Ultimate Prey (Book 3 Ultimate CORE) (CORE Series)

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Ultimate Prey (Book 3 Ultimate CORE) (CORE Series) Page 32

by Kristine Mason

  “Well, it sounds like Barney will take care of you. Ryan says he’s a man of many trades and trusts him.”

  Her mom looped her arm through hers and started for the door. “I hear a shower calling for me.” She eyed her, then winked. “Looks like you could use one, too.”

  Lola instantly pictured her and Ryan in a shower together. “That’s the plan. But I’m not going back to the rental. I’m going home with Ryan.”

  Her mom stopped, raised an eyebrow and leveled her with a disapproving look. “Lola Elizabeth Tam.”

  Oh, geez. When the full name came out…

  “What do you know about this man? You’re a good girl, and good girls don’t—”

  “Have sex?”

  Her mom shook her head. “I’m sorry, honey, but you’re coming home with me and Ian. With the agents in the house, you’ll be well protected and…damn it. I’m doing it again, aren’t I?”

  “Yep.” She smiled and faced her mom. “First of all, I am an agent. Second, Ryan’s a great guy.”

  “I’m sure he is, and I’m not blind. He’s…attractive.”

  Attractive didn’t begin to describe Ryan. “There’s more to Ryan than the way he looks. You of all people could identify with that.” She shrugged. “Look, this isn’t love. This isn’t forever. This is blowing off steam after a long stressful day.”

  She touched her chin. “Long distance doesn’t work.”


  “Okay, okay.” She held up her hands. “Sorry. But I know you. Casual sex isn’t your—”

  Her cheeks grew hot. “I’m so not having this conversation.” She led her mom to the door, then down the steps. After giving her mom a kiss, she helped her into the back passenger side of the Range Rover. “I’ll be over in the morning,” she said, then closed the door before facing any looks from Ian and the other CORE agents in the SUV.

  She was a grown woman, damn it. There was no need to explain why she wouldn’t be going to the rental house. Bottom line, it was none of their business.

  After Dante drove out of the parking lot, followed by Barney’s station wagon, she headed back inside the souvenir shop, then made her way to the back office. Ryan sat in a chair, Sadie by his side, panting, tongue hanging out as he scratched the dog behind her ears.

  “They left?” he asked, not looking at her.


  “Your gear is already in my truck. Let’s go.” He stood, then turned off the light. “Sadie, come.” The dog followed him and, with another case of uncertainty, Lola did, too. His easy-going demeanor had changed and she didn’t understand why. He was tired, she supposed, as he locked up for the night and she waited by his truck with Sadie.

  When he was finished, he let the dog in the truck, then opened the passenger door for her. Considering they were about to spend the night together, she’d expected…something from him. A kiss. A smile. A couple of reassuring words to tell her that he was as into being with her as she was with him.

  There was nothing.

  Chokoloskee Bay, Everglades, Florida

  Friday, 2:48 a.m. Easter Standard Time

  Steven wished he could cut Zack’s tongue from his mouth. Anything to make him shut the hell up. If the man hadn’t been whining about how badly his injuries hurt, he’d been droning on and on about his life and plans for the future.

  People like Zack were useless to him. Well, Zack was of use right now, as his strong arms were propelling them from the wide slow-moving river toward the bay. But he hated Zack because he was a man who could have had it all. Only he’d been too greedy and lazy to work for it. Zack and Chase had grown up in an exclusive neighborhood outside of Tampa. They’d gone to an expensive private school and then to the University of Miami, where both had minored in business and majored in drug dealing. Instead of making something of their degrees and finding a real job, they’d taken up with a Cuban named Del Rio. Apparently they’d pissed off Del Rio when they had begun working with a dealer, Smitty, from Siesta Key, whom they were supposed to deliver their coke to tonight.

  Considering Zack was a gullible dumbass, he had been surprised to hear the man’s story of success. Together, Zack and Chase had made over one million dollars so far this year. Too bad Zack wouldn’t live to enjoy the money.

  “Mind passing me the water?” Zack asked, sliding the oars into the boat. The glow from the lantern Steven had taken from the trailer cast eerie shadows along the man’s face. “I’d get it myself, but my legs are killing me.”

  Steven stared at Zack and pictured the handle of the machete sticking out of his chest. He wiped the sweat from his face with his shirt sleeve, then, using his good arm, handed over the jug.

  “Thanks, dude,” he said, then took a drink.

  “How much longer until we reach the bay?” Steven asked. The canoe bobbed, intensifying his nausea.

  “Hard to say. It’s so frickin’ dark, I can’t find any landmarks to help with our location.” Zack took another drink, then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Don’t worry. Once we hit the bay, as long as we keep heading north, we’ll be good.”

  “I know.” Dumbass. “I’m more concerned with getting to shore and finding a doctor to take care of our injuries.”

  “Like I told you, once we have my boat, I’ll take us to Smitty. He’s gotta doc on the payroll and will be able to fix us up, good as new.”

  When Zack had first proposed the idea of going to Smitty’s doctor, Steven had considered it if, and only if, Ian and his assholes had already left Florida. Without knowing whether CORE had involved the authorities, he couldn’t risk strolling into an ER. But, after searching Chase’s pockets, he’d confiscated three grand from the dead man. Enough to buy him a doctor or nurse and, if need be, pay his way to Chicago.

  “Since you have another jug, mind if I keep this one here with me?” Zack asked, setting the water between his legs.

  “Of course not. You need to keep hydrated. If I haven’t said so, I appreciate your help.” Zack had proven to be an annoying yet valuable ally, which had been why Steven had ceased with the threats and pretended to like Zack’s stories and business ideas.

  Zack picked up the oars. “And I appreciate that you’re helping me get my boat back. She cost me and Chase close to three hundred grand. I’d hate to lose her.”

  “Aren’t you concerned the Coast Guard or police could link the boat back to you?”

  “Nope. We bought it off of one of Smitty’s guys. The boat’s been stripped of its manufacturing ID and has a fake registration along the side. They might get my prints off it, but neither me or Chase are in the system.”

  Steven picked up the oar, then set it right back down. His forearm felt as if someone were driving dozens of nails into it. What little rowing he’d done had caused his wound to bleed again. “Sounds like you and Chase covered your tracks well. I’m sorry I killed him,” he lied. Chase had come off as the stronger of the two, and there could be only one leader.

  “Yeah, I’m going to miss him. But I’ll be honest. We haven’t been seeing eye to eye lately. I wanted to expand our business, he wanted to bank the money and find a way out.” Zack shook his head. “You know, I could cut you in if you’re interested. You’re big and mean as shit. Between my brain and your brawn, no one would mess with us.”

  His brain? Steven held his temper in check. He’d let the brilliant dumbass think what he wanted. The man was too stupid to realize when he was being snowed.

  “I need to take care of my personal business before I do anything.”

  “About that…what’d those people do to you?” Zack asked. “Wait, are you a hitman?”

  Now that Zack had mentioned it, Steven wondered how different his life would have been if he’d chosen to be a paid assassin, rather than work for CORE. “No. Just a man with a grudge.”

  Zack smiled. “What’d they do to you?”

  “Not they, just the man. The woman happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time.”

>   “Okay, so what’d he do? Steal your money? Sleep with your wife?”

  “He put me in prison.”

  Zack stopped rowing. “That guy’s a cop? No wonder he didn’t kill me or Chase.”

  “Not a cop. He runs a private criminal investigation agency. And I used to work for him.”

  “No shit? How’d you end up in prison?”

  After he’d explained what had happened the night he’d been arrested, and how Elaine had left him, Zack let out a low whistle. “Dude, that’s total bullshit. You stopped a serial killer, then lost everything because of the old man. I don’t blame you for wanting him dead. Hell, now I really want him dead. You got a raw deal. I know guys who’ve gone to prison—it’s not pretty on the inside.”

  He hadn’t told a soul about what he’d dealt with while he’d been incarcerated at Stateville. If his dad had survived, Steven would have even kept his secret from him. No parent, no matter the age of their child, should have to live with knowing their son had been raped. Not just once but repeatedly, and for six years.

  “It was worse than you could imagine.” He leaned forward. “You and I both have a grudge against the guy. He shot you and Chase, and his woman stabbed you.”

  “Bitch hit me with a frickin’ metal tackle box, too.”

  “Exactly.” Steven nodded. “I have no plans after I’m finished in Everglade City, so maybe partnering up isn’t a bad idea. My ex-wife took everything from me while I was in prison. I have no money, no job, no home.” He grinned. “But I know how to kill a man and I know my way around the law.”

  Zack stopped rowing and stared at him. “Seriously, man? You’d work with me?” He let out a nervous chuckle. “Partnering up would be kick-ass. It’d help if I knew your name, though. Unless you like being called dude. I’m cool with that.”

  “My name is Steven.” He smiled. “And I hate being called dude.”

  “Sorry, Steven,” Zack said, then started rowing.

  He looked out toward the black water and decided to add an extra dollop of icing to the cupcake he was offering gullible Zack. “A partner has your back, no matter what. Did you feel like Chase had your back?”

  “I did, until a few months ago when we started disagreeing on which direction to take our business.”

  “I could tell you were smarter than Chase. More driven. More powerful. For what I’m going to do once we reach Everglade City, I need a man like you to have my back. But I’m going to warn you, my former employer will likely have his agents surrounding him.”

  “Are you planning to kill them, too?”

  He grinned and pictured the dead men. “All of them.”

  “It’s been a while since I killed anyone. Sounds like a great way to seal our partnership. I’m balls in.”

  “I’ll make sure you don’t regret it.”

  He wanted Zack completely on his side. He wanted his sympathy. He wanted the man following him and helping him finish his hunt. Even the best hunters sometimes needed to bait their prey.

  And Zack would eventually make excellent bait.

  Chapter 16

  Ryan Monahan’s House, Everglade City, Florida

  Friday, 3:06 a.m. Eastern Standard Time

  LOLA’S MOOD HAD taken a sour turn during the drive to Ryan’s house, and she regretted not going back to the rental. If this was his way of treating women, then no wonder his dog had been the only female gracing his bed. Since they’d left the souvenir shop, there had been no talking. No hints that he’d remembered what had happened in the tent. Only uncomfortable silence.

  Then again, maybe she had Ryan wrong. After all, it had been a long day, and his shift of behavior could have nothing to do with her and everything to do with exhaustion.

  He pulled the truck into his gravel driveway. “This is it,” he said, killing the ignition and opening the door.

  She wished it were daylight so she could have a better look at his house. In the dark, with sconces hanging off the front porch, the house looked more like a cottage. When she stepped out of the truck, she instantly smelled saltwater.

  “You’re on the water,” she said, following him up the porch.

  When he unlocked the door, Sadie shot inside, then immediately took a spot on the couch in what Lola assumed was the main living room. “Yep,” he said, then finally looked at her, his eyes holding disappointment and…hurt. “It’s the perfect place to blow off steam.”

  Her stomach tightened, and not in a good way. “You heard my conversation with my mom.”

  He kicked off his boots, then left them by the door. “Yep,” he said, turning his back and tossing his keys on the kitchen island.

  She grabbed his arm, and forced him to face her. “Would you stop with all the ‘yeps’ and listen for a sec?”

  “Lola, there’s no need to explain. I heard what you said to your mom. You came here for a shower and sex, nothing more, which is fine with me. I haven’t gotten laid in a while and could use a good fuck.” He pulled off his t-shirt. “With the way you kiss, I’m—”

  “You’re a dick,” she said, moving for the door and pulling out her cell phone. Hopefully someone at the rental house could pick her up from Ryan’s. She had no intention of being his latest lay, not with the asinine and crude way he’d treated her.

  “Because I just summed up the reasons why you came here tonight? You’re a big girl. Call it what it is. Sex, fucking…like you said to your mom, this isn’t love or forever.”

  Her finger hovered over Dante’s cell phone number. “Is that what you want?” she asked, stunned he’d brought up love and forever. Up until a minute ago, she would have loved the chance to explore a relationship with Ryan. Only distance would prevent any sort of exploration. Which, plain and simple, sucked. She liked him, was attracted to him and thought they’d meshed.

  “Sex? Hell, yeah.”

  That hurt. Pocketing the phone, she turned and faced him. Shirtless, he leaned against the island, his pants undone and hanging open, exposing those damned boxer briefs. She’d love to run her palms over his hard chest and kiss a path to where the light dusting of hair disappeared beneath his boxers. Yes, she’d come here to have sex with him, but not to just blow off steam. She wanted to pleasure him, solidify the friendship and trust they’d developed today and show him that she…cared. Love and forever. She wasn’t foolish enough to think they could have that, but for one night, it would have been nice to pretend.

  She raised her gaze to his clenched jaw and furrowed brow before meeting his eyes. Despite the anger hardening his face, his eyes held hurt, along with regret and uncertainty.

  “Aren’t you calling for a ride?” he asked, his tone gruff.

  “I don’t think so.”

  He pushed off the counter and immediately invaded her space without touching her. “Why?”

  She placed her palm against his tense jaw. “Did you hear me tell my mom that I thought you were a great guy? The way you’re reacting to what I said to her—to keep her off my back by the way—this isn’t the real you.”

  “You don’t know me,” he said, taking the hem of her sweatshirt and jerking her closer.

  “I know that your mom didn’t raise you to treat women this way. You’re generous and considerate. You’re also smart and perceptive.” She cocked her head slightly as it dawned on her that Ryan might be purposefully pushing her away. The hunt—for now—was over. They were back to reality, not sharing kisses and promises in a dark tent. “You said you liked me.”

  His gaze drifted to her mouth. “I do.”

  “I like you, too. I’m sorry you overheard what I said to my mom. I meant what I said about you being a great guy, and that there’s more to you than how you look. I didn’t mean what I said about blowing off steam.”

  His imploring eyes met hers. “Then what did you mean?” he asked, letting go of her sweatshirt and gripping her bare waist.

  “I know our jobs and where we live will prevent us from dating. Even if they didn’t, and you’re not intere
sted in dating, we still have right now. I want to be with you tonight. After what we went through today, I want to show you that…I care about you.”

  “I would be a fool to give up the chance of being with you.” He ran his hand up her back and pressed her breasts to his chest, then shoved a hand through her hair, knocking her limp ponytail free. “I didn’t mean the things I said, either.”

  “Then why’d you say them?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his back.

  “Because you’re gonna leave.” He took a fistful of her hair and tugged, causing desire to zip through her body. “And I already care…too much.”

  “Show me.”

  The corner of his mouth slid into a cocky, sexy half-smile. He bent, quickly removed her boots, then lifted her and forced her legs around his back. “I promised I’d wash you first.”

  She twined her arms around his neck again and gave him a kiss. “You did. A massage, too, if I recall.”

  When they reached the bathroom, he set her feet on the tile, then turned on the faucet. “Very nice,” she said, admiring the huge tiled, walk-in shower, which had a large wall-to-wall bench and two rain showerheads.

  He gripped the bottom of her sweatshirt, along with her tank top, and pulled the clothes up her body, then over her head. He stared at her simple black cotton bra. “This is what’s very nice.” He reached behind her and quickly unfastened the hooks, then he slipped the straps down her arms. “Beautiful,” he murmured, before grazing his lips along hers.

  The tips of her nipples rubbed against his chest. As he tortured her with barely-there kisses, she slid her fingers beneath the waistband of his boxers and pushed them down, then palmed his tight rear. His hard length brushed along her stomach. She pushed a hand through his hair, slid her other hand between their bodies, then stroked him.

  With a low groan, he deepened the kiss and pinned her against the wall. She curled her tongue over his and continued to move her hand over his thick erection. Steam from the shower licked at her exposed skin, enhancing the desire, the ache to have him inside her.


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