Seeds of Evil

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Seeds of Evil Page 35

by Robert Kitchen

  The following day, an old friend approached Peter Daley. The man was a shadow of his former self and Daley was shocked to see his one time partner in such poor health.

  “How are ye doin Shamey? I hear yer not in the best of fettle,’ said the IRA. leader.

  ‘Tell ye the truth Peter I’m finished, that’s what I came te see ye about. Fact is,’ said Horan his visitor, hesitantly, ‘Fact is I’m dyin Peter.’

  ‘Shit Shamey, I’m sorry. What’s the problem?’ asked Daley visibly stricken. Horan and he had been close friends for as long as either would care to admit. The man’s revelation had shaken him to the core. Horan gave a sad snigger, ‘It’s the big C Peter. Ach I’ve known about it for a while now. Well not exactly that it was cancer although I suspected as much. I’ve been havin shockin pain when I go to the toilet and there’s a lot of blood. Anyway yer woman,’ continued Horan, referring to his wife, ‘ Dragged me down te the medical centre. They made an appointment for me te see a specialist at the Royal and the rest is history.’

  ‘Ach Jesus Shamey, I’m sorry te hear this. Did they tell ye how long ye’ve got left?’

  ‘Aye, I insisted on that. Sure I’ve nothin te be ashamed of. I’m not afraid te meet me maker,’ said the other indignantly. ‘Aye and the things I had te do durin the struggle I’d gladly do again. I’ll be tellin him that if he asks,’ chuckled Horan. ‘Six months max but probably less. They wanted te operate but the success rate is lower than a worm’s bollocks, so I demurred. Told them I don’t want te be lyin around in some bloody hospital when I have a couple of good months left in me. The doctor gave me painkillers and told me I’d probably made the right choice. Look Peter I didn’t come here for sympathy,’ said Seamus boldly. ‘I have a proposition for ye.’

  ‘Oh I see and what would that be Shamey?’ asked Daley intrigued.

  ‘Yer man, the Preacher. It seems te me that he’s pulled the wool over our eyes. You don’t believe he’s dead any more than I do, do ye Peter?’ observed his friend, his rheumy eyes sparkling.

  ‘Go on Seamus I’m all ears.’

  ‘We’ve been in this game a long time Peter. When have ye ever seen a coincidence turn out te be just that? Naw I’m not buyin it for one minute, yer man has killed some other poor bastard te cover his tracks. It’s almost exactly the same as when he done away we the RUC. prick.’

  ‘So what are ye suggestin Shamey?’ replied Daley showing a great deal more interest.

  ‘Okay, but before I begin I want ye te promise to let me finish.’

  ‘It’s the least I can do under the circumstances,’ agreed Daley.

  ‘The reason for yer promise is that yer not goin te like what I have te say. I want te confess te the murders I committed,’ Daley was flabbergasted and began to protest but the other raised a hand to cut his protestation short. ‘No Peter please,’ he beseeched. ‘As I was sayin, I will confess te me crimes, make up some bullshit story about wantin te meet me maker we a clear conscience but I shall add one more name to the list.’ Daley’s eyes sparkled realising the real reason behind his old comrade’s offer.

  ‘Yer gonna say that it was you who killed the young soldier Jason Leonard.’

  ‘Bingo,’ smiled Seamus Horan.

  ‘Jesus but yer one devious auld bastard. But yer a brilliant one for all that. Yer bettin that the weirdo will take the bait and come callin.’

  ‘I’m pretty sure that he will. The man’s eaten up we hatred. There’s no way that he could resist takin revenge on the man who instigated that hate.’

  ‘Shit it’s one dangerous game yer playin. What about yer family, do ye want te be puttin them at so much risk?’

  ‘No Peter there’s no risk, sure there’s only Maggie livin at home now. The kids are all up and away. You remember Maggie’s sister Laura?

  Well she lives in Scotland, has done for more than twenty years. Laura’s man passed away a couple of years back. It is about time she went te pay her respects properly. I’m sendin her on a wee holiday. Me and her sister Laura never got on. She married a prod and well ye know how it is. I’ll convince Maggie that it’s best if she goes alone.’

  ‘What will she say about yer confession Seamus, will she let ye face that ordeal on yer own? Besides yer plan has a wee flaw. Yer man would never be able te get to ye when they put ye behind bars,’ said Peter. ‘Ach now catch yerself on, who said anything about the law. Christ there’s no way in the world would I be caught dead talkin to they buggers. Naw I’ll do it through the papers. Yon clown Dane has been in contact we the Preacher from the start. We use him under the pretext of a book about a dyin terrorist who wants to tell his side of the story before he pegs out. The proceeds of the book will help to take care of Maggie in her twilight years. He can intimate that only he knows me whereabouts. Shit he can say what he likes. At the end of the day he is sworn to keep me hidin place a secret. I can just see the headline, ‘Old warrior begs the chance to die with honour,’ ye know the bullshite they print nowadays. Well, what do ye think?’ he asked In conclusion.

  ‘Yer plan has merit Shamey but there are still a couple of weaknesses. For instance, what if the reporter is afraid te risk his neck and the other mob may not want te go along we it,’ explained Daley. ‘Who the UDA? I should think that they would jump at the chance of puttin one of us into the lion’s den. Yer right enough about the journalist though. Fuck it Peter I’m sure ye can work somethin out but make it soon I haven’t got a lot of time te spare.’

  ‘Aye yer right Shamey. ‘I’ll get back te ye as soon as I can,’ uttered Peter, hugging his friend to his chest in a loving embrace. ‘Some fuckin business,’ he observed, his eyes misting over.

  Negotiations between the two camps were swift. In a matter of days Daley had met with Starrett and conveyed the dying man’s proposition. Word for word, the plan was divulged, Daley gauging his adversary’s reactions at every opportunity. Starrett listened intently to the proposal, only speaking when he had heard it’s full content. ‘I hate to say it but you have one decent operative at least.’ Daley ignored the dubious compliment. The situation was critical and he had no intention of being drawn into a childish argument. ‘Ye can say that again, aye and one of the bravest persons I have ever met,’ replied Peter.

  ‘Well man what do ye think of his idea?’ he asked anxiously’

  ‘I think it is an excellent notion. How soon can we put it into effect?’

  ‘Shit we can start movin after we are through here,’ Daley informed him.

  “Very good, regarding Mr. Dane, you have no need to trouble yourself on that score. Mr. Dane and I have an arrangement, if you catch my drift. I am quite sure that he would be only too pleased to comply. I’ll have a wee word and get back to you as soon as possible. I take it that you shall deal with security matters?’

  ‘Aye leave that end te me, and I trust in God that we can end this thing once and for all,’ said Daley in conclusion, offering his hand. Starrett looked at the outstretched hand, sneered and turned on his heels. Horan had wasted no time in convincing his wife Maggie that she should prepare for his imminent death. As the meeting was in full swing he was waving goodbye at Belfast International Airport. She remembered the excuse he had used to cajole her into leaving him. ‘You and yer sister have a few bridges te build love. I want te see her before it’s over, sort of bury the hatchet. I hope she doesn’t bury it in me auld head.’ She smiled as she took her seat at the rear of the flight cabin. Her husband had told her that he was the human bait to catch a monster and at first she was angry.

  ‘You are one silly auld bugger,’ she had chided. ‘Do ye think that they care about ye, do ye think that any one of them would give up his precious time if he was in your situation?’

  ‘I don’t know pet but I am not them am I? I’ll go to me grave a happier man if I have helped te rid the province of that madman. Please do this for me and I swea
r that I will come over there te Scotland and kiss yer sister’s arse,’ he jibed.

  ‘Ach there’s no talkin te ye man,’ she exploded in exasperation. ‘Ach Maggie darlin, do ye think this auld worn out carcass is any trade for one innocent young child or mother. They have a lifetime ahead of them, you know what I’m sayin is true. Ye’ve always been the strongest partner in our union Maggie,’ he told her lovingly. ‘Aye and a brave one too. I’ve watched ye over the years, saw the look of dread on yer face whenever I was called away. Ye knew what I was up te, hell ye always were the smart one. Ye never once tried te stop or interfere with me doin what I felt was right. Do ye really think that this is the time te be changin the habits of a lifetime?

  ‘Okay I’ll go but ye better make sure that it was not a wasted effort. The world can do without the likes of yer man I suppose,’ she said with a sigh, referring to the Preacher. ‘That’s the ticket. I promise ye Maggie darlin that I will make it over te Scotland and we can have that walk through the mountain heather like ye always wanted.’ His wife cried silent tears as she studied her husband’s face. Holding his hands in hers she composed herself and informed him that she would leave in two days.

  As Starrett had suggested at the meeting with Daley he was in contact with Dane shortly after it’s conclusion. The reporter reluctant at first, finally agreed after John had pointed out that this story, if all went according to plan, would make him more famous than Kate Adie.

  Tullen visited Moira who was a very different person from the one that he loved and cherished. Her hatred for the Preacher had turned to obsession. So embittered was she that their relationship was in jeopardy. Gone was her radiant smile of greeting for him. His visits were treated with cold indifference but Connor refused to let what they had between them die. Thinking with his heart he reasoned that his love was enough for both and in time the old Moira would break through the misery that poisoned her. Her contemptuous stare was disappointing but as usual he braved the derision. Feigning ignorance to her attitude he smiled and enquired after her health. With a shrug she lit a cigarette, turned and re-entered the house leaving the door ajar. Chain smoking, Tullen observed, was her legacy from the ordeal. He made a mental note, he must somehow get her to cut down. Some hope, a voice goaded from deep within his sub-conscience. Having never smoked himself Connor detested the habit. It was as if she had succumbed to some horrible affliction, which manifested itself as a glowing growth that had affixed itself to her beautiful lips. Connor felt that he had to do, no say something to drag her back to sanity. Before he realised what he was saying he had blurted out Horan’s plan. The change was dramatic, colour spread across her pallid cheeks as if she was a virgin bride on her wedding night. She listened with enthusiasm as Tullen, encouraged by her attention, spilled out every detail. In silence she waited for him to finish what he had to say before asking, ‘Who will play the part of his wife?’

  ‘Sorry?’ replied Connor bemused.

  ‘The Preacher, he murders the families of the people he despises. He knows every detail of their daily routine. The monster is mad, not fuckin stupid. Don’t ye think he’ll suspect somethin odd about a dyin man’s wife desertin him when he needs her the most?’

  ‘God I suppose he might at that. I hadn’t really given it much thought. No one else has for that matter but it is a valid point,’ he added, attempting to sustain her better frame of mind. ‘I’ll bring it up as soon as possible. The boss is bound to agree with ye. Ach he must, they’ll bring in a female from somewhere te act as a decoy, in place of Horan’s wife. Good girl, that was well spotted,’ he said but his compliment was badly received.

  ‘No they fuckin won’t bring in a volunteer. Least not the type ye have in mind.’

  ‘What are ye gettin at Moira? Of course they will. We can’t take a chance of blowin this.’

  ‘Ye don’t get me do ye? Are ye thick or somethin?’ she snapped, returning to her former self. Tullen was at a loss for words, mystified by her mood swing. ‘Hey less of yer lip girl,’ he retorted, in an attempt to defuse the situation. A grimace of sheer malice distorted her face as she replied, ‘Listen te me very carefully while I try te explain,’ she was speaking in monosyllables as one would to an imbecile. ‘When the plan is put into action, there will be only one person playin the part of Horan’s wife. You’re lookin at her, savvy?’ she screamed.

  ‘No fuckin way Moira. Ye can put that idea right out of yer fuckin head, savvy,’ he retorted. ‘I could never let ye put yerself in such danger besides the commanders would never agree te an amateur workin on a gig like this.’

  ‘Fuck the commanders Con. Ye’re just goin te have te convince them differently. I’ll never be able te have a decent night’s sleep if I am not allowed te help catch that bastard. Can ye not understand?’ she pleaded, her voice dropping to a whisper. ‘Ye have te make them see that Con, please. You and I could never put this behind us if ye don’t. What sort of a relationship could we have if I relive the nightmare day after day? You would begin te feel sorry for me and pretty soon your sympathy would fester and turn te indifference. He knew she was right but dread was churning at his insides. Tullen was caught between a rock and a hard place. He was certain if he did not acquiesce, he would lose her yet the fear of injury to the only person he cared for, weighed equally on his conscience. What if the Preacher was to get to her before he could save her? God he could never live with that. Tullen attempted one last time to make her see reason.

  ‘Moira please listen. Horan is pushin sixty and has one foot in the grave. His wife is as old as he is. The Preacher has records of all known activists and auld Seamus done three years for possession. It stands te reason that yer man must know how old his wife is.’

  ‘Oh yeah and did they not have any children or was old Seamus too busy out murderin people,’ she snarled.

  ‘Okay, okay ye win,’ said Tullen, suddenly tired of the abuse. ‘I’ll put it te them, se what they think.’

  ‘Oh no Con, ye’ll tell them how it is or by God you and I are history. I fuckin swear it,’ she spat.

  Convincing Peter Daley to accept Moira’s request proved easier than he assumed. ‘Somebody has te do it, why not her? Ye blew security by blabbin te her in the first place. From what ye’ve been sayin, she has a passionate hatred for the killer. What better motivation is there to see this thing through te the end. Bringin her in on the operation is a sensible move under the circumstances. We’ve had word from the other mob. Ye’ve te team up with yer wee proddie buddy today. Here’s the contact number,’ said Daley, proffering a slip of paper. ‘Let him know what we have decided before breakin the good news te yer girlfriend. I hope for all our sakes she can handle this Con,’ he added grimly. ‘We may only get one chance at the bastard and I want him stone cold. Under no circumstances must the Preacher escape.’

  ‘Aye Peter,’ nodded Tullen, bearing the expression of a condemned man.

  ‘What? Are ye out of yer fuckin mind?’ Clements was not as receptive to Tullen’s request as Connor’s boss Daley. ‘Fuckin hell Con, this is no jaunt in the park ye know. It won’t be as easy as pickin off some green squaddie we a fuckin armalite.’

  ‘Take it easy Billy. The whole affair is bizarre, Christ ye only have te look at our situation, it’s hardly text book terrorism is it?’

  ‘I hear what yer sayin and I feel real sorry for yer girl but Jesus Con, she’s had no trainin. Furthermore, and I mean no offence, she’s hardly what a shrink would call stable at the moment.’

  ‘Fuck it Billy, I know all the reasons against it. Do ye not think I’ve tried te make her see reason. Hell I know it’s a risk but ye should have seen her face, listened te her. She scared the shit outta me. I’m sure she can pull it off and regards trainin, I’m not convinced that she needs any.’

  ‘What?’ shouted Billy incredulously, ‘Is there some air gettin in, have ye been sleepin in a draught? Christ that’s the best
I’ve heard yet, trainin’s not fuckin necessary,’ mocked Clements, shaking his head.

  ‘Listen Billy, yer man’s gonna smell a rat. He’s not daft, he was smart enough te cover his tracks after we went over there askin questions. Then all of a sudden, low and behold a fuckin IRA man, right out of the blue, confesses te murderin his boyfriend. Do ye not think he’s gonna be the slightest bit sceptical about the chances of all this happenin at once?’

  ‘That’s a risk we are goin te have te live with but what does this have te do with Moira?’

  ‘My bet is that he’ll be watchin the house before he strikes. He’d spot a trained operative a mile off. Moira hasn’t a clue about surveillance and neither would Horan’s daughter. They’re supposed te be livin in a safe house. Actin like normal people. It stands te reason that a complete amateur would have more chance of decievin him than a specialist, that’s all.’

  ‘I see what ye mean, ye may have a point there. What the fuck would I know, sure only last year I was graftin for Harland’s. Okay Con, we play it your way.’


  It took three complete days to set the plan in motion. Nothing was left to chance, so it was deemed necessary for Horan and Moira to move around together without an escort. Paranoia had taken hold and the slightest chance that the maniac had randomly chosen Horan as his next target could not be ruled out completely. Tullen reluctantly agreed but he was far from happy with the idea of his woman accompanying Seamus unprotected. Connor and Billy moved into the house the day before Moira and Horan. The master bedroom was commandeered to act as their quarters for the foreseeable future. A detached two storey dwelling with four large bedrooms had been selected for the operation. The plan was relatively simple. Once ensconced, neither man would be permitted to leave the confines of the bedroom until the mission was concluded. Between them they worked out a duty roster. Each man would be responsible for eight hours with the remaining time for recreation. It meant that they would be serving a self-imposed prison sentence for the duration of the operation. Meals were to be consumed within the confines of the bedroom. The only concession to the rules was obviously for visits to the toilet. The bedroom door was to remain open for this purpose and they would have to crawl across the room in case the Preacher had the house under observation.


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