Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2)

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Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) Page 8

by Unknown

  Then, as she tried to resist, he pulled out her chair and got down on his knees in front of her. He gave a mischievous smile before running his hand up her leg and thigh, landing just on the outside of her panties. He could feel that she was already getting wet, and this encouraged him to go on.

  He moved her panties out of the way as she began to comply, spreading her legs as far as she could in the tight skirt she was wearing. He slid his forefinger inside her tight, wet pussy, feeling around the pink flesh. He pulled her skirt up to her hips as he watched her roll her head back and close her eyes.

  He put two more fingers inside of her, getting his hand dripping wet as he banged her pussy with his fingers. It was the perfect way to start the morning and a perfect way to say hello after being gone.

  She placed her legs on either side of his head and slid down in the chair as little moans escaped her lips. He loved the way she sounded when we was pleasuring her. It really got him going. He was about to stand up as he heard his cell phone going off. Who could possibly be calling him?

  He jumped up and grabbed it, giving Melanie a kiss and motioning for her to eat the omelet he made her. He couldn’t wait to hear how she liked his cooking. He smiled to himself, picking up the phone to hear Frank’s voice coming through. He must have been calling about the run he did to let Andy know how it went.

  “Hey, Frank my man. How are you doing? I just got back from Texas, from my hearing and am just having a little breakfast with my girl.”

  “I’m so glad to hear you’re back with Melanie, buddy. You had us worried for a little while there.” Andy thought it didn’t sound at all like Frank was glad about anything. He sounded flat and monotone like someone devoid of emotion or worse, trying to hide an emotion. Andy’s mind jumped to a million conclusions like cargo getting taken or one of his team getting shot by another cartel.

  “So, what’s going on, man? How did the run go? The Colombians are still being a pain in your ass, I bet.” Andy waited for a response, but it took some time for him to get one. Andy began nervously pacing the floor as he spotted Melanie getting up from the table and giving him the thumbs up about the omelet. He tried to smile at her as she went to get her makeup on, but he had a hard time hiding his distress.

  “More than you know, buddy, more than you know. Look, there’s something I need to tell you, Andy. It’s pretty serious. So, the Colombians accused us of stealing the cocaine, of cutting it. They said it had been going on for a bit, and they had tried to give us the benefit of the doubt and all for some time now. Someone in the club is either using it or selling it for themselves. My bet is on Zoey and that crazy brother of hers, but the point is we’re in some big trouble.”

  Andy collapsed onto the couch, feeling the color draining from his face. He knew the Colombians didn’t mess around with such things. The whole club could be in danger. But he found it hard to believe any one of them would screw them like that, especially Zoey. She had just saved their asses a couple months back. No way was she the culprit.

  “What did they say, man? Is everyone alright, Frank? Please tell me that everyone made it back safe.” Andy could feel his blood pressure hitting the roof. He couldn’t stand being in the dark like that, and he couldn’t help but feel responsible for the whole thing. He was supposed to be there with them. He had abandoned them and something went wrong. It would serve him right to lose someone.

  “That’s the thing, Andy, that’s why I called. You’re our leader. I know that, and so do they -- the Colombians. Buddy, they are so pissed, and I don’t know what they’re going to do. You should have just stayed in jail, let yourself get caught for possession. You and Melanie would have been so much safer that way. Now, the Colombians think it’s you. You’ve been blamed for the whole thing. You’re gonna have to do something big to get out of this, and I don’t know what. Be sure to lie low for a bit. And warn Melanie.”

  Andy’s mouth felt completely dry as the whole thing sunk in. He was being blamed for a massive scheme, a betrayal on people who had punishments available to them worse than death. Why would he ever do that? Why would someone think it was him? It had to be the damned addiction, the way he had gotten careless with it and addicted again. It only made sense that he would be the one to steal if he was using so much. But it wasn’t like he was the only one. What was he going to do?

  He watched Melanie as she grabbed a sip of orange juice straight from the jug. She smiled at him, but he couldn’t smile back. All he could think about was losing her. He couldn’t handle losing her again for any reason, especially to the Colombians. How was he going to save the love of his life and himself?

  “I understand, Frank. You should keep your distance from me now, all of you should. Can I trust you to keep the club going? I have got some business to take care of. And thanks for the warning, man. You really are my best friend in the world.”

  There was a pause on the line before Frank said anything. It sent a chill down Andy’s spine wondering what kind of threats the Colombians had already doled out to the rest of Satan’s Cubs MC. Was it going to be the end of them?

  “Anytime, buddy. I totally get it. I’ll look over everything for you. We’ve backed off on the runs for now, anyway. You don’t have to worry. I’ve got this. You check in from time to time though and let me know the two of you are safe. You hear me? And keep that gun. It might come in handy.”

  Andy wanted to throw up at the thought of having to protect himself in close quarters with that gun much less anyone else. Just when his life was getting better, things just had to take a turn for the worst. “I’ll do that, Frank. God speed.”

  Andy hung up the phone, his heart beating out of his chest. He had a promise he had to keep now, and he was afraid of what Melanie might think or do. He stuffed the phone back in his pocket after turning it off. He didn’t want anyone using it against him.

  He walked up to Melanie and kissed her neck, wrapping his arms around her. He knew he would do anything to keep her safe and out of this mess he’d gotten himself into.

  “Melanie,” he whispered into her ear with a voice full of sadness and defeat. “We need to talk. Andy watched as she turned around and looked him in the eye. He could see the doubt and fear that was already there. And he was about to make it even worse.

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  Melanie took Andy’s hand and walked with him up to the podium. They had agreed to speak at Addicts Anonymous about being one month sober. Andy had agreed to talk for both of them. She had actually made it a little longer than a month. It was something great they were doing, trying to help everyone else and inspire them to get sober too. With all the chaos that had been going on in their lives, it seemed like a nice and normal distraction.

  She squeezed Andy’s hand and fell back behind him as he took the spotlight, a position she was happy to let him have. She put on a proud smile without having to fake it. She was so happy about how Andy had turned his life around.

  “Hello, everyone, I’m Andy. I’ve spoken before, and some of you may know me and my story already, but I wanted to share it to celebrate an achievement in not just my recovery but also the recovery of the love of my life. We are both 30 days sober, again. I’m sure you all understand how recovery can be a never-ending cycle. For me my temptation was always sitting right in front of me almost every single day. Where I worked, the people I hung out with, they all had blow with them.” Melanie nodded to herself as Andy stopped short of saying what his job was. It still wasn’t the kind of thing you went around saying to people, even if it was technically anonymous.

  “I was bound to get back into it after being a year sober. I just want everyone to know that slipping up isn’t the end of the road. You can pull yourself out of it again. I was lucky enough to have the beautiful and incredibly sexy woman behind me to help me through. She understood my plig
ht having an addiction to beat herself, and I still don’t know how I deserved it. But here we are in this amazing place in life, and I finally for once feel like I deserve the good things I have. Keep trying, and you can have that too.”

  Melanie politely clapped with the crowd, feeling herself still blushing from his mention of her being sexy. As he turned around and wrapped his arm around her, she whispered into his ear. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to get in my pants in front of all these people.”

  “Maybe I am,” he chuckled back giving her waist a little squeeze. She couldn’t help but smile as they took their seats and waited for the rest of the meeting. Melanie found herself feeling impatient knowing that Andy had something planned for that night. He refused to tell her what and had even brought a blindfold for when they left the meeting. Thank goodness they’d driven her car. She didn’t think she was ready for a thrill like being blindfolded on the back of a motorcycle.

  When Martin came up to them at the end of the meeting, she was embarrassed to admit to herself how distracted she’d been through the whole meeting. Even after all that time with Andy he still occupied her mind all the time. “Before you guys go, there’s someone I’d like you to meet,” Martin said with a big grin on his face. Melanie snapped to attention wondering if he’d finally found a woman. He totally deserved it even with his short stature and nerdy looks.

  Sure enough, a girl walked out from behind him that made Melanie’s eyes almost fall out of her head. She was as short as him, which was a good thing, but she was beautiful and looked to be at least ten years younger. She had a blonde pixie cut and bright blue eyes that made her look innocent like a little girl. She even bit her lip as if she were shy. Way to go, Martin!

  “This is Alice. We’ve actually been seeing each other for a couple of months, but we wanted to keep it on the down-low until we knew it was serious.”

  Melanie tried not to laugh at his choice of words. “It’s so nice to meet you!” she said enthusiastically while shaking Alice’s dainty hand. “How did you two meet?” She directed the question at Alice with a friendly smile, but it was Martin who answered.

  “She’s a nurse at a hospital I volunteer at during the week. She works in the pediatric wing.” Melanie couldn’t get over what a great guy Martin was, and he surely deserved a girl who was just as sweet and giving. She probably wasn’t even an addict which was even better.

  “Well, we’re happy for you guys. It was very nice to meet you, Alice. But me and my girl here have got a date to get to,” Andy announced, squeezing Melanie again. The cute couple smiled and waved as Andy led Melanie out to the car. He leaned up against her as he pushed her into the side of the car. She could feel herself get lost in the heat passing between them. They’d be lucky to even make it into the car before something happened.

  But Andy saved the day by pulling the blindfold out of his pocket and dangling it in front of her. She sighed knowing there was no resisting Andy when he wanted something. So, she just went along wanting to find out in a hurry what they were doing.

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