Fallen Angels: BeguiledWantonUncovered

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Fallen Angels: BeguiledWantonUncovered Page 15

by Lori Foster

  “I’m sorry,” he said, the words muffled until she drew her hand away. “You’re too easy to tease.”

  “This time, I wanted to do stuff…to you. It doesn’t seem fair the way you always give so much and I just take.”

  Those overwhelming emotions washed over him again in a wave of heat, stealing his thoughts and turning his body iron hard. He crushed her against him, burying his face against her throat. He was reminded of the near-fire at her apartment by her smoky scent, and the fact that someone was trying to hurt her, and had likely killed his brother. The events that had brought them together were never far from his mind. Because those same events could tear them apart.

  Gently pulling away from her, he sat up. Angel started to do the same, looking at him uncertainly, but he stopped her by lifting one of her feet to his lap and removing her shoe. “You need a shower and some sleep. And Alec and Mick should be here soon.” He caught her pants and stripped them the rest of the way off.

  “I don’t need sleep. I need to see the rest of your house.”

  “And you will.” Later, after she was rested up. She may be doing a good job of holding herself together, but he was still running on adrenaline, and a compelling need to ensure her safety. Their lovemaking had only served to blunt the edges of his urgency a bit.

  Once he had her naked from the waist down he caught her under the arms and lifted her with him as he stood. He pulled the sweatshirt free, surveyed her naked body with a deep satisfaction, then cupped her face in his hands. “You listen to me, Angel Morris.” His thumb coasted over her bottom lip and she nodded.

  “We have plenty of time to play sexually. The rest of our lives in fact because I intend to keep you. For better or worse, for richer or poorer. Eventually, we’ll both get to do some exploring. But don’t ever think you’ve disappointed me. For one thing, it’s not possible, not when you go so wild when we’re together. Not when I know that wildness is only for me. That’s more of a gift than most women ever give, and most men ever deserve. We’re being forced into this marriage, but the perks, to my way of thinking, are damn enticing.”

  His gaze traveled from her mouth to her breasts, then down, lingering on the damp curls over her mound. His tone dropped, rough with renewed arousal. “As far as I’m concerned, I don’t have a single complaint. As your husband, I’ll have you on hand day and night, and the way I see it, that’s a hell of a bargain. All right?”

  She nodded, but her eyes had gone dark and soft again and he knew what he’d said had turned her on, that his words of explanation had put visual images in her mind. Seeing her reaction put them in his mind as well. He hadn’t been this horny or insatiable since high school, and he had to wonder just how much of it was based on a desperate need to reaffirm what they had, before it was taken away. “Come on. While you’re showering I’ll keep an eye on Grayson and get us something to eat.” He eyed her pale naked body as he led her into the hall bathroom, unable to keep his hands from patting her rounded behind, smoothing over her waist and belly. He drew a deep breath and chastened himself to behave. “I’ll also find you a robe to wear until your other stuff gets here.”

  “It feels strange, Dane. Being naked with a man, not being the only one to keep an ear trained for Grayson.” She drew a breath, watching him closely. “Not having to be so afraid.”

  He hoped that meant she felt a measure of trust for him. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, babe. You can rest a little easier now.”

  She turned to face him as he pulled two thick towels out of the cabinet and set them close to hand.

  “It feels strangest of all to be in your house. That’s going to really take some getting used to.”

  “It’s our house,” he said firmly, wanting her to feel comfortable, determined to get her fully enmeshed in his life, so much so she wouldn’t be able to help but love him back. “When I took over Derek’s office, my mother wanted me to move into his house as well. But I drew the line at that. The memories there are too sharp, too suffocating. I feel enough like an interloper as it is, usurping his office, his files…his woman.”

  Angel shook her head. “I was never that, not really. Derek and I had a brief fling, but it ended long before he got possessive. I’m not sure if he intended to use me all along, or if he just jumped on the opportunity when it presented itself. But almost from the first, I felt more for you than I ever did for him.” She looked around, then smiled. “I’m glad this is your house, not his.”

  He, too, looked around. “I paid to have it decorated because I was clueless and didn’t have the time to worry about it anyway, not traveling as often as I did. It’s a home base of sorts, but it’s always felt kind of…cold to me. So if you get in the mood and want to change things, go right ahead. Just don’t ever let anyone in unless I’m here with you.”

  “I’m not an idiot.”

  He nodded agreement. “Far from it. But right now, I’m not willing to trust a single soul with your safety. The house is secure, but only if you use the security system correctly. There’s an intercom for the front and back door. Don’t take any chances, okay?”

  She gave a grave nod. He didn’t want to frighten her again, but they both knew just how much danger she was in. Hopefully living with him would keep her out of harm’s way while he continued his investigation of Derek’s death. He would probably bring the police into it shortly, once he’d had a chance to go over things with Alec.

  The future stretched out before him, and for the first time that he could remember in too many years to count, he saw more than an endless, empty void. He wanted a future with Angel, with Grayson.

  And he wouldn’t let anything stand in his way. Not even a murderer.

  MOTHER NATURE conspired against them.

  Looking out the kitchen window, Angel sipped her coffee and then sighed. Finally the sun was shining again, though she knew the weather wouldn’t clear for a while. Record-breaking lows were predicted for the rest of the week.

  She also knew Dane was frustrated, that if it had been up to him, they would have been married already. But the most horrendous snowfall of the season, a good twelve inches, had all but canceled Thanksgiving and confined everyone indoors, making a wedding impossible. It had also stalled his investigation, putting personal queries on hold.

  Dane had improvised Thanksgiving, forgetting the plan to meet with his family—to Angel’s relief and Celia’s disappointment. For lack of a turkey, he made a superb pork roast and surprised Angel with his culinary talents.

  It had felt right somehow to spend an evening in the kitchen with Dane, bumping hips and sharing chores, working together. Grayson sat in his pumpkin seat watching them, and the setting would have been picture perfect if it hadn’t been for the fact that someone evil was still out there, still a threat, keeping them both edgy despite their efforts to the contrary.

  The weather provided the ideal excuse for them to linger in bed, forcing away the dark cloud of menace with an overload of sensuality. Just a few hours ago Dane had awakened her from a sound sleep with warm hands and a warmer mouth, gently encouraging her higher and higher until she’d had to muffle her shouts with a pillow. It amazed her that every time with him seemed better, more intense. She wasn’t certain how much more she could take, but was anxious to find out.

  He’d left her limp and exhausted in the bed. He had kissed the tip of her nose, told her he’d be home in a few hours, and then lovingly cupped a breast before turning away and hurrying out. Dane often hurried away from her, as if he were afraid if he lingered, he wouldn’t go at all.

  Angel had never felt so pampered, or so loved. Only he’d never said anything about love.

  It worried her, how easily she had adjusted to being with Dane. He was the perfect father to Grayson, the perfect companion to her, even if he was overly autocratic on occasion.

  She understood his worry because she shared it. No matter how many times they went over it, they couldn’t come up with a single reason for someone
to kill Derek and try to kill her. The idea of never knowing, of always having to be on guard, made her angry.

  She had just come up from the basement with a large load of laundry when the phone rang. Expecting it to be Celia, who’d made a habit of calling daily, she balanced the laundry basket on one hip and used her shoulder to hold the phone to her ear. “Hello.”

  There was no reply, and within a heartbeat the fine hairs on the back of her neck stood up and gooseflesh rose on her arms. No. She forced a calm tone and said again, this time more firmly, “Hello?” but still received no answer and she quickly hung up the phone.

  Frozen, she stood there, trying to convince herself that it was an accident, a coincidence. Not once since she’d moved in with Dane had there been a threatening call. There was no reason to think this was one of them. She drew a deep breath and tried to convince herself she was right.

  At that moment Dane came in. Snowflakes glistened in his hair and his mellow golden eyes were warm with welcome.

  When he saw her just standing there, he hurried to take the basket from her. “Angel, are you all right? Have you hurt your leg again?”

  She swallowed hard and automatically repeated the words that had become a litany. The man was too overprotective by half. “Quit pampering me, Dane. It’s getting annoying.”

  “I have a cleaning woman for this—”

  “Who hired on to do your laundry, not mine and Grayson’s. Besides, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I don’t want a stranger muddling through my things. And,” she added when she could see he was contriving more arguments, “the maid hasn’t been able to come here in this weather. Grayson has laundry that needs to be done every day.”

  “Oh.” He looked distracted for just a moment, then suddenly drew her into his arms and swung her in a wide circle. “All right, I’ll let that go for now, but only because I have a few surprises for you and I don’t think you’ll be properly appreciative if you’re angry.”

  “You’ve found out something?” she asked, her entire body tensing in hope.

  Dane lightly kissed the bridge of her nose in apology. “No, I’m sorry, babe. There’s nothing yet, but we’re working on it. I contacted a few personal friends in the police department and they’re doing some checking for me, looking things over again. Something will turn up soon, I promise.”

  Angel bit her lip as disappointment swelled inside her. She didn’t think she could take much more waiting. And she knew it was even harder on Dane. He felt compelled to avenge his brother, and to protect her and Grayson. He’d taken on a lot for her sake, and she worried constantly about him. If he got hurt because of her…

  “Hey, no long faces now, honey.” He kissed her again, this time more lingering. “I want to see you smiling, not frowning.”

  She considered telling him about the phone call, but at the moment, his expression so expectant and happy…There would be plenty of time to talk about that later—if it was even important, which she was starting to doubt. The last phone call she’d received had been verbal, and this one had been silent. Likely there was no connection at all, just a wrong number.

  “Where did you rush off to this morning?” she asked, shaking off her eerie mood.

  Backstepping to a kitchen chair, he sat and pulled her into his lap. His heavy coat was damp in places and he struggled out of it, then laid it on the table next to the laundry basket. One rough fingertip touched her cheek. “My sister is dying to get back out here and see Grayson. And you. She’s overflowing with questions and curiosity.”

  Celia called at least once a day, and she was always cordial and inquisitive, but cautiously so, as if she were taking pains not to be pushy. Angel couldn’t help but like her. The rest of his family had been ominously silent.

  “How would you feel about having her and Raymond to dinner? The roads are much better today, and with no more snow predicted, by Tuesday they should be fine.”

  Angel wondered at his reasons for the sudden invitation, but said only, “She’s your sister, Dane. If you want to have her over, that’s fine.” She hesitated, then added, “Maybe you should invite your mother, too. It might help to smooth things over with her.”

  “Not yet.” He said it easily, but Angel was aware of his sudden strain.

  “Dane, what ever happened between the two of you? I know Derek told me once that you just didn’t see eye to eye, but—”

  His laugh, a sound bordering on sarcasm, interrupted her. “A difference of opinion, huh? Well, Derek was right about that. But it’s past history honey, and I don’t want to bore you.”

  “Shouldn’t I know what’s going on, since the past probably plays a part in the tension now? What if your mother says something? I don’t like to be kept in the dark.”

  “It doesn’t concern you.”

  And that, she thought, was the crux of the problem. She wanted everything about him to concern her. “I’m sorry.” She tried to get off his lap, but he made a rough sound at her movement and hugged her close.

  “Dammit, I didn’t mean that quite the way it sounded.” He gave her a frustrated look, then shrugged. “All right, you want me to bare my soul, I suppose I can live through it.”

  He was in such a strange mood, teasing one minute, then solemn, then teasing again. “I don’t mean to push you.”

  “Ha! All right, I’m sorry.” He tightened his hold on her. “Don’t rush off.”

  Angel gave him an impatient look.

  “All right, dammit, but as soon as I finish this stupid tale of woe, we’re moving on to your surprise, okay?” After a brief hesitation, he said, “I was engaged to be married once.” His hands looped around her and he looked off to the side, staring at nothing in particular, merely avoiding her gaze.

  “Mother didn’t approve, of course, but then I’d already started bucking her on almost everything. Derek went to the college of her choice, I went to a state college. Looking back, I realize how infantile I acted, opposing her just for the sake of opposition, but she was so damn controlling about everything, it just naturally rubbed me the wrong way.”

  Angel couldn’t begin to imagine anyone attempting to control Dane. The very idea was ludicrous.

  “Both Derek and I had gotten our business degree in the same year my father died. He and Mother had always planned for us to take over, but not that soon. His heart attack took everyone by surprise. Mother, never one to grieve for long, wanted us to jump into the company together. I wanted to get my MBA. Derek was born to run a corporation, was anxious to get started, but I resisted her. I was glad to let Derek handle things, and despite all her carping and complaining, I went back to school.”

  A heavy silence fell and Angel felt him shift slightly, as if he were uncomfortable.

  “I met a woman while I was in school, and I wanted to get married. Since that didn’t meet with Mother’s plans, she did everything she could, including disowning me so I couldn’t touch my inheritance money, as a way to discourage me. But the more she did, the more determined I became. When I told her I fully intended to go through with the wedding, she…she bought Anna off.”

  Angel had no idea what to say to that. She waited, hoping he’d elaborate. And finally he did.

  “I don’t like to think it was the money that enticed Anna. She wasn’t from the same background as me, and my mother intimidated the hell out of her. She spelled out this grandiose life Anna would be expected to live up to and it spooked her. When Mother offered her the money, she took it and walked away.”

  What a fool, Angel thought. She knew Dane had money, but he didn’t flaunt it. His house was very nice, but it wasn’t ostentatious. Everything about him was casual and comfortable and understated. Anna must not have known him at all to believe such idiocy. Or maybe it just hadn’t mattered to her. “I’m sorry.”

  Dane shook his head impatiently. “The worst part was, she was pregnant with my baby.”

  Angel stiffened, seized by a mingling of jealousy and confusion. Where was the
child now?

  As if he’d read her thoughts, Dane gave her a squeeze. “By the time I’d caught up with Anna, she told me she’d lost the baby.”

  He looked so troubled, Angel curled down against his chest and hugged herself close to him. She’d never before seen Dane like this, and she didn’t like it. Derek’s death had filled him with calculating determination, with a purpose. His mother’s disdain had only seemed to amuse him. But now he sounded hurt deep inside. She preferred his arrogance any day. And at that moment she’d have given a lot to ease his pain.

  His large hand settled against the back of her head and he idly tangled his fingers in her hair. “I’ve never admitted this to anyone, but to this day, I’m not sure Anna didn’t have an abortion. I blamed my mother because it was a hell of a lot easier to blame her than to accept that I might have been wrong about Anna, that I might have made a colossal mistake marrying a woman who didn’t care enough about me to believe in me. She told me, rather tearfully in fact, that she’d been afraid and taking my mother’s bribe seemed her only choice.”

  Angel could feel his pounding heartbeat, a little faster now, and she slipped her hand inside his shirt, smoothing her fingers over his warm, hair-rough skin. Dane went still even as his breathing changed, grew a little rougher and quicker. Angel pulled his shirt from his pants and pushed it upward, kissing his chest, his small tight nipples. Dane groaned and quickly yanked the shirt over his head.

  Whispering against his chest, Angel said, “She could have come to you, and that’s what bothers you most?”

  Dane tilted his head back against the chair. “She didn’t trust me.”

  “I trust you. I’ve been trusting you with not only my life, but Grayson’s.” He started to speak and she straightened, cupping his jaw with her palms, holding his head still as she attacked his mouth. Dane groaned again and Angel used that as her cue. With their lips still touching she breathed, “I’m not like her, Dane. Your mother can’t send me away. Only you could do that now.”

  Rather than answer, he kissed her again, and there was hunger in the way he held her, the way his mouth moved heavily over hers. He might not love her, but he needed her, and from that, love could grow.


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