Briar's Saviors [Beyond the Veil 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Briar's Saviors [Beyond the Veil 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 14

by Honor James

  “I could wake like this every morning.” Briar moaned and lifted up into the mouth of one of her lovers. Her hands splayed into Danel’s hair, the man at her breast, and she sobbed. “Byrne.” She moaned his name as he worked her clit as only he could do. His large fingers spreading her pussy, his rough tongue making her want to scream in pure pleasure. This was a perfect way to wake.

  “Good morning, love,” Danel said, his voice rough in that I just woke up way. Lifting his mouth from her breast, he leaned in to kiss her hard and fast. “You looked so relaxed and happy we just had to give you a proper and fitting wake-up call. Just so you know, we put the coffee on so it’ll be ready by the time we finish ravishing you.”

  “Damn, the two of you totally know me.” She moaned and then shivered. “I’m all for ravishing. I think that you should both continue to ravish or else I’m going to go hunting for coffee,” she teased. “I really think that at least one of you should be inside of me,” she begged, lifting a leg and hooking it around Byrne’s shoulder.

  “Not until you scream,” he told her, a smile on his lips. Dropping another kiss to her lips, he returned to her breasts, his mouth landing on the other one and sucking hard. Just like Byrne was doing with her clit, his fingers sliding in and out of her pussy as he finger-fucked her.

  Briar tried to hold out, she really did. She fisted her hands in Danel’s hair and held his too-clever mouth to her breast, but when he bit her, well all bets were off. One hand on Danel’s shoulder and one hand moving to Byrne’s hair, she tugged. Begged and writhed in need. “Please,” she whimpered. With Byrne’s fingers pumping faster and harder in and out of her body, she gave up and let go. Screaming when she came, her fingers tightened in her men’s hair and she shouted for all the heavens to hear.

  As she fought for air they were moving and shifting her. Danel slid his cock into her still-pulsating pussy right before Byrne slid his cock into her ass. A few more adjustments and then they began to pump into her, pushing her through her first orgasm and straight for a second one.

  Briar whimpered and moved with them. Bracing herself against Danel, she pushed on them and moved with them. “So good. God that feels amazing.” She loved the feelings of these men working her body over as they were. The way that they prepared her for their invasion. It was perfect.

  “That’s the idea,” Danel whispered in her ear. Thrusting deeper, he nibbled on her earlobe and tugged gently. “We only want you to feel the absolute best when we are together. You deserve nothing less,” he said softly.

  “Thank God.” Briar moaned and pushed back against them. “Gods that’s just right.” She licked her lips and nodded. “Harder. I want to scream.” They never failed to give her just that, a screaming orgasm that made her entire being shake with desperate need.

  Byrne nipped her jaw and then kissed her neck. “You’ll scream. It’s inevitable. The only true question is, how long can you hold out?” he whispered. Smiling, he thrust harder and moved his hands to her breasts, squeezing and rolling the tight buds gently.

  Oh that was a taunt. She knew it when she heard one. She knew that they were trying to get her dander up and trying to get her to hold out, damn them for knowing her so well! Biting her lower lip, she moved with them, her eyes on Danel and determination showing on her face. “I want you to both scream with me.” She growled through clenched teeth.

  Laughing softly, he grinned at her, sliding his hand down over her belly. Brushing a finger over her clit, he flicked his finger back and forth. “Only if you hold out. Not for long but definitely long enough,” he told her.

  She shivered, couldn’t help herself from doing just that. Licking her lips, she nodded and smiled. “I will hold out as long as I can.” She rubbed her cheek to his shoulder and nibbled on him with her teeth. “Harder,” she demanded of her mate.

  His smile grew. She could feel it against her cheek. But they gave her just what she wanted. They both thrust into her body harder, Danel’s finger flicked over her clit harder and faster. Byrne rolled and tugged on her nipples in time to their thrusts, occasionally squeezing her breasts or gently massaging their weight.

  Briar held on as long as she possibly could. Without another moment she did just as they demanded. She gave up her scream as she came. Her whole body shook with her orgasm. Her smile on her lips showed just how much she had loved being able to come. “Please,” she begged softly. She needed them to fill her body now.

  “One, more,” Byrne whispered in her ear. His movements, both of their movements, were turning jerky. They were close. “Scream for us again,” he told her. Then he bit her neck, not hard, just enough to hold her and let her feel those sharper than human teeth as his cock slammed into her ass, again and again.

  She did just that. Her breath caught, she gasped, and then her scream was torn from her throat once more. A sob accompanied the scream. Pleasure and happiness filled her from that scream. “Now,” she demanded—didn’t ask, didn’t beg, demanded.

  Thank the Gods that they gave her what she wanted and needed. Briar wasn’t sure she’d have survived them demanding another orgasm out of her just then. Byrne’s hot semen filled her ass while Danel thrust in a couple more times before stilling. On a shudder, her name torn from his throat in a harsh sound, he came inside her pussy.

  Briar collapsed against Danel and she whimpered. “Heavens,” she whispered with a smile on her face. Briar knew that she could get used to this, being with these two men. Having them loving her as they were. Closing her eyes, she yawned and nuzzled against Danel. “Okay, if we are going to get out of the bed sometime in the next year we should likely get moving. I know that we all need a shower to get cleaned up, but we shouldn’t shower together or we will be making love again.” Because she would attack their beautiful bodies. “So we will take separate showers, and I call dibs on the first one,” she added with a smirk. “Someone else can start the coffee, please?”

  “Coffee’s already started,” Danel said with a chuckle.

  “We must have done something right to make her forget that fact,” Byrne said behind her. His chest was vibrating in a laugh as well, but all she could hear and feel was a puff of breath past her ear.

  “Go ahead,” Danel told her, and both men pulled from her body slowly. “You can take this bathroom. I’ll hit the other one and then get breakfast started.”

  “Give a yell when you’re done, Danel. I’ll snag it when you’re done,” Byrne said, rolling to his back to stretch out slowly.

  Briar smiled at her men. She couldn’t look at them again or she would jump them once more. Instead she gave a small wave and headed off to the bathroom. She might have been walking a little funny, but that was nothing a hot bath couldn’t fix instead of a shower.

  A pair of wolf whistles followed her, quickly followed up by deep male chuckles.

  When she came out of the bathroom she could hear pots clanging softly and deep male voices. A burst of laughter sounded before easing down to a chuckle that tapered off. “Come on out here, Briar. Coffee’s more than ready, and we know you need some so move it. We’re already behind schedule because of your sexy self,” Byrne’s voice called out to her. He would be the one to know she was just in the other room.

  “Yeah but you both know that you would move schedules time and time again for me,” Briar said with a grin as she moved into the kitchen. She was well and fully dressed for the day, ready for whatever was to come her way next. Taking a seat at the counter, she accepted the coffee and took a reverent drink and sighed. “So good. Man, that’s the stuff of the Gods,” she praised and then asked, “What are you boys making me for breakfast?”

  “Waffles and fruit,” Danel said. He slid a plate in front of her with three waffles stacked up with a bunch of strawberries on the side. “I happen to love waffles, so that’s what you’re stuck with today.” He grinned. “We have whipped cream if you want some instead of syrup.”

  “Oh that sounds good. Nope, I would like peanut butter and syrup
please.” She didn’t care for whipped cream, but give her some good old-fashioned peanut butter and syrup and she was one happy lady.

  Byrne made a face but dutifully collected the items and handed them to her. “Human women are weird,” he said when she took them from him. “And yes, this is a human thing. Solely a human thing. I have never, ever, seen one from the Veil ever make up some of the odd combinations you do, at least not more than once.”

  Briar just laughed and shrugged. “You know you love me, big boy, so get over it.” She teased him. “You know that you love that I come up with some off-the-wall combinations. It’s part of what makes me me.” She loved these men, but they would seriously have to get used to her weird eating habits.

  “It’s true, can’t lie about that, but it’s still freakishly weird.” Leaning over, he kissed her and then drew back when Danel put two more plates on the countertop. Grabbing the coffee carafe, he refilled her mug as well as his and Danel’s.

  “Yeah, I know, but it’s something that I grew up loving, so it’s not like I will change now,” she said with a shrug. “Besides, I’m happy and you guys are happy because I’m happy, so it’s all good. Right?”

  “Right.” Danel nodded. Then he elbowed Byrne hard. “Right?” he said, giving him a big-eyed stare.

  “Uh, right.” Byrne grinned. “All good, happy mate. No sleeping on the couch that doesn’t fit a too-large body. Or something to that effect.”

  “Now you are getting it,” Briar said with a laugh and took a bite of her breakfast. “So good,” she praised. “See, this is a happy mate, one that loves and adores you both for all you do for her. This is the face you want to see, not the frowning face or, Gods forbid, the crying one.” She had cried enough to last her a lifetime and they both knew that.

  Both men shuddered and shook their heads. “Fuck no, no more crying. That shit just makes a man’s balls suck up into his body as he gets the overwhelming urge to curl up into the fetal position and beg for death.” Danel made a face and shot her a look. “No more tears from you, ever.”

  “That’s the goal.” Briar didn’t want to cry anymore. She had cried more than enough in her life. She was all about happiness and joy right now. She just simply wanted to love and be loved now that she finally got over herself and accepted the men into her life.

  Byrne touched her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “Hey,” he said softly, leaning in closer. “No more being sad either. We’re not going anywhere, Briar. We’re here with you for the rest of our days of which there will be many. So smile, please.”

  She smiled just for him and nodded. “I know, and that makes me happy. I’m very pleased to be called yours, both of you,” she added softly. “I love you both, a great deal, and I don’t think that the cosmos could have chosen better mates for me than the two of you.”

  “Doubtful, we are pretty perfect.” He grinned at her. Dropping a kiss to her nose, he brushed another to her cheek. “Now, eat up and then we need to get moving. We do need to get our reports in sometime today. The faster the better in my opinion. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can hopefully figure out who did all this.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” She continued to eat and then finally spoke again. “Also, the sooner that we get this figured out the sooner we can take some time off and just simply bond, right?” She knew that both Lacey and Lilly had done that with their mates, and dammit all she wanted was to do it as well.

  “Yes, we will need to take time off to just be together. And it will be sooner than anyone will likely be willing to let us go. But it’s in the laws for a reason and we’re damn well doing it,” Danel said. He pushed his empty plate away and grabbed his mug to cradle in his hands. “It’s more specifically targeted for the Luhpynes, but really any of the races need that additional time dedicated to just the bonding. Lucky for us we have a Luhpyne, so if anyone says any differently, we just sic Fido on them.”

  Byrne’s fork paused just before his mouth. “Fido? Really?” he asked, shooting Danel a dirty look.

  “Seemed fitting. But we could go with Rover if you preferred. Or Fifi maybe.” Danel smirked.

  Briar couldn’t help herself. She began to laugh. “Oh lord,” she mumbled. “That’s utterly priceless. The two of you, I swear you are brothers in some past life or something because the two of you bicker like siblings. I love it,” she admitted.

  “Doubtful, I’d have beaten his ass at least once for that if he was my sibling,” Byrne commented.

  “Oh please.” Danel snorted. “You only wish you could beat me up. You know as well as I do that you’ve never had a hope and a prayer.”

  “Only because I let you win, it would just look bad in front of our mate if you were always the bloodied one.”

  Danel’s eyes narrowed, and then some emotion shifted over his face. “You always were a dreamer, weren’t you, Byrne? I’ve been holding back so I don’t show you up.”

  “Okay, enough,” Briar said and shook her head. “Good lord you are like a couple of babies yapping over who’s better or a couple of macho men comparing dick sizes. Which, by the way, you are both impressive so don’t even go there or I might be sleeping alone tonight,” she said sternly. “Now, back to happiness, please.”

  Danel sniffed slightly and looked to her. “I’m sorry, Briar. That was uncalled for and beneath us both. We’re not siblings and likely never were. We’re just a little too competitive I think for that. Besides, given how long we live, past lives usually don’t come into the talks surrounding our peoples.”

  That’s all right,” Briar said with a smile. “I can survive the two of you, but for a moment I thought you were going to come to blows, and I simply couldn’t handle that, at all. Sorry but I guess I’m still having issues with things from time to time.”

  “Hey.” Byrne slid his hand over her hair lightly. “We would never do anything like that. At least not where you could see it. Behind closed doors, that’s an entirely different story. But we want you to feel safe with us, Briar. We’re naturally dominant beings. It’s part of our genetic makeup to puff up our chests and all that other stuff. But you know that we would never, ever do anything to upset you if we can avoid it.”

  “Thank you for that.” Briar leaned into him and sighed. “I do feel safe with you, with both of you but not when you were being like that. When the both of you had that look of battle in your eyes.” That’s what scared her more than anything, that look of ready to fight that they both had seemed to adapt in their teasing.

  “I know, babe,” he whispered. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he drew her in closer to him and squeezed. “I’m sorry we scared you, Briar. I never want you to be afraid of us, but we are going to screw up from time to time. And the fact we’re highly competitive isn’t always going to help the situation all that much. But we will try, for you, little one.”

  “And every time that you do I will tell you like I just did.” She felt her heart rate slowing and nuzzled in closer to Byrne, needing his touch greatly. “Just know that when I do ask you to chill, it’s because I’m starting to become stressed and fearful. I don’t like admitting that to either of you but it’s the truth.”

  “We would rather you be honest with us, love,” Danel said quietly. Reaching out, he took her hand in his and squeezed gently. “We’re new to all of this as well, Briar. And we can only learn with assistance from you as to what you find acceptable and what is not. We come from different places, if you don’t remember.” He smiled. “Just tell us and we will remember for the next time such a situation arises.”

  “Sounds ideal to me.” Briar sighed and closed her eyes. This was what she had needed, to be held. “I just need you both holding me, just reassuring me that you are over with your tiff and that we are a family once more?” she asked softly, squeezing Danel’s hand as she did so.

  “We will always be family, Briar. Even when the fur ball and I aren’t in agreement.”

  “It’s true, sweetheart. Tinker Bell an
d I don’t always get along but we do both love you and will do anything to keep you happy. Even if that means I have to show him up in private, I will,” Byrne said, in what he likely assumed was a reassuring manner.

  Briar laughed and shook her head. “Sheesh, Danel, you two are like overgrown children. But yes, please do it in private if you wouldn’t mind? I really don’t think I can handle the stress of you two bickering, even if it is only to release steam or whatever.”

  “Try not to worry so much, love,” he said quietly. Pressing a kiss to her temple, he gave her another squeeze before his arm loosened from around her shoulders. “Now, finish eating your breakfast, have another cup of coffee, and then we really need to get our asses in gear.”

  “Sounds good, and the coffee will be coming with me.” She pulled away from him and continued to eat, keeping the peace by remaining between them and stopping them each time they went to talk. Granted by the end of breakfast she was ready to get naked again, but that was neither here nor there.

  “Is she looking a little on the hot and bothered side of things?” Danel asked, leaning in and eyeing her up.

  “Just a little. I think she’s either coming down with something or she’s letting her dirty mind run away with her again.”

  “Well, I hear she’s got quite the collection of racy reads from Lacey. Or so Zhubin mentioned the other day.” Danel grinned.

  “I heard that from Ansell as well. According to him, a few of the books Lacey’s been loaning to our darling Briar are enough to make him blush. And we both know it takes a hell of a lot to make that particular Luhpyne blush.”

  “Yes, I am getting on the hot and bothered side of things,” Briar finally said. “If we don’t leave soon I am totally going to strip you both naked and jump you now. I mean that too by the way. So we really should get a move on.”


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