Owning Beauty (Taking Beauty Trilogy Book 3)

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Owning Beauty (Taking Beauty Trilogy Book 3) Page 23

by Nikki Wild

  Nathan and I both thanked the man profusely as we gathered our few things. Once we were sure the fire was out, not wanting to burn down the cabin that had probably saved our lives, we were all squeezed into Jeb’s pickup truck along with Joyce, his adorable wife.

  True to his word, Jeb stopped alongside our Jeep so Nathan could load our suitcases into the back of Jeb’s truck, which thankfully had a covered bed to protect everything from the snow. Then we were off up the mountain once again, finally on our way to our destination.

  The drive was far from comfortable, but it was a hell of a lot better than being trapped in that cabin for another day. Although, as I looked over at Nathan out of the corner of my eye, part of me wished we’d been stranded there just a bit longer.

  At least then I’d know what it was like to have a man inside me, and not just his fingers.

  The entire drive up to the lodge, all I could think about was Nathan. I’d come so close to losing my virginity back there. I couldn’t ever remember being that horny in my life. Hell, I still couldn’t believe I’d slipped off my panties and started masturbating as Nathan slept right next to me.

  What had I been thinking?

  And yet, I couldn’t bring myself to regret any of it. I had to admit, as far as men went, Nathan wasn’t a bad one at all. He certainly wouldn’t have been a bad person to lose my virginity too. Even as he’d fingered me and kissed me, he’d been so gentle and caring.

  He’d been so hesitant to fuck me too, even though I knew he wanted it even more than I had. The look of concern on his face as he’d asked me if I was sure made my heart swell. It was at that moment I’d known I was sure. I never would’ve regretted letting Nathan fuck me.

  Though now that I thought back on it, maybe it was a good idea we’d been interrupted. I wasn’t on the pill, and I knew just how risky having sex without a condom would’ve been. I trusted that Nathan was clean, that wasn’t even remotely a concern. But I was barely twenty-one, only in my third year of college. What would I have done if Nathan had gotten me pregnant?

  At least I didn’t have to worry about that, I thought to myself. Now I just had to worry about getting to the resort soon so I could take care of the fire that still burned inside me as my body begged for some relief.

  Glancing over at Nathan again, I wondered if we’d continued what we’d started, once we got there. One thing was for sure, he could push me up against the wall in my room and fuck me right then and there, and I wasn’t going to say no.


  When we finally arrived at the resort, all I could do was grin. Finally! Now we could get on with our vacation and put all the mishaps behind us. Jeb interrupting this morning was going to be the last thing that went wrong, I told myself.

  Though I wasn’t exactly sure him interrupting had been a bad thing. Sarah was my step-sister, and as much as I wanted to fuck her brains out, it wasn’t right. She told me more than once she wanted it, but I knew once we got out of the cabin, she’d regret it. She’d regret letting her brother take her virginity.

  Which was why, after thanking Jeb and Joyce profusely, I pulled Sarah aside before we went to check into our rooms. “Look, Sarah… About what had happened in the cabin….” I took a deep breath, then sighed. “I’m sorry, okay? None of that should’ve happened. We both just got a little stir crazy and horny, that’s all. No big deal. Let’s just put it behind us and forget about it, okay?”

  Sarah was quiet for a moment and I wasn’t able to read her expression. Then she put on a smile and nodded. “Yeah, sure, okay. No problem! It’s all forgotten.” Still smiling, she turned and walked away toward the lodge.

  Frowning, I watched her go. I wanted to chase after her, to pull her into my arms and take back everything I’d just said. But I couldn’t. Sarah was my sister, and I needed to focus on that and that alone.

  Hopefully, once we were in our own rooms for the night and around our friends, then I’d be able to get my mind off her. Then, things could go back to normal and we really could forget about everything that had happened back in that cabin.

  The moment I stepped into the resort, I knew something wasn’t quite right. It seemed darker than it normally would, like all of the lights weren’t on. Shrugging, I headed up to the front desk where I young woman greeted me with a smile.

  “Hi, I had a reservation for two rooms for Monday. Our car broke down and we weren’t able to get ahold of anyone. I couldn’t get service on my phone for some reason.” I handed her my ID and credit card, letting her look up the reservation.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that! The storm knocked out the power on the mountain early Monday morning, which is probably why you couldn’t get a signal. Not to worry though, since we have generators here to keep everything going!”

  Well, that explained a lot. But hey, if they had generators, at least the trip wouldn’t be ruined.

  “Are the ski lifts still running?”

  She nodded. “Oh yes! The last time this happened, the power was out for almost three weeks, so we made sure to be prepared this time! Everything is more or less fully operational, so you shouldn’t have any problems.” Then she frowned. “Oh no. It looks like since you didn’t show up, your rooms were marked available again and were sold to someone else.”

  Wasn’t that just my luck? Was there anything that would go right this week? Anything at all. “Do you have any other rooms available?”

  “Let me check!” She clicked around on her computer for a moment. “We have one room left, it’s a bit more expensive than the ones you’d booked, but it’s all we have right now. I’m so sorry.”

  I sighed, then shrugged. A single room was better than no room, I figured, even if I was hoping to have a little bit of privacy. But hey, what can you do, right?

  Ten minutes later and I had the key to our room.

  When I explained everything to Sarah, she frowned for a moment, the smirked. “Well, I guess we’re stuck with each other for a bit longer.”

  “Looks like it.”

  Keys in hand, we headed to our room. Sarah lead the way, seemingly in a hurry to get there for some reason.

  She opened the door, then stopped barely two feet into the room and gasped.

  It only took me a second to figure out why. No wonder the damn room was so much more expensive. It was a freaking honeymoon suite, complete with a single heart-shaped bed with a bright red blanket on top of it. The entire room was covered in hearts and flowers.

  I groaned. The lady at the front desk had failed to mention this when I booked the room I thought crossly. Sarah and I walked in, setting our bags to the side as we explored the room we’d be trapped in for the next five days.

  I really needed to stop asking myself what could go wrong next, I thought as I scanned the room.

  “Oh my god! It vibrates.” Sarah jumped onto the bed, then pressed a little button, bringing the bed to life. She started laughing her ass off as she laid back on it, grinning up at the ceiling.

  Even I had to laugh at that. The damn thing looked like it had come straight out of a 1970s’ love motel. What the hell was it doing in a fancy ski resort like this? But before I could even begin to think of reasons, Sarah’s squeal broke me out of my head.

  She jumped off the bed and ran over to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me back to the bed. “You’ve got to try this!” she said as she pulled me down onto it.

  The moment I sat down, I shivered. How the hell did anyone ever find this romantic or sexy? I thought as Sarah burst into laughter again. I laughed as well, shaking my head.

  Well, I’d wanted to give Sarah a twenty-first birthday trip she’d never forget. And I had a feeling, she definitely wouldn’t be forgetting this one any time soon.

  Once we finished laughing at the ridiculous bed, I went over to the desk and called for a mechanic to come pick up the Jeep and fix it for us. It took a bit of negotiation, but eventually he agreed to have it dropped off at the resort for us before it was time for us to head home.
br />   Then, the two of us headed to the onsite restaurant to get something for breakfast. We were both starved, having eaten barely anything over the past two days. Surprisingly, some of the guys were in there having breakfast as well, and so was Kelly, Sarah’s best friend.

  While those two went off on their own to sit and catch up, I pulled up a chair with some of the guys and filled them in on what had happened to us. They’d all been worried, but without my cell working, none of them could get ahold of me.

  After I stuffed myself, I headed back to the room to shower, agreeing to meet the guys out on the slopes in a little while. Sarah opted to enjoy the nice warm lodge for a bit, her and Kelly saying they’d catch up with us around lunch time.

  That was fine with me, I thought as I headed back to the room. A little space away from Sarah was just what the doctor ordered. Well, he also called for a quick wank in the shower, but that went without saying.

  By the time I met up with the guys, I was feeling much more relaxed, both physically and mentally. As I joked around with the guys and enjoyed the slopes, everything seemed to settle in place. I was actually able to get my mind off Sarah a bit, now that we weren’t trapped in a single room together and now that my dick wasn’t in control.

  Yet when Sarah appeared with Kelly later that day, bundled up to the nines, my heart skipped a beat. For a moment, all I could see was her face as she laid beneath me, begging me to fuck her. I pushed the thought out of my head as I greeted her and introduced her to the guys, making sure she knew everyone.

  The rest of the day was spent teaching both her and Kelly how to ski. Neither of them had ever even seen a ski in person before, so it was definitely quite the experience. And, I had to admit, it was quite amusing watching the two of them fall face-first and ass-first into the snow over and over.

  By the time the sun began to set, they had managed to get the hang of the basics at least. With a little bit more practice, they’d be skiing like pros in no time, I told them.

  Despite Sarah’s reservations about the trip, she seemed to be fitting right in with everyone. She was smiling a good bit, laughing and making jokes with them as we headed back toward the resort. I was glad to see her happy and enjoying herself.

  After taking turns showering back in the room, we met the guys back down in the restaurant for dinner and some drinks. And after the last couple days, I really needed a drink!


  Two drinks into the night and I was practically floating on air. I normally wasn’t a big drinker, but after everything that had happened with Nathan, I needed something to help me get my mind off everything. And drinks were the perfect thing it seemed like.

  And to be honest, I was actually having a great time. I was so glad to see Kelly when I’d walked into the restaurant this morning. At least I wouldn’t just be stuck with Nathan and his friends the entire time, not that they were really that bad. They’d all been extremely friendly out on the slopes, helping Kelly and I to figure things out.

  Even Billy was being a perfect gentleman so far, which actually kind of shocked me. I’d expected him to be all over me again, but he’d done nothing but offer me polite smiles as we were out on the slopes.

  When I walked over to the bar to get another martini, he followed me. I took a deep breath, expecting him to have returned to the sleezeball he’d been at Nathan’s party. But he smiled at me, then ordered his drink.

  As we waited for our drinks, he turned to me again, taking a deep breath as he did so. “Look, Sarah, I wanted to apologize for the way I acted last time I saw you.” He pursed his lips tight and glanced down at the floor. “I was drunk and a bit of an ass. I’m sorry I was so pushy. I’m not normally like that, I promise.”

  For a moment, I just stared at him, not sure what to say. He’d been creepy as hell at the party, but maybe it was like he’d said, he’s just had too much to drink that night. Most of the guys there had been pretty wasted, including Nathan. And he had been perfectly polite all day.

  I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. “It’s all right. Apology accepted.”

  “Thanks.” He smiled at me again before the bartender handed him his drink. “I’ll see you around,” he said before turning and heading back over to the group.

  As I watched him go, I had to admit, he was pretty handsome. I remembered Nathan saying something in passing about Billy having enlisted in the army, and it definitely showed. He didn’t have that slim, sexy model build like Nathan, but he was sure built. Right that second, I wouldn’t have minded a little peak at what he was hiding under there.

  Thankfully, the bartender returned with my martini right then and I didn’t have to think about it any longer.

  Besides, even if Billy was built and wasn’t as big of an ass as I’d expected, he still wasn’t my type. I liked my guys with a bit more brain in their head. Guys who didn’t pass their classes with a C average.

  Guys like Nathan a bitter part of my mind added.

  I shook my head and tried to push that thought away. Nathan was off limits, I told myself. Besides, even if I wanted him again, there was no way he was going to go for it. He’d made that perfectly clear when we’d gotten here this morning. Everything we’d done together was a mistake.

  By the time we headed back up to our room, I was more than a little tipsy. More than once Nathan had to catch me to keep me from falling flat on my face. Like I said, I wasn’t exactly a party girl, and I had virtually no alcohol tolerance what so ever.

  When we were in the room, I stood staring at the bed, frowning. Even in my drunken state, sharing a bed with Nathan didn’t seem like the greatest idea in the world.

  “You okay?” Nathan asked as he closed the curtains.

  “Only one bed again,” I said, still staring at the offending piece of furniture.

  “So?” I looked over at Nathan to see him shrug. “Weren’t you the one who said we were adults and that we could share a bed?”

  I frowned again. Leave it to Nathan to use my own words against me like that! But what other choice did I have? The floor didn’t exactly look all that comfortable. Nor was I going to sleep in the desk chair. In this state, I was liable to fall out of it and break my neck.

  “Yeah, I guess,” I said at last.

  “Would it make you feel better if I slept in my clothes? I don’t have any pajamas to wear.”

  I shook my head, realizing my mistake right away, grasping the bed to make the room stop spinning. “No, it’s fine. We’re both adults, right? It’s not like we’re animals who can’t control ourselves.”

  I tried to smile as I started undressing, but I had to put all of my energy into not falling over. By the time the two of us crawled into bed together, Nathan wore just his boxers while I was wearing only a t-shirt and my panties.

  We both probably should’ve worn a bit more, but at that point, I just wanted to go to sleep.

  “Don’t turn on the vibrating,” Nathan said through a yawn. “I feel like I might puke if you do.”

  I snorted. “You and me both!”

  Before I knew it, the sun was shining through a gap in the curtain. Like the first night, as my senses finally came back to me, I realized I was snuggled against Nathan’s chest again. Immediately, I rolled over, moving his arm from around my shoulders.

  The last thing I needed was for him to wake up and find me on top of him and think I was coming onto him or something. It was awkward enough seeing that familiar tent beneath the blankets once again. But rather than lift them up and take a peak this time, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, then headed to the bathroom.

  I was actually quite proud of my self-control as I took care of my morning routine. It’d taken a lot of effort not to just reach beneath the sheets and take hold of Nathan’s cock again. Even now, I could clearly remember how it felt to hold him, his shaft thick enough that I couldn’t even completely close my hand around it.

  I knew he wouldn’t have been able to resist me if he’d woken up to me
stroking him, but I wasn’t going to take that risk. Just because he wouldn’t push me away right away didn’t mean he’d go along with it once he’d blown his load.

  After that, he’d have probably chewed me out from now until we’d gotten home. Step-siblings weren’t supposed to do that kind of stuff together, after all.

  By the time I came out of the bathroom, Nathan was awake, sitting up in bed and rubbing sleep from his eyes. The blanket now just covered his waist, leaving his muscular chest visible, once again making my heart pound as I looked at him.

  “Morning,” he said through a yawn.

  I forced myself to smile at him. It was a good thing he was still half asleep, since he wouldn’t notice how fake it was. “Morning. Sleep well?”

  He nodded, yawning again. “Not bad, though I could still use a few more hours.” He glanced over at the alarm clock and frowned. “I guess I better get up so we can go get some breakfast before we head out onto the slopes, huh?”

  “Probably a good idea. I don’t need you passing out from hunger while we’re out there. I’m not carrying your ass back here.”

  Nathan snorted and shook his head before pushing the blankets back and getting out of bed. Once again, my breath caught in my throat as I stared at his very prominent erection. Even though I’d seen it, felt it, hell, almost been fucked by it, it was no less exciting to see.

  Luckily, Nathan didn’t seem to notice his effect on me, since he just shuffled to the bathroom, yawning the entire time. By the time he reappeared, I was almost completely dressed, just pulling my sweater over my head. His erection had vanished as well, though I could still see his sizable member swinging beneath his loose boxer shorts.

  God, would I ever be able to look at him without feeling like a love struck teenager? I had my doubts.

  But, soon enough, he was dressed and we were on our way down to breakfast. About half of the guys were already there, including Kelly, but at least we weren’t the last ones to show up. Billy arrived just after us, and sat down across from me, smiling as he did so.


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