Adara and the Beast

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Adara and the Beast Page 18

by Emily Sharp

  They came up to the gate, which Adara proudly opened using her ring, bringing a smile to Louise's face. The guard, Carlos, was in the security booth, his back to them as expected while they walked past. When she heard the gate close behind them, Louise froze.

  The area outside was too great, the vastness threatening to swallow her up as it pressed into her. And then a gentle hand was on her arm, an angelic voice speaking to her.

  “I am here with you. You are safe.”

  And though the fear did not completely leave, it subsided enough that hope came to her that she could do this like she had before many times. As long as Adara was there beside her, she could do anything.

  “Thank you, my friend,” she said, her voice low as she tried to hold back the tears.

  “Come here, you,” Adara said, putting her arm around her waist as they started to walk. Louise leaned her head against her, loving the comfort and protection she felt.

  “Since I have known you, your courage grows every day. Not only am I inspired, I am proud,” Adara said. Louise stood straighter, then turned toward Adara, whose hand still held her tight.

  “Thank you, that means a lot,” she said, her voice choked as she fought back the tears. What was wrong with her today? She did not completely understand, but she was seeing Adara in a different light. A woman truly more than just beautiful. And then she realized at that moment, that Adara was truly her friend. Not because of manipulation but because she was a good person. And thinking about the manipulation she had done time and time again to Adara, Louise felt her stomach hurt even worse.

  They walked in silence as Louise tried to get ahold of her emotions. She had been crying for Sofia, guilt plaguing her on how she treated her. Yet a part of her still said it was justified.

  Once they came up to the cabins, Louise stopped.

  “We have not warned them I am coming. Let me tell them,” Louise said, reaching for her device under her windbreaker.

  “No need,” Adara said, smiling at her.

  “There is. I cannot have them see me, even with my hair down.” Louise was terrified as she looked to see if anyone was around.

  “Trust me. Please?” Adara said, her soft brown eyes pleading.

  Louise nodded, and Adara's hand came to her hair, gently moving it back behind her shoulders.

  “But they might…”

  “Trust me, my friend.”

  Louise felt like running, terrified that anyone could walk out and see her, their gasps or shrieks echoing in the valley around them. But she trusted Adara, knowing the woman would never do her any harm.

  The sun felt great on her face, radiated immensely by the smile on Adara's face.

  “With this ring, I sent them away. And I have a surprise,” Adara said, taking Louise's hand in her own. The soft skin, the comforting touch, brought joy to Louise. They walked around the back of the house. A picnic table the staff could use had a red and white checkered cloth across it. A bottle of wine and a picnic basket sat on top.

  “I…what is the occasion?” Louise asked, the surprise wonderful. She took a seat across from where Adara stood. A smile was on her face, her voice soft and so sweet.

  “Our friendship. I wanted to do something special for you after all you have done for me,” Adara said, opening the basket.

  “What I have done for you?” Louise said, then swallowed hard. Guilt weighed down on her as she thought of the things she had done to Adara for her own gain.

  Adara smiled as she set a plate in front of her with a sandwich. “Ham and cheese. I made it myself,” she said, with a laugh. “And yes, you have done so much for me. You have helped me become a better woman, the things you have bought for me, the things we have shared, means so much.”

  Louise nodded, her heart breaking, the guilt almost making her fall back. Adara set a wine glass next to her plate, then filled it up. Then she added a small bowl of grapes next to the plate. Taking her seat, Adara raised her glass to Louise.


  Louise nodded, fearing if she opened her mouth, a sob would escape. Instead, she gave a half smile and took a drink. Setting her glass down, she bit into her sandwich. She was not hungry, but she didn't want Adara's hard work to go to waste.

  “We should take the ATV out after this if you want,” Adara said, then popped a grape into her mouth.

  Louise nodded and then took another bite.

  “I can’t wait for summer to come. The weather will be perfect, no more worrying about snow. And just to be able to sit outside without freezing and having to wear sweaters or coats,” Adara said.

  “It will be nice.” And the thought of it was nice. But come summer, Louise would be alone, and then she would have no one to enjoy it with. The thought of Beauty leaving her struck more fear into her. Who would be there to protect her?

  “Hey, what’s going on?” Adara asked, breaking Louise from her thoughts. Smiling, she grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth.

  “Oh, nothing. I am fine.”

  “You sure?”

  Louise nodded, then looked around her property. There was so much she wanted to explore come summer on her own land. The mountains peaks just beyond the horizon, the endless fields, the small woods, all were hers to enjoy whenever she wanted. And then looking over at Adara, she realized that moments like these needed to be cherished. Taking Adara's hand in her own, she closed her eyes and let the sun heat her face. When she opened them, she gazed upon the face of Adara, her brown eyes warm, though looking concerned.

  “These trips out do so much for me,” Louise said standing up, but not releasing Adara's hand. Stepping over to her, Adara stood as well, her brown eyes moving back and forth across Louise's face.

  “Louise?” Adara said, her voice soothing.

  “Just let me hug you,” Louise said, needing the touch desperately.

  Adara let her do just that, the embrace comforting. For a moment, all was perfect. That is, until the sound of the helicopter came to her ears. Crying into Adara's shoulder, the fear of being seen mixed with the fear of what she was feeling was almost too great, though Adara was strong enough to hold her up.

  “They won’t see you. I will not let them,” Adara said, her hand rubbing Louise's back.

  “We should run to the guest house,” Louise said, feeling vulnerable.

  “No. Stand here with me, they will not see your face. Do not allow them the satisfaction of making you hide.”

  Louise said nothing, instead, holding onto Adara even tighter. A kiss came to the top of her head as the sound of the helicopter became much louder. She held Adara for some time, her security team outside, trucks roaring by, yells echoing around them, and sometime later, the sounds all went away.

  Slowly, Louise pulled back and looked into the face of someone who cared about her. A true friend, who was selfless. Who let a beast cry into her shoulder and let out her pain. A friend who sang to her, encouraged her, and best of all, was always there for her. Something that Louise needed to return.

  Two years ago, when Louise first spotted Adara, she began to plan how to possess such a beauty. She had lured Adara into her life with a single rose. From something so precious as a single rose had turned into something disgusting. It was pure manipulation meant to entrap and then to slowly possess. Gift after gift, glasses of wine, cars, jewelry, all of that in the end did not matter. Beauty had been right about that all along.

  Something else was more important, the feeling washing over her at this very moment was starting to tear away the scars on her heart and soul. For in front of her was a woman she no longer wanted to possess as an object, nor control by manipulation. No, in fact it was far better than that.

  For in front of her was a woman she realized she had fallen in love with. And as she gazed at Adara, she saw her in a different light. In the reflection of Adara’s eyes, Louise saw herself for the first time not as a beast, but as a princess who was in love.


  That night, after Louise had propose
d once again at the gazebo, she did not feel as angry or sad when she was refused. Instead, she found hope. Hope that Adara would love her. The idea was not silly, it could happen. And she would not press the matter anymore with her. Nor would she manipulate her. She would let things take their natural course. Though the thought of Adara leaving, never to return, scared her, she would no longer make no more attempts to stop it.

  The feelings she had for Adara over the last few months were changing. And though she had professed she wanted Adara before, the words were not pure. But now they were. The feeling inside her so big and great, Louise felt she might be glowing.

  Looking up at the night sky, the stars were lined up in their different constellations. From Orion's Belt to the Big Dipper, she could see them all.

  With a laugh, she raised her hand, her finger pointed out each one. Taking her time, she began to draw a new constellation in the sky. It was two women holding hands, and the name of this new one was simply called Love.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Louise walked down the hidden passageway alone, except for her thoughts, which had been plaguing her as of late. It had been two weeks since she realized she was in love, and she could not wait to tell Adara. Tonight, she had everything planned out perfectly to let her know. Adara had spoken of fairytale endings, which Louise had scoffed at. But now, for the first time, she believed that a happily ever after was possible. She had written a note Thomas would deliver to Adara in just a few minutes, inviting her to a ball to be held in her honor. From the moment the evening started, it was going to be magical. Then, as they danced together, Louise would tell her how much she loved her.

  When she got to Sofia's room, she put her hand on the door and waited a moment. It had not only been Adara she thought about, but Sofia. The hurt, the pain she had caused her. The torment she had inflicted on her, first with words, then trying to make her gain weight. The reflection of these evil deeds made Louise want to sob. Taking a deep breath, she knocked once, then entered the room.

  Sofia stood, her head lowered, wearing the short pink robe she always wore. The robe, like the scarf, was a gift from a friend, a gift that had angered Louise at first, but now she appreciated the beauty of it.

  Before Louise could say anything, Sofia undid the robe and let the soft pink material fall to the floor. Closing the door behind her, Louise went over to her. Sofia turned around, wearing nothing but her panties and a bra. The weight she had gained had filled out her butt and breasts instead of the stomach and face as Louise had planned. Even though Sofia had gained weight around her sides, she still looked beautiful. And even if she gained a hundred pounds or more, she would always be beautiful. It was this insight that Louise had come to see.

  “Madam! I need a moment, then I can finish the food,” Sofia said, her hand motioning toward the tray.

  Louise shook her head, and then bit her lip, tears falling down her cheek. Thankfully her hair covered her face, for she did not want Sofia to see her weeping.

  “Madam?” Sofia said her voice kind. In front of Louise stood a woman who took so much abuse and yet never complained. A woman who lived in fear much like Louise. But hers was caused by Louise, not by her own doing.

  “Put your robe on…please,” Louise said.

  Sofia looked confused, and then picking her robe off the floor, she put it back on. Turning, Louise went back to the vanity mirror. Her eyes fell on the picture of Sofia's mother, a beautiful woman.

  “Your mother,” Louise said, tears now falling freely.


  “A very beautiful woman.”

  “Thank you,” Sofia said, her voice sounding confused once again. And Louise could not blame her. Who would trust the woman who had manipulated her? There was so much she wanted to tell Sofia. To let her know the anger she held against her was now gone, replaced with something far better. But Sofia would probably not believe her, and Louise could understand why. But plans had been made, things set in motion. It was the very least she could do for her.

  “Sofia,” she croaked, as she headed toward the door, her hand going to the door.


  “Do not eat extra anymore. Only eat what you want from now on.”

  “If that is what you want.”

  Louise nodded, tears rolling down her face. The love she had come to realize for Adara was now also affecting everything else in her life. Like her anger for Sofia. Guilt went through her, her old ways of tormenting Sofia now done with. Just like with Adara, she would no longer manipulate her.

  “May I ask one favor, please?” Louise said, her hand going to the doorknob.

  “Of course, Madam.”

  “Stay with me until the day Adara leaves. Live here freely, do as you wish, I will no longer bother you. Take another room if you want, roam free as you want. But please don't leave me until the day she does.”

  Louise felt her heart racing, the happiness from earlier now gone. Fear of being hurt now rushing over her.

  “I will do that,” Sofia said.

  “Thank you,” Louise whispered and then opened the door and quickly closed it behind her. To show any kindness to anyone, and Sofia of all people, was something she was not used to. But walking back to her room, Louise realized that the old her was dying, much like the flowers and bushes had in the winter. Going into her room, she went to her window and looked down at her garden. And just like the old Louise from many, many years ago, it was starting to bloom with life once again.


  Louise stood in front of her vanity mirror looking over her emerald-green dress that flowed around her feet. The sleeves covered her shoulders, and a small opening in the neck showed the swell of her breasts, just enough to be enticing. She had done her hair, the curling iron working its magic. And for the first time she had put on makeup, not in anger, but simply because she wanted to. Taking her time, she applied the foundation, the eyeshadow, the blush, and the lipstick. Looking in the mirror, she smiled, seeing herself for who she was, and in that she felt beautiful for the first time since the night of the accident. Bringing her hand up, she touched the right side of her face but did not feel repulsed.

  Smiling, she realized the woman in the mirror was a person who loved, not just others, but she loved herself, and it was a wonderful feeling. She put on her white gloves and hurried out of her room. When she reached the top of the stairs, she stopped in amazement. Adara waited for her at the bottom of the stairs wearing a dress similar to hers, though yellow in color. Her hair was done, piled on her head, strands running down on either side of her face. As she made her way down the stairs, Louise was greeted with a smile that caused her heart to soar and emotions to run through her. A longing to touch Adara, kiss her. To be intimate with Adara and confess her love.

  “Louise, look at you!” Adara said, her voice happy. “You look stunning. A true princess indeed!”

  Louise smiled, giving a mock curtsy. “And you. Well, there is no need to tell you what you already know, but I will anyway. You look beautiful,” she said, noting the crimson red come to Adara's cheeks. She offered Adara her arm. “Shall we then?”

  “Oh, being escorted to dinner. I like it,” Adara said, her hand slipping through Louise's arm.

  As they headed into the ball room, Thomas stood outside, stiff as ever. Opening the door, he extended his arm. “Ladies.”

  “Oh, Louise! Look, it’s like a fairy tale!” Adara said as they stepped through.

  Louise looked around. Thomas and Sofia had done the ballroom up perfectly. A small table sat to the side, not far from the fireplace, which had a large fire crackling in it. Two high-back chairs sat side by side, the backs upholstered in red velvet framed by a dark oak. Each chair was embossed with the title ‘Princess’ and each respective name below it.

  “Louise! This is…I don’t know what to say!” Adara’s voice reminded her of a child receiving the most exquisite present in the world.

  “Come, our guests are waiting for their princesses
to walk by,” Louise said, motioning in front of her.

  Red rose petals lined the floor, creating a path from where they stood to the table. On each side were life-sized paper machete knights and nobles. Each had been hand-painted and delivered early this morning.

  “So, this is why you insisted I could not come down all day,” Adara said as they walked between the statues, Thomas following behind them.

  “It is. I hope you don't mind.”

  “No. Not at all,” Adara said, a smile spreading from ear to ear. Moving to the chairs, Louise watched as Adara reached up tracing her finger over the engraving. “Princess Adara.” Turning back to Louise she shook her head.

  “Once again you have made me beyond happy. Thank you.”

  “You are more than welcome. Here, allow me,” she said, moving the chair back to allow Adara to sit. With a smile, she went to her own chair, Thomas pushing it in for her. Then taking the bottle of wine from the table, he poured them each a glass and left them alone.

  “You know, you keep wining and dining me like this, I may just end up staying,” Adara said, a laugh to her voice. It was what Louise wanted, but she wanted it of Adara's own free will, not out of Louise’s manipulations.

  “We can talk about that another time. For now, let us drink to all things beautiful.”

  Adara raised her glass. Taking a drink, Louise felt her heart patter a little as she waited for the right moment to tell Adara how she felt. Now was not the right time, especially with Thomas wheeling in their dinner. There was a large silver tray that held a silver bowl with a round lid with a small handle on the top. Grabbing the tray in his left hand, Louise bit down on her lip trying to suppress her smile, as he whipped off the lid and set the tray on a cart.

  “My ladies, your cheeseburgers and fries.”

  Louise watched as Adara's hand went to her mouth, her laugh so precious it filled the room with it.

  “You said more causal,” Louise said. “Is this not what you meant?”


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