A Hunted Darkness

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A Hunted Darkness Page 4

by Zenina Masters

  She looked up, and his dark gaze was fixed on her face, watching her expressions as he slid two digits within her, slick with her honey. Ceezee closed her eyes tightly, unable to watch him watching her.

  His strokes inside her took him deeper until he hit the barrier that was her mark of purity. He retreated and crooked his fingers slightly, sliding along her forward wall until he moved over something that caught his attention.

  Deven pumped his fingers rapidly over that spot until Ceezee felt a building pressure inside her. A harsh noise broke from her throat, a low moan and a gasp combined in one. Her body locked, terrified to move, the pleasure cascaded through her and didn’t cease until he removed his hand.

  She heard rustling and peeked through her lashes to watch him disrobe.

  The Asku were known for their tattoos, but from his pecs down to his belly, he was clear of any markings. The rest of his arms, legs and neck wore what she imagined were his family line as well as his battle history.

  Scars crossed a few marks and tattoos covered others. He had spent his time in battle, that much was certain.

  Her vision skipped over his groin until he reached toward the healing gel and slicked the shaft in his hand from base to tip in a slow motion.

  Unable to control her instinct, she licked her lower lip nervously, and that small gesture caught his attention.

  Deven lunged at her, pinning her to the bed, her arms above her head and her breasts pressed against his chest. The wide head of his cock worked into her sex, and she held her breath as he gained inch by inch until his entry was halted.

  “Look at me, Ceezahli.” He nuzzled her neck and licked her earlobe, surprising her with a sharp nip.

  She opened her eyes and met his gaze as the pressure built to pain inside her.

  “You are mine, Ceezahli.” He thrust forward sharply, and her cry of surprise was taken into his mouth in an intense kiss.

  To her surprise, his mouth was the only part of him that moved. He held still, his cock throbbing occasionally but immobile.

  She felt the coolness of the gel he had slathered himself in, and as she returned his kiss, her body throbbed and clasped the shaft inside it with a slow flutter.

  When it happened again, Ceezee lifted one leg to drape around his hips, opening her wide. The third inner caress caused her to shift her weight to slide back and forth on the invading cock.

  His mouth teased, coaxed, and his teeth nibbled at her lower lip as she worked herself on him.

  Sweat slicked between their bodies as she rocked and twisted, seeking the sensation he had driven her to earlier.

  He moved a hand between them and caressed part of her that he had ignored until that point.

  Ceezee bucked against his hand and impaled herself to the hilt. A high-pitched cry came from her throat that increased in tempo and volume with every thrust of her hips.

  When the coil of tension snapped, she shrieked and clutched at him with her free hand, riding out the palpitations and the waves of energy that her body was experiencing.

  As she slowed and slumped into the bedding, looking up at him with dazed eyes, she noted that his face had a ferocious tension on it.

  “Now that ladies first has been observed…” He didn’t finish his sentence, but his hips shifted and his cock slid deeper inside her.

  She whimpered and clutched at him, holding tight as he moved inside her. It was similar but completely foreign to what she had done, the speed and force of his thrusts was beyond what she had managed.

  Her hands caressed his skin, the tight muscles of his back flexed with every shift of his hips. She cupped his buttocks, ran her nails up his spine and locked her ankles behind his back.

  Her own pleasure was climbing again, but her astonishment at watching this warrior above her was taking precedence. When he threw his head back and cried out, his hips tight against hers, she held him while he shook and welcomed him back into her embrace when he collapsed.

  Ceezee idly stroked his hair, smiling into the room at large. As a first experience went, it had been one for the books.

  Chapter Nine

  Ceezee wanted to pout when Deven moved off her and got to his feet. He reached to the bedside table and removed a cloth from the medical tray, slicked it in more gel, and then, he held her thighs apart while he thrust his cloth-covered fingers into her.

  She went from thrilled to humiliated in a second. She reached up and pulled a pillow down to cover her face, and she heard him snort.

  There was a clattering of the medical supplies, and he pulled the pillow from her face. “Don’t be silly, Ceezee.”

  “What was that about?”

  “Virginity leaves some blood and pain. I removed the one and applied the gel to take care of the latter.” He nodded and held out his hand.

  She groaned when she tried to move. Her body was stiff, her thighs didn’t want to press together and her lower back ached. “What the hell?”

  He laughed out loud. “Come with me.”

  She wobbled, but each step loosened some of the tight muscles. “No one warned me about that.”

  “It is an Asku peculiarity. Most races don’t couple for hours the first time. It is a little cruel to the woman, but I promise I will make up for it.”

  Deven walked her into the lav, and he tapped a code on the wall, causing a segment of flooring to slide away leaving a tub large enough for two filling with water.

  He helped her into the tub and then joined her. He settled her against him with a happy sigh.

  “What do you mean hours?”

  “We were together for approximately two hours just then. My body will now only respond to yours and yours to mine.” He lifted her hand with his and admired her small hands before pressing a kiss to the back.

  Ceezee turned and looked him in the eyes. “What?”

  “You are now my bondmate. I was going to run it past you, but with your little escape attempt, I was having difficulty reining in my temper.”

  She looked down at his neck and traced the marks there. “I apologize, but I was attempting to leave before anything too permanent occurred.”

  “And in doing so, you ensured it.” He lifted heavy, wet tresses of her hair and put them behind her shoulders. “Your breasts are quite lovely.”

  She blushed, “I usually strap them down, they get in the way.”

  He cupped them in his palms and lifted the globes gently. “Pity. You will not do any such thing from now on. You will be dressed as a lady of the Asku and behave accordingly.”

  Deven leaned down and took her nipple in his mouth, suckling lightly.

  Air escaped her lungs in a rush. She gripped his hair and held him tightly to her. When he moved to the other breast, her first one ached, so she cupped it in her own palm, rolling her nipple between her fingers.

  His midnight gaze flicked to hers, and she saw more of that dark heat. Her darkness flared inside her, and she tried to hold it back, but as he bit lightly, pulling at her nipple with his teeth, it flared around them both, cloaking them in darkness.

  She felt him pause before he continued, feeling his way around her body in the dark that she commanded.

  His hands cupped her buttocks and his fingertips slipped between, teasing the small opening that she had never considered as particularly sensitive. A gentle fingertip that coasted around her rear entrance proved her wrong.

  Her hips reacted in reflex, pushing back toward that fingertip while holding her torso as still as possible so that his teeth would not flick from pleasure to pain.

  Deven released her and licked his tongue between her breasts, dragging it to the sensitive undersides where suction caused a shivering flinch. The finger making its slow entrance slipped past the restriction and worked its way inside.

  Under cover of darkness, Ceezee let out a low moan when his finger started to move and Deven’s mouth sucked hard at every inch of her exposed breasts. The water sloshed as she rocked against him until the pleasure broke over her, and
she gasped in his grasp. Tears fell from her eyes as she tried to get her composure back. The water lapped against her sore breasts, and her rosebud throbbed now that his finger was no longer engaged in its intimate massage.

  She pulled the darkness back into her, but it was difficult. She wanted so badly to be unseen but hiding from Deven was not a good idea. Somehow, he would find her.

  Exhausted but curious, she asked. “How did you find me? I wasn’t wearing anything that you could track through the air systems.”

  Deven lifted her chin and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I thought you might run, so you were implanted with a tracker. Don’t bother looking for it. You won’t find it.”

  She took a personal inventory, but all of her limbs ached, and she couldn’t locate anything that felt like an implant.

  “How did you track me?”

  “My hand heats up if you are up to no good. The hotter it gets, the further you have gotten.”

  She leaned back in surprise. “How is that a good idea? What if you have to go into battle?”

  Deven sighed and hitched his arms around her waist. “You are coming with me.”

  “I am a thief, not a warrior.”

  “You are my wife, and I will always put your health and well being first.” His earnest expression made her smile.

  She caressed his cheek and leaned in to kiss him, but a knock on the door to the lav got their attention.

  “War Leader, it is time for your mark.”

  Deven sighed, put her to one side and stood. “I will be back in an hour. Use the hot water to work the stiffness out of your muscles.”

  He wrapped a towel loosely around his hips and left the room.

  Curiosity was not something that Ceezee dealt well with. She slipped from the water, winced at the marks that were rising on her breasts and tucked a towel around her before peeping out into the main room.

  Deven was seated at his desk but turned to face the bed. A strange crewman was sitting on a small stool near him and leaning in to apply something to his chest.

  Deven had all the lights on in the room. While it cast a lot of brightness, it offered her a lot of shadow. She called the darkness and slipped into a corner where she could watch the stranger mark Deven.

  A design appeared under some kind of needle or stylus, marking a dark design over his heart. He and the stranger talked quietly while the design was placed, but after that, all was silence.

  It took close to an hour for the stranger to finish, but when he was done, Deven clapped him on the arm and wished him a good night.

  The moment that the door was closed, Deven stretched, touched his chest and looked directly at her hiding place. “Come out, Ceezahli. It is time for bed.”

  She sighed and got to her feet, letting the darkness recede. “You knew I was there the whole time?”

  “Since you snuck out of the lav. I told you, when you are doing something you are not supposed to do, I feel it.” He removed his towel and dropped it at the base of the bed.

  She moved her aching body and stood next to him, looking at the marks. “What are…that’s my name!”

  In High Goiin, her name was marked clearly in the glyph for tears and fire. It was next to another graceful mark that was also a new addition. If he wore an open vest, her name would be displayed in both languages—his and hers.

  He caught her hands before she touched him. “Don’t touch the marks unless you want it to end with me inside you. Your name is now my greatest erogenous zone. Even touching the head of my cock doesn’t feel like your hand on the marks.”

  She curled her hands into fists before she tried to test that theory. She was tired, and a good night’s sleep was calling to her.

  He folded back the sheets and she was stunned to realize that all traces of their previous coupling were gone.

  “We are very attentive to the sensibilities of virgins. Many find the remains of blood distressing, so a housekeeping crew was called while we were in the bath.” He grinned and helped her into the bed, cuddling next to her, pulling her against him, her back to his chest.

  Lying down, he still dwarfed her. She hoped he had good balance, because if he rolled over on her in the night, they may never find her. She smiled at her little joke, and her breathing synched with his.

  It was not the bonding day that most wives dreamed of, but somehow, it felt just right.

  Chapter Ten

  “Asku wives dress in ball gowns during the day?” She raised her eyebrow at him, and he grinned.

  “We are in transit to Leffuo to meet with one of my brothers. You will be able to obtain more practical clothing there.” He was in his uniform and getting ready for his day of negotiation with the Wendial.

  Ceezee had been surprised to learn that they were still in orbit, but with the Hallothians in full retreat, the Wendial were once again ready to meet their neighbours.

  She swished her full skirts in a deep crimson colour and had to admit to a certain amount of enjoyment. The bodice was tight and her breasts were perched at an unlikely angle, but Deven seemed happy with it, and she was delighted with the full skirt, so compromise was achieved.

  The slippers were a matching crimson and let her walk silently. The bracelet of bells that Deven had attached to her marred the silent footfalls.

  “For the safety of the crew,” was all that he would say about it.

  “Are you ready?” Deven smoothed his shirt into even lines, and she bit her lip at the exposed tattoos on his chest. Half her name was visible in each language.

  “I am. Have you considered how unpopular having High Goiin marks on you is going to make you in certain circles?” She took the arm he offered, and they walked out of their quarters and down the hall.

  “I don’t care. The Asku are equipped to take on all comers. No one judges the women we take as wives. Any children we have will be Asku of the Velu clan. They will have the entire home world as well as a plethora of warships behind them.”

  Stunned, Ceezee realised that their activities of the previous evening may have already born fruit. She had never thought of herself as a mother, let alone the parent to a child of the Asku.

  She continued to be lost in thought until they reached the huge boardroom. Delegates from Wendial were waiting for them, and they bowed deeply as they were introduced to her.

  “This is my wife, Ceezahli Velu. Lady of the Asku.” Deven kept her at his side as they met each of the delegates.

  She held out her hand, and each of the men greeted her warmly, complimenting her on her Wendial gown.

  Ceezee twisted her lips into a polite smile and allowed each of the men to kiss her hand. The urge to remove their rings and timepieces was overwhelming, but she was quite sure that Deven would not approve.

  Deven sat at the head of the table, and she was seated by his right hand. Once they were seated, a meal was served and political discussions were underway.

  Ceezee ate little, the bodice of her gown would not allow for more. She fought the urge to balance a cup and saucer on her cleavage, thinking that it would not be appropriate for her to engage in that kind of personal amusement.

  Once she was done being bored, she began to listen in on the conversation. The discussion seemed to have turned to the Wendial paying for an Asku contingent to act as guards and escorts for all visiting dignitaries.

  Deven was nodding and seemed to have an ear toward agreement. “I understand your stance on this matter and agree that you need more protection than your ground-to-air weapons and global shield can offer. You need more security, and the Asku can provide it.”

  The dignitaries perked up, “You are serious?”

  He nodded. “The Hallothians are untrustworthy, and while we could not retrieve your crystals from them, we can keep any unwanted persons at bay if there are any other attempts on your power source.”

  The dignitaries smiled, but one sobered quickly. “How can simple security help? There were guards on duty. They were all killed during the theft.”

  Deven lifted Ceezee’s hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to her fingers. “My wife is a security specialist. She will be able to devise a theft-proof system for you.”

  The head negotiator perked up, “That is wonderful news. Have you had any luck finding the person who returned our crystals to us?”

  The dignitaries were all staring at her with smug grins, and she turned to glare at her new husband. “Yes, dear heart. Have you found the person who dropped off the crystals?”

  Deven smiled, “Ah, yes. That. I am afraid that I had to explain to the Wendial why I was so adamant about picking you out of that tree and taking you back to the Burning Night. They wanted to reward you, put up a statue in your honour and make you a folk hero.”

  “You are kidding.”

  The dignitaries shook their heads. “No, madam, you did what even the Asku could not. You brought us light and protection and asked nothing in return. That is a true hero. We wish to honour your bravery.”

  “No. No. No. No.” She stood and started to walk out, but Deven caught her in his arms.

  “My wife is rather shy about her skills, so I will negotiate with her about what will be acceptable.” In front of the Wendial contingent, he pressed kisses to her bare neck, and she shivered.

  The men in the room went from looking uncomfortable to enthralled as Deven pressed his mouth firmly against her neck, sucking and licking until he ceased and left her with a soft kiss.

  Knowing that he had left a mark, she flipped her hair over that shoulder and covered her neck, but the signs of arousal would be intense on her features, she was certain.

  “Stop being so persistent, Deven.” Her words were a low whisper. She elbowed him on the ribs, stepped on his instep, turned and brought her knee up to catch him in the jaw.

  He flipped backward, and she turned to run, but she was no sooner out the door than two guards barred her path.

  Deven came out and wrapped her in his arms, lifting her off her feet with ease. “Gentlemen, I will contact you tomorrow to hammer out the details.” He jerked her slightly. “All the details.”


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