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Calluna Page 10

by Jewels Arthur

  I peek around a curtain that blocks the back room and see two men standing over something black, their hands interlaced and their eyes closed as they mutter words. The other man is Falcar’s direct opposite, his hair midnight black to Falcar’s snow white and his skin golden in contrast to Falcar’s olive. From there, the men begin to exhibit similar features in their tallness and hard-muscled bodies. Their square jaws hold a harsh line that gives them a regal appearance. Their thin lips pause their movement as a soft gasp leaves my lips when my eyes zero in on the object in front of them. A raven lies on its back, its wings spread out and motionless—dead. Black smoke wafts from its beak, creating odd shapes above its lifeless form.

  Within seconds, the second man is in my face, staring me down with dove grey eyes. He spits foreign words at me, and I find myself pushed against the wall with a force I’ve never felt before. I squeak out a small noise, unable to speak.

  “Nelcar. Enough,” Falcar barks, and I crumple to the ground.

  “It’s you!” I growl, pulling my bag closer to me. “You’re the one torturing animals. You’re the one cursing them.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, little girl.” The one called Nelcar stares at me frostily. “Do not speak of what you know nothing about.”

  I turn to run from the room, my stomach knotted, when I’m frozen in place. “Release her, Nelcar. Let her go!” Falcar demands of him. “We cannot hold her here, brother.”

  Brother. Rage flashes through me as I think of how big a fool I am. Trusting, even if feebly, in an unknown man, feeling a bond over dark magic, believing his words that the distinction between light and dark magic was just an illusion. That my darkness didn’t mean badness. These men are the reason I embraced my darkness, the reason I turned to dark magic, and the reason that my soul has probably become tainted. My muscles relax as Nelcar releases his magic, and I rush out of the store, squinting in the brightness of the sun. I look around, unsure where to go. To the cops? Back to my store? What could I do against two men that have such power? A man that was able to stop me twice with his magic?

  “You shouldn’t be here,” a voice growls at me, and I jump in fear, swinging around and expecting to see one of the high elf brothers followed me out. Instead, I find myself face to face with a Herculean sized man with a scowl and large black wings. Feathered wings. “What is your name?”

  “Excuse me?” I squeak out, my mouth feeling dry. I can’t help but observe his broad shoulders and taut chest. Warmth pools in my stomach when our eyes meet, and I find myself being pulled towards him. I look up, my hands on his muscular chest as he glares down at me. “I’m Calluna.”

  “Mate,” he demands, searching my face as if angry with what he sees. “You cannot be my mate, there is darkness within you.”

  I freeze in his arms and look up at him as anger crashes through me. I shove him, releasing myself from his arms. He takes a threatening step towards me, and I thrust out my hands, black electricity shooting out of my fingertips and into his chest. Well, that’s new.

  “My mate will not be seen at a place such as this. Come, I will take you to my home,” he growls in a caveman-like manner. A switch in me flips, and I’m seething.

  “Not fucking happening!” I shake my head fast, anger flowing through me. The electricity I felt before buzzes in my fingertips. “No. This is too much.”

  “Don’t be hysterical. Come with me, now.”

  I point at him with every muscle tensed as the black electricity sparks from my pointed finger. “Let me get this straight. I have two fated mates that are fucking each other, one that’s so fucked in the head that he’s rejected me, and now you. A fallen angel that’s pissed that I may or may not be practicing black magic? Nope! Not today, Satan. Not today.”

  His upper lip twitches as his muscles shudder. “Satan? You misunderstand me.”

  “No, you misunderstand me. This is not the fucking day to be fucking with me.” I stomp my foot, irritated with myself for making such a childish move. I flick my fingers at him, my eyebrows raised. “Move along, Uriel.”

  “Uriel? That is not my name.” He looks at me questioningly, like I’m some kind of puzzle he can’t figure out. Like he truly believed that I would buy into the caveman trope and allow him to throw me over his shoulder and take me back to his cave.

  “I’m sorry, Raphael? Gabriel? Michael? You’ll have to forgive me, I’m not all that knowledgeable when it comes to religion. Now, if you’ll move aside, Judas, I have somewhere to be.” I push past him, deciding to make my way back to my shop. I need to wrap my head around all this. Too much fucking information.

  “Judas was not an angel, and you cannot leave. You are mine.”

  “Let’s get one thing straight, Castiel. I do whatever the fuck I want.” I watch as his jaw goes slack, and he cocks his head at me in curiosity.

  “I will accompany you then,” he states, walking beside me.

  “Fucking Maker,” I mutter while grinding my teeth.

  “It’s actually Elias.”

  I ignore him, walking quickly, but he keeps up all too easily. I look around and laugh to myself at the ridiculousness of this entire situation. If it weren’t for the wards of this town, then the women that are eyeballing him—due to him being shirtless—would be picking up their jaws from the ground at the sight of his wings. They’re huge, his feathers as inky black as the hair on his head. A light scruff of matching black hair covers a jaw chiseled enough to make the strongest woman weep. His tawny skin covers a body that’s ripped like a freaking god. I push into my store and find myself greeted by Lars, Damian, and Rhett’s curious gazes.

  “Oh great, you’re both here. These two lovebirds are Rhett and Damian. They seem to think that in addition to each other’s dick that I’m the bee’s knees. You guys, meet Gabriel, a fallen dick that can’t get up.”

  Rhett barks a laugh, and Damian smiles widely, causing his eyes to crinkle. “I’m sorry, a what now?” Rhett asks around strangled laughter.

  “It’s Elias. I’m an angel. She is mine,” Elias growls, and I roll my eyes at him. I’ve been on board for this whole mate thing so far. I found myself falling hard and fast for Rhett and Damian, as well as completely okay with their relationship and how I would fit into it. Then, I found myself in Landyn’s arms and began to experience feelings of more than just lust for him, before he decided to crush me. Now this? It’s getting to be a bit too much, so pardon me for feeling a bit manic.

  Rhett’s lips thin as he eyes Elias carefully. “Okay, caveman, settle down. She’s ours.”

  “This is so not what I meant by living a little, Cal,” Lars says edgily, looking around the room as if he’s enjoying the show. “You always did take things to the extremes though.”

  “Who are you? Another mate?” Elias growls, stepping closer to Lars and eyeing the bear shifter suspiciously.

  Lars puts his hands up in innocence, backing away with a smile. “Nope, just the gay best friend. On that note, I’ll go give the newbies an introduction to the store. Try not to scare them, okay?” he says, and I then notice the three teen boys sitting on the couches in the corner, eyeing us all with what looks like intrigue. A slightly chubby blonde girl sits beside them with a smile on her face. Well, at least they don’t scare easily.

  “I’m so sorry for my behavior. I’m Calluna Hernandez, and I own the shop. I’m so happy you guys will be joining us!” I try to sound enthused and plaster on an overeager smile. “I promise that I’m usually less intense.”

  I look over at Rhett and Damian, who are trying to hide smiles, and sigh deeply. “I did say less.”

  Damian shakes his head with a small laugh. “Don’t worry, Luna. They don’t scare easily.” He presses a kiss to my lips, and I find myself melting a bit in his arms. The intensity of my emotions is giving me whiplash again. Although with all these men, I have to say that it’s definitely more of the dicklash.

  “How about the three of us—” Damian begins, but pauses when he sees Elias tense
. “Or the four of us go somewhere? I think that Lars can deal with orientation, and I feel like you could use a bit of a break.”

  “A break? I haven’t worked in my own freaking store in days,” I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut. I take a deep breath and know that he’s right, I need a break. If nothing else, to tell them about what I witnessed in Black Moon Magick. “Fuck, fine. Lars?” I yell to the back of the store.

  “Just go,” he says with a smile, shaking his head. “You’ll scare the customers.”


  A loud buzzing pulls me from sleep, and I swipe my hand across my nightstand, trying to feel for my phone. I grab it, pushing the button on the side, and look at my messages. Five new messages show from Reggie.

  Reg: Where the fuck are you?

  Reg: If you don’t answer the damn phone, I’m going to kick in your motherfucking door.

  Reg: Neither of us is working tonight. Oakley can watch the doors.

  Reg: I’m losing my fucking patience, Lan.

  Reg: I warned you.

  I just get to the last message when I hear a loud crash. “Are you fucking serious?” I yell, hopping out of bed and walking into my living room.

  “Nice cock,” Reggie says, eyebrows raised, as he pushes my partially shattered door back into place.

  I snarl and turn around, walking back into my room to throw on some clothes. I pull on some dark grey sweatpants and a black tank, then go into the bathroom to throw some water on my face.

  Walking back into my living room, I see Reggie sitting on the couch, relaxing like he didn’t just break my fucking door. “What the fuck are you going to do about all that?” I ask through my teeth, glaring at him in annoyance.

  “It can be a project for us,” Reggie says with a smile. “Now take a seat. We’re going to be chicks today and talk it out.”

  “Reg, I don’t want to fucking talk shit out. I just want to get on with it,” I snarl, feeling extra growly today.

  Reggie clasps his hands together. “Great! So, to Beastie Besties? Or would you rather text Calluna and ask her to come here?”

  “What? No. Get on with my life, forget about this shit. Move on.” I sit down next to him and put my face in my hands.

  “Nope, that isn’t an option. You need to get over this shit. She likes you for some fucking reason, and I know it can’t be your kind demeanor and charm. You’re a grumpy motherfucker, and it’s attractive to a limit. Now, get over the broody shit, and head out and get your girl.”

  “She’s my mate.” I whisper the words like saying them any louder will make them that much more real, and that’s the last thing I need right now.

  “Congrats, buddy!” he says, slapping me on my shoulder. “Even more reason to get off your ass and go get your girl.”

  I swing my arm, pushing his congratulations off. Standing and walking over to the wall, I slam my fist into it, cracking the plaster. “Don’t you fucking understand? I’m no good for her. You of all people should fucking know. The things I’ve done… I fucking murdered people, Reg. Hell, I kidnapped you and Rose!” I sit back down and put my face in my hands. “It couldn’t work. I’m too fucked up.”

  “No, what you’re being is fucking ridiculous. You know that wasn’t you. I don’t blame you, Rose doesn’t blame you, the Whitakers don’t blame you! Do you think Calluna is going to give a shit about any of that? We all have pasts, and have shit we’ve done that we aren’t proud of. If all you have is shit that you did while under the influence of a fucking psychopath, then you’re a lot better than most.”

  “I don’t deserve her,” I rasp, my throat clenching.

  Reg shrugs and leans farther back into the couch. “You know what, maybe you’re right. If Calluna can’t get over that shit, then maybe you’re better off. I mean, Rose watched Finn, Dean, and Sebastian fuck different women every night for years while she loved them, never knowing that it was her they wanted. That they avoided her because of their own natures. Maybe Calluna couldn’t get over it, I mean, she’s no Rose.”

  My fists clench, and I tremble in fury. My body is up in a second, and I have Reggie by the collar of his shirt and throw him against the wall. “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about!” I yell, grinding my jaw.

  “Don’t I?” Reg snaps, his fangs flashing at me and his nostrils flaring. “What kind of person would reject their mate because of their own bullshit? I can only imagine how that must feel.” He pushes against my shoulders, and I fly off him. I glare at him, and his shoulders tense, preparing for a fight. I stare at him in annoyance, every muscle in my body rigid in anger.

  Unsure whether he is speaking of me or Calluna anymore, I shake my head and sit back down. “What am I supposed to do? I don’t want to hurt her.”

  “Oh, I’m more than positive that you’re hurting her now. At least by the way she left last night, barely holding back tears. If you weren’t one of my best fucking friends, I would have kicked your ass for treating her that way.” Reggie looks at me seriously. “You’re fucking this up before it even starts. You think you hate your life now? Imagine trying to fight this for the rest of your existence. What are you going to do? Leave town? How are you going to face this woman that you’ve crushed, all because you aren’t man enough to get over your own shit? You have to forgive yourself, Landyn. We’ve all forgiven you, because there was nothing to forgive. Get out of your own fucking head and stop acting like a dick.”

  I sigh loudly, leaning my head back and staring up at the ceiling. “Are you going to help me fix my fucking door?”

  Reggie laughs, slapping my shoulder again. “Of course, we’ll fix your door and your wall. Then I’ll help you remove your head out of your ass, ’cause it seems to be up there pretty far.” He smiles at me, and I can’t help but smile back. “After all that, you’re going to take your broody ass out of this house and go find Calluna. Tell her you’re sorry that you’re such an asshole, and that you’ll spend the rest of your life making it up to her.”

  “Ugh.” I exhale, nodding my head. “When did you become so sensitive?”

  “Always have been. I’m the total package. Hard and sexy exterior with a soft and sensitive interior.” The corner of his mouth lifts into a cocky smile.

  “Shut up and help me fix this door,” I say, standing and pulling him in for a hug. “Thanks, man.”


  I find myself sitting at a nearby park, lying on the top of a picnic table with my arm across my head dramatically. Rhett, Damian, and Elias sit around the table, just looking at me. I can only imagine how this looks to those around us. I lean my head to the side and see a woman with gorgeous red hair, yelling out names and scanning the area as children run wildly around. I vaguely recognize her as the woman that runs the orphanage down the road—Lupine, I believe. Four very attractive men run around chasing the children, and her laughter fills the air. Well, she makes it look easy.

  Damian clasps my hand in his, gently rubbing his thumb along my palm. Goosebumps spread over my body at his touch, and I feel myself relax a bit. “Are you okay, mi Luna?” he asks, and I see his brow creasing in concern when I look over at him.

  “Yes, I’m fine. This is all just a bit much,” I reply as I wave my hand in a circle, indicating the three of them. “Add in a fourth mate that has rejected me, and I’m feeling a little overwhelmed.”

  “A fourth mate who rejected you?” Rhett asks with worry.

  “Landyn. He works at Vee.” I sigh loudly, feeling my heart clench in pain as I think about him. “He has some…issues. I went to him last night and we had sex, then he freaked out saying that he couldn’t do this.” A weight suddenly settles on my heart, and my vision blurs with tears.

  “Is he the one that killed all those vampires a few months ago? I read something about it online. A woman named Shani put him in a trance,” Damian asks as he continues to rub small circles on my hand.

  “Yeah, that’s him,” I say, my voice cracking. A vision of him from last night flashes
in my mind, his face twisted in pain and anger.

  “How could he reject you?” Elias asks in wonder, looking at me with a furrowed brow.

  “I don’t know. I mean, less than an hour ago, you were saying that I couldn’t be your mate because there’s darkness in me,” I spit out, gritting my teeth and looking back up at the sky.

  Damian and Rhett both growl at my words, and I look over to see them both glaring at Elias in anger. “What the fuck?” Rhett curses, staring daggers at Elias.

  “I was just surprised. The realization that I would have to fall took me off guard.” He threads a hand through his hair, and I feel the urge to push my fingers through it as well. “I am more than willing to fall for you, mi alma, it’s just a surprise. But a happy one.”

  “You have to fall? From what? Grace?” I ask, my breath catching.

  “Yes. I will give up my place in Heaven to fully reside here on Earth. I am a fighter, a power angel. The time I spend here on Earth is spent fighting evil for the Makers,” he admits, and I feel guilty that I’m making yet another man suffer.

  “Evil, like me?” I ask quietly, knowing now why he was so aggressive at finding his mate outside of a dark magic store.

  “Luna. You aren’t evil,” Damian says, squeezing my hand and placing his other hand on my cheek.

  “You don’t understand…I do practice dark magic. It began when I started finding the cursed animals, and I did it to remove the curses. It comes naturally to me as a changeling,” I confess, squeezing my eyes shut. I wait as the silence engulfs me, wondering if these three will also leave. If they too will reject me.

  “Okay,” Damian declares resolutely, and I open my eyes to see all three men nodding.

  I gape. “Okay?”

  “You aren’t evil, beautiful. So you practice dark magic? We all do things that are a little bad, too. We all have our demons and things we aren’t proud of. We may have just met, but I know you here,” Rhett says, pointing to his chest. “You have my heart, and I want you whether you’re an angel or the devil herself.” He leans forward, pressing his lips to mine tenderly as he supports himself above me on the picnic table. I feel as if I sink into the wood below me as he pulls my heart back to life with his gentleness.


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