Love at Last Call

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Love at Last Call Page 8

by M. Ullrich

  Lauren looked to Bellamy for help, but she only received a pat on the back for luck. She walked around the bar and came to stand next to Berit, who was looking at her expectantly. “What?”

  “Lauren, I’d like you to meet my new friends, Harper and Genevieve.” Berit motioned to the couple sitting at the bar. Harper was beautifully dapper, and Genevieve was a gorgeous strawberry-blonde. They were both smiling brilliantly as Lauren took each of their hands in turn to shake. “Harper runs Outshore Magazine along with her wife, Genevieve, who happens to love gummy bears.” Lauren looked at Genevieve again.

  “It’s true,” she said with a dainty giggle, one Harper obviously found endearing. “I heard about the Dollhouse and a gummy bear martini that’s on the menu. I told Harper we had to come down and try it.”

  “And I’d like to feature a review in Outshore.” Harper’s offer surprised Lauren, but definitely excited Berit. “I’m not sure why I haven’t heard of this place until now, but I think it’s time for our readers to know about you, too.”

  “Let’s get started,” Berit said with bright eyes.

  Lauren stayed back as Berit whipped up two different gummy bear martinis, insisting Genevieve try both variations before she decided. Lauren laughed along with Harper as she poked fun at Genevieve’s girlish excitement over the beverage. Genevieve loved the drink, but Lauren loved the couple fawning over Berit and the Dollhouse. Watching Berit revel in but be humbled by her success was the highlight of Lauren’s first night.

  “I’ve always had a soft spot for businesses like yours,” Harper said as she placed a few bills on the bar top. She shot Berit a stern yet soft look when she tried to push the cash away. “There’s not enough privately owned and cared-for places like this anymore. Between your drinks and the exposure you’ll get in Outshore, you’re bound to be a great success, Berit.” Harper extended her hand and shook Berit’s with vigor. Genevieve and Lauren shared a polite smile.

  “Thank you,” Berit said as softly as the music and the bustle around her would allow. Berit seemed to be at a loss for words for the first time since Lauren had known her.

  Harper handed Berit a business card. “I’ll make sure you get a copy of the issue you’re featured in. Email me and let me know what you think.”

  Berit took the card. “Will do.”

  They all exchanged goodbyes, and Berit continued to stare at the card long after Harper and Genevieve were out the door. “I think someone has a crush,” Lauren said.

  “What?” Berit grabbed empty glasses from the bar and started to rinse them. “On who? Genevieve?”


  Berit laughed and handed the glasses to Lauren to load into the dishwasher. “In case you didn’t know, she’s not really my type. Stem glasses always go on the bottom rack.”

  Lauren did as instructed. “A business crush—oh! A business boner. You totally have a business boner for Harper.” Lauren couldn’t control her giggling.

  Berit shook her head but didn’t deny Lauren’s accusation. “Shut up and get back to work. You still have a lot to learn.”

  Lauren saluted Berit and followed her the rest of the night, wishing she’d had the foresight to bring a small notebook so she’d remember every tidbit of information.

  By the time Lauren fell into bed that evening, her feet were screaming and she was exhausted. Her time behind the bar was spent ducking flying bottles of liquor and retrieving bottles of beer when needed. Her one-on-one interactions with Berit were minimal after Harper and Genevieve had left, but each had taught her something new. Berit was very professional, which was the biggest surprise of the night. Lauren knew Berit from both a customer and employee perspective, and she enjoyed watching the bartender’s dynamic shift and sway as she worked. Lauren’s eyes grew heavy and she dozed to the memory of Berit’s smile.

  Chapter Nine

  Lauren survived her first day and first weekend at the Dollhouse, barely. By the time Monday rolled around, Lauren was aching with exhaustion. She rolled around her queen-sized bed, trying to stay in that fuzzy comfort of near sleep, but her body was still clinging to being a morning person. She was used to waking up at seven in the morning, not finally falling asleep at four.

  Every noise in the house irritated Lauren more. She needed more sleep, and her lower body was killing her. Going from a desk job to standing for the majority of an eight- to ten-hour shift was not friendly on your back, legs, or feet. Lauren rolled and cracked her ankles before flopping to her other side. Again. The sound of her bedroom door creaking open got her attention. Jorge’s curiosity had probably gotten the best of him. It was worrisome when the other breadwinner in the house stayed home for days at a time.

  “Go away,” she said, her sleepy voice mimicking the croak of a frog.

  “Oh. I’m sorry.” The low voice was much more feminine than Jorge’s.

  “Rebecca?” Lauren uncovered her head and stared at her ex-girlfriend with one open eye. Her hair was disheveled and covered her face like a web. She fought to blow the strands from her sight. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing, sorry.” Rebecca started to leave.

  Lauren sat up. “Wait. You obviously came in here for something.” The blankets fell around her waist, revealing the thin, loose tank she wore to bed, but Lauren didn’t care about her state of undress. Rebecca had seen it all before.

  “I just…” Rebecca picked at a chip in the doorframe. “Sometimes I come in here to sleep once you leave for work.” She looked embarrassed to share this confession. “It’s way more comfortable than the couch.”

  The small window above Lauren’s bed illuminated Rebecca. She was wearing a large sweatshirt and not much more. She had the longest legs Lauren had ever seen. They were smooth and tempting. Lauren took a deep breath and rubbed at her puffy face roughly. She pulled back the corner of the covers and said, “Get in, but don’t move around too much. I’m trying to get another couple hours of sleep.” Lauren fell to her side, facing the wall.

  “Thank you.” Rebecca settled into her usual side of the mattress and remained still, much to Lauren’s delight. The sound of lawn mowers and birds filled the still room. Lauren felt her body relaxing, closer and closer to the point of sleep. “Why aren’t you at work?”

  Lauren opened her eyes and stared at the wall. “I got a different job. I work nights now.” She didn’t want to give up many more details. She wasn’t embarrassed by her new job, but she enjoyed having this secret life with a new friend she didn’t have to share with anyone else. Lauren closed her eyes, and Rebecca didn’t say anything more.

  The mattress shifted as Rebecca moved. Lauren sighed and pulled the covers around her more tightly. Her eyes flew open when Rebecca pressed her body against hers. Lauren loved the intimacy of being in a relationship, not just the sex, but the touching and caressing, the little things no one else was privy to.

  “I don’t think Savannah would be happy right now.” Picturing her helped Lauren resist the urge to push her backside into the welcoming bend of Rebecca’s pelvis.

  “There’s nothing wrong with cuddling,” Rebecca said sleepily.

  So many things were wrong with them cuddling, but Lauren was too tired to care. Rebecca threw her arm around Lauren’s waist and nuzzled her neck. Lauren hated melting into her touch so easily. She didn’t want Rebecca. Lauren just wanted someone to hold her when her life was spinning out of control.

  Lauren held out hope Berit would stay true to her word and find her someone. She was ready to forget how well she fit into Rebecca, and how quickly Rebecca had moved on from her.

  * * *

  Berit sat on the small balcony of her apartment, her bare feet stretched onto the railing. She scribbled in a small notebook with a black pen; a red pen was tucked behind her ear. She was working on drink specials for an upcoming theme night. Berit loved theme nights, but they took so much organization, she didn’t throw them often. She tossed the pad onto a small table beside her chair and stood to stretch out her b

  Since she’d been planning on a lazy Monday afternoon, Berit wore her most raggedy jeans, a sports bra, and a muscle tank. The sun had finally taken the morning chill out of the air. She checked her phone as she walked into the kitchen for a coffee refill. She poured the last drops from the French press and added a teaspoon of sugar before taking a sip. Berit found herself floating between busy and bored. She drank her lukewarm coffee and looked out the open sliding door. The city was awake, but she didn’t feel like going out. She wasn’t in the mood to work on a new recipe or continue planning a theme night. Her Nook was filled with unread books, but none of them called out to her. The DVR was nearing capacity, but that wasn’t enticing either.

  Berit wondered how Lauren was spending her day off. Berit was sure she’d be tired today, but it was just after noon, so she dared to send a quick message. She slid her phone over and typed, Good afternoon. How are you? Berit stared at her phone, waiting impatiently for any sign of life on Lauren’s end. Three minutes was too long. She started typing again. Hope you’re enjoying your day off. Berit drummed her fingers on the countertop beside her phone. Crumbs stuck to her fingertips. She stood up straight and looked down at Hugo, who stood faithfully by her feet.

  “When was the last time I cleaned this place?” Hugo tilted his head in thought. “Guess I found something to keep me busy.”

  Berit’s apartment was small but had enough space for her and Hugo to live happily. The appliances were new, the hardwood floors had been refinished before she’d moved in, and the open floor plan allowed her to use the entire apartment as a living space. Her bedroom and the bathroom were the only separate rooms. A smaller apartment meant less time cleaning, whenever Berit actually got around to it. She turned on her favorite playlist before grabbing the vacuum, dusters, and cleaning spray from the closet.

  By the time the area rugs were dog hair free and the kitchen peninsula spotless, Lauren had finally answered her.

  Hey, I’m a little slow to get up, but good. You? Berit smiled knowingly at the screen. Lauren had had to make a lot of adjustments as of late, but her sleeping schedule had to be the hardest to get used to. Berit was a natural night owl, but not everyone was.

  I bet you’re exhausted. The first week is always the hardest. I promise it’ll get easier.

  And if it doesn’t?

  Berit laughed. She could picture Lauren’s disbelieving face. You’ll be even more motivated to get back to an office job.

  What have you been up to? Berit read Lauren’s message and looked at the notepad she left on the balcony. She walked and grabbed it before plopping down on the couch. She read over the list of drinks again and came up with an idea.

  I was working and cleaning. Do you have plans today, and if not, are you opposed to seeing your boss on your day off? Berit was smirking. She really enjoyed referring to herself as Lauren’s boss.

  I’m not opposed to seeing you, but I’d prefer to stay out of the bar for the day.

  Consider it done! Berit nearly jumped with excitement. I’ll send you my address. Come over around three. We’ll have a study date. I’ll make lunch. Berit was already getting herself and Hugo ready for the short walk to the store.

  You want me to come over to study?

  And for lunch, yes.


  Berit knew she was about to be scolded. Just come over at three and stop having a dirty mind. Just for fun, Berit decided to add a winking face. She didn’t even read Lauren’s reply before leaving for the grocery store.

  Berit didn’t mind that Lauren showed up closer to three thirty. “Hi,” she said as she swung the door open. Lauren looked phenomenal in a simple blue oxford and dark jeans. “Come in. Hugo couldn’t wait to see you again.” Lauren stepped around Berit wordlessly and stopped just inside the apartment. Her face was blank and she held on to her purse with a death-like grip. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Lauren said, crouching down so Hugo would come running over to her. “Just an odd morning. Now I’m tense and in a weird mood.”

  “What happened?” Berit knew Lauren’s living situation wasn’t great, but she also knew it wasn’t her place to pry. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want. Sit down.” She motioned to the couch and stopped in the kitchen. “Would you like a drink? I have a little bit of everything, nonalcoholic beverages included.”

  Lauren sat stiffly, her hands never straying far from Hugo’s head. He jumped up on the couch to sit beside her. “I’ll just have a water for now.”

  Berit strode into the living room with two bottles of water and sat not too far from Lauren. Hugo was delighted to be sandwiched between the two women. “He’s going to forget all about me if you keep scratching behind his ears like that.” Lauren flicked his big, upright ears playfully. “Is everything okay at home?”

  Lauren took the bottle of water, removed the top, and drank a quarter of it before answering. “Just as weird and uncomfortable as ever. What are those?” she said, pointing to two stacks of notecards on Berit’s coffee table.

  “Those are study materials.”

  “You weren’t kidding about studying.”

  “Why would I be kidding about studying? The first set contains various liquors with a quick description and few popular drinks made with them. There’s also a few wines and beers that are good to know. The other stack is recipe cards for the drinks we make the most at the Dollhouse. I’m going to help you learn as much as you can in one afternoon. And I’ll feed you, of course.”

  “Would you mind feeding me first? I haven’t eaten yet today, and my brain will be useless if I don’t eat soon.”

  “Sure.” Berit jumped up from the couch and rushed to the refrigerator. “Is there anything you don’t eat?”

  “There’s a lot of things I shouldn’t eat, but I can’t think of anything I don’t eat,” Lauren said over her shoulder.

  Berit wondered if they’d ever have a conversation where Lauren didn’t manage to pick at herself or put herself down. Between Berit’s friendship and a date with someone great, Berit hoped to bolster Lauren’s spirit. “I made us fresh mozzarella sandwiches.” She walked back to the couch with the sandwiches she’d prepared minutes before Lauren arrived. Hugo perked up, but at Berit’s firm glance, he lay back down. “They have fresh basil and roasted red peppers with a little balsamic on the bread.”

  “Thank you.” Lauren took a bite out of her sandwich without a second of hesitation. “You have a really cute place. It’s cozy.”

  Berit waited until she was done chewing to talk. “It’s just enough space for me and my man. I love it here.”

  “What’s it like living alone?”

  “It’s great.” Berit winced. She shouldn’t brag. “I do get lonely sometimes, but that’s a rare occurrence with this rug rat running around.” Berit nodded toward Hugo.

  “I’m sure Bellamy helps too,” Lauren said with innocent eyes.

  Berit almost choked on her sandwich. “Bellamy?”

  “Don’t even try to deny it. I saw the way she was looking at you. You’re definitely not just her boss. So what’s going on there?”

  Berit took another bite of her sandwich to buy her time. She wasn’t going to lie to Lauren, but she didn’t feel comfortable with complete honesty either. She swallowed and decided to play it vague. “We spend time together.”

  “And you’re both happy with that arrangement?”

  “Very,” Berit said emphatically. This topic was uncomfortable. She wanted Lauren to see her for who she really was, not the playgirl she assumed her to be. “Bellamy actually has feelings for someone else.”

  “Really?” Lauren seemed genuinely shocked, which made Berit feel good. “Someone at the bar?”

  “She refuses to tell me.” Berit shrugged. She noticed Lauren’s empty plate. “Wow, you weren’t kidding about being hungry.”

  “Yeah, I probably should’ve warned you my appetite is the least ladylike thing about me.”

  Berit couldn
’t contain the warm smile she shot Lauren. Lauren’s charm level just went from a ten to an eleven. Berit’s chest felt pleasantly tight, a feeling she recognized immediately. She was smitten, but she had to annihilate that because being smitten usually turned into having a crush, and a crush led to feelings. Feelings developed into… “Love this sandwich. Did you want more?”

  “No, I’m fine now. Thank you.” Lauren handed Berit her plate and reached for a stack of notecards. “I haven’t used flashcards since college.”

  Berit dropped the dishes in the sink and ran to grab the cards from Lauren’s hands. “Hey, hey, hey! Give those to me. You’re not allowed to peek. That’s cheating.” Berit tapped the cards on the table and sat up straight to mimic a talk show host. Lauren’s giggle made her weak inside. “Okay, Lauren, let’s talk about rum, baby.”

  For over four hours, Berit and Lauren talked about liquor, work, and life. Berit didn’t learn much more about Lauren’s personal life than she already knew. Berit played along, worrying more about Lauren’s comfort than anything else. She tried to keep the conversation light while giving Lauren the opportunity to get to know her better.

  “Growing up in a house with five kids is a challenge. I thought for sure my parents were done at four, but then Matthew came along…oops.” Berit relaxed against the arm of her couch and smiled to Lauren as she mirrored her exact position on the opposite end.

  “Matthew?” Lauren said. Berit nodded. “Matthew Matthews?”

  “Yes. Matthew Matthews is my youngest brother. In my parents’ defense, they had already named four kids. Can’t really blame them for their lack of creativity.”

  Lauren giggled. “I guess. What other names did they come up with?”

  “They started strong with me and named the first boy Jeffrey Junior after my dad, but we all call him JJ. I’m just happy I wasn’t the first boy. I would not do well being named after my dad.” Berit took a sip of her Guinness she had opened earlier to use as an example during their study session. The dark beer had since grown warm, but Berit couldn’t let it go to waste.


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