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Infinity Page 16

by Charles E. Borjas

  That was when the lids of the vats burst open and both Subjugator and R’Darik were discharged from the vats; spewed out like an undesirable meal landing on the floor. They both stirred as the remaining servants fled in terror.

  Their appearance was as always but their eyes; there was something eerie and different about their eyes. The sclera in both eyes were red, pupils were white and the iris yellow. Subjugator’s skin had turned white and there were green circles around his eyes.

  “Now you are both under my control,” said the devious Ibiza. “You will obey my every command.”

  The two perpetrators that had died and now were alive replied, “We will obey, master.”

  When their mouths opened Ibiza saw their fangs. “It worked. Even the darkest of the dark. They are mine both their bodies and their souls.”

  This was the first time Ibiza had ever tried to revive a dead body before. The subject had to be already filled with darkness, and these two certainly were. The magic was from some dark place in a small corner of the universe.

  The Ikuptaxians, an alien race bent on destroying all other races in the universe. Evil as sin, there were no depths that the Ikuptaxians would not stoop to in order to push their agenda through. They were ruthless, merciless, and they would have been infamous as insane criminals if the races they had invaded were still alive.

  The Ikuptaxians were terrorizing all of the outer galaxies in the kingdom as well as the galaxies that were a part of the cluster that spawned Cruise Daxu. It was he they were really after. But in order to get to him they had to ransack the planet and solar system he was from. They were the ones who brought havoc to Earth and her sisters.

  They were the ones who brought the ice ages by releasing liquid hydrogen bombs augmented one hundred times into the very atmosphere of Earth seven times. They were the ones who caused the destruction, including the sinking of Atlantis, the nuclear wars, tsunamis that engulfed the east and west coasts and sent most habitable lands and their people to a watery grave.

  The Ikuptaxians did not have the words “maybe” or “if” in their vocabulary. They were callous cold-blooded killers. They began from a ragtag blood lusting family and evolved into the most merciless murderers ever to cross galaxies.

  Ibuza was not of their race, but he learned their magic and thus had been one of their servants doing their bidding. Now Subjugator and R’Darik were two more of their slaves bound to the magic that brought them back to life.

  Chapter 25: Gynythian Zee

  Dvora had delved deep into the magic of Gynythian Zee, ultimate ruler of the Southern Universe of Libuscha and the Dark Universe of Brahnah. She did not even know what incantations she was calling on. She had rushed into the impetuous act of gaining power to fulfill her lust for vengeance. This would not be without a price. Gynythian Zee’s magic was more powerful than all magicians, wizards and warlocks ever known to the underworld of space. Even they feared him. They were the ones who did his bidding.

  The Ikuptaxians, authors of chaos and destruction in many a galaxy in the south quadrant of the universe, had traversed far and wide to execute their own underhanded agenda. Notwithstanding, they had never come across a being so indomitable leader to them as Gynythian Zee. He ruled them with a fist of iron.

  He stood seven feet tall and was tens of thousands of years old. No one knew exactly how old he was. The color of his leather-like skin was red, and he had a very powerful build of rippling muscles and visible veins and arteries, which revealed an anatomy quite different than anything she had ever seen before.

  The ripples of his leg muscles could be seen through his skintight outfit weaved from the threads of the Magical Gordax Poisonous Spider of Cali, his home planet at the edges of the Southern Universe. He wore no shirt, only a crossed thick suspender-like black strap that crossed his massive chest. The straps went over his hulking shoulders and then crossed his brawny back and hung straight down to his waist.

  The boots were made from the hide of the Xax; a monster twice the size of an earth Grizzly Bear with sharper teeth and claws. Its hide was like that of Earth leather, but three times thicker and harder. In order to pass the test to become an adult, he was required to kill two of them with his bare hands, and he got to keep the prized skin, which he had made into boots, bags, and pouches for himself.

  His coarse yellow hair was not made of protein like humans and humanoids, but metallic thread, softer than metal but virtually indestructible. It only grew on the top of his head and stopped growing when he reached adulthood. The men never grew facial hair, and they never visibly matured past the earth age of thirty.

  He wore his family crest on his ribcage, the right side, which had been burned in with laser when he was born. His magic was from the deepest parts of Dark Space where he learned it on the planet Klachastx, a hundred light years from his home planet, where he had his training as a lad during the first Earth millennium of his life. One Calian year equaled two hundred and fifty of Earth years.

  When Dvora looked into his purple eyes, it was like looking deep into bottomless caverns and she felt such power from them

  Dvora was drunk for power and control. That was all she wanted. She desired to rule and control those who had made her life intolerable. She wanted revenge on those who took her daughter s away and left her alone. She wanted vengeance on the husband she first knew who gave her seven daughters and then she wanted double revenge on the man who took them away from her.

  “What is it that you seek, daughter of many stars?” Asked Gynythian Zee when Dvora approached him. “Are you not the Queen of the Twelve Galaxies Cluster? You seek the magic of darkness? I should have your kingdom for this.”

  “I am no longer Queen of the Twelve Kingdoms,” she answered. Gynythian Zee laughed. “I have been betrayed.”

  Gynythian Zee replied voraciously, “Would you be my queen instead? You can never go back there.”

  “Teach me all you know and it shall be so,” replied Dvora. “I’ll marry you and I’ll carry your babies and when it’s all done I’ll bury you.”

  “You have a sense of humor. My magic web of tackiness has already searched your motives, Dvora,” slurred the king of Dark Magic. “You are drawn to me because of my power. You wish to have that power. Very well, my beauty, you shall have it, but it comes with a price.”

  “Name your price my dark king. I shall be a servant of your kingdom if that is what it takes.”

  “It will take more than being my servant. It will mean total fealty in every matter. You shall perform my every whim.”

  “I will my life to you,” replied Dvora. She had never met Gynythian Zee before, but she knew he meant business. She meant business too. Gynythian Zee never knew betrayal. His servants all willed themselves to him with no reservations...until now.

  Dvora saw the awesomeness in this sage of the wizards. He saw in her the beauty of a woman who was yielded to him alone, and yet did not fear him, and thus she played on his weakness. He never used his magic on her for fear of losing her. She played him for a fool. After teaching her all he knew as were her conditions, he had put too much trust in her. Like a little lamb she did his bidding...that is...until she felt she was ready to take him on. Pretending to be jealous of a lesser servant girl, she went on a rampage.

  Gynythian Zee, not willing to see her this way left her for a time, so that she could gain her composure. He knew that she wanted full control, and so he let her in on how to manipulate the Ikuptaxians. It had been through them that Gynythian Zee caused the disasters that wreaked havoc on Earth and her sister planets Mars and Venus.

  Now he was planning to use them to destroy Earth’s sun, and thus the whole solar system, by causing the sun to explode, causing a nova. Dvora wanted a part in it. To destroy the solar system her stepsons Cruise and Arthos originated from would accomplish part of her revenge against their father Daxu Korth.

  Gynythian Zee had not known the wrath of a woman before. All women worshipped at his feet. This new concept
attracted him to Dvora even more. He felt a bloodlust in her similar to his, and inquired about her origin.

  “I have heard about this king, Daxu Korth. I did battle with his father when I was yet a lad. They do have great power but do not use magic as I do,” surmised Gynythian Zee. “I shall destroy him and his sons with you by my side. Would that make you happy, my dreary dear?” He laughed.

  “You mock me?” Dvora was angered, as Gynythian Zee laughed.

  “It is entertaining and interesting to have a woman such as you are who is not afraid of me. I could easily slit your throat with these...” he holds up his right hand and his fingernails turn into razor-sharp talons a finger in length.

  “Then you would have a mess to clean up, you blood would be all over you, my hulky animal,” she replies. Gynythian Zee’s race deplored the spilling of blood while inside their own structures. They considered them sacred and would not defile them with theirs or another being’s blood rotting and staining up the immaculate floors.

  “How did you know that?” he asks. “Only Calians know that fact.”

  “I learned of you from the Great Wizard of the Mountains of Geshtinanna, Ibiza,” she replied.

  “I have heard of him and his power. My sources tell me that he used the magic of that mountain to bring two dead bodies back to life.” He throws his cyan colored cape over his colossal shoulders; a cape of rare threads woven on the magical spinning wheel of Argoill, a planet in one of the solar systems he had caused the destruction of eons before.

  “My sources also tell me that your beloved step son foiled my plans to destroy Earth’s solar system. If you want that sweet taste of vengeance over all of your enemies, I suggest you come with me and do as I say.”

  “Your wish is my command,” she replies, but he knew by the look in her eyes she was not being sincere.

  “I must remind you, my multi fanged female,” he says. “Betrayal is the worst crime of all and results in a penalty of a slow death by the cruelest and most painful means of torture even your corrupted mind could never conceive.” Gynythian Zee grinned, exposing a set of sharp fangs that dripped with greyish saliva.

  If nothing about Gynythian Zee had scared her before, this did. She could only try to conceive what kind of torture this demonic creature was capable of. With his lust for blood, and the flesh of other beings, all of a sudden she didn’t feel so powerful anymore. She felt trapped as he walked away laughing under his breath as if he was already planning out the details of how he was going to kill her if she betrayed him. She thought about what he said regarding Ibiza and bringing bodies back from the dead. She knew who they were. She felt betrayed by him now, and added him, R’Darik and Hyukitron Hoxenyth to her list of mortal enemies.

  Chapter 26 Spell Breaking

  With R’Darik and Hyukitron the Subjugator doing his bidding, Ibiza set out with a crew of fellow wizards well versed in the magic of the Dark Universe.

  “Nothing and no one can stop me now. I will kill Dvora and her slippery daughters, exact my revenge upon the Twelve Galaxies Cluster and take control. Daxu Korth will be in chains and I will have him in my dungeon until his time runs out. His sons are so far away now they can never return in time to save him and his daughters from my wrath.”

  His two powerful reincarnated wizard servants bow their heads in obeisance. “Yes, Master Ibiza. Hyukitron’s countenance had changed from what it once was to an ominous looking monster controlled only by Ibiza.

  R’Darik had no control over his body now, but his conscience on the inside of him told him he had been changed into Ibiza’s servant. The inside conflicted with his outside and it lasted several days and nights. On the vessel where they were on their way to the Twelve Galaxies Cluster to seek Ibiza’s revenge R’Darik felt like he was struggling to break out of chains that were binding him.

  The outside part of him visible to all around him looked normal and like a subservient slave should look, making all the right motions and bows. But on the inside the battle was getting more and more intense. Inside of his inner mind, his id, he called on his supernatural powers that Ibiza had not yet controlled. He only controlled his body and body movements and his speech. He could make the warlock say any incantation he wanted. But he had no control over what was happening on the inside of R’Darik.

  As the vessel, now at Super Hyper Drive, neared the Rakudean Galaxy where Cassiopeia was located, R’Darik had begun to win the inner struggle. His inner magic worked to free him from the spell of Mount Rekqez. Even Ibuza’s magic cold not reverse it. Ibiza knew that the magic of Mount Rekqez had turned R’Darik into a much more powerful warlock with powers much greater than his own. But he was content with the fact that R’Darik was under his manipulation and control.

  At first R’Darik did not let on that he was now in control of his own will again. He did not want to try to use the magic incantations on Hyukitron because he wasn’t sure if he could trust the transformed cocky nemesis, so he let him stay under Ibiza’s control. He broke the actual chains that Ibiza had them chained up in, and the noise alarmed the three guards standing outside the iron door of the room.

  “Be careful,” One of them said as another unlocks and opens the door.

  “Don’t worry, they’re both chained up like the beasts they are,” He replied.

  No sooner did the guard get the door open than R’Darik grabbed him by the throat with one hand and squeezed. Electric current flashed and passed through R’Darik’s arm and then to his hand lighting the guard up and killing him. The other guards tried to shoot R’Darik, but he lifted his hands towards them and repelled their blaster rays with a strange blue force that he emitted from his hands.

  The blue emission got closer and closer to the guards until R’Darik gave a shove as if pushing waves away that sent the blue force into the guards knocking them back against the wall in the hallway. He grabbed them both and lifted them up towards the ceiling and used the same electric force to kill them. After throwing them down he walked away and down the hall in search of Ibiza.

  All Hyukitron could do was just sit there and watch the whole thing. The inside of him was crying out to be free from R’Darik’s control but he didn’t know the magical mountain had also changed him into a wizard and had given him powers he had never dreamed of having before. As far as he knew, he was still under Ibiza’s control.

  Ibiza was up on the control deck guiding his engineers to Cassiopeia when R’Darik shows up. “What are you doing here? How did you get out? Return immediately to your cell.”

  R’Darik just glares at Ibiza, making him feel a bit uncomfortable. “I said go back to your cell.” Ibiza raises his hand as if he was going to strike R’Darik still believing that he has control over R’Darik’s will. As Ibiza raises his hand R’Darik grabs it and holds it there. Ibiza can’t believe what he is seeing and it causes a mighty widening of his eyes as he looks deep into R’Darik’s eyes. It was then he knew.

  “How did you get free of the spell?” he asks, trying to distract R’Darik.

  “You dirty betrayer; conspiring with Dvora to have us killed and then secretly ship us to your mountain to raise us from the dead so you could control us.”

  “How about Hyukitron, is he free too?” Ibiza asks.

  “You go find out.”

  Ibiza orders his men to fire their weapons at R’Darik, but he uses the blue emission to force the deadly rays back towards the men and it kills them. Ibiza’s eyes get even wider with fear.

  “But don’t you see? We have a chance to get even with all of our enemies. United we stand,” Pleads Ibiza.

  But R’Darik turns to the guards standing around. “You saw what I did to those men. If you don’t want the same thing you’ll listen to me. Bind Ibiza and take him to the cell he had me in. Bind his hands and feet so that he cannot use his magic.” R’Darik then pulls his hood up onto his head, raises his hands and throws a powerful bolt of energy towards Ibiza that paralyzes him. “This will keep him from giving you any t
rouble on the way. Betray me and you will suffer the same fate as your fellows down in front of the cell.” He then took Ibiza’s thorny rod and threw it into the refuse disintegrator. “I don’t need toys like this.”

  R’Darik gains control of the vessel and continues the journey to Cassiopeia pondering about what to do with Ibiza and Hyukitron. “Maybe I should throw them back into the disintegrator too.”

  Chapter 27 War In The Kingdom

  Lebag Kralc materializes before Daxu Korth on his veranda. “This is urgent, I must talk to you.”

  “You should talk to’re my best spy,” Daxu Korth replies.

  “I’ve uncovered another plot by your enemies to kill you and take control of the kingdom,” says Lebag Kralc “I’m not just talking about small time pirates like Wathesan-Fla-Fla, Lem Nesbig, and the corrupted law officers of Planet Eniam 22, like Bor Mukim.”

  “I have never been in danger from those renegades,” responds Daxu Korth. “Tell me what you found out.”

  Lebag Kralc had travelled far and wide and sent his spy teams all over gathering information. He used the highest spying technology available in the kingdom to track down his suspects and gather data. He pulled a small transparent gadget out of his vest pocket and touched it a few times with his index finger. It played back audial visuals of different people talking projecting them in 3-D holograms.

  Before his eyes, Daxu Korth saw and heard Dvora and her conversation with Gynythian Zee. “My father’s old nemesis. Dvora had passed the line of no return.”


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