Swagger: A Stepbrother Romance

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Swagger: A Stepbrother Romance Page 13

by Terry Towers

  “Oh fuck, you’re beautiful.” His words pulled her back to reality as he slammed into her a final time and his dick began filling her with his cum. The feeling of his warm cum rushing into her sent her over the edge once more. Her pussy clenched around his unloading cock, milking it, begging it for every last drop.

  Reed gently lowered himself onto Chloe taking care not to put too much weight onto her tiny frame, while his shaft remaining tight within her. Slowly she unlocked her ankles and lowered her legs from around his hips.

  “Are you okay?” Concern was etched in his expression. “I wasn’t too rough with you?”

  Chloe laughed. “I feel amazing.” She reached up and touched his cheek, a smile remaining on her lips. “I’m glad it was with you.”

  He returned her smile and brushed his lips across hers. “Would it be arrogant to say so am I?”

  “No.” Slipping her hand to the back of his head she urged his lips back down to hers. “I hope we’re not done yet though.”

  He growled, deep in the back of his throat then kissed her with so much passion she suspected that weren’t even close to being finished.

  Chapter 6

  It had been a very long two days without seeing Reed. They’d talked briefly on the phone the couple of days they’d been apart, but she wanted to be in his arms. She wanted to feel him naked and next to her again. Now that her body knew what it was like to be claimed by a man, she couldn’t stop longing for that again.

  A few more hours Chloe, she told herself, A few more hours and you’ll get to be with him again. Tonight was special, Abagail was going back home to spend a few days with her parents leaving the apartment all to Reed and Chloe. Chloe couldn’t be more excited and planned on cooking for Reed. She was hardly the best cook in the world, but new he’d appreciate the effort.

  “Alright, I’m ready to go. Ummm.”

  Chloe looked up from the book she’d been reading and peered over the back of the sofa at Abagail. Abagail had an odd expression on her face… Was it guilt? Fear? Combination of the two?

  Putting the book on the coffee table, Chloe frowned. “What’s going on Abby?”

  “I have something to tell you. I can’t leave until I do.” Abagail came around the sofa to sit next to her friend. “Promise not to be mad at me, okay?”

  “What are you talking about? I could never be mad at you? What’s going on?” Now Chloe was extremely concerned, her friend never acted like this.

  Abagail look a deep breath in and slowly released it. “Well, you know how I never came home last night, right.”

  “Yeah, you hooked up. As long as your happy, why would I care?”

  A smile spread across Abagail’s lips. “Oh, I hope you mean that. I don’t want you mad at me.”

  The fact that she was beating around the bush was concerning Chloe. “What are you talking about?”

  “Okay. Well, when you told me you met Reed I was interested. I know you asked me to keep my distance, but… I’ve had a crush on him for years and now that I’m older and he’s older.” She shrugged giving Chloe an apologetic look.

  Chloe cocked her head to the side and eyed Abagail intently. “And, what are you saying?”

  “I kinda went onto your computer and found his address.”


  “I went to his place to see him.”

  But he wasn’t there, so…

  “You’re right, oh-my-god, he’s so hot! I always thought he was cute, but he’s really hot now!” Abagail was beginning to bubble with excitement.

  Chloe sat up straight on the sofa. “Excuse me? You saw him?”

  Abagail gave her a sheepish smile. “I kinda did more than saw him.”

  Chloe’s mouth dropped open, unable to process the information her roommate was giving her.

  “And he was... Amazing.”

  “You went to his dorm?”

  “Yeah, second floor, room 212. He answered and I was like ‘ohmygod Reed, I can’t believe it’s you!’ and then we got to talking. And…” She put her hands out to the side and giggled. “Please don’t be mad.”

  Reed wasn’t supposed to be home. He was supposed to be staying at Dr Horton’s. It makes no sense… Unless… Chloe shook her head. “Are you sure it was Reed?”

  Abagail laughed. “Yeah, I’m positive. I can be a little flighty at times, but I think I know who I fucked last night.”

  “Did he say anything about me?”

  She shrugged. “No. Nothing. Should he?”

  Chloe shook her head. “No. No.”

  She’s lying. Abagail is lying, that had to be it… But one look into Abagail’s eyes and she knew that wasn’t the case. Abagail had no reason to lie. She wanted to scream, to cry, to lose it in front of her frined, but forced herself to remain in control.

  He wanted sex. He fucked the virgin and now he’s moved on. Anger began to rage within her. He’s a fucking pig. Of all the girls to fuck he had to fuck my best friend!

  “Chloe? Are you okay?” The feel of Abagail’s hand on hers brought Chloe back from her ponderings. “I’m sorry I broke my promise, it’s just that I’ve liked him for so long and…”

  Chloe put her hand up, stopping Abagail. “It’s fine, please. Let’s not talk about this anymore.”

  Abagail’s smile faded. “I’m sorry Chloe. I’m really sorry.”

  Shaking her head. Chloe rose from the sofa and forced a smile onto her face, despite feeling like her world was being shattered into a million pieces. “I’m happy for you. For you both. Really.” It wasn’t Abagail she was trying to convince, but herself.

  The anger flared back up. There was no way she was going to let him get away with this. She’d let him come to dinner, but when he did he’d have a lot of explaining to do.


  Reed parked out in front of Chloe’s apartment building and got out of the car. He could barely believe it, but he was actually nervous seeing Chloe again. He never got nervous seeing women, but she was something different – special. He could spend days talking to her and never run out of things to say from reminiscing about the past to talking about the present and speculating on the future.

  He quickly made his way into the building and to the second floor where her place was located. He hesitated before knocking, taking a deep breath in and slowly releasing it. Jeez man, you’re fucking acting like a teenager. Get a grip.

  He knocked and moments later the door was flung open revealing Chloe. And she looked breathtaking. She was barefoot, her dark locks were piled into a loose bun on top of her head and wearing a cute pale yellow sundress with a neckline dipped low into her cleavage. His cock sprung alive and as he stepped in to hug her, she smiled and took hasty step back motioning for him to enter.

  “So, welcome to my place. Dinner is almost ready,” she said cheerily, her smile bright, but it didn’t seem to follow through to her eyes.

  He stepped fully into her apartment and she closed the door behind him. “Great. It’s wonderful to see you. I’ve missed you.” Again, he leaned in to kiss her and this time she ducked under his arm and waved for him to follow her to the kitchen.

  Was it him? What the fuck was going on? Despite his questions he said nothing as he followed her through the living room and into the kitchen. Was she freaking out because they’d had sex? Was she regretting giving her virginity to him? Maybe he’d pressured her and not realized it.

  “So I have chicken in the oven and making Caesar salad. Would you like some wine? White maybe?”

  “Ummm. Sure. That would be great.”

  He stood on one side of the breakfast bar and watched her on the other side grab a corkscrew from the drawer and proceed to open the bottle of wine, then pouring a glass for both of them. She gave him another smile that again didn’t follow through to her eyes as she passed him a glass.

  Am I imagining this? Each second that went by way making him more confused.

  “A toast.” She raised her glass and he follow suit. “To redisc
overing old friends and finding new love. While our relationship may still be new, let it be filled with good times, wonderful memories yet to be made and above all honesty.”

  The fact she emphasized the word honesty wasn’t lost on him, but he didn’t challenge her. He clinked his glass to hers and then both took a long drink; him drinking down half and her finishing hers and refilling the glass. Spinning around and turning her back to him, Chloe began to put together the ingredients of the salad.

  Reed came around the counter and stepped up behind her. He watched her a moment as she tossed the salad, mixing the Caesar salad dressing into the salad. “Chloe, is there something the matter? I’m sorry I didn’t have much time these past couple of days to talk Professor Horton had a shit ton of papers and…”

  Salad in hand Chloe turned around to face him. The smile was gone and her lips were formed into a tight line, anger flared in her green eyes.

  “Are we going to play this game all evening or are you just going to be a man and come clean.”

  “What?” He gave his head a shake. “What?”

  “I know Reed. What do you think she wasn’t going to fill me in!”

  “Huh?” He took a step back, his brow furrowing. “Fill you in? What are you talking about. Can you fill me in?”

  She snorted he disgust. “You’re seriously going to play it like that? Was the whole thing a game for you, get the virgin to put out and then fuck with her? Of course, from what I hear that’s what your dad does, so maybe it’s like father like son.”

  “What the fuck does my father have to do with anything?”

  “Stop lying to me. I fucking know!” She screamed at him.

  Reed’s own tempter began to flare. If she wanted to be pissed about something fine, but he’d be damned if he was going to let her take her issues out on him.

  “Know what? Have you lost your mind in these past two days?” he smirked at her. A voice at the back of his head screamed at him to slow down, to not say something he’d regret. He ignored it. “If we’re going to bring parents into this, maybe my father cheated because your mother was a fucking crazy woman. He couldn’t take a shit without her questioning him about it. Maybe the craziness has been passed on.”

  If he’d thought she was angry before, it was nothing compared to her reaction to what he’d said. “I know you fucked Abagail! You bastard!” That’s when the salad came flying at him. An entire bowl of salad slammed into his chest and fell to the floor, leaving streaks of dressing down his t-shirt.

  Reed’s mouth momentarily dropped open. Fucked Abagail? Was she seriously off her rocker? “Who told you that?”

  “She did. And I know she wouldn’t lie. She went to your place and you fucked her last night.”

  “I wasn’t even home last night.”

  She huffed and raced past him and into the living room. Reed followed her and watched as she opened the apartment door, and with her free hand planted on her him she waited for him leave. “Get out. I won’t stand here and let you lie to me.”

  He was tempted to stand his ground and refuse to leave until they got things straightened out.

  “Get out Reed! And don’t ever come back. I’m not my mother, I won’t let you make a fool out of me like your father did to her.”

  Reed snorted and gave his head a disgusted shake as he crossed the living room and stopped in front of her. “I didn’t fuck anybody. And darling’ you’re doing a damned good job of making a fool out of yourself.” Grabbing a piece of lettuce from his shoulder he popped it into his mouth. “And when you decide to calm down, perhaps get back on whatever meds you seemed to have forgotten to take today and stop acting like a crazy woman so you’ll listen to reason, you know where to find me.”

  He exited without looking back, even when he heard her soft sob, before she slammed the door shut and locked it. He walked back to his car more confused then he’d ever felt in his life. Had Abagail lied to Chloe for some reason? Why? Or had Chloe lost her goddammed mind? He didn’t know, but one thing he didn’t want was drama and craziness in his life.

  Good riddance, he told himself, but he didn’t believe it.

  Chapter 7

  “What’s been up your ass the past couple of days?” Corey asked plunking himself into the empty seat next to Reed in the movie theatre and passing Reed a bag of popcorn.

  “Nothing.” Taking the popcorn Reed grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth. It had been two days since his fight with Chloe. He’d expected and hoped she’d come around. That’s she’d try to have a real conversation with him about whatever it was she thought he did. But she didn’t call. Didn’t show up. Didn’t text. It was apparent she didn’t give a shit about him, so to hell with her.

  But he still didn’t believe it.

  “Come on. Seriously. What the fuck?”

  “I said forget it. I’m not interested in talking about it.”

  Corey sighed. “Well, fuck you too man. Oh and by the way, something happened the other day and I forgot to tell ya.”

  “I’m not interested. Just not in the mood.”

  “Reed! Oh my god!” Reed and Corey turned their heads to see a girl with long blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes standing at the end of the aisle and smiling at them. The girl looked slightly familiar, but he couldn’t quite place from where. “I just got back into town. So glad I ran into you. I know I promised to call, I just got so busy.” She shrugged. “You know how it is.”

  Reed glanced over at Corey whose eyes were locked to those of the girl as she made her way down their row no doubt intending to sit next to Corey. “Do you mind if me and my friend sit with you guys?”

  “Ummm.” Corey looked over at Reed and shrugged, a guilty expression on his face. He looked back at the girl. “Sure. Be my guest.”

  The girl sat down and leaned over Corey extending her hand to Reed. “Hi, I’m Abagail. You can call me Abby. Are you Reed’s roommate Corey?”

  Reed didn’t reply, but took her hand giving it a shake and shooting a questioning glance at Corey who mouthed; I’ll tell you later.

  The girl looked over her shoulder and up the main aisle. Suddenly she stood and waved her arms. “Chloe, over here. We’re sitting here.”

  At the sound of Chloe’s name Reed’s swivelled so quick to look behind him that he actually heard a crack sound and felt a pinch in his neck. Sure enough, it was Chloe – his Chloe. What had happed all began to become crystal clear.

  “Corey, you fucking son of a bitch,” Reed growled as the puzzle pieces filled into their spots and the complete picture became clear to him. He’d said it so loudly that numerous people seated around them stopped talking and began to stare at him, but he didn’t give a rat’s ass about any of them. Now that he knew the truth, his only goal was to get things smoothed over with Chloe.


  She’d spent the past two days attempting to rid her mind of Reed Bennett and just when she thought she might be able to move on, leave it to Abagail to want to sit with him at the movie. Didn’t Abagail have any heart at all? With a sigh, Chloe reminded herself that Abagail didn’t know about her and Reed and it was apparent Reed still hadn’t informed her.

  Just suck it up and get the fuck out of here Bennett.

  “Corey, you fucking son of a bitch!” Reed bellowed, making Chloe jump backwards, spilling some of her popcorn in the process.

  Rushing down the main aisle, she began down the row, intent on telling Abagail she was leaving and then getting the hell out of there. She had no idea what was going on between the three of them, but the one thing she did know was that she wanted no part of it.

  “Corey?” Abagail crinkled her nose up and stared at Corey.

  Corey shrugged. “About that...”

  Reed stood his face contorted in anger. He pointed to Corey. “That is Corey.” He jerked his thumb towards himself. “I’m Reed.”

  Abagail glanced over her shoulder at Chloe, her eyes questioning no doubt hoping for her friend could offer some
clarity. That’s when it became clear to Chloe what had happened. Corey looked a lot like Reed, hell they used to pretend they were brothers. Abagail fucked Corey, not Reed.

  Chloe’s mouth dropped open and her heart sank into her stomach. Ohmygod! I threw a salad at him! I told him he was like his father. I threw him out saying I never wanted to see him again. Ohmygod! I fucked up, I fucked up so bad. She was mortified by her actions. Instead of wanting to run to Reed and straighten things out, her only thought was to get out of there – fast. She needed time to think.

  He was right, I acted like some crazy woman. She groaned inwardly.

  “Sorry to disappoint you Abagail, but Corey pretended to be me. Why, I have no fucking idea. You two can discuss it, but I’m getting out of here.” He turned to his friend, his jaw clenching with restrained anger. “Corey, you can find your own way back to the dorm.” He stepped over Corey and Abagail, not bothering to give either one of them a second look and came straight down the row towards the flabbergasted Chloe.

  Scared she was going to get run down and not wanting a confrontation, Chloe spun and hurried back down the row to the aisle. Reed caught up to her as she reached the aisle and grabbing her arm a little rougher than she suspected he intended half-leading, half-pulling her up the aisle.

  “Reed, I - ” Chloe stuttered.

  He ignored her. He led her through the theatre and then outside. She didn’t pretest, but allowed him to take her across the parking lot to his car. Once they reached the car, which was located in a secluded area of the back part of the theatre, he released her leaving a red bruise on her arm.

  “Shit, I’m sorry.” He gently grabbed her arm again – gently this time - and raised it to his eyes, examining the bruise. “Are you okay?”

  Chloe nodded.

  “I was so damned mad. I’ve been a wreck these past few days and that whole fiasco in the theatre, I just…” He released her arm and thrust a hand into his hair. “Corey pulls shit like this all the time and I’m left getting fucked because of it.”


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