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Dane Page 11

by Faith Gibson

  “Say what?”

  “You said you want to show me how much you appreciate me, and I need my phone.”

  “You heard that?” She had said she could hear his thoughts, but he hadn’t even been directing them at her. He was going to have to be careful around her when he was thinking about a case or something bad that happened at work.

  “I heard you loud and clear, Chief. I guess you need to work on blocking me or something. I sure don’t want to know what’s on your mind twenty-four seven.”

  “You don’t?”

  “Nope. There has to be a little mystery, or else shit’ll get boring. Now, about that phone.”

  “Yours is in your purse upstairs. I powered it off when you were in the hospital so the battery wouldn’t die. If you’ll watch the pancakes, I’ll go get it.”

  When Dane came back with her purse, she thanked him and pulled the phone out, powered it on, and set it down on the table. She then went around the kitchen opening each cabinet door. “I guess Cammie put the dishes up. They’re arranged just like ours were.”

  “You can rearrange things any way you want. I figure we’ll both be cooking, but I’m not picky.”

  “Right. And I’m not a slob, either,” she smarted off. “Honestly, I don’t care where anything is except the beer and you. Not necessarily in that order.”

  Dane shook his head at his wacky mate. He was picky, but he figured if Marley wanted things a certain way, he could deal with it. Her happiness came before his obsessive tendencies.

  Dane heard his father’s car coming down the driveway. “Dad’s here,” he said.

  “Oh, good!” Marley took off for the front door and threw it open before Jonas could park. “Uh, Chief? Those people aren’t your parents.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Then who is it?” Dane asked from the kitchen. Marley continued to stare at the gorgeous couple who had to be Dane’s siblings. Whoever it was, they were waving like they hadn’t see Dane in months.

  “Baby, those are my parents. They aren’t wearing their prosthetics,” he said from right behind her.

  “Their who?”

  “Prosthetics. The masks they wear in public so no one will recognize who they are. Do you think my father could show up with that face and be in charge of the hospital?”

  “No, I guess not.” The young versions of Caroline and Jonas made their way to the door, and Jonas took Marley’s hands in his.

  “You’re looking well, my dear. I take it my son has been taking good care of you?”

  “He sure has. Please, come in.” Marley stepped back so Dane’s parents could come inside. “And please, don’t mind my staring. I’m trying to wrap my head around how y’all look. And Dane’s making pancakes. Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, water, juice perhaps?” Marley knew she was rambling, but she couldn’t help it. Seeing the real faces of her in-laws to be was a little daunting. No, it was a hellofalot daunting.

  Dane laughed and asked, “Do you need your order pad?”

  “I can keep more than one order straight, right up here,” she said, tapping her temple and winking.

  Once everyone was inside and Marley was on her way to the kitchen, Caroline asked, “You want help, Son?”

  “Absolutely. Your pancakes are better than mine.”

  “It’s because I make them with love,” she quipped.

  Dane handed the spatula over while Marley poured them both a cup of coffee. After finding out how they took their java, she added the right amount of cream and sugar to both. “I can’t believe how young you both look. I know I’m rambling, and tell me to hush if it gets to be too much, but I’m still getting all this Gargoyle stuff straight. Caroline, you’re human, correct?”

  “I sure am. And before you want to ask and don’t because it’s rude, I’m two hundred twenty-seven.”

  “Get out. Really? But you look younger than Isabelle, and she’s your daughter. Does that not freak her out?”

  Caroline smiled, but it was sad. “We’ve only recently reunited. She and I are working out some differences, but I’m sure it does freak her out, as you put it.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up a sore subject,” Marley said. She was afraid to ask any more questions. She had so much to learn about her new family, and she wanted it to be happy times.

  “Don’t you worry about me. Jonas and I have lots to make up for, but we’re working on it. Now, tell me how you’re feeling.” Jonas stepped closer to Caroline and put his hand on her shoulder. She turned his way, and the look she gave him said it all. After all this time, their bond was still as strong as Marley’s and Dane’s was now. Their love was tangible, and she knew Jonas was doing his job in making his mate feel better with just a touch.

  Dane wrapped his arms around Marley’s waist and placed his chin on her shoulder. Secure in her lover’s arms, she told Caroline the truth. “I feel great. The pain in my head is gone, and I got my memories back.”

  “You did?” Jonas asked, looking at Dane instead of Marley.

  “I did, and Dad, I’m okay. Dane had already told me as much of what happened as he knew, so when the memories came back, they weren’t that big of a shock. I’m not going to say being kidnapped by two Gargoyles who were taking me to their boss wasn’t scary as all get out, but—”

  “Their boss? You didn’t mention anything about that earlier,” Dane interrupted.

  “I just now thought about it. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry, Sweetness. But I do need to know exactly what they said.” Dane kissed her to let her know he wasn’t mad.

  “One of them said, ‘Yeah, Boss. We got her,’ or something like that. I was getting ready to jump out of a moving vehicle, so I might not have heard it exact.”

  “Shit, I wonder now if they hadn’t planned on the Unholy being downtown.”

  “What do you mean?” Jonas asked.

  “These Gargoyles are on Kallisto’s payroll. At least they were before she was brought back to the Pen. What if their goal all along was to continue Alistair’s plot against the Clan? If that’s the case, going after Marley would make sense.”

  “You don’t think it’s possibly a coincidence?” Caroline asked.

  “There are no such things,” Dane and Jonas said at the same time.

  Jonas shook his head. “Everything that happens has a reason, Sweetheart. I’m a scientist, and I will always find an explanation for everything. Except cancer. That poison is still kicking my ass.”

  Marley wanted to reach out and grab his hand, but he felt a lot less like a dad now that he wasn’t wearing a mask. She had to admit, Jonas was hot. But then Caroline was a beauty as well. They could make any of the current actors or models look twice.

  “I need to call Frey,” Dane said. “I’ll be right back.” He kissed Marley on the temple before leaving the room. Marley got the plates out of the cabinet and found the pancake syrup in the pantry. She set the table while waiting on Dane to finish his call. Jonas excused himself to look around the house, and Marley took the opportunity to talk to Caroline.

  “Can I ask you something personal?”

  “Of course. We’re family now.”

  “Was Isabelle mad about you putting her up for adoption? I mean, Dane seems okay with it. He said you put some of your kids up to keep them safe.”

  “Isabelle’s story is different. I didn’t put her up for adoption, but I did leave her with Jonas to raise while I hid out. She was getting to the age where she would ask questions about why I looked so young, and we couldn’t tell her the truth. She got to be too much for Jonas to handle, so he sent her to live with some friends of ours. Long story short, she didn’t see me again until Dane transitioned last year. She came with Tessa to where I was helping Dane through his changes. To say she was shocked is an understatement. There’s a lot more to the story, but suffice it to say, Izzy is still coming to terms with feeling abandoned.”

  “Do you regret putting your children up for adoption?”
  “Yes and no. At the time, I did what I thought was best for them. For their safety, but it tore my heart out every time I handed one of them over for someone else to love. If I had to do it over again, I would. They came first, and that’s the only thing that lets me sleep at night, knowing I gave them the best chance at a good life.”

  “Thank you for sharing that with me.”

  “Marley, don’t regret giving Grace up. You did what was right for her at the time. You still have her in your life, and she’s a happy, healthy girl. But also don’t deny another child that love.”

  Marley nodded, and Jonas and Dane returned at the same time. If they wanted to, they could have eavesdropped with their shifter hearing, but Marley had nothing to hide from either one of them. “Grab a plate, fellas. Let’s eat.”

  Breakfast was filled with laughter and love, something Marley had never really had. Her parents loved each other in their own way, but her father was never one to joke around, especially at his own expense. Jonas Montague, with all his genius, was down to earth, and he made Marley feel special, even though she wasn’t. There was nothing that set Marley apart from women her age other than her fiancé. After the dishes were washed, Dane announced that several of the Clan had texted, asking if they could stop by. It made Marley sad that Caroline felt she needed to leave because Isabelle was on her way.

  “Please come back any time,” Marley whispered to the woman when she was hugging her bye.

  “Thank you, Marley. Take care of my boy.”

  “I sure will,” she promised.

  Dane ran upstairs to take a quick shower, and Marley stepped out onto the back deck. She hadn’t gotten a look around outside when Dane brought her home. She stood in wonder at their private haven. Their home was surrounded by trees, but the back yard was large. Marley could envision children there, but not too soon. She wanted time to get to know Dane and enjoy being a couple before they thought about having kids. If they were going to live hundreds of years, they had plenty of time before they needed to start on a family.

  Cars and motorcycles rolled down the driveway, and soon, their home was filled with Dane’s family and Clan. Most of them she had seen at either the diner or the gym, and every one of them treated her like family. While the males grilled steaks and drank beer, Trevor and several of the women sat around the living room with Marley and told her their stories. Trevor explained that with each new mate who came along, this had become a ritual. Sharing how each one came to be mated to their Goyle, and what they endured to get there. None of their stories were pretty, and Marley didn’t feel quite so anxious at having been abducted. The others had endured a lot more than she had.

  The only low point of the day, if it could be considered as such, was when the males were talking about the Unholy and the three Greek Gargoyles who attempted to take Marley. She was surprised they didn’t leave their mates alone to talk about business. They spoke openly and honestly about what they knew about the rogues, what they were doing to find them, and how they were going to take down the Unholy. The mates asked questions, and the Goyles answered without treating their mates like their opinions didn’t matter. Tessa had even gone with the Clan to Greece when they went up against the Greek King, which surprised Marley at first, until she heard more about the fiery redhead and what a badass she was.

  Marley couldn’t remember a day spent with her own family filled with as much love, compassion, passion, and laughter. The bond each couple shared was evident in the way they touched. When they weren’t next to their mate, their eyes found each other from across the room, and those looks were as tangible as if they were skin to skin. She knew this, because she had it with Dane.

  Connor had been quiet most of the day, sitting at the dining room table drawing. Marley had gone over to speak to the boy, but he flipped the paper over so she couldn’t see it. “It’s not finished,” he explained. When he finally rose from the table, he brought the picture to where Dane was sitting on a bar stool, and Marley was standing between his legs with her back to his chest. It was her second favorite place to be. When Connor presented Marley with his gift, the room got deathly quiet. Marley looked around and all eyes were on her and the boy.

  “What is it, Sweetness?” Dane prodded.

  Marley held up the paper. She couldn’t believe someone as young as Connor had drawn the picture in her hand. She wasn’t up on her artists, but she had no doubt something of this caliber could be hanging in a gallery. “Is that…” Marley ran her fingers over the face of the young girl. In the picture, Dane was cradling a baby in one arm and had his other arm around Marley’s waist. On the other side of Marley was Grace. Not the way she looked then, but how she would look as a young teen. It did Marley’s heart good to know Grace would always be in her life. “Connor, this is amazing. Thank you so much.”

  The young boy fisted his heart and bowed his head. Following his lead, all the Gargoyles present stood and pledged their oath to her as well. Her eyes filled with tears, and Dane hugged her tighter. Marley passed the drawing around, and while the others were looking at what they said was a premonition, Marley said, “I want to frame that and hang it above the mantel.”

  “Perfect idea. I guess now we know you eventually want a baby with me.”

  Marley turned in his arms. “I do want a baby with you. I want everything with you, Chief.”

  “Anything you want, Sweetness. Anything at all.”

  “And what do you want?”

  “I already have what I want. You are my everything.”


  New Atlanta


  “Chief, we have a problem!” Marley yelled from downstairs even though he could hear her just fine without the added volume. The yelling was because her water just broke. Luckily she’d been standing in the kitchen and not sitting on the sofa.

  “What’s wrong, Sweetness?” he yelled back.

  “It’s time!” she told him before waddling to the laundry room to find some dry clothes. Dane never fussed when she failed to take the clean clothes upstairs, and this was one time she was glad she’d been lazy.

  Heavy feet thudded on the stairs as her husband ran down them, her hospital bag in his hand. He skidded to a stop at the door in his socks, his hair wet from the shower he just took. He stared at his naked mate. “Uh, Marley, if you don’t put some clothes on, I’m going to get you pregnant all over again.”

  “If I didn’t feel like your daughter was about to slide out of my hoo-ha, I’d let you. Now find your boots so we can get this show on the road.” Marley pulled on fresh panties along with a slip-over dress. She opted for comfort since she was headed to the hospital to give birth. Dane shoved his feet into his boots and helped Marley down the couple of steps into the garage. They had bought a nice crossover SUV for Marley to drive, and after Dane tossed her bag in the backseat, he helped her into the passenger seat. When they were under way, he pressed the button on the steering wheel to call Lucinda.

  “Hello?” Grace answered.

  “Hey, Princess. Tell Grandma and Grandpa we’re on our way to the hospital.”

  “I knew I should have stayed home!” their daughter fussed.

  Things for Marley and Dane had been better than Marley could have ever hoped, until one evening when they got a call from her mother. Lynette and Chase had been out celebrating their anniversary when they were struck and killed by a semi. The driver had fallen asleep and crossed the median. Grace had been spending the night with Lucinda and Merrill, or she would have been lost to them as well. Lynette and Chase both had wills, and guardianship over Grace had gone to Marley.

  Marley’s parents were beside themselves with grief, as was Marley, but her parents both agreed it was best for Grace to live with Marley and Dane. Merrill had mellowed over the years, and he even apologized to his daughter for being such an ass to her when she was younger. Things between him and Dane were better, but Dane never wanted Marley alone with her dad. He was protective of both his girls. The
two of them adopted Grace, giving her Dane’s last name, and when she turned thirteen, Marley told her the truth of her birth. Grace took it in stride like she did most things in life. Dane had put their girl in therapy when her parents were killed, but after a few sessions, the psychiatrist said Grace was well-adjusted would be fine with them to love her.

  “Don’t worry. You’ve got plenty of tiiime!!!!” Marley shouted as a contraction hit. “Dammit, Chief, drive faster. I need drugs!” Marley was not one of those women who insisted on doing things the natural way. The sooner she got an epidural, the better.

  “Mom, you better not have my baby sister before we get there! Gran, we gotta go, like now!” Grace yelled to Marley before turning her attention to her grandmother. “I’m gonna hang up now, but if you start having this kid, you better call me back so I can at least be there by phone!” Grace disconnected without saying goodbye, and Dane laughed. He had fallen in love with Grace the minute he met her, and their bond had only grown since.

  “She is definitely your child,” he said. Dane held out his hand, and Marley grabbed onto it, squeezing. Marley’s contractions were getting closer together, and she prayed her parents were able to get to the hospital with Grace before she gave birth. The teen was more excited about the baby than Marley or Dane, and that was saying a lot. Dane was ridiculous when he found out she was pregnant. Within a week, he had turned one of the spare bedrooms into a nursery, and the baby already had more stuffed animals than a circus midway.

  After Dane talked to Grace, he made one phone call to Trevor, and they both knew the rest of the Clan would be notified within minutes. Over the last few years, Marley had become close with all the mates. Their children were cousins, whether they were blood-related or not. Connor had taken Grace under his wing, and he helped her with her homework when she needed it. Somehow, Grace had gotten the smart gene from her biological father. Other than Grace, that was the only good thing that came from Marley dating Brandt.


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