Adara and the Beast

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Adara and the Beast Page 12

by Emily Sharp

  “And what is that?”

  “A woman with a heart.”

  Adara smiled in the dim light, a tear rolling down her cheek. “Thank you.”

  Louise lifted her head up a bit. “Stay with me tonight in my bed. Let me hold you, just this one night.”

  Adara found herself nodding. “I will stay.”

  Louise returned her head to her breast, the arm around Adara's waist clinging as if Louise was afraid she would be tossed away.

  “Your voice calms me. Sing a song for me?”

  “Of course,” Adara said. For a few moments she thought of which one, then a perfect one came to mind. As she began to sing, her voice carried much more emotion than she suspected. By the time she was done, Louise's breathing was steady, the song doing its magic and putting her to sleep.

  For the next hour, Adara lay there holding Louise wondering how many songs it would take to break through all of Louise's pain and have her happy once again. Smiling, she looked down and planted a small kiss on the top of her head. Finding her own eyes too heavy to keep open, she welcomed the sleep that came over her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Louise stood looking out the window of her library. Snow was falling again, a white blanket a few inches thick now covered the ground and hedges, which had already shed their leaves. Soon it would be Christmas, and her beauty would be going away. Agreeing to let her go was a moment of weakness, which she was regretting even before it happened. But it could work in her favor if she could pull the right strings. Then again, she was Louise Vandercourt, and everything she did was successful.

  A few weeks ago when she had fallen asleep in Adara's arms, she had never felt so much bliss. Comfort, safety and loved, that was what her Beauty could bring to her. Though Adara did not feel the same toward her, she believed it was slowly changing. But time was running out and she might never see if it could happen. Soon Christmas would be upon them, and then at the start of June she would be gone forever. Her prized rose, with skin as smooth as silk yet the color of a peach. Whose face she could, and had, stared at as time seemed to stand still.

  An appreciative smile came over her face when she heard Thomas’s voice though not hearing his footsteps. Turning around, her butler, who had served not only her but her father before her, stood there, hands at his side, his tuxedo impeccable as always.

  “You called?”

  “I did. Thomas, what does a man want most in life?” she asked as she walked over to the tray Sofia had brought in earlier and poured herself a coffee.

  “The question is too broad, Louise. Are we speaking in terms of family, women, work, luxuries?”

  She sipped the coffee, the blend perfect. “Adara's father, he has been in charge of one of my freighter ships. I have promised him more come June if he continues doing well, but my precious Beauty will be leaving at the same time from here. So, I need to keep him happy, yet make it so he has no time for her.”

  Thomas clasped his hands in front of him. “Send him to one of you ports in China. Perhaps South America.”

  Louise thought about it for a moment. “No, that would not work. She would just want to go with him even more being that far away.”

  “Give her a reason to stay, that would be my advice.”

  Louise laughed, almost spitting her coffee out. Setting the cup down, she turned back toward Thomas, though his face was emotionless.

  “That is the whole idea. Are you getting so old that you are senile?”

  “No, Louise. You want this woman to stay. I have seen you two around enjoying each other’s company. Perhaps she will enjoy your company enough to want to stay. Your friendship seems to be growing.”

  Louise shook her head. “Thomas, I have always adored you since I can remember. But she wants to go come June, and she will never love me. That I am certain.”

  “Louise, if I may, please. I believe that you could win her over with your heart, and love is…” Thomas started to say, but Louise raised her hand, cutting him off.

  “That is all. Thank you.”

  “As you wish,” he said, bowing his head, then turning and walking out of the room.

  “Some help you are,” Louise whispered after him as she went back to the cart and grabbed the coffee. Taking the full mug over to the window, she started to think again about what to do. The idea hit her so hard it almost made her fall back. It was simple, and maybe Adara would love it. Grabbing her transmitter, she held it up.

  “Adara, could you grace me with your presence in the library?”

  “Be there in a few minutes.”

  Smiling, she returned the device to her pocket. Watching the snow fall, she allowed the scenario to play out in her head. Not only would Adara like it, she would thank her for her kindness. A few minutes went by and turning around, Louise bit at her lip.

  Adara had her hair pulled back and her natural rose-colored cheeks shone bright. Her lips seemed fuller than usual, begging to be kissed. And her sweater and dress pants, both black, needed hands to explore the material.

  “I have some wonderful news for you which I think will make you very happy,” Louise said, going to the cart and returning the mug.

  “Oh? What is that then?” Adara asked, a smile crossing her perfect face.

  Louise reached out and took Adara’s soft hand, the touch causing heat to course through her body as she led her to the bay window. Without releasing her hand, Louise turned toward Adara. “I have offered your father to take control over all of my ships, which I believe he will, because he is doing a splendid job.”

  “He told me you were happy! And does he know for certain yet that he is being promoted?” Adara asked, her voice excited. This was going too perfectly.

  Louise shook her head. “I thought you should be the one to tell him.”

  “Oh, Louise! Thank you, you’re the best,” Adara said, putting her arms around Louise and hugging her tight. Louise bit her lip lest a moan escape as the full breasts pushed into her. Her scent was intoxicating, no perfume needed on the prized beauty in her arms.

  “I want you to be his secretary, and work from here. What do you think?” The hug broke off, and Adara's soft brown eyes looked hesitant. Thinking of Thomas’s words earlier, Louise spoke up. “He will get the promotion even if you say no. But what a wonderful thing to be able to help him, and make a living yourself.”

  “Thank you for your kind offer. I am not sure though, it is a big decision,” Adara said.

  Surprised it was not an outright no, Louise thought quickly on what to do. Forcing her to make a decision right now would only upset her. “There are months to decide, so please take your time. And if not, your father could hire you to work with him there, if you want to go to the city so badly…” Louise said, walking over to the cart, allowing the words to hang in the air. Pouring her coffee, her upper lip curled up, Adara’s words music to her heart.

  “I do like it here in the mountains though. Yes, I will think about it.”

  Turning around, cup in her hand, Louise smiled. “Excellent.” Taking a sip, she heard the knock at the door. That was the signal that her guests had arrived.

  “Now, for some more good news,” Louise said, hurrying to one of the end tables and opening a drawer. Taking out two porcelain masks, both white in color with red on the cheeks, she put one on. Adara came walking up and Louise handed her the other mask.

  “What is this for?” Adara asked, her face looking confused.

  “A surprise.”

  She watched as Beauty slipped the mask on, the sight bringing a wave of pleasure through her body.

  Now her Beauty was the same as her for once.

  “Ms. Vandercourt, your guests have arrived.”

  Smiling, Louise turned around as the two women, both in their thirties, stood there, leather satchels in their hands.

  “Bree, Cindy, thank you for still coming up in such horrid weather,” Louise said as the women walked over. Turning to Adara, she took her hand in her own.

sp; “Ladies, may I introduce a woman very close to me, Ms. Adara Monroe.”

  “Nice to meet you both,” Adara said, and both women exchanged similar pleasantries.

  Cindy set her bag down, pushing her short dark hair behind her ears. “May I assume you two are…?” The words trailed off.

  “Yes, we are together,” Louise said, giving Adara's hand a brief squeeze.

  “Oh, how wonderful. Well, Bree and I are ready for both of your measurements,” Cindy said, reaching into her bag and withdrawing a tablet.

  “Measurements?” Adara asked.

  “Yes. We are being fitted for new outfits,” Louise said.

  “Don't worry, we are quick and efficient. We both have made Louise's outfits for years.” Bree said, her long blond hair touching the carpet as she reached in her bag to pull out a measuring tape.

  “You do not have to do this,” Adara whispered, her hand pulling away and causing Louise to instantly miss her touch.

  “I want you to enjoy yourself, my dear,” she said, loving the smiles coming from Bree and Cindy. Louise wanted the women to appreciate what she had, and Beauty was hers.

  “Ladies, before you begin, may I show you what’s behind this mask?” Louise asked, walking behind Adara. Seeing them both nod, Louise lifted off the mask, revealing her prized possession.

  “Oh, never have I seen such a perfect face!”

  “You are so beautiful.”

  Louise felt such pride at their praises as she walked over to the coffee cart and poured two coffees for her guests. Hearing them call out measurements, Louise smiled behind her mask.

  One step at a time was what it was going to take. And this morning she had taken just one of many.


  Two hours later, they sat on the padded cushions with the bay window behind them, the snow falling. Not only had Louise ordered them dresses but the latest outfits from London, Paris, and New York.

  “Get her that blue dress as well. She looks amazing in blue,” Louise said, pointing to the dress on the screen Bree was holding.

  “I am sure Adara looks amazing in any color.”

  Louise nodded. “That she does.”

  Taking Adara's hand in her own, they both stood.

  “We will have your winter clothes within a week. The dresses, give us two, not more than three,” Bree said as both women went to their satchels.

  “That is fine. How much do I owe you ladies?”

  Bree glanced down at the screen. “Just under sixty.”

  Louise nodded. “Bill my account, add a fifteen percent tip for coming out in such weather.”

  “Thank you,” Cindy said. “Oh, and Adara, again, what a pleasure to meet you. You both seem so happy together.”

  “We are. You ladies can see yourselves out?” Louise said as Adara remained quiet.

  Bree nodded, and then once they left the room, Louise turned toward Adara, taking the mask off of her own face. As she removed it, the fact she did not have to cover up in front of Adara was exhilarating.

  “Well, what did you think of them two? Quite the pair, aren’t they?” Louise said, waiting to hear Adara's reaction.

  She watched as Adara took her mask off, her face a bright shade of red. For a moment, Louise wondered if she was hot under the mask or the fire behind them too warm.

  “Louise, we need to talk,” Adara said, walking back over to the bay window and taking a seat. Louise wondered what she wanted and followed her over. Reaching over, she went to take her hand, but Adara pulled it back.

  “What is wrong?” Louise asked, not liking the rejection, and feeling anger build up.

  “Are you serious?”

  Louise snorted. “Yes. What could possibly be the problem? We have new dresses and more than enough of the best fashion to see us through the winter and into spring. Was it the blue dress? It does suit you.”

  Adara sighed. “It has nothing to do with the clothes. Well, it does I guess.”

  “Please, tell me,” Louise said, reaching for her hand again and watching Adara pull back her hand, making Louise’s anger simmer.

  “Louise I am not with you. I am not your girlfriend, or some possession to show off. You made me uncomfortable and I don't like that.”

  “I see,” Louise said, standing up, gripping her own mask in her hand. Trying to remain calm, she held her breath for a few moments and than let it out.

  “No, you don't see. You cannot claim me, you don't have my heart.”

  Louise clenched the mask harder in her hand. No, she didn't have Adara's heart, though she had tried. Nothing she was doing was working and it bothered her to no end.

  “I do appreciate what you bought me today,” Adara said, standing up, leaving the mask on the cushion. Walking over to Louise, she stopped in front of her, just a few feet away. “But I am not an object to show off. I am your friend. I do care for you, but not in the way you want. I’m sorry, but I cannot stay on and work here past June.”

  Louise wanted to throw the mask and watch it shatter against the wall and break into a million pieces. Just like that, Beauty had confirmed she was leaving her, and the thought of her doing just that caused Louise's temples to throb, and even worse, her heart to hurt. Trying to talk without yelling, Louise closed her eyes. “And why not work for me?”

  “Because you would do this every day. Try to woo me with gifts, introduce me as your girlfriend. And I am not. Though it hurts me to say this, I do not love you as you would want. As a friend I care deeply, but nothing more.”

  Louise nodded as she walked over to the fireplace, trying to control her temper. Thomas’s advice was not working, kindness was getting her nowhere. And though she would have thought nothing of it months ago, she did not want to deceive Adara. The way she had brought her here was cruel enough. Over the last month or so she had opened her heart to Adara but it was getting Louise nowhere. And now she knew if she did not deceive again, she was going to lose Adara forever. The thought of that scared her, for there would be no other chance. And though for the first time it pained her to do so, deception was the only way Louise knew how to keep Adara close to her.

  “It is true how I have feelings for you. That has been obvious over the last month especially. And for once, just once, I wanted to pretend that we were together,” Louise said, letting her words linger for a moment. Not giving Adara a chance to respond she continued talking. “When I saw how Bree and Cindy smiled and applauded your beauty and my good fortune of being with you, it brought me great joy. And though it cost me sixty thousand dollars for a moment of happiness, I would do it again.”

  It was quiet, and Louise stood watching the fire. And then a smile came to her face, when Adara placed her hand on Louise's shoulder. The plan had worked. She meant the words she said, but the need to twist them just a little helped in her success.

  “If that is true, then I am sorry.”

  “It is OK. Let us speak no more of this.” Turning around, Louise saw the mist in Adara's eyes, and raising her hand up, brushed her thumb across her cheek to wipe away the single tear that ran down it.

  “No more of that. There are better things to cry over.”

  Adara let out a laugh and then throwing her arms around Louise, hugged her tight.

  “Oh, Louise, what am I going to do with you?” Adara asked.

  Louise smiled, saying nothing. But thoughts of Adara marrying her one day filled her mind. That is what she was going to do. She would see to it.


  Louise paced in the library, the fire throwing its light over the otherwise darkness. Today had almost been lost, but using her wits had allowed her to pull Beauty back into her grasp. And the two of them being together as a couple was getting close, Louise could feel it. She could see the look of longing in Adara's eyes. Though she did not realize Louise would be the one to ease her suffering, one day she would. Before June as a matter of fact.

  Everything was going well and Louise recalled there was almost an upset in her plans. A diversio
n to Beauty that needed to be dealt with. Going to an end table, she opened a drawer, pulling out her favorite mask. It was black and was shaped like a wild beast with orange and red stripes.

  A beast much like myself, she thought as she ran her hand over the smooth porcelain. Putting the mask on, she walked over to a small oval mirror on the wall. The light from the fire reflected off the mask, allowing her to see her inner self.

  Yes, she was a beast, the darkness inside her too great to push through and break. She had tried many times to get rid of it, and the hope she had over the last month on their trips to the world outside was overwhelming. The climb too steep. She had tried the route of being friends and opening her heart. But there was no time for that now. For now it was time for the beast to hunt.


  Peering through the keyhole, Louise's breathing became heavier as she watched the figure disrobe. She wore a black bra and matching panties, the breasts full and round held high, the stomach flat. Anger coursed through Louise upon seeing the flawless skin, the complete woman who turned heads wherever she went. Standing up, Louise put her hand on the door and opened it, a look of horror on the woman’s face.

  “Madam!” Sofia cried out, her hand going to her chest. “You scared me.”

  “Put your robe on. There is no reason to flaunt yourself about,” Louise said, her fingers digging into the palms of her hands. She watched as Sofia hurried over, grabbing a silk pink robe and putting it on, quickly tying the sash around her waist. The robe was too short, falling high above the knees, exposing too much thigh.

  “Where did you get that?” Louise asked, running her hand along the dresser to her right, the door behind her closing shut.

  “Adara bought it for me,” Sofia said, looking down as she stood at the end of her bed. Louise looked around the room, it was the smallest room in the castle located on the first floor behind the main kitchen. At just over ten feet long and the same wide, it held a dresser with a vanity mirror, bed, a small wardrobe, and a simple nightstand with a lamp, leaving little room for anything else.


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