The Creation: Chaos Rising

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The Creation: Chaos Rising Page 17

by Art Gulley Jr.

  Gabriel's face brightened at the memory. "It was totally bazaar. One of the kids even asked me if I was an angel."

  "And what did you say?"

  The Celemor shrugged. "I told her that I just worked for them, which for all intents and purposes, is true."

  His humility in the face of such heroism sparked a surge of desire within Nina. Putting thought to action she reached up, drew his head down, and kissed him hungrily.

  At first Gabriel tried to pull away, but Nina's arms, wrapped tightly around his waist, kept him in place. "Please, Gabriel," she whispered huskily into his ear.

  The poignant look in her eyes intensified Gabriel's yearning to finally end his century long abstinence. The urgency in her voice and touch swept away the last vestiges of guilt sparked by thoughts of Clarissa flitting through his mind.

  He effortlessly lifted her trembling body into his arms, and carried her into her bedroom where he gently laid her down atop the bed's embroidered duvet. Their clothes were quickly shed, and they began an urgent exploration of one another's bodies that culminated quickly in a wave of mutual pleasure that left them both breathless. With their initial hunger for one another sated, they began again at a more leisurely pace, savoring the pain and pleasures of the moment until they collapsed together into a deep and restful slumber.

  "You still with me, Nina?"

  Nina blinked. The memory of that incredible moment, and the numerous others of similar intensity they had shared since, faded as Maria's call thrust her back into the present. "I'm sorry, what?"

  A knowing smile curved Maria's lips. "Boy, that young man's got your head in the clouds!"

  Another flush darkened Nina's cheeks. "Yeah he does; in and out of the bedroom." She felt no shame imparting such details to Maria who had graciously assumed the role of nurturer, friend, and confidant in the wake of Nina's mother's accident.

  "You think he could be the one?"

  Nina chuckled at the hopeful tone of Maria's voice and the exaggerated fluttering of her heavy lashes. "He could be." Nina let it go at that. Though hopeful, she was hesitant to commit more to her and Gabriel's relationship due to its peculiar dynamics.

  During the hours following their lovemaking, the Harbinger and Celemor had discussed the topic at length. To Nina's surprise Gabriel had expressed a sincere desire to remain in her life even after his Task was completed. The Harbinger had readily agreed. Now if they could just figure out what it was that God, and whoever else, wanted of her to do so she could get it over with life could be a whole lot sweeter.

  She had finally come to the conclusion that having life-saving visions wasn't the damnable curse she'd first made it out to be. She just wished she knew what the endgame was in all of this.

  "And just what are you two hens clucking about," Tony's deep voice rang out as he and Gabriel entered the shop's leaded-glass front door, both men stomping and shaking the snow from their boots and coats.

  Nina was secretly amused by Gabriel's efforts. The Celemor's Celestial aura made him impervious to Nature's follies, prompting Nina to suggest he tone it down a bit whenever he revealed his presence in public. People might think it a bit strange seeing a man walking around in ten degree weather with no coat; particularly when they noticed the unnatural deflection of snow or rain from his body. Gabriel had taken her advice to heart and made sure to draw his energies inward on such occasions.

  Nina favored the two men with a playful smile. "We were just having a little girl-time."

  "Did you guys have any luck getting Miss Goldstein's car started?" Maria asked, tilting her head slightly to the left to accept the kiss her husband aimed at her cheek.

  "He did." Tony jerked his head in Gabriel's direction as he slid into the booth beside Maria. "I tell you Nina, your guy here's a jack-of-all-trades. I might have to steal him away and put him to work here in the shop."

  Nina chuckled as she rose from her seat. "I'll keep that in mind." She slipped her arms into the heavy jacket Gabriel was holding for her. "He might look kind of cute serving up sandwiches in one of those little white aprons."

  A look of disdain crossed the Celemor's face. "Not with the steady flow of oddballs and attitudes you guys get in this place. I swear I don't how you two do it," he directed toward the Scavelli's.

  Tony shrugged. "I find that a big smile and a kind word works with most people; that and the occasional swing of my meat cleaver."

  Nina laughed while buttoning up her coat. "Yeah that would definitely work for me. You guys take care. Your future employee and I have a date with about thirty kids back at the main Center. Tonight is taco night."

  "Enjoy," Tony called out as Nina and Gabriel left the shop. He waited until their reflections faded from the shop's windows then turned serious eyes to his wife. "There's something very peculiar about that boy."

  "How so?"

  "Well for one thing the way we got that car started," Tony grunted, helping him self to one of the scones on the plate sitting in the middle of the table.

  Maria leveled impatient eyes on her noisily chewing husband. "Would you care to elaborate?"

  "I can't for the life of me figure out how he did it," Tony mumbled through a mouthful of scone. "When we got to where the car was parked, old lady Goldstein already had the hood popped. I tried to crank it, but the battery was dead. I was about to call Triple A on my cell when Gabriel stopped me. He gave the car an odd look, placed his hand against the battery cables for a moment then told me to try it again."


  "The damn thing kicked right over." Tony was still awed by the incident.

  Maria was unconvinced. "Maybe the cable was just a little loose and he wiggled it into the right position."

  "Nah that was the first thing I checked. I'm telling you that battery was dead."

  Maria's left eyebrow arched upward. "Are you saying that Gabriel jumped started her car?" Her amusement faded at the look in her husband's eyes. "You are saying that, aren't you?"

  Tony shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I don't know what I'm saying. All I know is that the boy is…different."

  "Define different." Maria was warming up to the subject.

  "Well for starters, he never gets tired."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean I've been watching him play ball and such with some of the teenagers at the Center. The man runs circles around those kids and never even breaks a sweat."

  "Well he is a professional bodyguard," Maria stated. "For that kind of job, you need to be in top shape."

  "He's also strong; unnaturally strong. I happened to catch sight of him cleaning up the weight room at the Greenfield Center the other day when I was dropping off those sandwiches for Parent Feedback Night. He put all the plates onto the barbell, lifted it off the bench with one hand, walked across the room with it, and set it down on the pads."

  "What's so unnatural about that?"

  Tony's expression turned bleak. "I counted the plates; there was easily four hundred fifty pounds on that bar!"

  Maria blinked. "Well…like I said, he is in extremely good shape," she reasoned, though a note of uncertainty now colored her tone.

  "I've been in good shape all my life, too but I was never like that," Tony said with a snort. "But it's more than just the physical stuff. The guy's also got a phenomenal understanding of history and current events. He looks to be about Nina's age yet every time we have a conversation I get the feeling that I'm talking to someone my own age or older."

  "And probably wiser," Maria teased, smiling at the evil glare her husband directed at her. "Maybe Gabriel spends a lot of time Googling historical events. On the other hand I've never asked Nina his age. Maybe he's older than he looks. At any rate, he really is a nice guy and Nina adores him."

  "Well the feeling is definitely mutual on Hercules' end," Tony grunted. "He hovers over her like a mother hawk, and his eyes light up every time her name is mentioned."

  Maria pinned her husband with a hard stare "Then for Nina's sake
, let's keep these wild notions to our selves. It's about time she had a little romance in her life, and I don't want you adding any unnecessary stress to the mix."

  Tony wrapped his arm around his wife's plump shoulders and gave her a squeeze. "Alright, I'll keep the interrogations to a minimum." He gave her lips a quick peck to seal the deal. "But however good of shape he's in, if he breaks Nina's heart he'll have me to deal with."

  "And your meat cleaver," Maria added with stout nod of her head.

  She pushed away from him, and rose from her seat to greet the brace of customers making their way into the shop, signaling the start of the evening rush.


  "So how have you and Tony been getting along," Nina asked Gabriel when they reached her Grand Cherokee parked several spaces down the street from the shop.

  Gabriel opened up the driver side door and helped her in. "Okay I guess. He's been playing the new-girlfriend's-threatening-uncle/father role with me."

  Nina smiled at the news. "Do tell; and how have you been making out?"

  "The fact that he hasn't introduced me to his prized cleaver seems to indicate that I've passed the initial inspection."

  Nina laughed. "I'd say that was an accurate assumption. Tony's always had a paternal leaning toward me; which is nice since I never knew my own father."

  Gabriel's sensitive hearing picked up the wistful undertone that was always present in Nina's voice whenever she spoke of the man she knew so little about.

  While Nina was growing up, her mother rarely spoke of him, and any questions on the subject put to her by her daughter were always met with vague answers or stern admonishments for her to just let it go.

  Earlier that year at Gabriel's urging, Nina had initiated an exhaustive search through city and state records in an attempt to locate her father, but had met with no success. It was as if Miguel Delcielo had never existed. Despite the failure of her quest, Nina still held on to the hope that she would find him, and that they would one day be reunited.

  She strapped herself into the Jeep's seatbelt, and Gabriel gave the shoulder harness a quick tug to make sure it was secure.

  "Thank you, sir." Her expression became tender. "And thanks for being so patient with Tony and Maria. I know they can be a bit overwhelming at times, but they mean well."

  Gabriel gave her shoulder an affectionate squeeze. "I know they do." He leaned his head into the Jeep and stole a quick kiss. "To be perfectly honest, it feels good to interact with regular people; makes me feel normal."

  Nina smiled. "Well if that's the case why don't you jump in?" Her right hand patted the Jeep's empty passenger seat. "I guarantee serving up tacos to a bunch of hungry teenagers will get you all the interaction you need."

  Gabriel abruptly released her shoulder and stood up. "No thanks. Feeding the masses is not my idea of interaction." He quickly shut the Jeep's door, gave the street and surrounding area a surreptitious glance then vanished.

  "Coward," Nina muttered. She started the Jeep then headed off toward the Center, comforted by the fact that although Gabriel wasn't physically sitting next to her, he was still there.


  Perched atop the central tower of Detroit's famed Renaissance Center, Dichotomy watched as Nina's vehicle merged smoothly into the throng of oncoming traffic. His keen eyesight also detected Gabriel's translucent form soaring after her, and a slight a smile spilt the Celestial's lips.

  "I see your interest in this particular Emergence has not abated old friend," Omen's deep voice echoed through the air as he materialized beside his former protégé'.

  "Nor has yours toward Gabriel," Dichotomy said, a pleased smile on his face as he inclined his head toward the hovering Overseer.

  "I've learned that vigilance is often the best policy when dealing with you Celemors."

  Dichotomy gave Omen a bland look. "That title no longer holds meaning for us, Omen."

  "Of that I'm well aware, Caleb. Though you have to say you're recent activities, and current location, tends to lend evidence to the contrary."

  Dichotomy's left eyebrow arched upward. "You've been keeping an eye on us?"

  "I'm curious as to you're continued interest in the Harbinger. Nor am I the only Member of the Watch that has taken notice of it."

  Dichotomy's expression turned severe. "We take it you're referring to the Archangels. Have you been dispatched by them to chastise us?"

  "Actually my orders from The Seat are to leave you alone."

  Dichotomy's form wavered slightly. "If that's the case then why are you here?"

  "As I said before, I find your interest in Nina most curious. Would the two of you care to explain it?"

  Dichotomy studied the Overseer's hooded features for a moment, trying to get a sense of his mood.

  Despite his abandonment of his Celestial post, the former Celemor had never harbored any animosity toward his former handler. In fact it was just the opposite. Toward the end of his service to the Watch, Dichotomy, or Caleb as he was still known at the time, often took solace in the Overseer's encouraging words.

  In the end, not even Omen's sage advice could prevent Caleb's subsequent split from The Watch, but the dual being he had become still held a note of gratitude for the Overseer's efforts.

  "In truth we have no singular reason for maintaining our vigil, other than the persistence of a feeling of…unease in regards to the Harbinger."

  Omen's eyes flared briefly. Caleb's senses had always been heightened to a degree that far exceeded the Celestial norm, and his concern also echoed that of the Overseer. "I must admit that I too have experienced a touch of trepidation toward Nina. Yet I cannot fathom the reason why. So far her Emergence is proceeding well."

  "Yes it is," Dichotomy agreed. "In fact you might say it's going too well. She accepted her role far quicker than we would've thought possible, given her negative spiritual stance and lack of any Celestial buffering. Plus, her focus is much more pronounced at this stage of her development than any of the other Harbingers we've encountered throughout the centuries; with the exception of one," the Celestial added glaring at the Overseer through beetled brows.

  "Yes she does seem to have adapted rather well to the Celestial energy coursing through her body," Omen blatantly ignored Dichotomy's bait. Now was not the time to engage in that particular discussion. "I'm also surprised at how taken Gabriel is by her."

  "Considering how long he remained in mourning over his wife and daughter, we thought you would be pleased."

  "Oh I am," Omen quickly assured the Celestial. "But the Archangels have indicated to me on several occasions that such ties may not be in his best interest; particularly when it prompts him to push the boundaries of his restrictions, like when he rescued those children."

  Dichotomy's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "And why is that?"

  "Both Michael and the Bringer of Death have been vague as to their reasons." Omen's voice was laced with aggravation for his inability to illicit more pertinent details from the Archangels. "I've consulted other Members of the Watch, and none of them have a clue as to why those two are devoting so much time to Nina, nor the reasons behind her Emergence."

  Dichotomy's form wavered again. "We assumed that she was the initiate of a new Reclamation."

  "As did I, but given the length of time that has past, and the Archangel's peculiar interest, I'm beginning to wonder."

  "Perhaps you should consult with others removed from The Watch for the answers you seek."

  "You know discussing matters of this nature with non Members of The Watch is prohibited," Omen bit out sharply. "I'm taking a chance as it is talking to you." His glowing eyes focused intently on Dichotomy's face. "Despite my curiosity, as an Overseer, I am unable to pursue this matter."

  A slight smile tugged at Dichotomy's lips. "Then maybe a Celestial not bound by the Tenets of the Watch should investigate further," the blended being suggested mildly.

  Omen's features remained hidden under his cloak, but the slight shift in his hovering
form seemed to convey satisfaction. "What the two of you do on your own time is no longer my concern," he replied stiffly then promptly vanished, leaving Dichotomy to ponder the course of action he should take.

  "Omen's concern must truly be great for him to have approached us about it," a male voice rang out as Dichotomy's dual personalities briefly separated themselves. "Such duplicity on his part is an indication that there is more to Nina's Emergence than the simple imparting of some new addition to the Tenets."

  "Then let us return home and seek counsel from one also removed from Nirvana's political infrastructure," The female responded, and a nimbus of light engulfed the Celestial's body. "What we discover may aid the Harbinger and Gabriel in the fulfillment of their respective Tasks."

  The view of Detroit's skyline dissipated as Dichotomy shifted through the dimensional Crossroads that surrounded and bound the three Realms together, appearing moments later within the shifting miasma of Sublimia.

  No sooner had the carrier nimbus faded from the Celestial's body than the air before him coalesced into a glowing, feminine shape.

  "Greetings Caleb," a sultry voice rang out from within form's midst. "Or do you prefer your new title?"

  Dichotomy accorded the form a respectful nod. "Caleb will do, Twilight, but we do appreciate your courtesy on the matter."

  "Of course," Twilight responded in kind. "So; what new riddle have you brought for me to solve this day?"

  "One concerning the Emergence of the Harbinger, Nina Delcielo; as the embodiment of Celestial Energy, we were hoping you might lend insight as to the extent of her abilities."

  Twilight's form shimmered slightly. "You wish to discover the reason's behind her Emergence?"


  "And for what reason do you seek this information?"

  "The satisfaction of our own curiosity as to the woman's place within the Creation."

  "Yours and Omen's I presume," Twilight said with a chuckle for Dichotomy's startled reaction. "Come now, Caleb; you of all beings should know little that transpires throughout the Creation escapes my notice."


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