The Creation: Chaos Rising

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The Creation: Chaos Rising Page 19

by Art Gulley Jr.

  "Who are you Darius?" Gabriel grated out, grabbing hold of the Desomor's arm and spinning him about to face him.

  "Please, Gabriel," Darius soothed as the repelled attackers began regrouping for another surge. "Now is not the time to…"

  "I asked you a question," the Celemor growled, his eyes glowing with Celestial fire as he tightened his grip on Darius's arm.

  Darius deftly freed himself from the Celemor's grip just in time to release another wave of force against the throng of protestors trying once again to enter the box. He turned fierce eyes back to Gabriel. "I'll gladly confess all to you once the Harbinger his safe. Now GO!"

  The Celemor spared the Desomor a final scowl then moved to comply only to find that Nina was no longer at his side.

  The Harbinger had moved forward, and was kneeling beside one of the protestors writhing on the carpeted floor in agony; her left leg broken at the spot where it had impacted against the door jamb during Darius's second thrust.

  As if in a trance, Nina reached forward, a golden aura encircling her body as she laid a gentle hand against the woman's mangled leg.

  "What…what are you doing to me?" The woman's choked question became a startled cry as the glow about Nina's body enveloped her own, and the broken bones of her leg began knitting themselves back together. "My God," the woman whispered. The fear and hostility in her eyes disappeared, replaced by a wondrous gleam. She reached a trembling hand toward Nina. "Who…who are you?"

  Nina gave no answer, amazed her self over what had just occurred. She tensed as she felt her body being lifted from the ground, but relaxed when she saw that it was Gabriel's strong arm encircling her waist.

  The healed woman continued to gape in wonder then gasped as her glowing healer, and the tall muscular man holding her, disappeared amidst a flash of blinding light.


  The entire incident, as well as the couple's precipitous exit, was also noted by the lone, winged figure observing quietly from the Window housed within the Apex.

  The glow of Gabriel's carrier nimbus faded and the Archangel Michael allowed the view of the theatre to dissipate from the Window.

  "You're Emergence is now complete, my child," he whispered to the now opaque expanse. Nina's instinctive act of healing would unlock the final gates to her considerable abilities.

  Michael's wings twitched with the Archangel's sudden anxiety. Her Celestial awakening would also allow her to uncover the truth of her heritage. He prayed that she wouldn't despise him when she did."

  Worry not, my son, the Almighty's voice sounded softly in the Archangel's mind. All matters are proceeding accordingly.

  For the first time in his eons of existence the Keeper of Benevolence found no comfort in his lord's assurance, and with good reason. Nina's life was about to be irrevocably changed.

  Already the Archangel could feel the subtle shift in the Celestial ether as the various entities throughout The Creation became aware of their new Celestial Kinsmen sparking a feeling of foreboding within the Archangel unlike any he had ever felt before.

  Something momentous was on The Creation's eternal horizon. He just wished he knew what it was.


  Cardinal Dresden's wrinkled hand tightened around the phone's receiver as he listened to the Neutralizer excited chatter coming through the speaker.

  "I understand," Dresden barked roughly when the man had finished his report. "I'll confer with the Elders on this so we can determine the proper course of action. After that I will apprise you of your next assignment. Tell me; what effect has this had on Cara?" Dresden's pensive features turned even grimmer when he received the answer to his query. "That's unfortunate, though after an experience like that I'm not surprised at her wanting some time away to reflect on what happened. No, go ahead and grant her request. Do keep an eye on her, and inform me immediately if the she begins to exhibit any…peculiar behavior."

  Dresden laid the receiver back in its cradle, his hand trembling with suppressed emotion. The heretic's powers were growing! Healing with a touch?

  Nina's ability to see the future was frightening enough; Lord only knew what other surprises this woman had yet to unleash. Fortunately the only apparent witnesses to this particular feat were the Neutralizers that had perpetrated the Fox assault. The Cardinal shuddered to think what would happen if word of this incident leaked out to the masses.

  If an operative as dedicated as Cara could be led astray by such devilry then those poor sods with little or no affiliation to the Catholic Church, or any church for that matter, would be easily consumed by the offerings of this sliver-tongued temptress.

  Dresden stared at the at magnificent view of Saint Peter's Basilica through leaded glass windows of his office, marveling as always at the steady flow of souls seeking spiritual solace and refuge within the great church's hallowed walls. Those sublime pilgrimages were now being threatened by Nina Delcielo's very existence.

  Over the past several months, her naïve message of ‘self-actualization' had caused quite a stir along the spiritual front. Several churches, or "Fellowships" espousing her doctrines, were materializing all over the globe; particularly in areas besieged by political oppression and economic hardships. Even Rome was becoming affected, with scores of devout Catholics turning there backs on the Diocese in favor of this sport religion and the simplistic concepts of salvation it offered.

  Dresden gritted his teeth in anger over such blasphemy. Only through rigid adherence to the time-honored doctrines of the church could one come to know the true might, glory, and salvation of the Lord. Without such structure, there could only be chaos.

  Even the haughty Jews and those insufferable followers of the Muslim faith maintained strict discipline in the observance of their skewered beliefs. Nina Delcielo's agnostic proclamations were wishful thinking at its best!

  Dresden just prayed that the Presbyterii would be able to extinguish this troublesome flame before it blossomed into a full-blown inferno.

  Chapter 27

  "Authorities are still unclear as to what sparked the violent confrontation at the Fox last night, between members of the True Christian Society and theatre security, that left two people dead and several more injured. Among those in attendance were Detroit's Mayor, several members of the Spirit Way Foundation's executive board, and philanthropist Nina Delcielo who, according to sources, appears to have been the target of the group's protest."

  "They were after me," a somber Nina spoke to Gabriel who was materializing beside her. "I knew that a lot of folks were beginning to take stock in my opinions on organized religions and such, but I never dreamed I was being taken so seriously." She turned haunted eyes to the Celemor. "According to CNN, I've amassed quiet an audience, and not just locally."

  Gabriel gathered the disturbed woman into his arms. "Yours is a message of Self-actualization, Nina. Considering the world's current spiritual state, such a concept is bound to have a universal appeal. Unfortunately such views also tend to draw an equal amount of animosity from those whose beliefs you challenge."

  Nina rested her head against his broad chest. "That's the part I don't get. I can read the futures of people I've never even seen, but I can't do the same for myself?"

  "I'm afraid that's usually how it works. The theory being, that if a Harbinger knew of the tribulations that lay ahead, they might become prejudiced in the use of their abilities."

  Nina released a derisive snort. "So what are you saying; after God crams our bodies with all these holy powers, he throws us out to wolves to fend for ourselves?"

  Gabriel chuckled. "No, He assigns people like me to fend off the wolves while you go about His business."

  Nina released another disgusted snort. "Well that's just stupid," she muttered, and turned her attention back to the television.

  Gabriel grunted in agreement as he, too, focused on the news cast. "Given the fact that your stance on religion has drawn such a considerable amount of attention, last night's attack was probably the first
of many to come."

  Nina abruptly pushed away from the Celemor. "How can you be so damn calm about this? This is my life we're talking about!"

  "I'm sorry if I sounded callous, Nina," Gabriel quickly offered. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, infusing his touch with a soothing flow of Celestial energy. "I'm afraid my Celestial internment has left me somewhat desensitized."

  "And I'm sorry for biting your head off," Nina sighed. She reclaimed her spot against his chest. "This whole thing's got me rattled in a way that I can't even begin to describe."

  "I'm sure it has." Gabriel hugged her trembling body closer. "For what it's worth, you're handling this far better than the majority of your predecessors."

  Nina chuckled weakly. "Gee thanks,"

  The Celemor gave the top of her head a light kiss, savoring, as always, the tropical scent of her shampoo. "There were some positive outcomes to last night's debacle."

  Nina tilted her head up, and regarded him through skeptical eyes. "Oh really; and just what were they?"

  "One was our discovery of the changes our friend Tip, who did make it safely away from last night's drama, has made to better his life."

  A pleased smile appeared on Nina's face. "That's a very positive outcome. What else?"

  "Your instinctive use of your Celestial abilities when you healed that woman."

  "Don't even get me started on that one," Nina cried, her voice muffled as she buried her face back into his chest. "I'm still trying to get used to being death's preview channel, not to mention the 'voice of religious anarchy,'" she quoted one of the more memorable labels currently ascribed to her. "I don't think I'm ready to start being Heaven's Urgent Care."

  Gabriel smiled. "Fair enough."

  Nina snuggled closer. "What's the other bright spot in this mess?"

  A smug look appeared on the Celemor's face. "The vindication of my ambivalence toward Darius and Sheila."

  Nina let out a startled cry, and pushed away from him again. "My God you're right! I've been so wrapped up in the news that I completely forgot about that."

  "Don't worry; I've already dealt with it."

  Nina's eyes clouded with concern. "Is that where you vanished off to this morning?"

  "It was. I thought it best to confront them without you being present, in case things got out of hand."

  "And did they?"

  "Actually it was just the opposite, which surprised me considering who they serve."

  A knot of apprehension formed in Nina's stomach. "You mean they're not Celemors added to the mix as your support staff?"

  Gabriel frowned. "Not exactly. Sheila's true name is Shift. She's a member of a shape-changing race of Celestials known as Morphlings."

  "I read about them in the Journal. They're sort of the free-lancers of the Creation, doing this and that with no particular loyalty to any faction."

  Gabriel smiled. "That's as good description as any. It also explains my ambivalence toward them. Morphlings are able to generate a field of energy that allows them to partially mask their Celestial auras. The Overseers call it the ‘Veil of Deception'. It can be highly effective depending on the degree of proficiency of the initiating Morph."

  "I take it Sheila, or Shift," Nina corrected herself with a shake of her head, "is pretty high up in the Morph proficiency ranks."

  "She's one of the most adept shape-changers in the Creation."

  "It figures," Nina said with a snort. "And what about Darius?"

  The smile on the Celemor's face disappeared. "He's one of Iblis's Desomors."

  Nina cringed. "What?"

  "It seems the Lord of Hell feels that your Emergence signals the coming of some major changes in the Creation's spiritual infrastructure, particularly where Mortalia is concerned. He hopes that these events will allow him to shake the horrific negativity associated with his existence."

  It took several minutes for Nina's shock to abate enough to allow her the use of her voice. "And you believe that?"

  Gabriel met her skeptical gaze evenly. "To be perfectly honest with you I do. But I've known the true history of the Creation, as well as Iblis' position within the Hierarchy for some time. What matters now is how you feel."

  Nina frowned. "I don't really know what to feel. I've learned so much about how things really are that it's hard for me to gain a proper prospective on what's right and what's wrong. I mean, my heart tells me that anyone or thing associated with Iblis is evil, but that's based on my previous understanding. Now that I have the contents of that blasted Journal rolling around in my head, I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt."

  "I think that is a good way to start," a deep voice rang out from the nimbus of white light appearing in the air before them.

  "Iblis!" Gabriel hissed as the light coalesced into the Lord of Hell's impeccably dressed form. "I thought we agreed to let me fully explain the situation to her first."

  "I apologize for my impatience, Gabriel, but upon hearing the Harbinger's statement I truly felt it the most opportune moment to make an appearance."

  Gabriel studied the former Archangel's face for a moment then released a heavy sigh. "Fair enough."

  Iblis accorded him a slight nod then focused his gaze on an awe struck Nina.

  "Wow," she breathed. "The Journal didn't say you were gorgeous."

  Gabriel hastily cleared his throat, and Nina cringed in embarrassment when she realized she had spoken out loud.

  Iblis' lips curved into a smile. "I am what the Almighty made me, but the compliment is well received, and returned."

  He gave the Harbinger's features a closer scrutiny and a soft chuckle escaped his lips. "I now understand the feeling of recognition I experienced when your image was first shown to me, as well the reasons behind the considerable amount of Celestial energy I sense in you. You've inherited much from your father; including several of his physical characteristics. They add a pleasingly unique distinction to your Mortal form."

  Nina stiffened at his words, her eyes blinking rapidly. Her voice became the barest whisper. "You know my father?"

  "Of course," Iblis replied then gave her a speculative look. "But apparently you do not." The Lord of Hell's gaze fell on Gabriel. "And judging from the confusion mirrored in your guardian's face it would seem that he is also ignorant of your true lineage; most curious."

  "Wait…STOP!" Nina's body began to tremble violently. "Tell me about my father! Where is he? Why did he abandon…"

  "Be at peace, Nina," Iblis gently but firmly interrupted her tirade. "I know you have many questions, but I think, in this instance, I will heed your guardian's advice, and allow you to receive your answers from the party best suited to give them."

  Nina's shoulders sagged with disappointment. "But I don't understand."

  Iblis gently took hold of her hands, his blue eyes full of compassion as they locked onto hers. "I know you don't, but I suspect all will soon be made clear to you."

  Nina wasn't sure if it was the intensity of his compelling gaze or the warmth flowing through his fingers, but something inside her sensed the truth of his words. She found her self strangely comforted.

  "Now then," Iblis continued brightly, allowing her hands to slip from his. "Getting back to our situation; I would like to thank you in regards to the altering of your negative attitude towards me."

  Nina released an amused snort. "Yes, well it's not like I had much choice in the matter." She was still in a mild state of shock over that fact that she was actually having a conversation with the Devil! "Your story is documented quite thoroughly in the Journal."

  "You could've chose to disbelieve it," Iblis pointed out, flattening his wings tightly against his back so as not to disrupt the apartment's furnishings.

  Nina regarded him through narrowed eyes for a moment than shrugged. "I suppose, but considering the company I've been keeping," she spared Gabriel a brief glance, "and the things I've done and witnessed these past two years, it would be pretty hard to see the Journal as anything o
ther than the truth. But there is one question I would like you to answer."

  "And that is?"

  A flash of anger reflected from her hazel eyes. "Why go through all the drama and deception with Darius and Spirit Way? If you truly wanted my help why didn't you just approach me from the start?"

  A wistful sigh escaped Iblis's lips. "In hindsight I have to say that my actions were needlessly wasteful, but at the time I was basing my decisions on the typical Mortal reaction to my presence. To most of your kind I am, after all, the Enemy of God."

  "Yeah, well you keep hiring people like that Mayhem chick and those goons that accosted me, and their going to keep on seeing you in that light."

  A look of contrition appeared on Iblis' face. "I do apologize for any and all indignities you suffered at the hands of my minions. I only wanted them to draw out your protector so I could determine your importance. They were given implicit instructions as to how invasive their actions were to be." Iblis's gaze shifted once again to Gabriel. "Mayhem was as well, and I have already disciplined her for her callous behavior."

  "Not that it'll do any good," Gabriel chortled. "That woman is volatile."

  A look of chagrin appeared on Iblis' face. "So I've been told repeatedly by my assistant. I do hope that her rash actions haven't prejudiced you against working with me," he directed at Nina.

  Nina gave him a puzzled look. "I'm still not sure what it is you want from me. I mean I'm grateful for Spirit Way's aide and all, but what's the end game? What is it that you hope to accomplish through aiding me?"

  Iblis' expression turned solemn. "You were chosen by The Almighty to deliver His decrees. The fact that you're message, so far, has been one of free will in terms of worshiping him leads me to believe that He has initiated another Reclamation. Your voice may be the instrument he's chosen to announce the truth of the Realms, and that includes an accurate accounting of my existence as well."


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