Depravity (The Captive Series Book 2)

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Depravity (The Captive Series Book 2) Page 5

by Penelope Marshall

  “So confident in yourself.” She looked at me, smiling. “What are you gonna do? You definitely can’t go back to BlaX.”

  “There isn’t going to be a BlaX after this,” I said, taking a gulp of some warm beer I found sitting in one of the cupboards.

  “So confident in yourself,” she said again, stretching out her arm for the bottle.

  “Really, you want warm beer?”

  “I’d take anything to forget at this point.”

  “Those are big words for a little girl,” I said, taking one last gulp before handing it to her.

  “Little girl?” she echoed as she took a drink. Her face cringed as soon as the bitter liquid touched her lips. “I’ll show you little girl.”

  “Don’t make threats you can’t back up.”

  She gulped down the rest of the bottle then threw it on the ground as she stood. Her leg brushed against me as she walked into the cabin. I watched as she sauntered through the door, pulling her shirt over her head, and dropping it into a small heap on the floor. She paused, glancing over her shoulder at me, then continued to walk to the other end of the cabin, where the one bedroom in the whole house was situated.

  I knew I shouldn’t follow—it would just muddy shit up.


  I stood in front of the full-length mirror, looking at what Larry’s business had done to me. I couldn’t remember the last time I just looked at myself without having to put makeup on, or fix my hair just right. Definitely—it was definitely before I was sold.

  I twisted my upper body away from the mirror. I was wearing the thong Larry had bought me after the first time he fucked me in his office. The delicate lace material held securely in place, stretching over the small of my back, wrapping its way around my thin hips.

  This body had to do some nasty shit to keep that bitch Larry happy. The way I figure it, nothing in life is free. And we all gotta bend over sometimes and just take it in the ass. That’s just the way it is. Or at least that’s what I told myself. A tear rolled down my cheek as Mace walked in the room. I quickly wiped it away as he came up from behind and draped a blanket over me.

  I clutched onto the edges of the blanket. “What’s this for?”

  “We don’t need to do anything. You don’t owe me anything.” He smiled and walked toward the door.

  I had never been turned down before. Is that what it felt like?

  I turned from the mirror. “You don’t get to decide.”

  He stopped next to the bed. “I thought you would be relieved.”

  I walked over to him, dropping the blanket on the way, exposing myself to him. Clasping my arms around his neck, I flicked my tongue at his bottom lip as I unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his full pecs, smooth skin, and ripped abs, then slid off each side of his shirt.

  I pushed him onto the bed, where he seized my hips and twirled me around, my ass now in his face. Slowly, he guided me toward his lap, placing his fingertips on my knee, raking his fingernails along my inner thigh, stopping just short of the goal.

  “Stop teasing me.”

  He kissed the small ridges of my spine as I bit my lip in excitement, placing my hand over his, trying to guide him the rest of the way.

  He swatted my hands away. “No.”

  I reached behind me to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants to allow the monster which I felt bulging underneath my ass out of its cage. As I worked his zipper loose, he greedily bit the smooth skin of my back. My tongue traced my lips as I moaned with anticipation.

  He slapped the soft flesh of my ass, sending vibrations to every nerve ending, reverberating throughout my entire body. I knew what was coming, and I wanted it. He held my hips hostage with his strong arms, denying me the option to move.

  “Give it to me, Daddy,” I begged as I exhaled.


  “What?” I asked, confused.

  “No,” he said again, placing me on my feet as he stood and walked toward the door.

  His rejection tantalized me more than anything else, compelling me to put forth my best effort. I grabbed his arm and stood in front of him to block his escape. He rested his palm on the back of my neck, clamping down, guiding me toward him.

  “I want you, Mace.”

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said as he looked down at me, eyeing every curve my body offered.

  I hooked my hand onto his wrist, softly kissing his palm. He rested his hand on the small of my back and pulled me close.

  “You’ve gone through a lot today,” he said, resting his forehead on mine.

  I closed my eyes, his thumb wiping away a tear rolling down my face.

  “Don’t you want me?” I whispered.

  “More than anything—God, more than anything.”

  We stood there for a moment, taking each other in.

  We didn’t go any further that night, or the next four nights. In fact, it seemed like he tried his hardest to keep his distance. I couldn’t help but feel he didn’t want me—probably because he thought I was dirty. I don’t blame him. I guess if I were in his shoes, I wouldn’t want to touch trash, either.



  For the last few days, I tried my hardest to stay away from Ty. I knew what she wanted, and I couldn’t lie, I wanted it too. She was as beautiful as the day was long, and I feared if I left myself alone with her I would tear her ass apart.

  I didn’t want a repeat of Alexa, and I knew I could easily fall for this woman. Everything about her was perfect. She was just sassy enough to be sexy and just vulnerable enough to show me she wouldn’t ever hurt me on purpose. If there was ever someone who was going to be the one for me, it would be her.

  I shook my head, trying to knock her out of it. I needed a clear mind, especially since it was time to head out of town, and I needed to get her on the same page.

  I walked into the bedroom and leaned my shoulder against the door frame. “Ty, I think we should get moving. I have a friend a little ways up the freeway, and I have an open invitation anytime I run into trouble.”

  She looked up from a weathered old book she’d found on the porch. “What about your life?”

  “What do you mean, what about my life?”

  “Are you just going to throw it away and be on the run forever?” she asked, shaking her head.

  “Are you fuckin’ kidding me? I’m going to get you somewhere safe, and I’m coming back to kill these muthafuckers. They won’t stop unless someone stops them.”

  “And that’s gonna be you?” she asked in a tight voice.

  “I’m sure as hell gonna try.”

  “What’s going to happen to me after? Just gonna leave me at your friend’s? Dump your problems on them?”

  “Did I ever say you were a problem?”

  “No,” she said, looking back down at her book, running her fingers over the page.

  “What if they kill you?” she asked, her face visibly upset.

  “Then at least I know you’re safe.”

  She shook her head in disapproval and then began to read again.

  “What are you reading?” I asked.

  She lifted the book up so I could see the front cover. “Romeo and Juliet.”

  I chuckled slightly. “Do you like it?”

  “Why did you laugh? It’s a classic. Don’t you know how the story goes?” she asked in a low monotone.

  “Everyone has a different opinion about two lovers committing suicide,” I said, pushing myself off the wall.

  “I think it’s sweet,” she said, running her fingers over the tattered page.

  I walked toward her and sat on the bed. “What’s sweet about two kids who weren’t strong enough to live without each other?”

  “You don’t get it. It’s sweet because they were strong enough to admit they couldn’t live without each other. I know some adults that can’t admit anything even remotely real.”

  “Are you talking about me?” I asked, slightly offended.

  She shut the book and tu
rned to me. “Honestly, what’s the deal here? There is obviously something between us, but you continue to push me away. Is it because of what I am? What I was forced to do?”

  “Is that what you think? I’m judging you?”

  “What else could it be? We’re all alone in these damn woods, and you haven’t even tried to lay a finger on me.”

  “I have rules, you know—rules that have kept me alive.”

  “So you would rather be lonely?”

  “And alive. Did you miss that part?”

  “Fuck, Mace!” she cursed as she threw the book and walked out of the room.

  “What? You asked.”

  “I also asked you to be honest,” she yelled from the living room.

  I got up and followed her. “I was being honest.”

  “Fuck you!” she yelled.

  “Fuck me?” I asked as the anger welled up inside of me.

  “Yes—fuck you. I didn’t stutter,” she shouted as she walked out to the car.

  I stormed out of the cabin right behind her. She spun around just in time for me to push her up against the side of the car, my hand to her throat, my knee between her thighs. She struggled to pull my hand away as I stared angrily into her widened eyes. The moment was palpable—but a whimper that escaped from her lips cut the tension. The sound sent me into a craze, and I could do nothing but kiss her—kiss her hard—kiss her with all the passion a man like me could muster.

  I pushed myself away. “I’m sorry.”

  She rubbed her throat. “For what?”


  She interjected, “For being honest?”

  I turned away from her. “I just can’t do this again.”

  “Do what?” she asked, walking around to look me in the eyes. “I won’t push you into anything. I’m fucked up too, you know. I just thought it would be easier to be fucked up together. Keeps shit honest.”

  The solemnness in her eyes melted the lock I had around my heart. “What you were forced to do is not your fault, you know.”

  She shook her head. “Do you even know how much he sold me for?”

  I didn’t reply. It’s not something I wanted to know.

  “Two hundred dollars. It’s a sad thing to want to die. Even sadder, when you know it was your father’s fault.”

  “I can’t fix your past, but I can do something about your future,” I said, resting my palm on the nape of her neck, tugging her toward me.

  She rested her head on my chest, her body shivering from the cold evening breeze, which had begun to blow in the midst of our moment.

  I rubbed some warmth on her arms. “You ready to go?”

  She nodded.

  I opened her door and let her slide in. “Aren’t you going to lock up?”

  “The bears can have it.” I smiled.

  Slowly, I drove out the way we came, scanning all my mirrors for any sign of the team. It was all clear, so I proceeded to my friend’s safe house. We were only on the road for a few minutes when I looked over to the passenger seat to see her holding my phone.

  I yanked it out of her hands. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  She held her hands up innocently. “I’m bored. I was playing a fuckin’ game. What’s the problem?”

  “There’s a fuckin’ tracker. That’s why I had it off. I was waiting to use it.”

  “Well, they couldn’t have tracked us in less than five minutes, could they?”

  I started to answer her when…


  The sound of crunching metal pierced my ears as my head flung forward into the steering wheel. The moment unraveled in slow motion. Ty’s body projected forward and then quickly snapped back into her seat when her seatbelt locked from the impact. A loud buzzing was all I could hear as I reached out into the blurriness, feeling for Ty’s face. The gash over her eye was streaming blood across her forehead as her head lay on the dashboard.

  “Ty—Ty,” I whispered as the world came into focus.

  I jostled her shoulder to try and wake her. With her eyes still closed, she grumbled, which set my stomach at ease. From behind us the sound of car doors slamming and heavy boots pounding the pavement bombarded my ears.

  Willing myself to get up, I rested my palms on the steering wheel and pushed my bloodied face off of the stretched leather.

  My voice cracked, “Ty—get up, Ty.”

  Metal tapping on my driver side window took my attention away from her.

  “Mace,” a voice filtered through the cracks in the window.

  My eyes refocused on a familiar pair of emerald green eyes and a motorcycle club beard. “Eli?”

  “Blain wants you, Mace.”

  Still woozy, I rubbed my forehead, trying to reorient myself. “Now you wanna fuckin’ come to work?”

  Eli chuckled as he opened the door and jabbed the butt of his gun in my face. The world went black.


  My lids fluttered open to my dirty jeans.

  “Mace,” a faint voice whispered my name.

  I could only produce a grumble as the pain seared through my head in the form of a migraine.

  “Mace—Mace—wake up.”

  Lifting my head, I squinted to focus my vision on the blur that sat in the seat across from me.

  “Mace, we’re at my dad’s house,” Ty whispered.

  “Dad’s house…” I echoed.


  “Fuck, Mace. Wake up and get us the fuck outta here,” I hissed.

  I had put a lot of stock in this asshole’s promise to keep me safe. Another regrettable mistake I’ve made with a man.

  I surveyed the familiar room. It was still, awaiting the storm that was to come once my father arrived. My eyes trailed over the countless shelves lined with books and decor that was of old world Italy. The façade of an unscrupulous mafia boss was set in fine leather upholstery and vintage Waterford crystal carafes.

  I used to play in this room, at the base of my father’s desk, in fact, as he decided who lived and who died. Back then, they were only names on a list to me. They didn’t have daughters or mothers or wives. They had wronged him, which meant they had wronged me because I was an extension of him. I loved that man. I loved him blindly.

  My hatred for men began when he betrayed that love.

  Now the very thought of him disgusted me; and if I ever had the opportunity, I would drive a pair of scissors between his eyes, making sure the last thing he saw was my hatred for him.

  My ears perked up at the sounds of men chatting on the other side of the door.

  I leaned forward, my arms bound tightly to the wooden dining room chair on which I sat. “Mace, get your ass up.”

  Groggy and disoriented, his body stirred as he came to.


  “Where are we?” I asked as I shook my head and cleared my throat.

  “At my dad’s house. In his office. This is not a good sign,” she said, struggling against her restraints.

  The knob twisted, followed by the creak of the door. Eli, Joe, Blain, and Fire walked in, followed by two of Fire’s henchmen, who were dressed in black suits and skinny black ties. I always wondered how real men fought when they were dressed like they were headed to a wedding.

  Fire reminded me of a middle-aged Marlon Brando, with his finely coiffed hair and well-fitting pinstriped, navy blue, suit. He didn’t look old enough to be Ty’s dad or the head of a multi-million dollar crime syndicate, yet here we were.

  “Well, well, well, Mace,” Fire said, circling my chair.

  “I’m disappointed in you, Mace.” Blain shook his head as he leaned against the smooth wooden desk and crossed his arms.

  “Fuck you, Blain,” I said, my voice taut.

  Eli and Joe started toward me, but Blain waved them out of the room. “Fuck me? You’re the one breaking rules left and right. I could’a had the guys kill you. Instead, I’m gonna give you a second chance to show your loyalty to BlaX,” Blain said with a smile as he walked over to
Ty and stroked her hair.

  Ty sunk into her chair to evade his hand, but he reached out and snatched a handful of her hair, yanking her back toward him.

  She let out a squeal.

  “Leave her alone, Blain, or so help me…” my words trailed.

  Fire interjected, “So help you what? God? God wants no part of what’s about to happen next.”

  Fire cocked his fist back and punched me square in the jaw. The jolt sent my face flying to my right. The only thing that kept me from falling off the chair was the few feet of rope binding me to the wooden slats.

  “Stop it, Daddy!” Ty screamed through anguished tears.

  “Stop it, Daddy?” Fire lowered his fist and turned his attention to Ty. “Why do you care? Are you fuckin’ this one too?”

  “No. I—–” She shook her head.

  Fire held his hand up to stop her from speaking. “I don’t wanna hear it, Tracey. I will deal with you soon enough.”

  “What do you want me to do with her, Fire?” Blain asked, still clutching onto the fistful of blonde hair.

  “Finish the job Matiglio didn’t finish,” he said, motioning Blain away as he turned back toward me.

  Blain replied, “As long as you finish the job Matiglio didn’t finish for me.”

  “You had Matiglio try and kill me, Blain? For what?” I asked, confused.

  “You were starting to lose focus. I was trying to save you. Consider it a favor,” Blain said matter-of-factly.

  “A fuckin’ favor? You are a sick fuck; you know that?”

  Fire jumped in. “Fuck, Blain, you should have had this conversation before today. You’re on my time now. Get the fuck out of here and take care of that shit.”

  “What do you mean, take care of that shit? That’s your fuckin’ daughter,” I yelled.

  “No!” Fire yelled as he turned and slapped Ty. “That is not my sweet baby girl. That is a whore. A dirty, no good, ass whore and she will be dealt with as such.”

  “She’s a whore because she slept with someone you didn’t approve of?” I asked snidely.

  Blain looked at Fire and shook his head.


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