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Tonight Page 10

by Nana Malone

  “Dad?” He frowned.

  “I hope this isn’t a bad time.” His voice was gruff.

  If his father was calling him at home, something was going on. “What’s the matter, Dad?”

  “It’s your mother. She had an accident.”

  The breath rushed out of his lungs. “I’m on my way.”

  “Tristan, we’re in Santa Barbara.”

  “What?” His parents lived in Beverly Hills. They did have a vacation house up north, though.

  “It happened at the house.”

  “Fine, text me the hospital info.” He hung up without another word and tossed on the nearest clothing he could find and didn’t give a thought to how wrinkled it might be. The two-hour drive north was made in a haze.

  When he finally got to the hospital, his father met him in the waiting room.

  “Dad, what happened?”

  He frowned. “Your mother fell down the stairs at the new house.”

  His stomach dropped. “Oh no.”

  Tristan’s father held up a hand. “Don’t overreact. She’ll be fine.”

  Tristan curled his hands into fists. Then forced himself to unfurl them. This was deliberate. The old man had used his mother to get him out of LA and away from that presentation. Fury bubbled under his skin. He’d deal with his father later. “Where is she?”

  The old man sighed. “Room 102.”

  When he arrived at his mother’s room, she turned to him with a smile. “Oh, Tristan, I told your father not to call you. I know you had that big presentation going on today.”

  “It’s okay. My co-presenter will handle it. Do you want to tell me what happened?”

  “It was silly. I fell off a ladder as I was trying to install a new chandelier and lost my balance. He shouldn’t have called. He knew how important today was for you. Taylor told him. You could have come after.”

  His stomach sank. It didn’t matter now anyway. He was here and his mom looked okay, but she was in traction, so it was serious. And he was glad he’d come. “Don’t worry about it. I should be here and I am.” He just prayed Syn had gotten his messages. In the meantime, he and his father were going to have a little chat.

  Chapter 17

  Synthia paced in front of the conference room. Where the hell was Tristan? She checked her watch. He was supposed to be here an hour ago. Thankfully she had access to the presentation materials, so she’d had one of the assistants help her set up his boards.

  She’d already checked with Reception and he hadn’t called in sick. Hadn’t left a message either. Maybe he’d called her cell? She checked the clock. She didn’t have time to go back to her office and retrieve it. Okay, then, she was going to do this alone. Fair enough. Presenting she could do in her sleep. It was the whole infusing fun thing she didn’t know how to do.

  Whatever. She’d fake it till she made it. After everything he’d said about how important this job was to him, how he needed this as validation, she couldn’t believe he’d just blown her off like this. Fine, this job was now hers to lose. And there was no way she was losing.

  Walking into the presentation room, she gave Bryan a cheerful smile and hoped the smile she gave Bella looked like a friendly gesture and not the baring of teeth it felt like.

  Bella’s eyes drifted toward the door. “Where is Tristan?”

  Syn’s stomach sank. Of course Bella was looking for Tristan. He was who she really wanted. Sorry, lady, you’re stuck with me. She searched for an answer to this question that was both truthful and wouldn’t bite her in the butt later. “He sends his apologies, but he’s very ill, so he won’t be able to present today. I will be presenting his work as well as mine.”

  Bryan sat up. “I should have been notified. We could have moved the meeting.”

  Synthia shook her head. “Tristan knows how important Miss Bliss’s time is. He didn’t want to waste it. I assure you, I’m well prepared and ready to go.” She gritted her teeth to ask the next question. “Or would you prefer to wait until Tristan is available?”

  Bella’s answer surprised her. “No, go ahead. I’d love to hear what you have to say.”

  Say what? Syn forced a smile. Okay, then. Showtime. She turned out the lights and moved the mouse on her laptop to make the screen appear. “Fantastic. If you will draw your eyes to the first slide.”

  For two hours she presented both her information and Tristan’s. She answered all of Bella’s questions on pricing and room size as well as financials and areas for improvement and she answered Bryan’s questions about amenities, but with every word about the race cars or about the dinner and show, she thought about Tristan. The way he’d laughed and taken her around Vegas. The way he’d looked at her. He couldn’t have been faking all that. Could he?

  When she was done, Bella leaned back in her seat. “Well, you certainly are thorough. Tristan told me you were the best.”

  Synthia blinked. Tristan had said that about her? Her heart squeezed. Shoot, she’d gotten it wrong. He hadn’t been cozying up to Bella to get the job. Whatever had been going on at the bar, he wasn’t trying to hurt her.

  Syn forced her mind to go back to Saturday and made herself remember. Bella’s hands had been on his face. Bella’s body had been pressed flush against his. Where had Tristan’s arms been? The memory came into focus. His hands had been on hers. He hadn’t been holding her. Her lungs squeezed and she couldn’t breathe.

  Oh God. She’d lost him. All because she was terrified and didn’t want to get hurt.

  She had to talk to him. But first she’d have to get through this.

  Bella tapped the table with her pen. “I must admit, I’m sorry that Mr. Dawson isn’t here, but you did a brilliant job. Please make sure your findings are sent to my office.”

  What, as if she was some kind of amateur? “Already done.”

  For once Bella gave her a genuine smile, complete with crinkly eyes. “Of course it is. You certainly think everything through. I especially loved the video elements from the vantage point of the guest. That was brilliant, especially on the helicopter ride and the dash camera on the cars. I felt like I was really taking part. We could use something like that for B-roll in our marketing materials.”

  That had been Tristan’s idea. If Synthia was being honest with herself, her presentation alone would have been dry. Sure, she would have mentioned the amenities and the luxury experiences, but Tristan had taken it a step further. He’d managed to incorporate depth of feeling into the presentation. “Thank you. Tristan spearheaded that effort.”

  Bella twirled her pen and nodded thoughtfully. “How would you like to be the brand management lead for the Bliss Hotel in Las Vegas?”

  Adrenaline pumped through her veins. This was it, what she wanted. What she’d worked so hard for. She’d pulled it off.

  But not alone. The presentation wouldn’t have been the same without Tristan’s input. And it would have been even better if he’d been here to present with her. He would have brought a certain level of enthusiasm. It really didn’t kill her to have a little fun, and in this instance, it had upped her game. Tristan had upped her game.

  Tristan had put in just as much work as she had. And he wanted it just as bad. She couldn’t cut him out of the running, could she? He deserved this as much as she did.

  She wanted this job...but she wasn’t doing this alone. “Under one condition. That Tristan and I share the job. The presentation is half his.”

  Bella frowned. “But he wasn’t here.”

  “That’s the deal. Both of us or none of us.”

  Bella slid a glance at Bryan, who smirked. “If you’re sure that’s what you want.”

  “You two finally realize you’re better together?” Bryan asked.

  Synthia nodded. “Something like that.”

news. Because if you two hadn’t worked out your differences, I would have had to find another team.”

  The moment she left the presentation room, Syn made a beeline for her office. She passed Olivia’s office on the way, and her friend followed behind her. “Hey, girl, where’s the fire? How did it go? Did Mr. Sex on a Stick really not show?”

  Syn grabbed her purse, fishing for her phone. “Yeah, he was a no-show, but I presented his part anyway.”

  Olivia folded her arms. “I’m getting the impression that you didn’t throw him under the bus.”

  “No. If he isn’t here, it means something is wrong.” Her hand wrapped around her phone, and relief rushed through her. “Bella gave me the account. I get to work on the branding.”

  Olivia narrowed her eyes. “This should be happy, booty-dance, in-your-face time. Why is there no in-your-face dancing? I came just for that.”

  “Because I told Bella that Tristan and I should work together. That it made more sense that way. And that we’re a team.”

  Liv’s voice went soft. “Sounds like someone got bit by the love bug.”

  “Yeah, you could say that.” Syn played her messages. The first three were from Saturday. But there was one early this morning around six. She hadn’t even heard the phone ring. She hit Play.

  “Syn, I’m sorry. I won’t be there today. My mother is at Santa Barbara General, so I have to go up and see her. There’s been an accident. I know you don’t trust me, but I’m hoping we can sit down and talk later. Good luck today. I have a feeling you don’t need me anyway.”

  The lump in her throat constricted her airflow. “Oh no, Liv, I screwed up.”

  “What happened?”

  “I took Xia out on Saturday to spend some quality sister time and I saw Tristan with some guy and Bella Bliss was there.”

  Liv’s eyes went round. “As in Bliss Hotels Bella Bliss?”

  “Yeah, as in has-been-trying-to-climb-into-Tristan’s-pants-since-she-laid-eyes-on-him Bella Bliss. She was wrapped around him in a way that looked like they were about to kiss.” She suppressed the flare of rage. “He saw me, I took off. You can guess what happened next.”

  Liv strode over and wrapped her arms around her. “Oh, Honey Bunches of Oats. You put them walls right back up and he pushed too hard and you pushed too hard, and that was the end of that.”

  Syn choked out a laugh. “Yeah, pretty much. It’s almost like you were there.”

  Olivia pulled back. “Look, I’ve said it from the beginning, you two are better when you’re together, and from the looks of it, you love him, so I’ll cover for you here. Go find him. I’m sure he wants to hear you say you love him.”

  Syn grabbed her purse. “Okay, I have a call this afternoon with Jefferson Books. Do you think you can take it and if Bryan is looking for me tell him that I went to see Tristan and we’re brainstorming and—”

  “Would you just go? I got this. And you have a man to go get.”

  Yes. Yes, she did.

  Chapter 18


  The familiar voice had him turning around. It sounded like— “Syn, what are you doing here?”

  She reached him and dragged in a deep breath. “I got your call about your mother. Is everything okay?”

  She’d come all the way up from LA to check on him? “Um, yeah, she’s in traction, but she’ll be fine. You didn’t have to come all the way up here.”

  “I know, but I was worried and I knew if you missed the presentation that it was something big. I didn’t get your message until after.”

  He sighed. So she’d thought he’d abandoned her? “I wouldn’t just not show.”

  “I know that. I knew that as soon as you didn’t show up. You worked your ass off on this. I know it was important to you. You wouldn’t have just vanished.”

  At least she knew that much about him. “So, how did it go? I assume Bryan was pissed.”

  She shook her head. “The presentation isn’t important right now. How is your mother? How did she end up in traction?”

  Tristan sighed. “My old man made it sound more serious than it was to get me down here. He knew the presentation was today. He wanted to exert some of the Dawson power.”

  She leaned away from him. “Are you kidding me right now?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. I really wish I was.”

  “That’s just crazy.”

  “Yeah, well, you don’t know my dad. He doesn’t do rebellion very well, so Mom’s accident was the perfect reason to pull me away from what I wanted.” He shrugged. “It’s just how he does things. He sets bombs to everything he touches. I don’t think the old man will ever understand that the more he pushes to control me, the more I’ll just do my own thing. We had a chance to talk and he’s still not behind my choices.” He shrugged. “But I think he respects me a little more for standing my ground with him.”

  Her smile was soft. “Even I’ve learned that lesson by now.”

  God, he missed her. What he wanted to do was hold her right now. But he kept his distance. She’d made it clear how she felt about him on Saturday. “I guess you have.”

  “Tristan, I’m sorry,” she blurted out.

  “What? About my dad? He’s not your fault. I make it a point to thank my grandparents every chance I get.”

  “No, about Saturday. About all of it. I was scared as hell and seeing you with Bella just gave me a reason to hide. To prove that loving you was a mistake. I should have just listened to you, but I didn’t know how.”

  Loving him? His blood rushed. She’d just said loving him. “Wait, can you repeat that last part?”

  A soft smile tugged at her lips. “What? About me not knowing how?”

  He tilted his head. “No, before that.”

  “Oh, you mean, the part about how seeing you with Bella just gave me a reason to hide?”

  “Sort of, but the part right after.”

  She grinned. “Oh, the part about me loving you? Yeah, I’m a little late to the party. I finally figured out that all those feelings that were making me feel insane, that was just the love talking.”

  “Now you tell me.”

  “Well, there’s something else too. Bella offered me the job today.”

  He nodded. “I figured she would.”

  “But I told her the only way I was taking it is if I had a partner.”

  Warmth started to spread in his chest. “A partner?”

  “Yes, because I’m better with you. We need each other. I need you. And I don’t want to do it without you. And Bella agrees with me. We landed the job.”

  Tristan grinned as he pulled her to him. “If you can just go back to that part about loving me again and stop there, I’d be the happiest guy in the world.”

  “I love you, Tristan Dawson.”

  “And I love you, Synthia Michaels.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that because you’re going to be stuck with me for quite some time.”

  “Sounds like heaven to me.”

  * * ***


  Sienna Mynx



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5


  I want to thank my fans (the Mynxers) for allowing me to create from the heart and for proving that romance should be explored and celebrated beyond color lines. After six years of growing as an author, I have learned from and been inspired by some of the best: Erica Rigdon, Danielle Harden, Kay Young, Natasha Kelly, Reese Dante, Alicia Spencer, Denise Cherry, Debra Boxton, Janet Tillman, Simone Harris and so many more. Because of all of you I have reached a great benchmark in my writing
career. Here’s to much more!

  Dear Reader,

  Who wouldn’t love to be stranded on a deserted island with a man who had the body of a quarterback and the finesse of Romeo? Could you throw away your inhibitions and give in to passion with a man who was your sister’s husband’s brother? A Casanova with petal-soft lips and muscles made of concrete, someone whose wealth and famous friends kept the tabloids celebrating their bachelorhood?

  Maybe you could if a midnight boat cruise left you stranded and alone with him on the most beautiful moonlit beach in the Caribbean. But what if you discover that the accident and romance was all part of his plan to possess you? Could you forgive and separate passion from lust to find your playboy lover’s heart?

  I dare you to try to resist. Deja doesn’t.

  Sienna Mynx


  The Wedding

  “Hey? Watch where you’re going!”

  Jon caught the beauty by her arm before their bodies slammed down to the floor. He’d been thoughtless. Too caught up in his own personal discontent and frustrations to be concerned with those who dared to step in his path. But who knew a wrong turn could improve the night considerably?

  “Sweetheart, let me help,” he said. A bit winded himself, he squeezed her arm to keep her upright. His touch lingered. A natural response to the lovely fragrance she wore and voluptuous curves that he couldn’t help but admire. The young woman yanked her arm away and began to wipe at the splatter of champagne across her chest with her drink napkin. Frantic brushes to her purple bridesmaid’s dress spread the wet spot around her breasts instead of drying it. Jon couldn’t help but notice how her nipples peaked from either the humid outdoor temperature or friction. He observed the jolly movement of her breasts in amusement. A medium-sized pair of beauties exposed thanks to the deep V-neck bodice she wore. She had a trim waistline that complimented her full heart-shaped hips too. The lady possessed the kind of feminine grace that gave a red-blooded man like himself X-ray vision with a vivid imagination.


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