Holiday Escort

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Holiday Escort Page 4

by Julia P. Lynde

  She laughed with me. "That is the lesbian cliché, isn't it?" She paused. "Can you do it?"

  "I'm going to be so convincing even you're not going to be sure it's an act." I paused. "Especially if there's dancing."

  She grinned at me. "Ryan, the VP, fancies himself a tango dancer."

  "Ryan Freeman?"

  "You know him?"

  "Yes." I sighed. "He'd be a good dancer if he would stop trying to show boat."

  "I know!" Karen said. "And he hangs on too tight. I'd accuse him of copping a feel, but he's actually a gentleman most of the time. How do you know him?"

  "The local tango community isn't that big." I paused. "If you tango, why haven't we met before?"

  "Jessica and I didn't go to local milongas very often."

  * * *

  For the event, I dressed in a little black dress. It was an amazing dress. It was cut low in back with an asymmetric hemline. It was below my knee on the left and halfway up my thigh on the right. I applied suede to the bottom of the new shoes so they would pivot better on the floor.

  Karen wore a simple red sheath dress with black heals. She looked amazing.

  I was done getting ready before she was and waited downstairs for her. I sat at the dinette table, working on Christmas cards. I looked up when she came downstairs.

  "Hello, Honey," I told her.


  "Babe. Snookie-kins. Love munchkin."

  She offered a severe look. I laughed, rising from my seat, and crossed to the room. "You look amazing, Babe," I told her, moving up and sliding under her arm.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Getting in character," I said, smirking. I batted my eyes at her.

  "Stop that!" she said, laughing. "That looks utterly ridiculous."

  I stuck my lower lip out, pouting, then lowered my head to her shoulder. She tried slipping away from me. "Oh honey, what's the matter?" I asked her. "Don't you like me anymore?"

  "You're not really going to act like a vacuous bimbo, are you?"

  I smiled up at her.

  "Madeline," she said. "I'm serious. If this is how you intend to act, then this entire thing was a bad idea."

  "Relax, sugar bumps. I won't embarrass you."

  "You really don't want to go, I take it?" She looked annoyed.

  I sighed. "So, you don't like your girlfriends pushing your buttons. Got it."

  I stepped away from her and gathered my coat. I turned around and she was glaring at me. "Karen, I get it," I told her. "I'm sorry. I will be charming and brilliant and utterly, utterly professional." I paused. "But holding my hand will cost you extra."

  She looked away. I stepped up to her. "I'm sorry," I said quietly. "I'm nervous, so I'm teasing you. I'll stop, I promise."

  She looked back at me, pain in her eyes.

  "Karen, I'm just trying to flirt. My favorite way to flirt is with verbal wit, although I am clearly not very good at it. I promise I won't embarrass you."

  She didn't say anything and didn't look remotely convinced. I stepped away. "Fine. Have a nice time."

  I stepped past her, heading for the front closet to hang my coat up, but she caught my arm to stop me. We stared at each other for a moment. I was about to shake her off when Karen said, "I'm nervous too. Please come."

  "I expect to be pampered."

  She laughed. "I promise." She started right there by helping me into my coat before putting on her own. We then stepped through the kitchen and into the garage, where she opened my car door for me before walking around to her door.

  As soon as we were on the road, I began flirting shamelessly with her. I started by turning to face her as she drove, staring at her. When she noticed, she asked me about it. "I'm sorry, honey, it's just that you're so gorgeous, I can't take my eyes off you."

  She didn't say anything, so then I put on a distant, dreamy expression. She glanced over at me, then glanced again. I offered a big sigh. The corners of her lips twitched at me. I sighed again. "Do we have to stay long? After what you did to me last night, I don't know if I can wait before we come home again. I have something special in mind for you."

  She gave me a hard look. "You better be getting this out of your system."

  "Oh honey, I don't think I'm ever going to get you out of my system."

  "Madeline, please tell me you're pushing my buttons again."

  "Oh honey bunny, you're my first girlfriend in a very long time, and I've forgotten how to behave."

  "Honey bunny? Seriously?" But her mouth was quivering again.

  I slid my hand onto her leg. She stiffened. "Karen," I said quietly. "Thank you for the dress. Maybe later I can show you just how appreciative I can be."

  "Someone is looking for a spanking," she said.

  "Ooh," I said. "Promise?"

  I kept up the behavior all the way to the party. As soon as we pulled up in front of the house, I pulled back to my own seat and put on a proper air.

  The house was huge. Absolutely huge. The drive went right to the front entrance, and there was valet parking for the cars.

  "Wow," I said, looking at the house, then over at Karen.

  "It's his wife's," she said. "Please behave, Madeline."

  I smiled at her. "If I behave, will you dance with me, sweetie kins?"

  Her lips quivered again.

  The valet opened her door. She got out and received her parking ticket. She came around and helped me out, offering me a hand. I stepped out of the car slowly, then took her arm. Together we walked to the house. A doorman let us in and a maid took our coats. I grabbed Karen's arm again and smiled shyly up at her. Then I looked at the house.

  We were in a large, two-story foyer. There was a curving staircase to the second floor in front of us with a central hallway leading deeper into the house. The entrance was tile, but the rest of the floors I could see were wood. There was a red carpet runner up the center of the stairs.

  To the left was a double doorway, and it was from that direction most of the noise was coming from, although it sounded like perhaps the entire house was full.

  Karen looked down into my eyes. "Please, Madeline, behave."

  "You look beautiful tonight, Karen," I told her.

  That shut her up, but she managed to turn us to the left, and we went in search of our host. As soon as we stepped through the doorway, I unlatched my hands from her and took on a professional bearing. Karen looked over at me, but I pretended not to notice. We began working our way through the house, Karen saying hello to a few people, but not stopping to talk to anyone.

  I thought it was odd no one tried to stop her. Didn't anyone want to talk to her? Weren't they wondering who I was?

  We found Ryan and his wife, Corinne, in the second room, standing together with two other couples I didn't know. I reached over and took Karen's hand as we stepped up to them, holding it just long enough for people to see.

  Karen said hello and was about to introduce me. "Hello, Ryan," I said, giving him a little hug. "Corrine." I hugged her as well. "Been dancing lately?"

  "Madeline!" said Corrine. "What a surprise."

  Ryan looked between Karen and I. I held onto Corrine's hands for a moment before stepping back and taking Karen's hand.

  Ryan introduced me to the other two couples, Ben and Sally and Mike and Wendy. Ben was a client and Wendy was the director of finance for Kilador. We made small talk. I eased myself out of the conversation after a minute or two, but Corrine pulled me back in several minutes later. "Did you bring dancing shoes, Madeline?"

  "Oh yes," I said. "Will I get a dance with you?"

  We chatted for a few more minutes before Karen turned to me. "Would you care for a glass of wine?"

  "That would be lovely." I turned to Ryan. "I'll see you on the dance floor later." I air kissed Corrine then let Karen draw me away.

  "You were charming," Karen said as she drew me to the bar.

  "Thanks, snookie," I told her. "Do you suppose there's a quiet corner where we can make out?"
  She gave me a double take before she realized I was pushing her buttons again. Her mouth quivered. We collected wine from the bartender then slowly worked the room. We joined a conversation between one of the company vice presidents and her husband talking to a client and his wife. Everyone was introduced, then Laura, the VP, told us, "David and Vicki were telling us about their upcoming trip to Greece."

  "Oh," I said. "Where are you going?"

  "We're flying into Athens, of course," said Vicki. "After that, we're not sure."

  "Well, of course you need to spend time in Athens." I paused. "I love taking the train to Thessaloniki and spending a few days there. I like sitting in the cafes next to the bay, drinking that horrid coffee and soaking in the ambiance. But it's a long trip both ways." I smiled. "The coffee grows on you."

  We talked about Greece for a while before excusing ourselves.

  "Can I call you?" Vicki asked.

  "Absolutely," I said.

  As soon as we stepped away and no one was looking, I leaned against Karen and said, "How am I doing, my tall kumquat?"

  "How many pet names are you intending to try out tonight?" she asked me.

  "Oh, I'm not sure I can count that high, sweetie." I batted my eyelashes at her.

  "Incorrigible," she told me.

  "I'll have you know I've been practicing that in the mirror, apple blossom."

  Her lips quivered again.

  We worked the rooms for a while before I heard tango music. "Is there anyone you really need to talk to?" I asked her.

  She smiled at me. "Would you care to dance?"

  "I would love to."

  She led me through the house to the ballroom on the other side of the central hallway. There were a few people standing around trying to dance to the music, but no one who knew what he was doing. I melted myself into Karen's arms. She weight shifted twice before stepping forward.

  I closed my eyes and enjoyed the dance. Karen kept things simple for the first song, and I resisted the urge to back lead.

  For the next song she stepped it up a little and also gave me opportunities to offer flourishes. She earned herself a leg wrap, which I held for several seconds before stepping out of it. By the end of the song, she was doing a good job showing me off.

  She tried to pull away but I quietly whispered, "Please, one more?" She held me and stepped forward when the music began.

  Corrine and Ryan had joined us on the floor before the song was over. Karen pulled away when the song was over and was about to lead me from the room when Ryan interrupted and asked me to dance. Once we were dancing, I heard Corrine and Karen also dancing. I glanced over, and Karen was leading.

  Ryan actually gave me two good dances. When we were done I told him, "You've gotten better."

  He smiled. "You mean I stayed within my limits."

  "I wouldn't have put it that way."

  "Corrine told me she wouldn't dance with me anymore if I didn't take a few lessons and actually try to learn from them."

  Then Ryan asked Karen to dance. They danced open rather than close. I turned to Corrine and stepped into her arms. She gave me two nice dances. She's a better dancer than Karen, but I realized that Karen and I fit together better.

  Once we were dancing, Corrine started talking to me. "I am a little confused, Madeline. We haven't been close friends, but I was under a different impression about you."

  "I was too," I said with a small laugh. "Then I met Karen." I paused. "We haven't known each other very long. Anything I should know about her?"

  She was silent for a while. "I don't know her well. I only see her at these events. I get the impression she is very passionate about her work."

  We settled into the dancing. After two songs, Corrine gave me back to Karen. I sidled under her arm, wrapping mine around her waist, then turned so I could whisper towards her ear. "Do you need to schmooze more?" She looked down at me. "I would rather dance with you."

  "Two more songs, then schmooze a little, then more dancing?" Corrine and Ryan were standing near us, watching a pair of couples making a valiant effort to copy the tango we'd been doing. "Ryan, will it be tango all night?"

  He looked over and smiled. "No, but I think you could tango to everything in the play list."

  Karen pulled me back onto the floor, and it felt good to be in her arms again. I told her that.

  "Are you teasing?"

  "We should agree on a code for when I'm not teasing," I told her. "Right now, I'm not teasing. I enjoy dancing with you. You are warm and a comfortable lead."

  She didn't say anything to that.

  I got my two songs with her, then she pulled me from the floor and we roamed the house, schmoozing some more. I flirted lightly with her whenever we had an audience and outrageously when we were alone. She never outright laughed at the flirting, but I could tell she had a hard time controlling her responses several times.

  We were between schmoozing groups when Karen was hailed by a man. "I've been looking for you," he said. Then he looked pointedly at me.

  "David Jenkins," Karen said. "This is Madeline Burnet." She turned to me. "David is the I.T. manager at Kilador."

  We exchanged handshakes. "Actually, you're the person my wife sent me to find," he said. Without ceremony he took my hand and began pulling me after him. I lost my hold on Karen's hand as I was tugged along behind David. He pulled me through two rooms before we found his wife, busily talking to two other women.

  "I found her!" he said, presenting me to his wife. She was five-five, short black hair, wearing a red dress, and I guessed to be about forty. David was a little older than his wife, tall, and rugged-looking.

  "It is customary to invite a lady to a conversation, David," his wife said. "Not drag her along behind you like an errant child."

  Karen caught up with us at that time. I glanced over at her and she was smirking at me.

  "Sorry," David said to me. "She told me to find you. I got carried away."

  "It's okay," I said, laughing lightly. Then I looked at his wife.

  She hit him on the arm and gestured with her chin at me. "Oh. Sorry. Madeline, may I present my wife, Laurie?"

  She and I shook hands, then she described why David had dragged me through the house. "I was talking to Vicki, and she seemed impressed with your travel knowledge. Are you well-traveled?"

  I smiled. "I've been to a few places, perhaps more than most."

  "Don't let her fool you," Karen said. "She's been everywhere." I smiled.

  "David and I are talking about a trip next year," Laurie said. "He wants to go to Alaska."

  "Amazing place," I said. "It sounds like you aren't convinced."

  "I wanted to go to Paris."

  "Oh dear," I said. "So it's not like you're discussing the merits of two different rugged destinations but instead the City of Love versus the greatest wilderness America has to offer."

  Laurie smiled wanly.

  "I've been to both. What would you like to know?"

  "What would I do in Alaska?"

  I looked between the two of them. I settled on David. "You like hiking and camping and fishing and all that, right?"

  "Yes, and I've never seen a glacier."

  "How about you?" I asked Laurie.

  "They're all right," she said. "Is it pretty?"

  "Stunning, absolutely stunning."

  "I could sit at the lodge with a cup of cocoa and a book," Laurie offered.

  "Alaska isn't a weekend destination," I said. "Would you be happy with a week or two of reading books?"

  She frowned. I turned to David. "You definitely need to go, but you're going to need to bribe her. What is your objection to Paris?"

  "Museums?" He said. "Tourist traps. The Eiffle Tower? It's a long way to go just to play tourist."

  "The food is fabulous," I said. "I love sitting in the sidewalk cafes."

  He didn't look convinced.

  I looked between the two of them. "You could do a compromise vacation. Spend some time i
n Paris, then take the train to Switzerland or Austria and spend time hiking through the alps. See the Matterhorn. Stay in a remote mountain chalet. It could be very romantic."

  The two of them looked at each other, speaking without words the way couples do.

  "Or you can find a way to bribe each other. Go to Paris this year and Alaska next year." I turned to Laurie. "You need to let him have his Alaska vacation at some point." I turned to David. "And you need to take her to Paris." I paused. "You might both be surprised by how much you enjoy the two places."

  We talked for several minutes. I couldn't answer all their questions, but I did what I could. They didn't come to any decisions while we were talking, but I had given them more to think about it.

  A short while later I turned to Karen and said, "Snookie kins."

  "Yes, sugar lips?"

  I smiled. "Can we dance now?"

  "Yes," she said. "But only because you've been so charming with everyone."

  * * *

  I continued to flirt with her the rest of the night. We eventually found ourselves back in her car, and I continued to flirt shamelessly. "I think you can drop out of character now," she said, frowning at me as she put the car into gear and we drove away. She didn't say it very kindly.

  "All right," I said quietly. Up until then, I'd been having fun. I thought she had been, too. It was a stupid reaction on my part. I was her fake girlfriend, not her real girlfriend, so it shouldn't have bothered me that she'd asked me to quit. I sat quietly for the ride home.

  We got home and I caught her in the kitchen. "Did I embarrass you tonight?"

  "What?" I think she'd been thinking of something else. I watched her catch up to my question. "No. You were brilliant. Why did you think I was embarrassed?"

  "Nothing. Good night."

  Keeping Things Welcoming

  Our routine settled in. I made the house look as much like a welcoming home as I could. I cooked dinners that were flexible so they'd still be good regardless of when Karen got home. I did more cooking than I'd ever done in my entire life, and I decided I liked it.

  I took to baking in the late afternoons so that the house would always smell wonderful when Karen got home. I sent her to work each day with baked goods to share with the office. The third time I did it, Karen asked me about it.


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