Celtic Rune: Viking historical romance (Heart of the Battle Series Book 2)

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Celtic Rune: Viking historical romance (Heart of the Battle Series Book 2) Page 10

by Lexy Timms

  "Who is he?"

  “That is none of your business,” she growled, pulling again. "Let me go. You're being ridiculous! You didn't even make an advance or tell me of your plans before you left. Was I to wait until you returned no matter how long that might be?"

  “You whore! You slept with him!”

  "Let me go," she whispered through tears, her jaw clenched.

  He jerked and released her, his hand instantly connecting to the side of her face with stinging resolve.

  She cried out, the other eggs falling and cracking as she lost her footing and fell back on the grass.

  "We leave a few weeks and you become a country harlot?"

  His words were no sooner spoken and Erik rushed from the house and over to them, the look on his face scaring even her. Linzi tried to get to her feet. "Erik, no! It’s fine."

  Erik crashed into Luke with a resounding thud. Luke's body lifted off the ground, the power behind Erik's shoulder ramming into his chest catapulting him across the yard. Erik ignored her, diving onto the other male and punching over and over.

  Luke made a feeble attempt to get out from under him before passing out. Linzi screamed for her father, the older man running toward the fight.

  Erik stood, his feet on either side of Luke. He stepped back when Linzi pushed him away and tried to help Luke. Her father tried to talk sense into Erik, but as soon as Luke woke, he pushed her off, causing Erik to come at him again.

  Linzi turned and put her hand up toward Erik. "Stop it!”

  Erik hesitated at the sound of her voice.

  “He’s my brother's friend.” She sighed. “And would have been my husband had you not shown up here half dead. Let him have his anger."

  “He deserves it.” Erik glared at Luke, half-lying on the ground, his face a bloody mess. "Being scorned is sensible. Hitting a woman and calling her a harlot is not. Even I know how to behave in front of a female." Erik looked from Linzi to Luke, pointing his finger. "Touch her again with your hands or your words and I will bathe in the blood of your children. Do you hear me?"

  Luke’s eyes moved back and forth to each of them. “Whatever, Viking.” He pushed Linzi’s father’s hand away when he offered to help him stand. He rose slowly on his own. "I'll tell Kenton you send your love, what part is left of your heart.” He stepped back when Erik lifted his fist. “He'll be thrilled to learn of your decisions. He didn't approve of me anyway." He stumbled off.

  Linzi’s father moved in front of her, touching her chin and examining her face. "He hit you?" The sun peered the tip of its curve over the far field.

  She turned her head and touched her cheek. “It’s fine. He was just upset.”

  Erik stepped in front of her father and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug, his eyes burning with a fire much different from the one she’d seen in her room only hours earlier. His gaze narrowed. "Any man who touches you from now on will die, so be careful with your own words and actions, yes?"

  "Of course." She lifted up, kissing him as her father watched.

  Chapter 14


  “We eat. Then we leave.” Erik shook his hand and wiped it on the grass.

  They headed into the house. Erik retrieved his items from the bedroom and then went back outside to check if there were any eggs left. He swore under his breath at the rising sun and the eggs all gone because of the idiot boy.

  He went back inside and helped Linzi slice cheese, meat and bread to share for breakfast. She sat down, Erik bringing over the mugs and pitcher of water.

  "I've never known a man to assist with preparing for the meal," her father spoke, his tone not condescending, but curious.

  "My mother instilled in my brother and myself that we were equal among everyone. She believed that we had no choice but to serve and be served." He shrugged, glancing at Linzi when she chuckled.

  She scooted in closer to him when he sat down next to her. "I like this mummy of yours."

  He stared at her. This beautiful girl – no, lass – beside him left him breathless, a warrior who could slay millions and yet her body and passion left him vulnerable. Erik then looked over at the haggardly older man across the table, his stomach turning at what the man must think of him. “We need to hurry, less we waste the day.” He stared down at his food, waiting for the old man to tell him he would be travelling on his own.

  "You'd better keep that symbol on your neck covered, son. They’ll kill you on sight."

  Did the man not know? "I'm taking Linzi with me." Erik set his drink down, lifting his hand as her father began to protest, the woman beside him stiffening. He wrapped an arm around her and looked back at her Da'. "I need her to bring me to Kenton.” He nodded at the door. “I doubt that idiot out there is going to be any help."

  “Why not join the Scots and fight the Vikings? Follow them to battle?”

  Linzi’s head shot up at her father’s words.

  She had looked lost in thought for a moment and Erik would have liked to have asked what she was thinking. Except he had to deal with her father at the moment. Erik nodded at him. “I cannot follow them, nor would they allow me to lead them. I haven’t gained their trust. I’ll find my way into my men’s camp and find who did this to me.” He gestured at his abdomen. “I’ll make things right. For me and for you. We’ll not advance another step forward.”

  "I don't like it," Linzi whispered next to him, her head leaning against his shoulder. He leaned over and kissed the side of her head, smiling against the sweet smell of her.

  "The Vikings have been crippled, someone inside of the camp has poisoned the minds of the men. When this is over, I need to go home to Denmark to update my king and queen on what’s happened. They’ll only believe me."

  “Then why bring my Linzi?” The old man’s words were more of a plea than a question.

  Linzi moved from Erik, her face paling before him. She reached across the table and brushed her fingers against her father's arm, a sad smile on her lips. "Sara’s coming soon and will stay a few days. I’ll be home before you know it.”

  “You’re doing this with a clear head, Linzi? Not just… just… for love?”

  Erik knew exactly what the man meant. He waited for Linzi’s answer, his breath caught in his throat.

  "I do, without doubt, love him," she whispered, a single tear dripping down her beautiful face.

  Erik reached over and caught it, his heart aching with how blessed he was in the midst of all that had occurred. The road before them would be hard and lined with danger, but he would press forward and get them to the peaceful life they deserved. “I won’t let anything happen to her.”

  “I believe that,” her father answered. “Just don’t get yourself killed. You can’t protect her when you’re dead.” He extended his hand to Erik. "She's a crown jewel as her mother was. Make sure she's treated as such."

  "Of course." Erik shook his hand and stood, reaching to pick up another slice of meat before moving back from the table. “I’m going to the creek before we leave. I’ll be quick.”

  The water was cold, the night leaving the dark liquid to settle. Erik locked his teeth as he slipped into the creek, a soft growl sounded from him as his body tightened, the sensation painful and unnecessary. He washed the smell of her from his body, their night of passion the best he ever remembered having. It was because of the love that existed between them. The sex was delicious, but the promise of her loving him made the difference.

  He needed to take care of business and wondered if sending her back to Denmark where he could protect her was his best option. If someone was willing to take his life, then they would most certainly want to take hers. His muscles contracted, his heart picking up speed at the idea of anyone even coming near her. He would massacre the whole damn world to keep her safe.

  "What’re you thinking? You look like you're ready to explode." Linzi laughed, sitting on the dry part of the rocks beyond the water's edge.

  "That damn boy who showed up before. I didn't
think I would react so violently, but I've never been in love before. It does crazy things to you, I guess."

  "As handsome as you are and in all the places you've visited you've never fallen in love?"

  "No. Never. This is all new to me as well."

  She smiled. "Tell me more of your mother. I like what you’ve already told me. And you have a brother?" Linzi reached over, picking at a flower next to her. Something hedged at the tip of her memory but she couldn’t pick at what it was. She let it be, knowing it would pop up soon enough on its own.

  He laughed, slipping under the water and pushing back up, his hands running through his short hair a few times. "Throw me the soap beside you and I'll tell you.”

  She tossed him the soap as he watched closely. The sunlight pressed against the soft cotton of her dress, the shape of her legs on perfect view, the juncture between them the sweetest thing he had the pleasure of tasting in all of his life. He reached for her, wanting to pull her in and take her again, but she jerked back in time, a laugh leaving her.

  “I don't like that red mark on your pretty face. It burns my blood. I will repay that boy for hitting you today.”

  “I believe he’s in worse shape than I am. My brother will thank you I’m sure.” She smiled and turned so her good side faced him. “What’s your brother’s name?"

  "Nathaniel. I was named after my father; he was named after our grandfather."

  The look on Linzi's face gave him pause, her brow drawing in tightly.

  "You don't like the name?" He laughed and splashed her.

  She scooted out of the reach of the water and crossed her arms over her chest, the motion lifting the soft curve of her breasts above the neckline, his eyes coveting the view. She frowned at him. "Erik. Please tell me you didn’t lie to me about being a soldier."

  Guilt pierced him. He chided himself internally for not clearing that up yet and tried to work through how to do so now that he was caught in a lie. "I showed up a stranger on your land, an enemy nonetheless. I didn't know you and you didn't know me. I just pulled two arrows from my back, the bowman a traitor to me."

  Her eyes moved from him to the ground in front of her as she moved to her knees, her hands covering her mouth. Tears filled her large eyes, his heart breaking at the thought of hurting her.

  "It’s dangerous to tell you about my family." He moved out of the river, reaching for the dirty towel he found lying on the floor and wrapping it around his waist.

  "No," she whispered, pausing as emotion choked her up. Her alabaster cheeks colored red as she let a small sob go.

  Erik was shocked by the depths of her worry. “They won’t hurt you.” He reached for her.

  She pushed him back, another soft sob leaving her as she tried to wipe her tears away, as if embarrassed.

  He fixed his towel to stay around his waist and took a step closer, hoping that she wouldn't back up again. "I don't understand. What have I done?"

  She brushed her hair back, more tears coursing down her face as she closed the gap between them, her arms wrapping around him as she cried harder. He simply held her, unsure of what to do or say, but knowing he would give her anything she desires. If that was to simply let her emotions bleed out on his chest then it was a done deal. She finally stilled, his soft whispers and gentle petting seeming to have worked. "I heard yesterday… in the village… I, I thought you might be, but then I wasn’t sure… I should have asked you then. I-I just…” She huffed and inhaled deeply. “Are you the crowned Prince of Denmark, Erik?"

  He stiffened, her words stealing the air from his lungs. For so long he hadn't wanted to be a prince at all, but the beautiful woman in his arms deserved nothing less. For her, he would be anything she needed him to. "Yes," he whispered.

  "They think you're dead. They think you've been murdered."

  "That's a good thing. I will use it to my advantage. One of my own men tried to kill me and if not for you... he would have succeeded." He pulled her up, kissing her mouth as she pushed against him. He let her go and moved back, confusion giving way to aggravation. "What the hell is going on?"

  "Your mother must be devastated. Does that not torture your soul?"

  "My brother will hold her up until I get back to Denmark. He is her strength and I am her heart. You’ll see. Everything will be fine."

  She pressed her fingers to her lips, her eyes filling once again.

  Sickness stirred in his stomach as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  "King Nathaniel of Denmark was murdered in his bed. That’s what I heard at the bakery.” She inhaled a shaky breath. “They say your queen’s locked herself away, both her sons gone and the throne soon to belong to another lineage."

  Chapter 15


  “It’s lies.” Erik shook his head. “Lies to stir the Vikings and put courage into those fighting against them. Your country is trying to take the upper hand.”

  Linzi stared at the striking man in front of her. “They tried to kill you. Why not go after your brother as well?” She knew it wasn’t a lie, she believed Erik knew it as well. “Who would want to do such a thing?”

  Erik’s face grew hard. “Halfdan,” he hissed. “We need to leave now!” He turned and headed for the house, not looking back to see if she followed him.

  Linzi took her time as she walked back. Erik needed space, she knew that without being told. Inside the house, she found a mouth-gaping Sara standing in the kitchen staring down the hall.

  Face flushed, Sara fanned herself at the near naked Viking who had just passed. She took one look at Linzi and tutted. "Earl of Hell’s waistcoat! You've fallen in love with a Viking?"

  Had the situation not been so tense, Linzi would have laughed. “A prince Viking, actually.”

  Sara blinked, her mind apparently racing. “The Viking king?”

  "He’s just a prince.”

  "Nay Linzi, if he is who you say he is, he's not the Viking prince anymore. He's the last male of his lineage. He's their rightful king."

  “Yer off yer head!” Linzi let the bread she was packing slip from her hands, heat rearing chill bumps along her skin. "Damnit, Sara. You're right."

  "Yer Da’ said you’re going with him.” Sara paused as Erik barged through the kitchen and out the door toward the barn.

  He looked like the devil’s son on a mission to destroy all those in his way. He wore Kenton’s kilt over his breeches, his chest still bare except for the axe he carried on his shoulder. His sword and knife lay strapped to his waist.

  “Oh my.” Sara leaned over Linzi to watch him.

  Linzi grinned. “He’s quite the sight, ‘eh?”

  “Lass, he’s in everyone’s dreams – the good and the bad.”

  “I hope I can help him.” She frowned, uncertain suddenly of the future.

  Sara grabbed two loaves of bread she had taken with her and handed them to Linzi to pack. “In a world plagued with darkness such as ours is, you might be the key to the king's salvation."

  Linzi numbly stuffed the bread into the bag on the table. The road before them was lined with decisions and hardship. The two of them would not be together. They couldn’t be. He would have to return to Denmark, a palace, and the responsibilities of a ruler would never allow him to remain here. Someone had wanted him dead, this Halfdan person Erik had mentioned, and he probably wanted the crown. If a man was willing to kill for it, he would never be a fair and just ruler. He would also never stop until all of Britain was his. “I haven’t thought out—”

  "Thought about what?" Erik said as he walked into the house, her father moving in behind him.

  Sara quickly piped up. "About where you and the girl will stay tonight. A storm’s headed this way."

  "There’ll be tents at the fighting ground, solid strong tents, I'm sure." He took the bag from her hand. “You ready?”

  “Give me a moment.”

  Erik nodded and clapped her father on the back. “I will bring her home. I promise.”

te ye back,” her father replied. When Erik went outside, he turned to Linzi. “You sure about this?”

  “Where he goes, I go." She leaned over and kissed her father. “I love you, Da’, always.”

  His eyes misted but no tears fell. “Say good-bye to yer Mum.” He smiled, but the action didn't reach his eyes, sadness sitting like a cloak around him.

  "Yes," she whispered and walked from the house, dark clouds hovering along their path out of town. A rainstorm would be welcomed if it could just hold off until they were safe and tucked in for the night.

  Linzi stepped off the porch onto her father's land, walking the worn path from her front door to the large stone that hovered above them as if watching over each of them forever. “I love ya, Ma.” She wiped the tears from her cheeks and hurried to Erik, who stood waiting by his horse.

  The trip to Barthmouth was quicker than she thought possible, her body curved against Erik's, her head on his shoulder as she dipped in and out of sleep. The night of lovemaking left her energy drained, her need for rest overpowering the desire to know more about him. They barely spoke on the ride, both lost in worlds of their own.

  Erik shook her softly as the sound of voices rose up around them, the camp busy with preparing for the fight and the upcoming storm. She jolted up, her eyes moving around the faces, some old, but most too young to be carrying the sad weapons they toted.

  "Stop." A tall gangly fellow moved in front of Erik's horse, a look of question on his large face. "Who are you and what do you want?"

  "I'm Erik the Saxon. The dead prince of my people, and aim to get my revenge on the Viking who took my life. Take me to your leader so that I can pledge my loyalty to you."

  Linzi felt her mouth drop. She was now instantly wide awake.

  The boy stepped back, his eyes growing wide. Erik pulled his sword from his hip and pointed it at the young male. "Take me to him now or I will prove why the Vikings are winning. It is I who led them the past three years. Now I want to crush them beneath my feet."


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