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Infinity Page 20

by Charles E. Borjas

  With the guards dead it was some tie before Daxu Korth was notified that his greatest archenemy had escaped. The court session was set for the next day. Daxu Korth would have to be there.

  “I don’t have to be,” says Cruise. “I’ll go after him and either bring him back, or bury him on one of those planets out there.”

  “Either way, Son, you must stop him,” replies Daxu Korth.

  “If he’s going by Hyper Warp Speed, it’s going to take him quite some time though,” Says Cruise.

  “He’s still a powerful wizard, Son,” replies Daxu Korth. “He knows the deep magic and can get there sooner than you think.

  “Well, I have some magic too,” responds Cruise. “She’s called Infinity. It’s about time we joined that battle and bring it to an end.”

  Cruise readies his crew and tells Infinity the new plan. “Locked onto the coordinates, Cruise.”

  “That means we are just about there,” says Cruise, taking in all he sees at the battle site and wondering how each side could have avoided annihilation from the other. But instead they worked hard to evaluate their losses. Cruise recalls an ancient Quewythian poem.

  We will honor you, my brother,

  with the blood of war.

  Spirits of the past,

  and spirits of the present,

  Suns and Stars give signs,

  of magic and fortune telling,

  Rule your world

  with majesty and grace,

  Rule the Galaxy

  with justice and strength,

  Rule the Universe

  with wisdom and knowledge.

  They all shall be brought down,

  all Governments, Cities, Countries,

  They that bring death to the inhabitants,

  All of the Time Stealers,

  All of the Skin Walkers,

  all of the powers of darkness

  Shall fall and the light of truth shall rule,

  The words of truth shall overcome.

  After programming Infinity with data on how to stop the battle, the enormous EMP takes out all of their systems. Infinity drains the energy that powers all of their weapons including carry weapons. After that, she restores all life support systems and the power to all engines. She then teleports all of the enemy vessels into her holding dock, where they are lined up and again disabled. Cruise sends a message to all of the Kingdom ships ordering them to return to Cassiopeia. Salocina’s ships follow, after receiving a message from her to return to meet her there.

  Infinity scans the ships, but Gynythian Zee cannot be found. Seeing that all of his armada had been impounded, he flees in his own vessel, which was shielded from the EMP. Cruise teleports Infinity back to Cassiopeia, and the several hundred thousand prisoners are transferred to several prisons temporarily until their fates are decided. Gynythian Zee’s remaining armada of warships is put in an enormous hangar on the Citadel’s military base.

  Salocina is watching over Dvora, while she recuperates from the treatment that took away her powers and restored her original memory and state of mind.

  “The last thing I remember is picking up a pretty blue stone and thinking I wanted to make a pendant out of it,” said Dvora. “Everything after that is blank.”

  “You may start remembering little by little,” said the head physician. “But then again you may never remember anything that happened between then and now.”

  “Trust me, Dvora, there are a lot of things you would not want to remember.” remarks Salocina.

  As far as Dvora’s daughters, the spell Dvora put on them was broken when she lost the effects from the meteorite. They went into a state of amnesia, not remembering anything that happened since their meeting at Dvora’s villa, when she was infected by the meteorite’s radiation. Needless to say, their husbands were bewildered, as they also had no recollection of getting married, or who the men were.

  It had been many Earth generations. Their husbands had them sit and watch audial visuals of their lives since they got married. They felt awkward that they really did not know their own husbands.

  The top magician in the Citadel said that in time they would regain their memories, but it will not be sudden. Yeralai seemed to be the exception. Somehow she could still remember everything, and yet it all seemed like a bad dream. Chajux Motwreq had just returned from the mission. He was one of the pilots in the battle with Gynythian Zee.

  “My love, you still remember me don’t you?” He heard that the daughters of Dvora had all lost their memories. “You know who I am?”

  “Oh, darling, most of all I do remember you and I can’t understand why I’m the only one who does remember,” she replied.

  “Then you can help your sisters’ husbands; my comrades,” He said. “Please tell your sisters what you remember. Tell them what you know about their marriage and weddings.”

  “I’ll tell them, but I cannot make them remember their love for their husbands,” she replies. “That is something they will have to remember themselves. They’ll have to feel the love, as I do for you.”

  Dvora cold not remember the hate and vengeance she felt for Daxu Korth. “I have no memory of anything but love for you. I saw the visuals and heard the things I said. I could not imagine it was really me. I’m so devastated.”

  Daxu Korth knew she was telling the truth as he scanned her mind with his powers. He opened the sliding door to the sky terrace where he could view the whole city of Shovaya. The night sky displayed clusters of stars, each one with their own names. He could view each of the twelve galaxies with his own eyes, something that Dvora was not able to do. He took his lovely Dvora; her beauty restored by treatments, by the hand and led her out to the terrace. Her initial reaction was to pull back in fear, thinking that in his hate for her he would toss her off of the high terrace and she would plunge to a horrible death. She knew very well what he was capable of; he possessed the strength of fifty normal males. Daxu still pulled her outside even though she was trembling. “Come and have a look. I want you to see something. Trust me”

  With the sudden change in focus, Dvora forgot about her terror for a moment, wondering what he was up to. Her curiosity got the best of her and she stopped resisting. He led her over to the very large and powerful telescope that was at the far end on the right side of the terrace. It was massive; the optical tube was ten meters long it was three meters wide at the aperture.

  Daxu Korth guided Dvora to the eyepiece. “I want you look. It’s been a long time since you last did.”

  “I always loved looking at the stars,” she replies, and bends down to observe.

  “Can you see the cluster of galaxies towards the left?” Daxu Korth asks.

  “Yes, it’s the Kingdom of the Twelve Galaxies Cluster,” replies Dvora, as she views the splendid colors of the starlit skyways.

  “I viewed the outside security visual of the day you went to your villa. I hadn’t seen it before. I had only watched the visuals from inside the villa, and I want you to know that neither your privacy, nor that of our daughter’s was violated. Only public areas were recorded.”

  “Oh?” she answered, in a timid voice.

  “If I had viewed the outside security films sooner, I would have understood that you were affected by the meteorite I recognized as Opaxilate,” Daxu Korth recalls. “So I know you were telling the truth about picking up that rock.”

  “You know that element?” Dvora lifts her eyes from the eyepiece and turns her head towards Daxu Korth.

  “Yes. I thought it strange that it should have fallen from the sky. You see, Opaxilate always vaporizes upon entering the atmosphere of most planets including this one,” says Daxu Korth. “And if it truly did fall there by some unknown trick of fate, there would be a small crater and marks of burning. But there are none.”

  “Then how did it get conveniently on my lawn?” Dvora was starting to get where Daxu Korth was taking this. “Was it placed there?”

  “You can see for yourself.” He then gestures
that they go back inside. Daxu Korth then gives a verbal command. “Audial visual 4-D photogram on. I...uh...already pre-set the controls.”

  They both watch as a male figure dressed in a black cloak with a hood creeps onto the lawn at night. “Even in the darkness,” says Daxu Korth, “it is recorded as if it was twilight.” The figure walks over to the spot in the lawn where Dvora found the stone. He takes something out of a container and drops it without touching it. The object starts to glow an eerie blue color. Seemingly satisfied the male figure turns and walks away. While walking away, totally unaware that a security camera is recording his actions, he turns for an instant and Dvora can see clearly that it is Lebag Kralc. She gasps putting her hand to her mouth.

  Chapter 33: Iron

  Cruise and Arthos take Infinity to go and search for Gynythian Zee. His warship was fast, but not as fast as Infinity. She could only teleport using Quantum Action when there were definite coordinates. Nevertheless, she was able to pick up the cosmic trail.

  They tracked Gynythian Zee to a far away galaxy, Infinity now able to decipher the coordinates of his Dark Kingdom in the Underspace of the Southern Universe of Libuscha and the Dark Universe of Brahnah. It was comprised of twenty galaxies with billions of stars each. With so many solar systems, Infinity’s sensitive instruments could track the planets emitting biological energy. This was the kingdom that Gynythian Zee ruled over.

  Cruise used cloaking and Infinity was invisible to both eyes and radar as she sailed through the galaxies. Cruise didn’t want to attract the attention of hostile inhabitants. Not that they couldn’t fight them off, but he did not want to be distracted from his main mission. Once Infinity knew where to locate Gynythian Zee, they zipped right to that solar system by Quantum teleportation.

  “There is a planet, Captain,” said Infinity, “that is giving off light rays signifying a superior power. There is much power in this part of the universe, but it’s not good power.”

  Arthos had now learned how to operate Infinity. He locked her in orbit around a planet that was twice the size of Cassiopeia. Infinity gave them a look at the surface in 4-D Photongraph. Red clouds covered the southern hemisphere while brown and green clouds covered the northern hemisphere.

  “Give me the data on this planet, Infinity,” said Arthos.

  “Cruise can do it now,” she replied. “While he was sleeping I downloaded everything I know into his brain.”

  “Please explain,” says Cruise.

  “You are half Quewythian, Cruise,” answers Infinity. “Your brain capacity and processing ability is far beyond that of mere earthlings. Your neurons grow ten times faster and now your time released DNA has made you evolve much quicker.”

  “What do you mean by time released DNA?” asks Cruise.

  “Your chromosomes are still multiplying, as are your cells. You are now one hundred times stronger than a mortal human, or non-Quewythian. You have three hearts. Two of them have been dormant, but one has just awakened. Now you have two hearts pumping your blood, which is more Quewthian than human. Later, I do not know when, the third heart will awaken. When it does, it will be to help handle the load of the special powers you will receive,” answers Infinity. “But you already know that, don’t you?”

  “Y-you’re right. Somehow...I already knew that before you said it.” Cruise is astonished beyond words as he taps into his new knowledge. “I have a perfect eicosanoid balance, and optimum health.”

  “What about me?” chuckles Arthos. “I’m half Quewythian too.”

  “Well, according to the knowledge I just received from Infinity,” explains a bewildered Cruise, “You, Arthos, have more of your mother’s DNA than your father’s. So if it’s any consolation, you’re more human than I am.”

  “Hmmm...Maybe that’s why I keep getting homesick for Earth. After we take this red monster, I’m going to swing by and pick up my family and head for that beautiful blue sphere in the Milky Way,” responds Arthos, who doesn’t seem to be so concerned about special powers and optimum knowledge.

  “Well, let’s see if I can do what Infinity says I can,” Says Cruise. He focuses on projecting the 4-D images and they appear; images of the surface on Gynythian Zee’s planet. What they see is a red desert, the plants seems strangely red and brown. Trees are covered with red and orange leaves. There is no greenery. The rocks and mountains in the desert are red also, and Cruise somehow knows the reason is because of the oxidation in the air, in the clouds; the reaction of the rich oxygen content in the atmosphere with ground, rocks and plants, which contain fifty percent or more iron. He also sees this as the reason for the pigmentation of Gynythian Zee and his race’s red skin. The planet’s element makeup is what gives Gynythian Zee his long life.

  Arthos was not able to even begin to understand what Cruise was going on about, but he did get that Cruise came up with a way to defeat him.

  “I have to teleport down there with an army,” he says. You stay and keep by the controls. I’ll need to communicate with you, Arthos. You’re my first officer.”

  “Fine with me. I’m happy here behind the wheel of this beautiful giant,” replies Arthos. “Need anything just let me know.”

  Cruise notifies the crewmembers. He calls out by name the men and women he wants; another new addition, he can remember all five thousand of the crewmembers’ names and knows exactly where they are and what they’re doing.

  “This is weird—I like—can almost see them. Very strange,” says Cruise.

  “Don’t worry, brother,” laughs Arthos. “You ‘ll get used to it.”

  Cruise can teleport without the assistance of Infinity, but the soldiers have to be transported by space shuttles, as Infinity had used up a tremendous amount of energy transferring her data banks to Cruise, and getting to where they were.

  Cruise teleports down to a barren wasteland. He has weapons that he has strapped to his chest, arms, wrists and belt. Above him in the clouds there are bolts of lightning and heavy rolling thunder. He wonders at first when he doesn’t sense any life forms nearby, but then directs his focus towards a nearby mountain.

  “Aha...his fortress is inside that mountain. How clever” Cruise starts running over towards the mountain and is met by a horde of native Calians with long spears that seem to shoot light. He counts them as two hundred and fifty. The weapons he strapped on were Neutron Electromagnetic Wave Plasma Energizers, that he called “Newpes”.

  He used his left wrist Newpe as a shield while the right one he used to blast the oncoming mob. The blast neutralizes the mass amount of iron contained in their blood and cells. It doesn’t kill them, but renders them unconscious. The temporary comatose state lasts for as long as it takes their bodies to heal.

  Having plowed his way through the throng of Calians, Cruise sees his soldiers landing. All of them are armed with the same type of weapon. Normal blasters would only faze them for an instant. Landing the shuttles, three thousand soldiers follow their fearless leader to the mountain. They are met by more Calians this time. They will protect the entrance with their lives if necessary.

  Cruise’s solders were pre-ordered to fire at will. There would be no killing today and they knew that every Calian they meet on this planet would be a hostile one. No time to ask questions or negotiate. There were there to capture Gynythian Zee and bring him to justice.

  The mountain guards had all been immobilized and would be comatose for quite a few of their days. Cali revolved around a red sun, and one rotation was a day. One Cali day was equal to three Earth days. They’re planet made one revolution around their sun every 560 days; 1180 earth days.

  Upon entering the mountain citadel, they made their cautious way down the hallways that went every which way. Inside was lit with torches that burned with perpetual blue flames. Cruise somehow knew it was the natural gas of the planet. He thought it to be quite backwards, considering the technology they had for space travel and computers.

  Cruise’s team of five hundred men followed him while other
teams went different ways searching for Calis. Cruise was being led somehow right to Gynythian Zee’s secret lair deep inside the mountain. He could somehow see Gynythian Zee inside viewing the monitors of his armies getting blasted. Cruise could read his mind. He thought they were dead. Gynythian Zee had a secret escape hatch that led to a ship that would take him into the main city where he would be able to hide among the skyscrapers there, or so he thought. When Cruise intercepted his thoughts, he saw the exit that the ship had to come out of and the hangar where it was kept. He ordered all of his men to converge on the location he explained to them. They would find it by tuning in to Cruise’s homing device. As for Cruise, he teleported to the hangar and was there well before Gynythian Zee arrived there, as he would have had to make his way through many caverns.

  Cruise took the liberty to disable the ship He could do it mentally now, and he discovered that he could also look through certain objects, and could see inside the ship.

  “I’m enjoying this,” he said to himself. “I wonder what else I can do?”

  Just then, Gynythian Zee comes darting through a door and into the hangar. He was in such a hurry that he didn’t even notice Cruise standing right there. At least that’s what Cruise thought. Cruise discovered he was invisible.

  “Yes, I’m really going to enjoy this,” he said to himself.

  Gynythian Zee entered the ship and tried to start it, but it would not start. He cursed up and down in his native tongue, and even tried some incantations. Nothing worked. He tried remembering the deep magic from the Dark Pitts of Goythrux, but Infinity had put a plasma field around the entire planet that was charged with ion particles which neutralized all types of energy be it natural or supernatural.

  Cruise appeared inside of the spaceship in back of Gynythian Zee. “Having problems?”


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