Full Potential

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Full Potential Page 12

by L. J. Kentowski


  Holy shit. The lack of oxygen to Jena’s brain made it impossible to process what had happened. That was what she’d told herself after completely disregarding every wall she’d put up and pole-vaulting over them like a gold medalist on crack.

  Tyler was to blame. The minute he took his shirt off, she’d started hyperventilating. Then he went ahead and kissed her. As if she could fight him off with his perfectly naked pecs and abs. Oh, and there wasn’t a woman in the world who could turn away from the hint of man vee he was showing off. But more than any of that, more than his Godlike physique, or the way he touched her body with his hands, mouth, and dear God, his big, solid…man package, it was the way he looked at her that completely took her breath away. When he set his gorgeous blue gaze on her, she felt like a beautiful, coveted piece of art. She’d been with plenty of guys who appreciated her body, but Tyler went deeper, as if he craved every minuscule cell that made her who she was and was fully prepared to please them all in ways she’d never imagined.

  Those eyes of his. They were her breath-stealing, panty-dropping, brain-malfunctioning demise.

  And he was using them on her again.

  Which was why she’d put her hand in his, without a word, and let him pull her off the counter and into his body. When her feet touched the floor, she was afraid her boneless legs wouldn’t hold her up, but she needn’t have worried because the hold he had on her was solid. As were other things that had her heating up all over again.

  His hand came around the back of her neck, holding her head in place while he swooped in and crashed his mouth onto hers, plunging his tongue through her lips. It was a finishing touch to the sensual bliss he’d given her, and a prelude to the promise of more to come.

  The arguments for keeping a platonic relationship between them had become so lost as to be a distant memory of another life she may or may not have led. It didn’t matter. There was no turning back. If anything, she’d have one more memory of him. Her heart might become a jumbled mess later, but with the way he made it beat now, it sure seemed worth it.

  Tyler ended the kiss and pressed his forehead against hers. “You okay?” he asked.

  “Uh huh,” was all she managed.

  He smiled. “Good. C’mon.” Grabbing her hand, he led her through the living room and down the hallway.

  As they entered the bedroom, Jena heard a thump that was too distant to be her heart. She stopped in her tracks, pulling at Tyler’s hold, and listened closer.

  “Jena—” Tyler said, spinning around to face her.


  A few more knocks, and then, “Jena?”

  She froze at the sound of Riley’s voice, heart dropping to her stomach.

  “Shit,” Tyler spewed. With his tense jaw, he appeared more angry than embarrassed. Greatly unlike what her face must have revealed.

  The curse hurried Jena into action. She skirted around the room and pushed him toward the door. “Go out there and keep her occupied while I put some clothes on.”

  His eyes grazed down her naked form. “How about I tell her to come back after you’ve had a few more orgasms,” he said with a devious grin.

  Blood rushed to her cheeks. “Don’t you dare.”

  Riley called out again just as Dax’s voice echoed through the apartment too. “Riley, what are you doing here?”

  Great. Another person to witness her mortification. How long before the rest of Seeton showed up?

  “Tyler, just stall them while I get dressed. Please. Tell them you—” She remembered her clothes still lying somewhere in the kitchen “Tell them something other than what we were doing and hide my clothes. They’re…somewher—”

  Tyler placed a hand on her cheek, a reassuring smile spreading his lips. “I’ll handle it.” His gaze hardened. “But, Jena? This isn’t over.”

  After he left the room, she closed the door behind him. The apartment was so small she knew there was only a slight possibility Riley and Dax wouldn’t notice Tyler coming out of the bedroom, but she didn’t have time to worry about it as she frantically searched for clothes to wear. She only hoped Tyler came up with a story that wasn’t completely humiliating.

  As she threw on a pair of yoga pants and t-shirt, she heard their muffled voices through the walls but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Taking a breath, she stepped out of the room.

  Riley and Dax stood on the living room side of the island, and when Jena appeared in the hallway, Riley glanced over, eyes narrowing as she watched her traipse toward them.

  She tried her hardest to appear casual but was unable to stop her cheeks flaming from the inside out. “Hey, guys, what’s up?” At least, her voice wasn’t as shaky as her nerves.

  Riley spun, giving Jena her full attention, a barely contained grin playing at her mouth. “Tyler was telling us what happened. Everything okay?”

  Jena’s gaze darted to Tyler, who stood on the other side of the island, beer in hand, peering back at her with an irritating smirk and a twinkle in his eyes.

  What did he tell them?

  “Yep. All good now.”

  “Is it ruined?” Riley pushed.

  Another quick glance at Tyler told Jena nothing, other than the fact he enjoyed seeing her squirm.

  “Your shirt,” Riley continued when Jena merely stared back. “Tyler said you spilled beer all over it.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief.

  “When he took his off,” her friend added.

  Jena glared at the man who was desperately trying to contain a laugh. In fact, as she glanced around, they were all stifling their amusement.

  “It’s fine,” she said through clenched teeth. If she gave an excuse, it would only add to their entertainment.

  “So, the leak is fixed?” Dax asked.

  “Yeah,” Tyler said. “It wasn’t a big deal. A quick pipe replacement.”

  “Thanks, man. What do I owe you?”

  “Nothing. Jena already told me she’d make it up to me.” He grinned.

  Her eyes bulged, but she recovered quickly when Riley and Dax turned assuming ones her way. “Dinner. I told him I’d buy him dinner one of these days.”

  Their slow nods told her they didn’t believe an ounce of her lie.

  “Well, thanks again, Tyler.” She marched over to the island and slid the toolbox toward him. “You’ve been more than helpful. I’m sure you’ve got other things to do, so…” In case he didn’t get the hint, she shot him a pointed stare that said move along now before I kill you.

  An eyebrow rose in response. “Sure, Red. Dinner tonight then?”

  “Uh…I think…Riley mentioned…”

  “Nope,” Riley piped in.

  Jena glared at her friend turned traitor. Dax chuckled under his breath, and she gave him a piece of her glower too, which quickly shut him up.

  Tyler threw his t-shirt on, and then grabbed the handle of his toolbox. “Perfect. I’ll pick you up at six.” He leaned over until his lips were near her ear. “Don’t bother wearing any panties,” he whispered. Then he pressed his lips to her cheek. “Later, Red.” He sauntered through the living room, calling out goodbyes to Dax and Riley, while Jena was left speechless, staring at his retreating form.

  “Well, I’ve got some things to do down at the bar,” Dax said, jolting Jena out of her trance. “Riley, you staying for a while?”

  She caught Jena’s gaze and held it. “Yeah, I’m going to chat with her for a bit. Be down later.”

  “Okay.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. In a whisper loud enough for Jena to hear, he said, “Later, Kitten.” He flashed her a playful grin, said goodbye and left.

  Jena set both elbows on the island and let out a huge breath as she rubbed her hands over her face.

  What. The hell. Just happened?

  “So,” Riley said, coming around and putting an arm around her shoulders. “Tyler do a good job on your pipe?”

  “It’s not what you think.” In her defense, Rile
y probably thought they’d had sex, and it hadn’t gotten that far. They would have, though, if her friend hadn’t shown up to interrupt round two, but she didn’t need to know that. Truth be told, Jena didn’t know whether to be thankful or severely disappointed.

  “Mmm hmm,” Riley said, grabbing one of the bottles of beer from the counter and placing it in front of Jena.

  She took a long pull from the bottle while Riley opened the refrigerator.

  “Um…Jena? If it wasn’t what I think, then why are your clothes in the crisper?”

  She gaped, remembering her request to Tyler to do something with her clothes.


  Riley plopped her shirt and pants on the counter, a welcoming breeze of cool air licking her hot skin as they landed. “I knew it,” she said with a giggle.

  “Oh, my God.” Jena covered her face with a hand.

  Riley sat on a stool across the island and pulled her hand away. “Hey. Don’t be embarrassed. You and Tyler are adults. Two attractive, hormonal, lustful, consenting—”

  “Okay, Riley,” she warned.

  “I’m just saying…it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, it was inevitable.”


  “Yeah. The electricity between you two is off the charts. I was telling Dax last night how it resembled the chemistry we had when we first met…and still have. We made a bet about when you two would jump each other’s bones again.”

  “Really, Riles? You made a bet on how long I’d hold out having sex with a guy I barely know? What the hell kind of friend does that?”

  “Sex again, Jena. It’s not like he’s a complete stranger anymore. You already know him intimately. And you liked it enough to give it another ride. There’s nothing wrong with that.” She smiled with a wink. “Especially since I won the bet.”

  Jena groaned and put her head on the counter, hugging her arms across it.

  “Hey.” Riley’s voice softened. “Tyler’s really into you. I mean, for more than the sex.”

  Perking her head up, Jena asked, “How do you know that?”

  “I can just tell.” Riley shrugged. “He looks at you with more than lust in his eyes. I’ve seen that expression before. From Dax. It took me a while to figure out what it was, but—”

  Jena put a hand over Riley’s mouth. “Don’t even say it. There is no way in hell.”

  “I’m not saying Tyler’s in love with you,” she said, after prying Jena’s fingers from her lips. “I’m only telling you it’s something deeper than wanting to satisfy his libido. He’s already had you once, Jena.” She widened her hands out across the counter between them. “Now, twice. And from his insistence on dinner tonight, it sounds like he wants more. Think about it.”

  “I don’t want to.” Jena pouted.

  “Fine.” Riley placed her hands on the counter. “At least, tell me you used a condom this time.”

  Jena stared at her friend. “We didn’t—”

  “Oh, my God, Jena. Didn’t you learn your lesson the first time you thought you were pregnant with his baby?”

  “What?” Tyler’s bark echoed across the room.

  She peeked over Riley’s shoulder to see him frozen at the top of the stairwell, a shocked expression on his face.

  “Oh, shit,” Riley whispered without turning around.

  “Tyler? What are you doing back?” Jena asked, heart hammering in her chest.

  His eyes narrowed as he came toward the counter. Riley spun to face him, but he paid her no attention, his darkened gaze solely on Jena. “Forgot my wrench under the sink. But it seems that’s not the only thing I need now. I’ll be getting an explanation. Isn’t that right, Jena?” His tone was laced with determination.

  “Um…” Riley eased off the stool. “I’ll leave you two to talk, then. Jena, call me later, okay?” She mouthed an apology and left them alone.

  Jena couldn’t find the willpower to meet his gaze but felt the heat of his stare. Nerves jackhammering underneath her skin, she couldn’t seem to put a string of words together to even start the conversation hovering over them.

  Fingers appeared under her chin and gently lifted until her eyes met his. “You thought you were pregnant?”

  Jena nodded and tried to lower her head again, but his fingers held her in place.

  “With my baby?”

  She nodded again. His jaw tensed.

  “It was a false alarm, though,” she said quickly, hoping that would ease the tension. But it didn’t seem to pacify him. In fact, a muscle twitched at the back of his jaw.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “There was no reason to, Tyler. There was no baby. I was late after we were together, I took a test, and it came out negative.”

  “And if it hadn’t?”

  “Hadn’t what?”

  “Come out negative.”

  She stared back at him, wondering why he was asking, but too afraid to know his reasoning.

  “Tell me,” he pushed.

  “I…I don’t know.”

  He stared back at her for what felt like an eternity, his eyes unreadable. She could hear her heartbeat in her eardrums as the silence magnified between them.

  Finally, he closed his eyes and gave a slow nod. “That’s why you were so concerned about a condom this time.”

  She raised her shoulders a fraction. Why did he still seem so angry?

  He nodded again, his lips pursed. “Heaven forbid, you’d be stuck with someone like me, right? Someone so…ungentlemanly.”

  “Tyler…” Jena was so shocked by his reaction, she had no idea what to say.

  With a shake of his head, he said, “You know what? Forget it, Jena. It’s cool. See you around.”

  He left her standing near the counter, too stunned to move, speak, or even think. Most men would have been happy at the news they’d dodged the fatherhood bullet after a one-night stand. Tyler being offended was certainly not what she would have expected. And now, all she could think about was comforting him, letting him know how much she thought of being stuck with someone like him. Someone she could easily fall in love with.


  Tyler sat on his couch, beer in hand, and baseball on the television. He’d been that way for the last few hours, yet he had no clue what had actually happened in the game. His mind was focused on something far different from fly balls and home runs.

  It was ridiculous, but he couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d found out earlier. There was nothing to worry about; they’d dodged a bullet. So, why was he so upset? Why did the fact Jena hadn’t contacted him the instant she’d thought she might be pregnant bother him? And why in the ever-loving hell did he care that she couldn’t answer him if the situation had been different? If anything, he should be happy she wasn’t dreaming of pinning him down with a kid. No way was he ready for that. Was he?

  No, he had dreams to pursue yet. Hell, he’d sent out applications to several big city fire departments not that long ago. Funny how since she’d been back, this was the first time he’d thought about it. She was quite the distraction; he’d give her that.

  What did it say about him? His life wasn’t as important as a piece of ass? He needed to grow up? Or was it that Jena was more than a fling? That the obsession he had with her had nothing to do with proving she was still attracted to him—or his man card—and everything to do with simply wanting to be around her. It didn’t matter if she was rolling her eyes, chucking food at his head, or chastising him…he was happy. But when she smiled at him…damn that blew him away. He felt lucky, proud even, as if he’d accomplished a major goal in life, one that he wanted to relive again and again. Then there was the touch of her skin, the feel of her lips, the way her eyes locked on his and seemed to be giving him more than her body. The experience was so much more than the promise of sex. When he’d had her on the kitchen counter, he’d thought to himself nothing in the world gave him greater pleasure than having her come apart for him, her entire body respondin
g as if it only ever wanted what he could give. And he wanted to give it to her over and over again until she was ruined for anyone else.

  How selfish was he? He wasn’t sticking around if he got the call. That was the plan, at least. Her plan was to go back home to settle down with the Steve Duncans of the world.

  At that thought, he chugged the rest of the beer and slammed the bottle down on the table next to him.

  “Tyler William Cole, you know better than to treat furniture that way.”

  Tyler snapped his gaze toward the front door where his mom stood, forehead wrinkled, reminding him of the expression she’d worn when he’d broken a light fixture while jumping up and down on his bed. His dad stepped through the door behind her.

  Shooting up from the sofa, Tyler snatched the beer bottle from the table. “What are you guys doing here?”

  His mother gave him one last admonishing stare before taking off her coat and hanging it on the rack near the door.

  “We came to talk,” his dad said, following suit and shedding his jacket.

  Tyler didn’t like the sound of that. His parents never came to talk. They chatted enough during weekly visits at their house. Something was up. For a moment he wondered if it had to do with Jena because it was where his thoughts had been since she’d returned to Seeton. Hell, since before then.

  Was this an intervention?

  “What about?” he asked, turning the television off. “Want anything to drink?” He went into the kitchen to throw the bottle in the recycle bin.

  “No, no,” his mom called out. “We just came from a late lunch with Chris.”

  His train of thought jumped tracks. When he entered the living room, his mom was seated on the sofa, his dad in the recliner.

  Tyler stopped and eyed them both. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with him.”

  His mom nodded and patted the seat next to her. “Come. Sit.”

  Now, he was definitely leery. Chris Hansworth was the town lawyer. While Tyler’s parents knew the guy, as did everyone in town, it wasn’t normal for them to spend time with him socially.


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