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Calluna Page 14

by Jewels Arthur

  “Planning to run again, Lan?” I ask, looking at him in accusation.

  Damian comes to my side and rubs his hands down my arms, trying to comfort me. “I think we’re all just a little surprised. What you did there was much different than what I saw you do to Rhett. Have you done that spell before?”

  “It wasn’t that different than what I’ve done before. I just did what I was pulled to do. Black electricity is new.” I shake my hands, closing my eyes. “I don’t know what the fuck happened there any more than you do.”

  Landyn walks up to me and grabs my chin, leveling my eyes with his. “I won’t leave you again. You have to trust me. But whatever you did made that dog attack you, and it scared the fuck out of me.”

  I nod, his fingers still on my chin. “Okay. Right, it’s fine. I understand.” I look around the room, barely holding in the tears that threaten to spill. “Where the fuck is Lars?”

  Rhett and Elias begin searching the rooms in the house as Damian pulls me onto a nearby couch, Landyn taking a seat beside me while eyeing the rest of the animals warily. “What about the rest of these guys? Are they dead?”

  I close my eyes, unwilling to look at the rest of the nameless animals scattered around the room. Rhett and Elias re-enter the room, indicating Lars is nowhere to be found, and my heart sinks.

  Where is he?

  “Luna, I know you won’t want to hear this, but is there a possibility that Lars did this?” Damian asks quietly, rubbing his hand against my arm.

  I immediately shake my head, opening my eyes and looking into Damian’s. “No, I’ve known him for too long. He would never do this, especially not to Apollo.” The sound of the dog snarling in the background, and his missing owner make me feel numb.

  “Okay, sweetheart, I believe you. We need to call the police and file a missing person’s report,” he says, standing and helping me up. “Let’s go back to the SUV while we wait.”

  I sit in the backseat, surrounded by Damian and Elias’ arms as I cry. After a while, the police arrive, and their red and blue lights flash blurrily through my tears outside the window as I stare at the home of my best friend. I have no idea where he is or whether he’s safe. I close my eyes when I can’t watch Rhett and Landyn speaking to the officers anymore. Landyn clasps the tall man that I recognize as one of Violet’s mates, a troll, on the shoulder before turning towards the vehicle and looking at us sadly.

  I wake up in the morning in my own bed, Rhett and Elias on each side of me, Landyn asleep in a chair in the corner. My eyes ache from crying and feel gritty from the tears that dried there in my sleep. I look around the room, unsure where Damian is, until I see a small note next to my cell phone.

  I went to open the store for Beth and the boys. We’ll care for the animals, then I’ll be back home to you, mi Luna.

  My throat feels tight as I read the note, and feel overwhelming emotions at the care that he has shown me. That they all have shown me. I look over to the chair in the corner and see Landyn watching me. “Good morning, Callie.” His voice is thick with sleep.

  I slowly crawl out of bed, trying to avoid waking my other two sleeping mates, and walk across the room to Landyn. He pulls me into his lap, and I worry for my old chair at holding both our weights, though Landyn seems unworried. “Did you sleep here all night?” I ask, dragging my fingers down the side of his cheek and his short beard.

  “There wasn’t much sleeping, but yes, I stayed here all night,” he replies with a small smile, his large arms holding me close to him.

  “Why didn’t you sleep on the couch if there was no room on the bed?” I ask, putting my head on his shoulder.

  “I didn’t want to be away from you, baby. I meant what I said, I don’t want to leave your side again,” he tells me seriously, his sincerity shining in his chestnut brown eyes. “I wouldn’t say no to a larger bed though. A king-size is great, but it’s a bit small for five people.”

  I giggle at the ridiculousness of that phrase and that I now have four men sleeping in my bed. Four! How the fuck did we end up here? The thought brings me back to Lars’ comment about this not being what he meant by living a little. Sadness once again tears at my chest.

  “I want to go to Black Moon Magick. Speak to the brothers,” I state resolutely, looking at Landyn and daring him to say no.

  “Isn’t that who you think is doing all this?” he asks dejectedly. “The guys filled me in last night on what I’ve missed. Do you think we should really just bust into that place, guns blazing?”

  “Yes. If they’re doing this, then they’re our best bet at finding Lars. Wake up the guys for me, please? I’m going to go call Damian and tell him my plan. He’s at my shop, so he can meet us there,” I tell Landyn as I walk out of the room with my cellphone in hand. I’m coming, Lars.


  The text messages from Damian make me all too aware that he isn’t a fan of this idea, and after Landyn fills in Elias and Rhett, it’s clear that they don’t think much of it either. None of them try to argue with me though, and I’m grateful. They just get dressed resolutely and rally behind me.

  I concentrate on the black ball of energy that I’ve felt in my chest since I started really doing magic. Maybe it comes from my changeling nature, or maybe something else. All I know is that after yesterday with Elias, it has felt stronger. Like claiming the last of my four men flipped something on inside me, or maybe that’s just romantic bullshit filling my head. But in a reality where I have fated mates based on a magical book, who am I to deny magic-spurring semen?

  I tie my hair into a bun on the top of my head, feeling much happier when it’s out of my face and off my shoulders, and tell the guys I’m ready. Kick ass or not, I’m doing this. Deciding to walk, I send a text message to Damian, telling him we are on our way, and we walk the couple blocks to Black Moon Magick.

  “So, what’s the plan here?” Rhett asks, walking beside me. “Black magic and ninja kicks? I’m pretty fast, but I don’t know how I’ll do against two elves that know magic.” He jabs me in the side, hoping to pull a laugh from me, and I can’t help but give him a small smile. I’m too filled with nervous energy to truly find anything funny right now, but his cuteness is just too much to ignore.

  “Honestly, I have no idea,” I say with a sigh. I’m worried that I could be walking myself—and my men—into a situation that will end in all of us being badly hurt. But not dead, right? They can’t just kill five people in the middle of town, right? “Am I being stupid?”

  “It feels rash, that is for certain. But no, mi alma, you are not stupid,” Elias comforts me as he grabs my hand, squeezing it tightly. “Besides, you have your magic and four men behind you that would do anything for you. A griffin, a fallen angel, a fox, and a meerkat. Your very own clan of misfits.”

  “I always did have a thing for the underdog,” I reply with a sigh.

  I pick up my pace when I see the shop and notice that the door is propped open. I run inside and find two police officers—Liam, Violet’s troll mate from the night before, and another man I don’t recognize already speaking to Damian. Damian smiles at me weakly, looking nervous.

  “This is official police business. The store is closed,” the unknown cop says to me, standing between us and the rest of the store.

  “It’s okay, Bert. They’re the reason we’re here,” Liam says with a kind smile. “Have you heard from your friend?”

  “No,” I state in annoyance, glaring up at Bert. “Have you guys figured anything out?” I quirk a brow at the man in front of me in challenge. Rhett grabs my shoulders and pulls me back gently.

  “The brothers we were told about last night seem to be a dead-end,” Bert says, looking at me. “No dead animals, no traces of anything unusual. No evidence of them cursing animals. The only evidence we have of animals being cursed is what we saw at your friend’s house last night. Have you considered your friend,” he pauses to consult a notepad, “Larson Monticello, might be doing all this, and now he skipped to

  “Isn’t it suspicious that they aren’t here? That they fled before they could be questioned by you guys?” I snap, glaring at the men.

  Bert purses his lips. “I could say the same about your friend. History with the law.” He flips through his notepad. “Multiple street fights. Several counts of public intoxication and public indecency…”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. How does that matter in this situation?” I spit back.

  “Most recently, a reliable source has informed us that he has been storing a large number of unknown crates in his truck, which are also missing. Not odd, as he works closely with you in your shop, but based on the look on your face, I’m going to assume you know nothing about the crates?” Bert goes on while staring down at me. “All we have from the brothers is this note, that makes absolutely no sense. But what we have on Larson is a lot more. I know that two elven brothers moving into town and opening a dark magic shop make them easy scapegoats, but I honestly can’t ignore the number of cursed animals turning up in your shop and the amount found at your best friend’s home.”

  “What source?” I hiss. “What makes them so reliable?”

  “Officer Brown. It’s good having a bear on the force in situations like these.”

  “Bert is just doing his job,” Liam says as anger flashes in my eyes, and probably I look like I’m about to claw his eyes out.

  I give him a forced smile. “Where is this note?”

  Liam looks at me uneasily before walking to the counter, grabbing the paper, and handing it to me. “I probably shouldn’t be showing you this.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Our little secret.”

  I look down at the thin letters scrawled onto the sheet of paper.

  Remember, everyone is curious about the dark side of magic, even if they are unwilling to admit it. It’s addictive in its nature. It is exotic and seductive. Before you know it, you are just practicing magic with no regard to the light or dark qualities.

  I recognize the words from our first conversation, and I grit my teeth, angry at myself for ever trusting the man. My eyes drop to the last words written towards the bottom.

  All is not what it seems, everything is continually changeling. The place of the mate’s attack is the key.

  So mote it be.

  My heart freezes as I read the word changeling in place of changing, knowing that wasn’t an error. My hand not holding the note clenches into a fist, and I try to hold myself together. To not show any emotion in the presence of Liam and Bert.

  “Can I take this?” I ask Liam, pleading with my eyes.

  “Absolutely not,” Bert interjects, looking at me in disbelief.

  “Ugh, fine,” I say, pulling my phone out and snapping a picture. “Thanks, you guys! Gotta run!”

  “I miss the good old days,” I hear Bert say to Liam as I dash out of the store.

  “One of these days, you’ll get a smartphone, too. I’m betting on it,” Liam laughs.


  I rush out of the store with my men following behind me. I stare at the words on my phone, reading them over and over. The place of the mate’s attack is the key.

  “Rhett? Damian?” I ask aloud, finally prying my eyes from my phone. “Can you take me to the place Rhett was attacked?”

  Damian grabs my arm, stopping me from speed walking any farther. “What is going on, Luna? What did the note say?” He looks into my eyes as if trying to read my mind through their depths.

  “Not here,” I say, looking around. “Let’s get to Lan’s SUV. I’ll explain on the way.”

  Damian just nods to me, and we all walk quickly back to my apartment building and into the parking garage to get Landyn’s SUV. Elias jumps in the passenger seat, and Landyn starts it up, pulling out quickly. I sit squeezed between Damian and Rhett, staring at the words on my phone.

  “What does ‘so mote it be’ mean?” Rhett asks, reading over my shoulder.

  “It’s an old Wiccan phrase. It means ‘so must it be’ in the literal sense. Those who pray to the god and goddess end with that, sort of like the Christian ‘amen.’ This note is directed to me. Look at where he uses the word ‘changeling’ instead of changing and mentions the ‘mate’s attack,’” I explain, anxiety swirling in my chest. “I told him about your attack and all the cursed animals, but never that you were my mate. I don’t think.”

  “How would he know?” Damian asks, worry laced in his tone.

  “No idea,” I say, my mouth dry. We pull into Rhett and Damian’s driveway, and Landyn shuts off the engine. I start pushing Damian to get out of the car so we can get to the spot.

  “Luna, this seems like a trap. We have no idea what could be waiting for us there. They could ambush us on sight, and then we’ll be no use to Lars,” Damian pleads, blocking my way to the door.

  “Damien, I have to try. I can’t just sit back and wait to see if the police will or even can do anything,” I beg. Rhett opens his door, pulling me out with him, and I hear Damien sigh in defeat. “Bikes?” I ask Rhett, and he nods, running over to their shed.

  “We only have the two,” he says, looking to Elias and Landyn.

  “Don’t worry, we can fly,” Landyn says, his eyes flashing gold as his griffin stirs within him. Elias nods in agreement, his large, black wings spreading out behind him.

  “Okay, let’s do this then,” Rhett says, pulling his bike out as Damian does the same begrudgingly. I watch as Landyn shifts into his griffin form, his head almost level with my own and coming to Elias’ shoulders. His huge, black wings expand to the same width as Elias’. Standing proudly, his head shakes slightly as he looks at me. The darkness of his griffin leads me to believe that it would be almost invisible at night, and I marvel at the beauty of his form.

  Elias jumps off the ground, his wings flapping with a large gust of wind as he flies into the sky. With Landyn at his side, they look down at us, waiting for Rhett and Damian to lead the way. I hop onto Rhett’s bike, knowing he’ll drive the fastest, and we’re off. We fly through the trees quickly, branches stinging as they whip across my cheeks, and I put my face against Rhett’s back.

  The forest rushes past me in a blur, and I close my eyes, trying to concentrate on the black ball of energy in my chest. Can I do this? Maybe, maybe not. But I have to try. I think of all the animals that have been brought into my shop with that black smoke leaking from their mouths. I think of Apollo and the fury in his eyes, and I hope I can fix him. I think of Klaus, Jake, Nina, Binx, and every single pet that has taken a place in my heart. My home for misfit pets, and the man that has helped me every step of the way. Lars. Not for a second do I believe that he did this. There’s no way.

  The bike slows as we pull into the area, and I see the two elven men kneeling on the ground, their wrists bound in black, glowing magic, their lips tightly closed. A deep, bloody cut mars Nelcar’s cheek, and he looks at me with malice. Falcar’s eyes widen when we approach, then close slowly as if in regret. Beside them, lying on the ground motionless, I see Lars. His red plaid shirt is unbuttoned and ripped in places, a giant gash down the center of his chest. Dried blood coats his skin, and his eyes are closed. His face is covered in bruises and cuts, his lip split. I jump off the bike, not waiting for Rhett to stop, and rush towards Lars’ motionless body just as I hear my men yell behind me.

  A chorus of ‘no’ and ‘Calluna’ echo behind me as a towering man steps out of the tall brush. His long, gray-white hair is pushed back on the top and flows across his back and shoulders. His skin is such a dark gray that it appears almost black. His features are all rigid, from his thin, pointed nose to his high, sharp cheekbones. Two blood-red eyes sit below arched white eyebrows, and his sharp, white teeth smile at me evilly as he raises his hand and mutters unheard words.

  My body goes cold and rigid as I’m pulled off my feet and into the air. I hover above the ground, my eyes welling with tears as pain lashes through my body. My throat burns from a soundless scream as I watch the man with black
magic hit Damian, who then falls to the ground. Barely able to breathe, my heart stutters as I watch the rest of my men roar in anger, rushing toward the man. Elias goes to grab me, but screams in pain as he’s electrified when his fingers touch my skin. Then he drops to the ground, as motionless as Lars.

  Landyn flies towards the dark elf, his sharp talons glinting in the sunlight as they swipe at the man, the sound of his griffin’s screech echoing in the forest. With a cold laugh, the man swipes his hand, and I watch in horror as Landyn too drops to the ground, followed by Rhett in fox form.

  The dark elf steps closer to me and looks up as I hover above him, twitching in pain. “Hello, my daughter. Thank you for joining this lovely family reunion,” he says in an ice-cold tone, his voice thick with an elven accent. He looks over to Falcar and Nelcar, who kneel on the ground, eyeing me with fear. “I see you have already met your brothers.” I work to blink the tears away as I stare into the face of my father.


  The man that calls himself my father releases his magic, and I crumple to the ground, wincing in pain as my bare legs hit the hard forest floor. What a day to wear shorts. I crawl towards Elias, who lies beside me, and I start shaking him.

  “He won’t wake,” my father says in a cold voice, walking closer to us. “My magic is much stronger than yours.”

  I look around and see some animals lying lifeless on the ground. They’re mostly just wild squirrels and rabbits, but my heart still breaks for them. “Magic that you choose to use on defenseless animals?” I spit out, wincing in pain as I shift to stand.

  “How else could I lure my animal-loving changeling daughter to me?” he says in a flat tone. “Small curses here and there, enough to awaken your dark magic. To encourage you to begin practicing, to strengthen the darkness inside you.”

  “You did all this to get to me?” I ask, feeling sick to my stomach. All those animals…their lives ruined, all because of me.


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