Baking With A Rockstar (A Brooksville Novel Book 1)

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Baking With A Rockstar (A Brooksville Novel Book 1) Page 8

by Jasmin Miller

  My mouth falls slightly open, both his admission—wanting a date with me—and the promise I made Monica to say yes if he ever asked me out again swirling around smack center in my brain. To be honest, I’m not sure I would’ve made this promise to Monica had I known he’d ask again so soon.

  But it can just be easy and fun, right? No expectations or anything. Just two friends enjoying each other’s company. No biggie at all.

  I lean my head on the headrest and look at him, studying his breathtaking face. He turns his baseball cap around, which is my absolute weakness, and mimics my position.

  Gosh, he’s handsome.

  A small smirk crosses his lips, making the dimple on his right cheek appear. “So, what do you say, roomie? Want to go on a date with me? I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

  I swear, this man will be the end of me. No one should be this sexy and utterly charming, not to mention adorable, all at the same time. It’s like he’s bulldozing every defense I’ve built up like it’s nothing.

  There really is only one right answer. “Yes.”

  Chapter Nine

  The following week, I turned into a master of pretense—to me, the conversation with Hudson didn’t happen. Of course, I know it did happen, but I pretended otherwise so life would be easier for me. If I’d acknowledged the fact that I actually agreed to go to his mom’s birthday party as his date, I might have ruined the cake purely out of nerves. Hudson was a lifesaver by not mentioning it either. I’m sure my anxiety was easy to spot, even from miles away, most likely waving around a big, fat “Caution” sign.

  One thing that definitely changed is the tension between us, which isn’t a surprise considering we work side by side at the bakery and live in the same house. Everything has become more intense. The accidental touches of two people still getting to know each other, the intentional touches of friends who have learned so much about each other. The secret glances, the obvious glimpses.

  I’ve also learned a lot about his habits and routines, which makes living together a lot easier. Much to my ovaries’ delight, one of my favorite routines of his is the shirtless run he goes on every morning, right before he has his muse session with me. Since he said he doesn’t mind when Mira is around, the three of us have come to start our mornings together most days.

  The day of the party has arrived, though, and my nerves are back in full swing, ready to kick me in the butt.

  “Ugh.” The groan echoes in my closet, not making me feel any better. My body is strung so tight with jitters, I feel like I might unexpectedly pass out or puke at any moment.

  A knock on the door makes me jump.

  “Charlie?” Hannah’s muffled voice comes through the thick wood, and I call for her to come in.

  When she enters, I look her up and down and whistle. She’s wearing a floral-patterned maxi dress with a cream-colored cardigan on top. “Look at you. You look amazing. We’re gonna have to beat the guys off of you with a stick tonight.”

  She chuckles, shaking her head. “Stop it, you’re making me blush.”

  “Good. You deserve it.” Giving her a big smile, I feel a great sense of gratitude wash over me for having her in my life.

  “I just wanted to see if you’re all set before I leave. Hudson is already over at his mom’s to help, and I’m headed there now too. Are you sure you don’t want me to wait for you?”

  “No, I’m all good, thank you. I’ll just meet you there in a little after Mira wakes up.”

  “Sounds good.” She looks past me, probably inspecting the mess I made when I threw about every piece of clothing I own all over my room. I mean, what do you wear to the party of your client—who also happens to be the mother of your roommate slash date for today, and a major rockstar—to make a good impression?

  She points her finger toward the bed. “Wear the navy blue dress, it looks stunning on you.” With a huge grin on her face, she waves goodbye before she turns around to walk away, then stops once more and looks over her shoulder. “Also, stop worrying so much, everyone’s going to love you.”

  I’m equally nervous and relieved when I finally make it to the Mitchell House an hour later—nervous to meet Hudson’s family and relieved I made it with the cake still intact. Maybe it would’ve been smarter to have someone help me, after all, but it’s too late for that now. Last night, I had nightmares about the cake getting smashed, making the worst possible impression on the Mitchells. Hudson’s family. My date’s family.


  I’m still not sure if I’ve lost my marbles to agree to this, since my brain’s still entirely undecided.

  “Charlie.” Hudson’s loud voice pulls me out of my thoughts. He’s jogging down the driveway toward the curb where I parked. He’s wearing dark jeans, dark boots, and a plain white T-shirt. I’ve come to think of this as his signature rockstar look. It definitely suits him.

  Who am I kidding? It’s hot as hell, melting my insides pretty much every time I see him.

  Without a doubt, he looks good enough to eat, and I’m pretty sure he knows it too.

  Stepping out of my car, I smooth out my blue dress. Of course, I ended up picking the one Hannah told me to.

  “Hey, Huds—” His big arms come around me so tightly and unexpectedly, that the air whooshes out of my lungs. A tingling sensation spreads through my entire being while Hudson’s body heat seeps through both of our clothes, making my own temperature rise in response. And it might be weak on my part, but I shamelessly lean into his touch, realizing how much I’ve wanted this. Needed even. Not just a hug from a super hot guy—the one I also happen to like a bunch—but a hug from a friend.

  After giving me one more squeeze, Hudson pulls back just enough to give my cheek a tender kiss. He lingers there for a moment, and I’m starting to feel a little dizzy from breathing in his delicious aftershave.

  “I can’t tell you how glad I am you’re finally here. Everyone’s going nuts.”

  My body is going completely crazy at this contact—the most we’ve had so far—not sure if it should be shocked or ecstatic. He stays close to me, remaining in my personal bubble, which is totally fine with me right now. I actually welcome it. I’m sure I’m smiling like a lunatic, and my inner voice is yelling at me to pull him closer again. Even though it’s only been a few weeks since we’ve met, it feels like we’ve spent as much time together as other couples do in the first several months.

  Not that we’re a couple, of course.

  This time, he takes several steps back, his eyes raking up and down my body. “Did you know blue is my favorite color? You look beautiful in it. Absolutely breathtaking.”

  “Thank you.” I can neither help the blush spread on my cheeks nor the fast pounding of my heart. This man gets under my skin like no one else, and it’s a sheer miracle I haven’t jumped him yet.

  No, we’re not going to make out on the front lawn of his mother’s house.

  A loud noise from behind me makes me chuckle. “I guess Mira’s awake. She had a bad night and passed out again on the way over here, even after taking a nap at home already. Teething is evil, I’m telling you. Evil.”

  “Poor baby and poor mama. Let me help you.” He steps around me to the back door of my silver car. “Is it okay if I get her out?”

  I nod. “Of course.”

  “Perfect. I’ve been wanting to get my hands on that little cutie pie anyway. My mom’s been dying to finally meet both of you too. Grandma has been telling her nonstop about you guys. If my parents hadn’t gone on their extended cruise, I’m sure Grandma would’ve dragged you over here already. I’m actually surprised she hasn’t paraded you around everywhere.”

  Even though I’m nervous, I’m genuinely excited to meet his parents and the rest of the family. “I can’t wait to meet everyone.”

  As Hudson disappears halfway into the car, he leaves me to stare at his backside like a starving lunatic.

  “Uh. Do you remember how to loosen the straps of the car seat?” I showe
d him last week how it works when we went grocery shopping together. Sometimes it feels like you need a special degree in baby devices—one’s harder to figure out than the next.

  “Yup. Already got it.”

  More staring at his butt then, I guess.

  I wrack my brain for a distraction before I say something embarrassing, and remember what he said when we arrived. “What happened, by the way? You seemed a little frantic when we got here.”

  He emerges from the car with Mira in his arms, and I’m sure not a lot of women would remain calm at this sight. Super hot rockstar plus cute baby make a killer combination. All that’s missing is a little adorable puppy.

  “Nothing major, just my mom going a little nuts.”

  I try to ignore my hormones and focus on Mira. “Hi, sweetie pie. Do you feel a little better?”

  Giving me a tired smile, she extends her arms toward me. I grab her, holding her close to me. When I look back at Hudson, there’s something in his gaze I don’t think I’ve seen before. “Sorry, what were you gonna say about your mom?”

  He shakes his head and slips his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, leaning back against my car. “This is her fiftieth birthday, so I think the whole age thing is getting to her. She keeps talking about wrinkles, gray hair, and grandbabies. I think she’s having a little meltdown and is driving everyone crazy.”

  I put my hand on his forearm and squeeze gently, wanting to reassure him and let him know I’m here for him. “Oh. Your poor mom. I bet she’s just a little overwhelmed. Some women don’t take changes like that very well, but I’m sure she’s gonna be all right. Let’s get everything inside, and we’ll see how we can help her, okay?”

  “Really?” He tilts his head to the side, a habit I’ve seen him do several times before.

  “Of course. I mean, why not? Isn’t that what friends do? Help each other?” I’m not sure why I say the whole “friends” thing, or why the word feels a little sour in my stomach when it leaves my mouth. Something about it doesn’t feel right, and if his flinch is anything to go by, he feels the same.

  He continues to study me, not breaking eye contact as he takes a small step closer. “Is that what we are? Friends?”

  I inhale loudly when he lifts his right hand to touch my cheek, gently tracing my jaw with his fingers. The sparks from earlier come back tenfold, making me squirm from the close proximity of his body.

  He smirks at me, knowing full well what he’s doing. “Does this feel like friends to you? Because it doesn’t to me.”


  Mira’s little hand rests on his cheek where she just slapped him. A second later, it’s on the move again, grabbing his nose. She’s clearly enjoying herself, if her little giggle is anything to go by.

  I can’t hold back my chuckle and wink at him. “Sorry. You know better by now. Anything within reach is fair play.”

  “What’s so funny?” Hannah steps out of the house and walks down the driveway. “Hudson, help Charlie get the cake inside before your mother has an anxiety attack. She’s finally calmed down, so let’s try and keep it that way. And find your siblings, I think they’re hiding.”

  “We’re not done here.” Hudson’s voice is low enough that Hannah can’t hear him. This time, he’s the one winking at me before he gives me the big smile I’ve dubbed his panty-melting smile.

  Somehow, all of this feels like foreign territory. The nerves, the butterflies, the endless blushing and talking nonsense.

  Despite the fact I’ve been in relationships before—one even almost landed me at the altar—nothing has ever felt this way.

  This feels normal and natural, even though it apparently comes with feeling like a teenager again at times.

  If it wasn’t for Hannah only a few feet away, I might just throw all caution to the wind and jump him like one of his groupies, everything around us forgotten.

  “Let’s get this party started, folks.” Hannah reaches us and claps her hands together, Mira copying her right away. “Want me to take her so you can grab the cake?”

  “That would be perfect, thank you.” I hand over Mirabelle, not that she needs an invitation for that.

  Waving Hudson around to the trunk, I hand him a few pastry boxes while I take the biggest of the cake boxes, not wanting to take them all at once. The last thing I need right now is to ruin the cake.

  Hannah leads the way, and I follow her into the beautiful, white country-style house. We walk briskly through a sitting room and into the kitchen. I don’t have enough time to take in everything around me as I try and keep up with her. This woman sure is speedy for her age. I’m relieved to find the large room empty, not particularly ready to face a lot of people yet.

  Hannah points to a big, empty spot in the far corner of the dark granite kitchen counter. “Just put the boxes over there. I’ll help you set up everything in a minute.”

  “Thank you! I’m just gonna go back to the car to get the other ones. I’ll be right back.” After declining both Hudson’s and Hannah’s help multiple times, I practically run out of the house.

  When I come back into the kitchen, I’m greeted with a scene so sweet it makes my heart swell to endless boundaries.

  Hudson has Mirabelle in his arms, going back and forth between blowing raspberries on her belly and blowing the hair out of her face. Mirabelle is giggling, squealing, and clapping her hands in pure happiness. My steps falter, and I swallow the big sigh that wants to escape my throat. Hurrying up, I put the remaining cake boxes next to the other ones before something really bad happens, like me dropping them.

  Hannah has set out big serving platters for me. I walk over to the sink to wash my hands when she walks up next to me. “They need me out back for a minute. Do you want me to take Mira with me? Hudson can help you with things in here.”

  “Whatever works for you. It shouldn’t take us long, so I can come and find you when I’m done.”

  “Sounds perfect. See you in a minute then.” She claps her hands a few times again to get Mira’s attention, who’s happy to switch arms again. “Hudson, be a dear and help Charlie, please. I’ll be on damage control duty out back.”

  “Don’t worry about us, Grandma. I’ve got Charlie covered.”

  “I’m sure you do.” Hannah laughs at him before leaving with Mira in her arms.

  Hudson and I work silently side by side for a few moments. While he puts the pastries and cupcakes on platters, I get the different pieces of cake out of the box, making sure it really survived the drive without any damages before putting the tiers back together.

  After disposing of the empty boxes, I turn around to find Hudson right in front of me.

  He scratches the back of his neck before looking me straight in the eyes. “I wanted to apologize if I came on too strong outside. But I haven’t been able to get you out of my head, especially since you agreed to be my date for today. All I’ve been able to think about is how badly I want to kiss you.”

  I laugh nervously, not sure where to look. “Well, no one can say you aren’t direct.”

  Shrugging his shoulder, he leans in another inch. “I know what I want, and I’m tired of pretending this insane chemistry between us doesn’t exist.”

  He’s definitely right about that. I’ve tried so hard to ignore any kind of attraction I might feel for him, but I think I’ve gotten to the point when even I have to admit defeat.

  Closer than ever before, I feel Hudson’s warm breath on my face, reminding me of chocolate and mint.

  “Hudson, where are you?” A female voice comes from the back of the house, loud, followed by fast footsteps approaching.

  He groans and his head drops, hanging low between us. “Soon, Charlie.” Displeasure is written all over his handsome face as he steps away from me with the promise hanging quietly between us. “I’m in the kitchen, Mom.”

  Chapter Ten

  Before I can even begin to miss Hudson’s closeness or think about what almost happened between us, a woman enters the
kitchen through the white French doors. She’s wearing a flowery summer dress with a jean jacket over it. Her blonde hair is cut in a long bob, swinging with every step she takes.

  “Oh, thank goodness I found you. I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Could you come outside and help your brother with some last-minute tent changes, please?” Her eyes swing from Hudson to me, as if she didn’t see me before. “I’m so sorry, how incredibly rude of me.”

  Her hand goes up to her chest as she walks over to us. The corners of her mouth lift into a big smile, the same beautiful smile Hudson has.

  “Mom, this is—”

  “Charlie.” She finishes Hudson’s sentence, and before I can say a word, she pulls me in for a hug. “I’m so happy to finally meet you. I’ve heard so many great things about you.”

  After a moment, she steps back, holding me out in front of her at arm’s length. Her gaze sweeps over me from head to toe, and I almost expect her to twirl me around. Instead, she pulls me in for another hug. This time, she holds me tighter, her mouth close to my ear. “I hope I’m not overstepping any boundaries, but I wanted you to know I’m incredibly sorry for your loss. I’ve heard so many wonderful stories about your family over the years. I’m thrilled my mom talked you into moving to Brooksville. We all love having you here.”

  The whispered words pierce right into my heart, and I have to swallow hard to keep the tears at bay. I didn’t even think about the fact that Hannah might have told her about my family, even though it makes sense. My grandmother and Hannah were best friends for a very long time, so it’s not surprising she knows about my grandma and sister.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Mitchell.” I feel Hudson’s eyes on me, so I keep my voice low. I don’t think he knows anything about my family, and I’d rather keep it that way—for now, at least. I need more time before I feel ready to share that part of my life with him.


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