By the time they were ready to leave, it had stopped completely. Sexual tension buzzed through Eileen’s body like a current, making the whole world vibrate before her eyes. She stood, wobbly on her feet. Anthony slipped his arm around her. “Shall we go? It’s turning out to be quite a lovely evening, don’t you think?”

  With the sun setting, there was a chill in the air. They wandered back across the commons by another meandering path. Anthony held Eileen’s hand as they walked. The vibrator started up again, a low, barely perceptible hum that gradually increased its urgency until she could hardly move without falling. She staggered. Spikes bit into her thighs. “Anthony!” she gasped. “It’s too much!”

  “You’ll learn. Here.” He led her to a bench near the side of the p
ath. She sank heavily, breathing hard. He sat next to her. The device started to pulse. Her eyes closed. Cool air caressed her breasts. Anthony ran his fingers lightly through her hair. She felt him lean in close to kiss her cheek. Turbulent, complex feelings twisted through her. She felt vulnerable, exposed, defenseless, and shockingly, burningly excited. Every tiny sensation sent thrills through her; she felt as if her skin were glowing, alive with energy. His lips traced her earlobe. His hand stroked the back of her neck lightly. She arched her back, legs spread wide, and moaned.

  The vibrator switched off.

  For a moment, her body held on to the memory of it. When the feeling faded, she opened her eyes. “Oh, god,” she sighed.

  “Yes. I know. By the time your training is finished, this is the how you will always feel. Isn’t it wonderful?” He stood. “But now it’s time to go home. It’s getting late.” His hand dipped into his pocket and came back with the leash. “Here. Put this on.”

  Shock and outrage flared up in her. “Anthony! No!”

  He shrugged. “You know, seeing how you’re down to only one button, you probably shouldn’t have said that.” He pulled out the scissors. Before she could move away, his hand darted out and seized the edge of her shirt. The last button arced through the air.

  “No!” she cried.

  “Put on the leash.”

  She fought back tears. “Anthony! No! I don’t want to! You’re embarrassing me!”

  “There’s still one more button I can cut off, you know. On your skirt. If I take that button, your skirt will fall off, and you’ll have to walk through the park without it. Is that what you want?”

  “Please! Anthony, you wouldn’t!”

  His lips curled into a smile. “Are you sure about that? There’s an easy way to find out. I wonder, what would people think if they saw you walking by with that metal strap locked ’round your waist? Would they think I need to lock you up just to keep you from having sex with everyone you see?”


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