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Calluna Page 8

by Jewels Arthur

  When Rhett grabs me and I wrap my legs around him, I feel the tip of his cock near my core, and I can barely hold myself together. Everything in me begs to slide down onto him. His eyes blaze in a way that shows his mind is in the same place. Instead, he presses one of the most passionate kisses to my lips, as my breasts press hard into his chest, and my nipples pebble from our connection. His tongue explores my lips, then delves into my mouth when I open it, allowing him to gain entry. I unconsciously squirm in his arms, my slick core dragging against his tip, making us both groan into the kiss. Damian swims over, drawing our gazes to him, and he kisses me sweetly. His kiss is in direct contrast to Rhett’s rough kiss. These two men are yin and yang, night and day.

  When Damian breaks our kiss, Rhett removes one of his hands from my ass and grabs the back of Damian’s neck roughly, pulling him in for a kiss that destroys me. They kiss each other roughly, growls rumbling in their chests as they make love to each other’s mouths. Rhett’s cock twitches below me, and I find myself more turned on than I’ve ever been in my life. I’ve always enjoyed male on male porn, loved watching the roughness and the men bringing each other to orgasm. Something is just unbelievably sexy about muscle on muscle wrapped around each other. This…well, this is like my own personal porn viewing, and some of the sexiest I’ve ever seen. How could I be jealous of their relationship when I get to be a part of it? How could I be jealous of something that can be both beautiful and mind-blowingly hot as fuck at the same time?

  I can’t.

  There’s not one part of me that doesn’t want this with my entire being. I want them together, and I want them with me. I want to integrate myself into this love and passion that they already share with each other. I want to become part of that love and passion too.

  I want them more than I’ve ever wanted anything before.


  When we finally pull ourselves out of the water, the muscles in my legs and stomach are burning. I can’t remember the last time I swam an entire day. The sun has long since set, and the sounds of nightlife echo in the forest. Damian and Rhett both respectfully turn as I get dressed, giving me privacy that I really no longer need. A good deal of our swimming adventure involved my pussy being pressed against either Damian or Rhett’s waists, but neither made a move to further a connection. Light touches here and there were all I got, and I’m starting to feel a little sexually frustrated. If they were just guys that I’d met at Vee, I would have fucked them both already, but this mate connection has seemingly slowed everything down. Ironic, huh? It’s like this shit is too important to fuck up. I mean, if it’s so destined, then fucking shouldn’t screw anything up. Right?

  “You seem to be thinking awfully hard. If you keep biting that lip any harder, you’re going to bite it off,” Rhett says as he lifts his hand to pull my lip from between my teeth. He drags his thumb along my sore bottom lip, then presses a tender kiss on it.

  I lift my arms up and pull my wet hair into a bun on the top of my head, knowing that it’s going to be a tangled mess later. My tongue drags across my lips, tasting him there and wanting more. “Maybe we go back to your place?” I say, feeling brave.

  “Maybe we take you back to your shop before Lars has a breakdown?” Damian cuts in, eyeing Rhett warningly.

  “Well, you’re no fun,” Rhett grumbles, and I grumble my agreement.

  “Tomorrow, mi Luna,” Damian says, dragging his thumb against my lips. “Tomorrow, we can take this further.”

  “Why tomorrow? What’s so special about tomorrow?” I whine, and then let my tongue slip between my lips to touch his thumb, causing him to tighten his grip on my lip.

  “Tomorrow is a new day. Another day that we can spend getting to know you better.”

  I eye Damian in slight annoyance but concede, nodding my head in agreement. “So, who is going to give me a ride home?” I ask, my smile coming back to my lips.

  “That would be me,” Rhett explains, smiling at Damian. “You got her last time.”

  Damian nods, kissing me before walking with me over to the bikes. Shit, I can’t get enough of their kisses. I’ve never had the urge to just make out with someone for hours on end—at least, not since high school—but these men bring out that urge in me.

  Rhett starts up his bike, and I throw my leg around the back, scooching up behind him. I have to say that the vibrations do wonderful things to my clit, wonderful things that I will have to work out on my own, apparently. I wrap my arms tightly around Rhett’s abdomen, loving the feel of his hard muscles beneath my fingers. I flatten my palm against him to really get the feel, and his chest rumbles in response.

  “Damian and his fucking reasoning,” Rhett growls, causing me to giggle against his back. “Let’s do this thing, beautiful.” My breath comes out in fast bursts as we rush through the forest, Rhett taking things a lot faster than Damian did on the way out here. I was a bit nervous on the way there, worried about my weight on the bike with another person, but since neither of them seemed worried about it, it must be safe. We take each hill at such a fast speed that after hitting some of them, we fly through the air, causing my heart to jump into my throat as I scream out in excitement. This is fun as fuck, and I kind of want to try driving one myself. Next time.

  When we get out of the thick forest and into Rhett’s backyard, I expect him to stop and for us to walk the rest of the way to my shop. Instead, he just continues driving through his yard and onto the street in front of his house. He goes much faster than the speed limit, weaving in and out of cars, driving down the small side streets, and earning us some angry glares. The whole thing makes me feel like a teenager again, and I can’t help the squeals of excitement that leave my lips as we weave through traffic.

  I look behind us to see Damian following closely behind, shaking his head in disapproval but still with a smile on his lips. How did someone as wild as Rhett meet someone as calm and sensible as Damian? Is there a wilder side to Damian that I haven’t seen yet? That thought fills my chest with excitement at how many layers that man must consist of. I can’t wait to peel them all back.

  Rhett takes the long way to my apartment, adding a few miles onto our course, but I can’t find myself complaining. The wind in my wet hair, my arms tight around him, and the adrenaline have me feeling on top of the world. We pull onto Main Street, and I see the lights of Vee illuminating the street as people crowd outside. My eyes drift towards the entrance and see the man I was looking for, talking to Reg. The sound of the dirt bikes’ motors draws Landyn’s vision towards us, and he freezes, his eyes burning into mine. His whole body tightens, and it feels as if time has slowed as I stare back at him. The same yet slightly different feeling I felt last night with Damian and Rhett floods my system, and my grip tightens around Rhett’s waist.

  What the fuck?

  We continue to zoom by, and Landyn and Vee are now in the rearview mirror. Well, metaphorical rearview mirror, since I don’t actually see one on the bike. Shit, are we even supposed to be driving these things on the road? We fly by Jewels Cafe and down a few streets, ending up at Beastie Besties. The lights are still on, and I can see Lars inside on his phone. He looks up at the sound of the bikes and quirks an eyebrow at me. I get off the bike and feel my legs vibrating slightly as I step back onto the hard ground. Rhett kicks the bike into park, and Damian pulls up beside us, doing the same.

  “Is Lars going to be pissed?” Rhett asks, looking through the glass at the man in question.

  “Probably,” I reply uneasily. “I’ve really been a shitty boss lately. I need to hire someone else to help out in the store. Especially if I’m gonna keep being flighty as fuck.”

  “Do you plan to continue to be flighty as fuck?” Rhett asks with a wink.

  I grin at him playfully. “I’m sure, if you have anything to do with it.”

  “Damn straight.”

  “Rhett, you idiot. We aren’t supposed to drive these in town. We don’t even have fucking helmets on,” Damian growls, wal
king up to us.

  “Settle down, old man. Nobody saw.”

  Damian shakes his head. “Nobody saw? You did a fucking parade through town! Twenty or so people were standing outside of Vee alone.” He pulls me out of Rhett’s arms and into his own. “Today was amazing, mi Luna. Thank you for spending the day with us.”

  I lean into him, loving the warmth of him against my cold body. “I had a lot of fun, but I really do need to hire some people if there are going to be any repeats. I should have done it long ago. It’s been Lars and me for so long, I always thought we had everything handled.”

  “There are some teens that I counsel that may be interested in work. They can be a little rough around the edges, but would work hard.”

  “Fuck, that would be awesome. I couldn’t pay much more than minimum wage, but I could take on a few if you want to send over some resumes.” I immediately feel some relief at the thought of there being more help in the store potentially. Even something as simple as cleaning out cages and playing with the animals would be a huge weight off my shoulders.

  “Darling, they’re teens. Their resumes won’t be much more than their names and addresses,” Damian says with a laugh.

  “Right. Well, if you think they’d be good, send ’em over,” I reply with a shrug.

  “Will do,” he says, pressing his lips to mine again. This time, I take it a little further, pulling him closer to me and sliding my tongue against the seam of his lips until he opens them and allows me in. He growls quietly against my mouth, pushing his tongue against mine, tasting me and warring for control. When he pulls away, he bites my lip, pulling it with him as he goes.

  “Tomorrow?” I ask as my chest rises and falls with my fast breathing.

  “Tomorrow,” he rumbles, squeezing me closer to him. “See you then.”


  “Well, if it isn’t Ms. Hernandez herself, gracing us with her presence,” Lars drawls as I walk into the shop, looking behind me to watch the guys speed off.

  “I’m sorry, Lars, I fucking suck. Please forgive me,” I plead, then stick my bottom lip out.

  “Yes, you do fucking suck,” Lars replies, squinting his eyes at me in accusation. “What is happening with you lately?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask nervously. “I know I’ve been flakey. I feel so bad that I’ve ditched you so much lately. If it helps, Damian knows some teens that I can hire to help in the store.”

  “That will be a relief. But no, I’m talking about this.” He motions up and down my body, and I look down, unsure as to what he is referring to. “This new person. Just the other day, I was begging you to go out with me, to do something other than just sit in your apartment. After agreeing, begrudgingly, you fuck Landyn, then start hanging out with two very sexy men that seem to be in a relationship with each other. Add in one of them being stark naked when I showed up yesterday morning, and then you making out with the other out on the front stoop. You are asking me about mate connections and spending the day with these two. I gotta say, I’m not sure what the fuck is happening to you anymore.”

  “I took your advice, and I’m expanding my horizons,” I hedge, plastering on a fake smile. “You should be proud of me.”

  “I don’t know whether to be proud or worried. Do you really think it is wise to get involved with a gay couple? Do you think they are your mates? Because if not, I can only assume that will turn out horribly for you.”

  I stiffen at his words. “I’ll be just fine.”

  He looks at me disbelievingly, and it pisses me off beyond belief. “Sure, you will.”

  I turn on my heel and walk towards the door. “Everything is fine, Larson. Trust me. Can you lock up?”

  “Lock up? Where are you going now?” he asks me incredulously as I pull the door open and start stepping back into the night.

  “I need to go to Vee. I saw Landyn on my way over here, and I think I need to speak to him.”

  Lars’ jaw drops, and he looks at me like I have a horn sprouting out of my head. “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m fucking Calluna, new and improved. See you tomorrow.” I give him a wave before I let the door close and begin walking toward Vee, really wishing I had my own dirt bike right now.

  The night air is chilly, and part of my hair is still wet—that area near your hair tie that never dries completely, you know the place. I hold my arms together across my chest, not thinking about how I’ll look showing up in my comfy clothes to a nightclub. Especially when my goal is to talk to one of the bouncers that I fucked the other night, who just saw me drive by on the back of another man’s bike. Talk about a fucked-up situation.

  The walk takes less time than I thought it would, mostly because I’m speed walking and I feel like I’m being dragged by that stupid invisible magical string. Fucking magical strings everywhere, pulling me from dick to dick. It seems like a weird thing to complain about, but I swear I’m getting whiplash. Or maybe dicklash.

  As I get closer to Vee, I see that most of the people standing outside earlier are gone, the line has considerably shortened, and Reg is standing there with his fucking clipboard. What the fuck does he need a clipboard for?

  “Hey, Reg,” I grumble, ignoring the protests of the people in line that I walked around.

  “Well, if it isn’t the lovely Calluna. Nice to see you, again,” he says, emphasizing the last word knowingly. “Loverboy is inside.”

  “Loverboy?” I ask, quirking a brow at him. “If you want his cock, lemme know and I’ll back off. It’s a nice cock, but I can find another.”

  “Mmmm,” he hums, giving me another stupid smile. Damn, I’m grumpy. “It seems like you already found a couple others. But no, Landyn’s cock is not for me. Sadly.”

  “Can I go in?” I question him, already walking towards the door.

  “Of course, my lady. Your cock awaits,” he says with an exaggerated bow as he holds the door open for me.

  I give him a sassy nod of the head and raise my brows as I walk into Vee. Lights immediately flash into my eyes, and I squint them as I allow my gaze to move across the room. A Chance the Rapper song blasts from the speakers, and people are gyrating all over the dance floor, but I have eyes for only one man, and currently, he seems to be hiding. I weave between people, making a beeline to the bar where I see my favorite bartender serving drinks with a fumbling Sebastian. Dean sits on a barstool at the end of the bar, watching Rose with heated eyes.

  “Hi, Rose!” I yell, then lean over the bar so she can hear me but others can’t. “Have you seen Landyn?”

  “Yes, I saw him a while ago towards the back by the private rooms. Back for more?” she says with a grin and a knowing look in her eyes. Freaking Reggie and his big mouth.

  “Something like that. Thanks.” I smile at her, then walk away, nodding a greeting to Dean and Sebastian as I go.


  I felt her when she entered the room. Literally felt her in my fucking bones, and her scent instantly flooded my nostrils. What the fuck is she doing here? I immediately make my way to the back, deciding that this area will be my next walkthrough. I’m working tonight, and I can’t skive off again. Even if Vee has mostly returned to a safe place of business, I always try to stay vigilant. I care about this bar and the people in it, enough to not let my guard down. Even when a walking distraction in skintight leggings and a practically see-through white t-shirt walks in.

  Seeing her earlier tonight on the back of that dirt bike felt like a punch to the gut, and not in a jealous way. I mean, there was definite jealousy there, which is an oddity in itself. I do not get jealous. No, the punch to the gut was something else. Like an irrational need to grab her off the bike and plow into her, right there on the street. An urge to drop to my knees in front of her and beg her to accept me as hers. To let me worship the ground she walks on, to worship her body in every way possible. This is obviously a lot more than some good pussy.

  Mates, a little voice screams in my head. She is your mate. Take.
Claim. Mine.

  A growl escapes my lips as these thoughts spin in my brain. How in the fuck is someone who I just fucked a few nights ago my mate? Why didn’t the mate bond kick in then? I clench my hands together, stress overriding my emotions. I can’t have a mate. I don’t deserve one. I’m too fucked up.

  Too soaked in my own thoughts, I don’t notice she has found me until I turn to leave the room and our eyes connect. Fuck it. The words flash through my mind as my feet move of their own accord in a beeline towards Calluna. Our lips crash together so hard our teeth clack, our hands roughly grabbing at each other.

  “Room?” she asks, her voice breathy, and I nod as I grab her hand and pull her towards our room—the room we used last time. When we get inside, I slam the door shut and push her body against it roughly. My fingers graze over the handle, flicking the lock in place without skipping a beat. Her fingers grasp the bottom of my shirt and pull it off me in a rush, then she slams her lips back to mine once it is pulled over my head. I grab ahold of her leggings and underwear, pulling them both down at once and allowing her to kick them off. My fingers immediately find her core, and I rub through her slickness, growling in anticipation.

  “So, fucking wet for me,” I boast as I slide my fingers inside her, then remove them and stick them into my mouth. “Delicious.” Her eyes darken at my words, and I grit my teeth as I try to hold myself together. “Onto the bed.”

  She nods her compliance and scoots backward until the back of her legs hit the edge of the bed. She sits down, and I grab her shirt and pull it quickly over her head, then reach back to unclasp her bra. Her breasts bounce out of the red lace bra that was restraining them, and her dark pink nipples harden under my gaze. I lean forward and graze my teeth over the hard bud, rejoicing in her gasps. Moans of pleasure escape her lips as I lean her further down on the bed and crawl on top of her, all while swirling my tongue around her nipple. My fingers move back to her core, and I slip two inside of her, wrenching a loud moan from her lips.


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