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Inescapable Page 9

by Saskia Walker

  Seth had knelt down behind her and his hands were on her hips. She concentrated on Adrian’s cock, denying the self-consciousness that rose when she realised she was so thoroughly on display to Seth.

  Then she heard the sound of his zipper, and she forgot to be embarrassed.

  A moment later, the sound of a condom packet being opened. When the thick, blunt head of his cock moved up and down the niche of her sex, sliding easily again her wet skin, her bottom lifted, her pussy reaching and clutching, desperately needy for him inside. He eased into her, and she opened readily. With one hand on the base of her spine, he edged deeper inside her, inch by inch. His cock was gloriously hard, and as he filled her with it, it sent sensations spinning through her entire body. His legs enclosed hers as he moved into position, stretching the walls of her sex to accommodate the length and girth of his erection, his crown buried deep inside her.

  Lifting her head, she moaned and panted, her hands still wrapped around Adrian’s cock as she rode it up and down. Adrian’s eyes burned with intensity. Reaching in to her face, he lifted a stray hair away from her cheek with one finger.

  Seth’s hands moved under her chest, cupping her breasts from behind. She felt totally enclosed by him, and when he drew back and thrust, she squeezed Adrian’s cock and took it back into her mouth, moving in time to the deep, rhythmic thrust of Seth’s cock inside her. Locked between the two of them, she felt part anchor, part chain—wholly strung out and awash with pleasure as she took everything they had to give. And Seth had plenty to give.

  He thrust deep, riding her rhythmically. One hand stroked her spine almost tenderly as his cock plunged in and out of her hungry sex. She clutched, and Seth moaned aloud, and she took Adrian’s cock deeper, running it against the roof of her mouth. She heard one of them curse but was lost to the moment, bound into both of them in that moment of extreme mutual pleasure.

  Then Adrian lifted her chin, easing her away. “I’m going to come,” he said, his free hand on his cock pumping it quickly. Rebelling, she licked the head, and he spurted against her mouth and chin. His climax triggered an instant reaction, her pussy clamping on the cock inside her.

  “So am I.” It was Seth, and he thrust faster still, the head of his cock rubbing brusquely over her sensitised centre.

  Her sex clutched, released, and clutched again, her orgasm closing. “Oh.”

  Her eyelids flickered up when Adrian’s hand under her chin forced her to look at him again as she reached her peak, making her live her wildest fantasies.

  “Let me see you,” he whispered.

  Tossing back her hair, she moaned aloud, almost there.

  Seth’s cock jerked. His fingers tightened on her buttocks, making her crazy.

  Her hips reached, thrusting up to meet his, her body burning up as her sex went into spasm, her release so intense that she shuffled on her knees and gripped onto Adrian’s thighs with her hands.

  Crying aloud, her hips ground against Seth’s as her core spasmed again and again, spinning her out of control until the peak hit and then burst through her in dizzy waves of release.

  Chapter Nine

  Lily awoke into struggling winter sunlight. It spilled into the bedroom through badly drawn curtains. She blinked into it, shielded her eyes, and realised that she was being watched. Adrian was lying alongside her, propped up on one elbow. He smiled down at her as she woke and then stroked his hand over her shoulder, as if he’d been waiting to do that for some time. “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

  “Good morning, AW.”

  His eyes lit when she called him AW, and he bent to rest a gentle kiss on her shoulder. “You have the most beautiful shoulders.”

  She couldn’t have quelled the smile that hit her at that moment, not if her life had depended on it. He had stubble on his chin and the light glinted off the golden hairs dotted here and there. His hair looked so much lighter with the bit of sun behind him, and she noticed how unusual his eyes were, hazel, truly green flecked with brown, like freckles. “Beautiful shoulders, huh?”

  “Beautiful everything.” He stroked her hair back from her face before returning his hand to her arm.

  She chuckled and stirred beneath the duvet. Her legs were tangled with his, and when she moved, his hand stilled on her shoulder and he squeezed her. She rested a hand against his chest, where he was warm and inviting. Desire blossomed inside her, warm and vibrant and needy. The urge to snuggle closer stole over her. Where is Seth?

  Glancing back over her shoulder, she saw there was a space on the bed, where Seth had been throughout the night.

  “He’s gone to make breakfast.” Adrian commented.

  Blinking again, she took in her surroundings. “The winter light seems so different out here.”

  “The trees are bare, and we’re used to the city. There aren’t any other buildings nearby.”

  She nodded. “It’s a real retreat.” The room was similarly decorated to her own, but larger. “Whose room is this?” When she turned to look at him again, he ran one finger down from her forehead to the tip of her nose and then touched her briefly on the lips.

  “You don’t remember?” There was a teasing tone to his voice.

  “I was being distracted by two rather demanding men when we made it in here.”

  “It’s my room. Seth thought the double bed would help with the leg, give me a bit more room to stretch out.”

  “Oh, yes. Is it okay?” She drew away from him, aware that she could be rather close to his knee with hers, but he grabbed her when she moved and held onto her, urging her not to pull away.

  “It’s fine. It only hurts when I put my weight on it. Besides, after last night, I don’t feel any pain any more.” His eyes flickered, and he looked at her with a meaningful stare.

  Her body heated up even faster as she thought about what she’d done, how she’d been with them both. “Oh, really.”

  “You were incredible.”

  “Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?” Even though the look in his eyes warmed her right through, she still needed to be sure on that point.

  He grinned. “A good thing, oh yes.”

  Relief ran over her, fast merging with the desire she felt. All the words they had exchanged flitted through her memory, alongside her hopes and fears about meeting him. “We did end up in bed together. I’m so glad.” Her fingers found their way to his chest. “You did the most amazing things to me when were chatting online. It was like you knew all the right things to say."


  She shook her head. ”You made me feel so alive. I’ll never forget that.”

  “I’ll never forget it either…or this.” He leant in and kissed her, his mouth brushing over hers so tantalisingly, so inquisitively, that her hand instinctively stole around his neck, drawing him closer and opening them both up to it. He responded by tangling his fingers in her hair, locking her to the moment. It made her melt into him, her hands learning him, her body arching to brush against his while it lasted and lasted.

  “Longed to do that,” he murmured hoarsely when they drew apart, and she realised they hadn’t kissed properly before.

  He inhaled deeply and stretched happily, like a man reprieved. Stunned, Lily eyed him, admiring him. He was fit—not muscular like Seth was, but lean and wiry like a long distance runner—and there was a welcome tinge of amusement glinting in his expression since the night before. He was so much more relaxed than he had been.

  That meant it was a good thing, right? Doubts assailed her. This experience was like nothing that had ever happened to her before, in so many ways. Last night’s action had been out of the blue, and whilst it had felt right at the time she wasn’t so sure now and felt horribly insecure about it. “I didn’t think it would happen the way it did, I must confess.”

  She wanted to know if he was upset about Seth’s involvement.

  “Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.” He pursed his lips, then shifted and shook his head, rolling his eyes. “You
were so bloody hot.”

  Pleasure burned in her, and she wriggled against him. “No I wasn’t!”

  “You were. I wanted you, always wanted you, but when I came round and I saw you leaning over me, wow. And then my bloody leg gave out. Just as well Seth was there to pick up the slack and show you a good time. I couldn’t have made you that happy on my own.”

  Lily was amazed. Did he really think that? “Men!”

  “Men what?”

  “Always thinking of the physical practicalities.”

  “Yeah. We have to keep our end up, keep the ladies happy.” He was smiling and he toyed with her hair while she snuggled against his shoulder on the pillow. “I have to say I feel a hell of a lot less guilty about you being stuck here now, because you enjoyed yourself so much last night.”

  Was that why? Guilt?

  “Please don’t feel guilty. This situation wasn’t anything you did on purpose, but you’re right, last night was special.” She sighed loudly. “Thing is, Seth forced us to break the ice. It was hard to get it out in the open. How difficult would it have been for just the two of us?”

  “We’ll never know.”

  She glanced back at him, unsure. “You really didn’t feel bad about Seth getting involved? I did think he was you when I kissed him, back in London.”

  He studied her intently before he replied. What did that mean? Guilt stole into her heart again, making it ache. She didn’t plan it, not any of it. It just happened that way, and he had encouraged it, after all. If anyone pushed it along, it was him. But maybe he was reacting to what she’d said, and regretted that now? Either way, she didn’t want him to feel slighted in any way. She liked him, a lot. A heck of a lot.

  “Lily, stop fretting. I wouldn’t change last night for the world. To be able to see you like that and learn how you like to be touched, and then what you did, the way you went down on me…you blew my head off, lady.”

  She caught her bottom lip between her teeth, unsure how to respond. The truth of it was she had got carried away on the moment, on the dynamic between the three of them. Adrian had pressed all the right buttons, and Seth had played into it without reserve. Unleashed, her libido had rolled with every delicious moment.

  “I kept thinking you’d do a runner when you met me,” Adrian continued. “In fact it’s kind of fortuitous for me that you can’t actually leave,” he teased.

  “AW, you’re even more devious than I thought you were.”

  He winked. “Yeah, well, it obviously takes two men to handle a woman like you.”

  She prodded him in the chest with one finger. “Not at all. That was a surprise, if I had just met you, we’d have been fine, I’m sure we would.”

  “You think so?” Curiosity mixed with the humour in his eyes. He obviously didn’t believe her, but he seemed quite chilled with the Seth angle.

  “I think so.” Their eyes locked, and something unfurled inside her, that thing she hadn’t dared think about too much when she’d gone to meet him. She could grow to care for this man, deeply. On the surface he was so level-headed, and yet that hidden streak revealed itself when she was already throwing caution to the wind. How could he make her feel safe and yet out of control at the very same time?

  “You pushed me on last night, you can’t deny that.”

  “I’m not trying to deny it. It was the best thing in the world, especially after all that…waiting, the perpetual hard-ons you gave me.”

  That comment made her smile, it also made her damp. Her clit ticked restlessly, and she knew she was getting wet. The urge to climb onto him and join them together was rising, but she also wanted to hear everything he had to say, now that the barriers were down.

  He lifted her hand from his chest, and kissed her palm. “Thank you, for everything you did.” He pointed at his knee and his head. “That too.”

  She shook her head, feeling as if she owed him so much more. The night before he’d unlocked her somehow, unlocked something that she couldn’t have managed on her own, something that made her feel so much more sexually aware and confident.

  “You saved my life,” he added, growing serious.

  “Don’t be daft.”

  “You did. I’d found my diary on my desk, and when I realised it was you, I dropped it. I bent to pick it up just as that goon took a shot at me.”

  “No,” she whispered. ”I don’t believe it.”

  “It’s true. If we hadn’t arranged to meet, I might not be alive right now.”

  “Hush.” She was getting upset about the fact he’d been so easily targeted. “There’s no need to thank me for anything, really.”

  His eyes seemed to darken, and she felt the tension stirring in him—tension that was echoed inside her. The door creaked open. Lily had to drag her attention away. A moment longer and they would have been making love.

  “Breakfast is served, such as it is.” Seth walked in carrying three steaming mugs in one hand, and a plate piled high with buttered toast in the other. He made the announcement apologetically, and put the breakfast things down on the bedside table nearest Lily. When he glanced at them, he ruffled his hair with one hand, awkwardly.

  He knows he interrupted, bless him. She shuffled up in the bed, plumping her pillow behind her with one hand, the other concealing her breasts with the duvet. “Yum, much appreciated. I’m starving.”

  That’s when she noticed that the only thing Seth wore was snug-fitting black jockey shorts. His chest and abs magnetised her attention. They were ripped, tight and firm. Something that felt almost desperate plumed inside her. Lust, she told herself, feeling confused. This threesome thing was good, but so damn weird. A moment before she’d been wrapped in Adrian. Now that Seth was here, she wanted him as well.

  He hovered by, as if unsure. “I’ve ramped the heating up, it’s icy out there this morning.”

  “Come back to bed then,” Lily suggested, resisting the urge to reach out for him, picking up a mug of tea instead.

  Seth grinned and sat down on the bed, back in the spot he’d vacated earlier. “My God, the woman’s insatiable.”

  “Hey, I meant for you to keep warm.” The fact he’d mentioned her sexual appetite seemed to stir it up even more. It also embarrassed her a tad, and she sipped her tea. It was good, and she filched the top piece of toast from the stack, purring audibly as she tucked into it. Adrian followed suit and for a little while they all ate and drank.

  “This tea is good, you make a great cuppa.”

  “I’m glad I meet your approval on something.”

  “Judging from all that moaning last night,” Adrian interjected, “you meet her approval on a lot of things.”

  Lily couldn’t help laughing.

  “Glad to be of service, but what I actually meant was in the kitchen department,” Seth said, echoing her earlier clarification.

  “Oh, right.”

  He ate his toast silently for a moment, but she could tell he had something on his mind. His eyes grew shuttered and he had that deadly-serious policeman face on. “Tell me more about the bloke you saw outside Adrian’s office,” he said, eventually.

  “More? There isn’t much more.” She shrugged one shoulder and pulled the duvet higher over her chest before wrapping both hands around the mug of tea. “He was in the elevator with me as I came up. He made me feel uneasy, something about him.” She glanced at Adrian. “I got a bit freaked; like, worried that he might be you.”

  Seth stared at them both. “You really had no clue what each other looked like?”

  “Nope,” Adrian replied, “That was Lily’s call.”

  She nodded. “I’d rather have no clue than be sent a fake photo.”

  Seth looked at them dubiously. “Makes sense, I suppose.”

  “I liked Adrian from his words. It was what he said to me that made me want to meet him.” She stroked Adrian’s head playfully. “Not just the sexy stuff,” she added, when he winked. “You said normal stuff as well, and you made me feel comfortable. That’s i
mportant to a woman. ”

  “I’m glad.” His voice was barely above a whisper.

  “What happened in the elevator?” Seth quizzed, drawing her back to the topic he was focused on, and then drank his tea as he listened.

  He really did want to know. Was it important? Had to be. His job was to protect the witness, but she guessed he was reporting back to his colleagues on the blond guy, the ’shooter’ as he had previously called him.

  “He knew where he was going, or seemed to.”

  “Probably checked the place out before hand,” Seth commented. “He knew the fire escape went around to Adrian’s office.”

  “When he got out of the elevator, he pushed me out of the way. I followed behind, trying to locate the suite. He kept looking back at me, so I lingered outside a door about half way down the corridor. That’s when he shot out of the window.”

  Seth’s expression grew overcast.

  “I figured he was a maintenance man,” she added.

  Seth rubbed a hand through his hair, putting his mug down. “You would, of course you would.” He gave her a brief smile, but he was deep in thought.

  She felt Adrian growing tense again, and wished Seth hadn’t gone into it while he was there. “I’m guessing this is pretty heavy stuff, because of the evidence you’re giving?”

  Adrian nodded.

  “What happens next? I mean, how long is it until the trial?”

  “Ten days and hopefully Carlisle will be locked up for good. It can’t be over soon enough.” Adrian looked across at Seth. “Oh, bloody hell…I shouldn’t have even said that, should I. Sorry.”

  “I didn’t hear it,” she offered, sensing this was difficult for them all.

  Seth squeezed her hand. “Good girl.”

  Adrian had lost his relaxed demeanour, and he stared across at Seth. “Did any of your other witnesses ever regret giving evidence?”

  “Just about every one, at one point or another.”

  “Well, I guess that’s reassuring, kind of.” He had a faraway look in his eye and he turned away and drank his tea. Lily noticed how browbeaten he looked. No wonder he had overlooked their date. This was heavy stuff.


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