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Infinity Page 1

by Charles E. Borjas


  By Charles E. Borjas

  Copyright © 2015 Charles E. Borjas All Rights Reserved

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter 1 Colonization of the Galaxy and Beyond

  Chapter 2 Cruise’s Journey

  Chapter 3 Treachery

  Chapter 4 Dekkonia

  Chapter 5 Queen Millennia

  Chapter 6 Soul Mate

  Chapter 7 The Shadowy Princess

  Chapter 8 Salocina Gasette

  Chapter 9: A New World

  Chapter 10: Treachery Upon Treachery

  Chapter 11: Earth II

  Chapter 12: Lebag Kralc

  Chapter 13: The Multi Jewel Relic

  Chapter 14 Space Gypsies

  Chapter 15: Subjugator’s Revenge

  Chapter 16 Escape From Reklaus

  Chapter 17: Terrestra and Celestia

  Chapter 18 Prodigal Daughters

  Chapter 19 The Planet Europa

  Chapter 20: Mortak Rawgue

  Chapter 21 Valenza’s Contrition

  Chapter 22 Arthos

  Chapter 23 The Holy Relic

  Chapter 24 Resurrection Ritual

  Chapter 25: Gynythian Zee

  Chapter 26 Spell Breaking

  Chapter 28 The Ikuptaxian Battle

  Chapter 29 Indestructible

  Chapter 30 Gynythian Zee’s Rage

  Chapter 31 Brothers Stand Together

  Chapter 32 Gods and Goddesses

  Chapter 33 Iron

  Chapter 34 Kingdom Of Light


  The Earth year is 877427 A.D. It is eight hundred seventy five thousand three hundred and sixty four Earth years after the Great Nuclear War of 2063 A.D. catapulted the planet Earth into a nuclear winter. Cruise Liberty, Prince of the Kingdom of the Twelve Galaxies Cluster, travels across outer space looking for a portal that transported his older brother to the other side of the universe. He has reason to believe that his brother is in danger, or is dead. Years before, Cruz’s brother went searching for a legendary relic that contains information to their origin, and how to get back to the Milky Way Galaxy. Once the Milky Way is found, it could lead them back to Earth’s Solar System and subsequently to the planet of their ancestors, Earth.

  Chapter 1 Colonization of the Galaxy and Beyond

  One hundred years of nuclear winter and radioactivity has subsided. Survivors roam the earth in gangs, groups and small armies. It was survival of the strongest. The part of the world’s population that was left migrated south towards the equator and below, to start building again.

  The year 2235 AD brought another war, which destroyed most of the civilization that remained. Five thousand years later a new monarchy springs up over the whole earth. The reconstruction was speedy. With the technology that had not been totally lost, civilization once again rose to populate the earth.

  Two more thousand years passed before mankind took to the stars. By then, the population of the earth had increased to nearly thirty billion people. Many ethnic groups virtually vanished from off the face of the earth due to mass genocides megalomaniac warlords committed. Mixed and interracial marriages had resulted in a colorful blend of diverse populations.

  Races that wanted to preserve their purity ethnicity stayed hidden deep in jungles and remote mountain ranges continuing to survive, producing unsullied offspring of their races. These were some of the black African peoples, the Native American Indians, and the Northern European Caucasians. The Asians had blended into one race they called the “yellow” race, although they were hardly yellow at all.

  Humans started to colonize Mars and even Venus. Mars had been terraformed already while Venus was still being explored. It was discovered that for thousands of years scientists had been mistaken about Venus. Despite all of the theories that Venus was too hot to support human life, when the first explorers finally arrived there, they found that the climate was warmer than that of Earth, except for the clouds and gases in the upper atmosphere. These clouds had been hiding the true Venus from mankind all along.

  The cloudy atmosphere was reduced by 75% percent due to terraforming procedures. This allowed the heat to escape from the surface of the planet to bring the temperature down to a hundred and twenty degrees at the equator in most parts. The process created temperate and tropical zones similar to Earth’s.

  Freezing large man made rivers and lakes and inducing artificial snow created North and South Poles. The water for these rivers and lakes was created after gigantic space barges full of water had been transported to the poles and set to evaporate. The clouds were then subsequently seeded with genetically modified mushroom spores and precipitation was birthed. The naturally strong winds of Venus helped in creating blizzards at the poles, which ensured that the snow had spread out in all directions.

  Weather technology had survived both wars. The knowledge of weather control contributed immensely to making Venus habitable and ready for colonization on most of its two great continents. Islands were developed on the oceans that had been created after salt water had been brought in giant “water trains” to Venus and reproduced using craters. Through the technology of combustible precipitation, more water was created to fill the seas and keep them full.

  By the year 9000 AD, humans had made both Venus and Mars habitable and man was once again reaching out to the next planet, the giant Jupiter. The Jupiter mission was a failure due to the high-velocity winds and heavy gravity. The explorer team of twenty-five was lost. The same proved true for Saturn and Neptune, and their moons.

  The populations of Earth, Venus and Mars were growing. By the year 12000 AD, man had sent the first mega spaceship on a very long trip with five thousand people aboard 10.5 light-years to colonize the solar system, Epsilon Eridani. It took ten generations in space for them to arrive. Unfortunately, it had only one planet in orbit around it, but the colony survived. Two hundred years time had passed and the lithosphere of the planet that they had named Adam I was completely terraformed and was being colonized from Earth, Mars and Venus. Mankind again needed to reach out even further to the stars.

  The next target was Giliese 876, a solar system that had four planets, one of which was so Earth-like that only a minimum of terraforming was necessary to transform it into a paradise. Giliese was 5.8 light-years beyond Epsilon Eridani, and so, as more colonists from the Earth, Mars and Venus arrived on Adam I, ships of families left to colonize the new paradise they named “Eve I”. Both new planets had moons that controlled their tides like Earth.

  In the Earth year of 13980, war broke out between Earth and Mars. The Martian government wanted to break away from the Triad Planetary Union that the ruling monarch on Earth had formed. The other two colony planets Adam I and Eve I were too far away to get involved. The governor of Venus, Darkus Manhijik, who was an evil sly ruler, then saw his chance to become ruler of all three worlds. Increase in the speed of space travel would now make it possible to reach out and conquer the two newer colony planets after he had consolidated his power.

  Darkus Manhijik declared all out war on King Seraph of Earth. Darkus had been stockpiling cosmoton nuclear weapons on Venus for years. Just one of these nuclear bombs could devastate a small country the size of what was once Texas. Darius sent his pre-emptive strike force of one hundred high-powered nuclear rockets to Earth. But before they landed to wreak their carnage, King Seraph’s government’s monitors detected the rockets when they were half way, and retaliated with more nuclear rockets.

  In order to make sure the ruler of Mars, Queen Xiomar, did not take advantage and try to win the war by default, King Seraph ordered a nuclear strike on Mars also.

  Queen Xiomar had decided only to use nuclear weapons
when all else failed. “We’ve tried everything else,” she pleaded with her Commodore. “Now we’re under nuclear attack.”

  “We must retaliate, sad to say,” replies Henrick. “Our counter measures may stop most of their rockets, but many of our cities will fall.”

  Queen Xiomar and her predecessors had made certain that they had strong defenses; the strongest of all the Triad Planetary Union. The defense measures were successful in stopping the greater part of King Seraph’s nuclear assault, but the planet suffered great losses, death and destruction in many of the unprotected outlying provinces.

  Darkus Manhijik hadn’t been so fortunate. He and his capital were destroyed and King Seraph’s bombs also melted both ice caps, which caused flooding. Venus was devastated. Survivors struggled here and there on the planet to try to make sense out of what had just happened in their Apocalypse.

  Earth had been hit from both sides. Her defensive measures were not enough to hold back the devastating nuclear rockets of both Venus and Mars. The war was over and Queen Xiomar was now the new ruler of the “New Planetary Triad”, which is what she changed the name to after taking power.

  Through communications satellites that the Queen had set up in order to communicate with the “outer colonies” as she called them, both Adam I and Eve I received the news. However, due to the slow speed of communication, it was about ten and fifteen years respectively before they heard.

  The Queen of the Planetary Triad was a benign ruler, but for the next fifty years of her rule, she concentrated on building Mars back up again and changed the name of the planet to Sophia. She had made trips during her rule, to both Earth and Venus to begin reconstruction. She sent teams to help restore as much as they could, but virtually kept them in the dark ages. She did not allow any armies or long-range weapons of mass destruction. She let them build their civilization back up again, even electronically, but limited their use of Cyber Space to their own planets. Interplanetary communication was outlawed for Venus and Earth. The Queen of Mars reigned supreme.

  It was not until another hundred and fifty years later that the nuclear winter of Earth completely dissipated. Venus’s was much shorter at fifty, and the ice caps had formed again due to the drop in temperature over the whole planet.

  Time passed and it wasn’t long before Queen Xiomi the Divine, the daughter of Xiomar, became the new Queen. Xiomi, having been an ardent student of Astronomy, graduated from the highest university on Sophia with flying colors. During the tenth year of her reign, she sent out ships to colonize planets in the Alpha Centari star system.

  Utilizing knowledge in the ancient writings called “The Pure Scriptures of Light,” each city-sized ship was like a Noah’s Ark including not only the people and supplies, but also two of every species of animal, every beneficial insect and also seedlings from every kind of plant, tree and flower. These collections of biological treasures for survival also included relics of literature, art, culture, technology and architect. Queen Xiomi the Divine had a lot of insight and foresight into the future and wanted to ensure the survival and prosperity of civilizations to come.

  The computer technology sent out with the colonists contained information stored which took up nine hundred yottabytes for each computer unit and was able to share with any other devices within communication range.

  It wasn’t long before the rulers of “Adam I” and “Eve I” began sending colonists to other planets and other star systems further and further away. It became increasingly impossible to keep in touch with Sophia, Earth and Venus.

  By the year of 25,000 AD, all planetary colonies had completely stopped using the Earth’s calendar and had devised their own, based upon their own star systems and suns. Like Queen Xiomi the Divine, they also had loaded up their giant ships with precious cargo that contained all they needed to preserve their civilizations and cultures.

  Tens of thousands more years passed and humans spread out more and more into the Galaxy and became increasingly alienated from each other.

  By the year 65,000 AD by Earth’s solar system standard, humans had extensively populated the Milky Way Galaxy and were headed out even further to colonize the Andromeda Galaxy, it being the closest.

  The planets that developed Megatonic Drive were able to exceed twenty times the speed of light. Unlike Albert Einstein’s theories, there was no displacement in time; time did not slow down. There had, however, been reckless incidents of warps being torn open and ships that were pulled into them that were never to be seen again. The popular and accepted theory was that they appeared at the other end of the universe in some unknown and uncharted star system, or either in the past or the future. Many of the scientists had argued, however, that they simply got sucked into black holes.

  Inter-galactic travel had become more common and widespread. As time passed, the original names of stars and galaxies had been lost, except for rare records and files that had been kept and passed down, and the original records kept on Earth, Venus and Sophia. Genealogies were almost impossible to trace, and as much as humans wanted to learn their own origins, it became more and more complicated and tedious for them to the point of giving up.

  Chapter 2 Cruise’s Journey

  Cruise Daxu, meaning Liberty, was born on the planet Cassiopeia eight hundred, seventy-four thousand and eight hundred years after the First Great War. That would have been signified in earth years as the year 876,863.

  Cassiopeia had been named after the constellation of the same name, originally named out of Greek Mythology. History and cultures had been well preserved. Cassiopeia was one of the few major planets in the Rakudean Galaxy that had libraries of accessible historical and scientific data. Many of the books and data of ancient times had been lost, or stolen by collectors or treasure hunters looking to sell what they could scavenge.

  The English language had been preserved as well as could be possible, considering the amount of time that had passed since colonists first started leaving The Martian planet of Sophia, as well as Earth, and Venus.

  The language, however, had been garnished with countless new and colorful expressions. Not only vocabulary, but many idioms, verbs and adjectives had been added, and many dropped. In fact, it kept changing, adding whatever other parts of speech, grammar, hyperboles, and gestures had been necessary. The Quewythian race had their own number system and written language. Although the colonists had brought the ancient Earth languages from Earth, the Quewythians used the same symbols to communicate by writing as they had for eons.

  The humans had discovered that they were not alone in the universe. Close encounters with many other species of “Space People” as they were called, had become common.

  Cruise’s father had been one of those “Space People”, but his mother had been human, whose origins were among the ancient red-skinned people of the Americas. His mother had passed away hundreds of years before and his father had remarried, one of his own kind, realizing that to marry another human would only bring more sorrow after she passed away, having already had two human wives.

  Koupiton Hoxenyth, Cruise’s father, was originally from the neighbouring galaxy of Garethiea. He was the ruler of two thousand solar systems that had habitable planets. That was a small number considering that particular galaxy contained billions of star systems. His home planet was called Quewythia. The Kriphiseon Galaxy was further away and then the galaxies sort of made an ovular shape and came around to Adastraya, Phorenas, Solemya, Aquaraleia, Diosuea, Cymopolea, Draconius, Astryayak, and the furthest most remote was Deltanaff-Nizz. The word they used for galaxy was “kotesha”.

  The words they used, which literally meant “Liberating King”, was “Daxu Korth”.

  Koupiton was five thousand years old. He was of the Quewythian race. In the Human language, that would be pronounced like the letter “Q”, and weeth.

  The Quewythian race looked every bit like humans. You could not tell them apart except they all had thick, curly raven black hair that had a cyan lustre in the sunl
ight, blue eyes and naturally tanned skin. The skin was of a different make up than normal human skin. It was smoother, less hairy and had a glistening multi-colored tone; sort of beautiful metallic lustre similar to scale-less fish that seemed to change color depending which way the light was coming from. These were the Northern Quewythians, who hailed from the mega planets of Laskaris and Quewythia in the Kriphiseon Kotesha.

  The Southern, or “Zohdani” Quewythians, lived on the twin planets of Slatoid and Sheodel. Their distinctive features included a lighter pigmentation of their skin with their arms, foreheads and thighs being the darkest. Their eyes had no special color, but were as diverse as the color spectrum. The men wore their hair long, but not as long as the women. The women were adorned with hair of many colors, not unlike their eyes. Their two planets were smaller than Laskaris, and presided in the Zohdani area of the Kriphiseon Kotesha in a star system that was comprised of twelve planets. Slatoid and Sheodel were the only inhabited ones.

  Tens of thousands of years before, both Quewythian races were at war with each other for the domination of the Twelve Galaxies Cluster. The Northern Quewyths defeated the Southern Quewyths with their superior weapons but spared their planets.

  Since then, in return for the mercy shown them, the Southern Quewyths vowed to always be true friends and allies, even in battle. A truce was made and trade between the two diverse Quewythian races began. This treaty had held for more than thirty thousand years, and was revised more than three thousand times to include amendments allowing for more freedoms, travel, and extended to all of the twelve galaxies in the Radiance Cluster.

  Only four thousand years earlier, Southern Quewythian rebel assassins had killed the Supreme Ruler King or “Welaik Korth”, Koupiton Hoxenyth’s father. They had been captured and executed as traitors to the Twelve Galaxies Cluster, by Koupiton Hoxenyth, who instantly became the new king. He used his new power to free the inhabitants of the harsh conditions his father had inflicted upon countless planets under his iron fist rule. Koupiton Hoxenyth was a hero among the multitude of races as well as his own people. He then became known as Daxu Korth, which in the original English tongue translates as “Liberating King”.


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