Into the Light (The Admiral's Elite Book 2)

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Into the Light (The Admiral's Elite Book 2) Page 19

by HK Savage

  “Settle down, Detective,” the chief cautioned his enthusiastic employee. “I’m sure the good captains will be sure to include us when the time comes,” he leveled a gaze at Michael that had been honed by years of dealing with criminals and liars of all sorts, into a stare meant to rattle even the best, “in the interest of inter-department cooperation per post 9/11 guidelines.” Those sharp blue eyes crackled with warning while the mouth curled into a peaceful smile.

  Without a hitch, Michael dipped his head. After working for Black, even this human’s threat was nothing. “Of course. We are here to assist in this investigation, however, it is ultimately your town and your command is primary.” The men regarded each other, measuring. After what felt like a prolonged and beyond uncomfortable quiet in the office, Michael inhaled sharply and went on. “We need someone to dig through your incident logs dating back to when this started. I would like to see a map with the murders and the other incidents marked separately. That will break down our two distinctive crimes into their two patterns, which is how I believe this party sees himself. And we can predict his movements from there.” He left out the part about the criminal actually being two separate criminals and one of them being very dead. Best to keep things simple for the humans, it would be easier to manage one missing culprit when they destroyed it versus two.

  Chief Kowski shook his head. “We’ve tried putting men all over, but without any sort of rhyme or reason to them, I just don’t have the manpower to have someone everywhere at all times. We’ve patrolled town heavily enough to keep the damage to a minimum. We break up the fights before they get too ugly. But there’s no order or method to the killings, no patterns at all except for the fact that there aren’t any patterns.” The chief’s shoulders slumped with the burden of his office.

  “Sir, we will find our culprit,” Michael told him, absolute.

  Not very hopeful, the chief raised his face to look Michael in the eye, flinching as he did so when he saw something he instinctively wanted to shy away from. He refrained from answering.

  “My team will take point on this.” When he spoke, Michael’s tone was surprisingly gentle. He was talking to the detective as a peer. “We’ll be starting at the club this evening and doing a sweep through town. You can follow up with a secondary team and watch the bar where he hit last night. We have reason to believe our culprit might show up there but not until nightfall.”

  “But he was just there.” Detective Salvo wasn’t convinced. “Why would he strike the same place two nights in a row?” His brow furrowed. “He’s never done that.”

  “And that is why we believe he will go back. Last night’s prompt response time by you boys in blue kept him from getting what he wanted,” Michael led him.

  The chief jumped in. “What is it he wants?”

  “Absolute chaos.”

  Chapter 25

  “Do you think he’ll chart out all the scenes like you asked?” Becca asked once they were outside the station and far enough away to have some privacy from official ears. “Or do you think he’ll figure out you parked him out of harm’s way doing busy work like some sort of rookie?”

  “I think he’s a good cop and he’ll do what he’s told as long as he believes it’s the right thing.” Michael stared straight ahead and stepped out into traffic without turning to look over his shoulder for oncoming.

  Instinctively hunching her shoulders against phantom vehicles, like that would help her if they were hit, she made a noise. “Are you forgetting something?” She scrambled to close the small gap between them.

  Cracking a reckless smile, Michael looked at her. “Super special hearing, remember?” He pointed playfully at an ear. “If there’s a car, I can hear the engine. Heartbeats this close, also no problem.”

  “So how come I didn’t get as super special of hearing?” Becca asked, also wondering what had him so uncharacteristically cavalier in public.

  Slipping his fingers over hers, Michael directed his eyes back to the sidewalk ahead while shooting a sideways glance at her. “Because you’re one step removed from the source. You’re close, but not quite the same.”

  Becca considered what he was saying. “I suppose. I mean, when I jumped and I was in your head, it was all so much stronger, more crisp that what I get now.”

  Mention of jumping brought them both to a different place and a somber silence filled their bubble until Michael spoke again.

  “Have you tried it since Black asked?” His voice was low, subdued.

  Becca gave special attention to where she was setting her feet. Up onto the cracked sidewalk and down with the gentle incline leading away from the car and the end of the strip where surely Ryan and Gabrielle were making their way.

  “Should I be tuning into the vibes or something?” Becca asked him, feeling the constant tingle on her skin growing stronger. Knowing the source of the ants marching on her skin since arriving in town opened the door, it seemed, and now she could tell where it was stronger and weaker. The tingling grew more intense as they walked down what had to be a ley line running the length of the street. Even with him touching her she could feel it, telling her it had to be strong.

  “You’re avoiding talking to me about this,” he said evenly.

  “No, I’m focusing on the mission.”

  Michael stopped and, hand tightening on hers, halted her as well. Becca was jerked back as she hit the end of her play. “What?”

  Blue eyes narrowed. “What? Are you serious?” He didn’t sound amused.

  Her shoulders rolled. “I don’t know how it works and I don’t think I can do it. The only thing I can figure is the key is to have sex or share blood with someone.” He couldn’t know that she had indeed unlocked the key on the roadside or that the demon they hunted was to thank for it. Guilt tore at her heart. She swore to her conscience that she would come clean with him after she destroyed the demon. Providing the demon took all of its pieces with it, including whatever it left in her. She couldn’t put him in the position of having to destroy her because she housed a piece of pure evil. It was too much to ask, and Black would. It was Michael’s greatest fear and she wouldn’t be responsible for bringing it to fruition. If destroying the demon didn’t work, well, she would figure out a way to take herself out on her own. Michael would never have to make that call. “You can’t tell me Black intends for me to fight or screw members of Congress to get a bug inside whatever committee he’s stalking.”

  Passion and amusement warred with Michael’s expression and Becca watched in fascination before he tucked it all away. Michael, the captain, was who she ended up with. Her fingers slid free from his and instantly her skin recommenced its itchy dance. The demon was close.

  “You think he wants you on a committee?”

  Canting her head, she watched a young couple across the street. The woman was smiling while her lover spoke in her ear and she laughed. His arm sneaked around her shoulders and brought her in for a kiss. They looked so happy and carefree. In that moment, her heart broke.

  Catching the distraction, Michael swung around and watched before asking again. “Why do you think that?”

  Shoving her feelings far from where anyone might see, she turned back. “Why is he stalking a committee?” Becca studied his features. There was a brief slip when he turned back to her that told her everything about his mood. The minor darkening of his eyes and tightness of his jaw told her he didn’t like being ignored, while the lines around his eyes confirmed he’d at least gotten a sense of what she was watching across the street. Mentally shaking herself, she got back to business. There was no time to dally, she would have to slip away soon. She had to start looking for an opening. “It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? He’s cut back on our trips but not our equipment, thank God.” Her finger aimed at her own chest. “This human needs grenades. Plus he’s been even more interested in you and I’ve seen the way you look at me when you come back from one of those meetings you two have. Especially after DC. You looked sick when yo
u came to visit me that first night back.” She refrained from mentioning the knife wound he’d been trying to hide. He knew exactly what the admiral had in mind and he didn’t like it. He didn’t have to tell her exactly what it was but she could guess it was objectionable for personal reasons, not necessarily strategically.

  He was unable to hide his shock at her insight.

  Her lips twisted. “You know I specialized in investigations before I joined up with you, Michael. I see stuff.”

  “Apparently I’ve underestimated you.” Concern gave way to a hint of a smile. “What else did you catch, Captain Sauter?”

  Unable to refrain from playing when he was in the mood Becca smiled broadly, though her words wiped any signs of levity from his face. “I know that you’re trying to keep me away from him because you know what he wants to use me for and I know that you think if you keep us apart he won’t know how strong I’m getting.” Reaching out, she let her fingers trail down his forearm. “And I know you’re afraid that if you know what I can do, he’ll make you tell him. You’re afraid you’re going to get me hurt or sucked in deeper.”

  Michael lost all the color he’d gotten from drinking the last of his traveling stash that morning.

  Stepping in, she went up on her toes to kiss his cheek. “And I know I love you for all of it.” She smiled.

  “Why do I work so hard to keep things from you?” His eyes were dark and troubled. “It’s pointless.”

  Nodding, keeping her concerns private, Becca agreed with him. “So stop trying to hide things from me. No secrets, remember?” She reminded him of their agreement back in the beginning. “You have to stop trying to protect me all the time; I can handle this life.” Her little voice reminded her she was facing a possible suicide by demon within the next few hours and didn’t plan on telling him anything. It didn’t matter, he would do the same for her and that was why she couldn’t let him. The good he did in his role with the admiral far outweighed anything she’d done or could do. If anyone was expendable here, it was her. And, as luck would have it, she was the one who could find this thing. Now if only she could handle killing it. She took a breath and touched his arm again, hiding her body’s signs of stress in her love pets and hating herself for using him as camouflage.

  Unconvinced, Michael shook his head. “I know you’re capable, Becca, but sometimes Black asks things.” Ducking his head, he broke from her gaze. “Things that change you.”

  “Michael, I want you to know that who I am will never change.” Sliding her hands around his waist, she pulled herself up against him. She didn’t care who saw or how that might compromise things with the locals. “And who I am will love you until forever. No matter what.”

  Wrapping his arms around her tight, Michael lowered his head until his lips touched her ear sticking out from under her ponytail. “I love you too, Rebecca, until forever.”

  A jolt surged through her body and Becca jumped, unable to hide the way the energy surge affected her. “Holy! Did you feel that?” She hopped backward and broke away from him. It was time.

  Eyes wide, Michael cast around them, looking for the threat. “I felt something, but I’m not sure what.” Spinning, he put his back to her, hand behind to keep tabs on her while he searched.

  Their contact was momentarily broken while she scanned for danger as well. Without the barrier his touch provided, her flesh caught fire. Telltale spots started and Becca found it hard to breathe. “It’s close.” She knew the cause without any doubt and felt the power seeking her out. Whatever the demon wanted, it knew it wanted it from her, specifically her, out of all the humans in this town. Not human, a little voice whispered in her mind. Part witch, part demon. The thumping of her heart in her chest began to pull. Her feet moved, carrying her past Michael, farther toward the end of the strip and away from the center of town. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about the lack of courage to go to it when the time came, it was doing it for her. No chance of chickening out. “I know where it is,” she whispered, her chest feeling as though it might burst. If only she could manage to shake free of Michael, she thought with a pang. Please don’t take him too. She pleaded in her head while her body was pulled helplessly along, muscles held tight against the rapidly building pain shooting through her.

  Automatically trying to shield her from her obvious pain, Michael reached out only to snatch his hand away when he felt a stab where her flesh touched his and watched her jump.

  “No,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “Whatever it’s doing, touching you makes it hurt worse.”

  More than any pain it caused him, he feared harming her and left his hands to hang useless at his sides. “What can I do?” Michael fought with himself and his nature, both unified in their desire to tear the throat out of the demon when they found it.

  The little voice in her head screamed for him to go away while part of her wanted to laugh. And she’d been worried she wouldn’t be able to separate from him. All she could manage through clenched teeth were a few words. “Go. Get. The. Others.” Feet moving stiffly, Becca was leading them awkwardly in a definite path.

  His phone was in his hand without conscious thought. But instead of calling Ryan or Gabrielle, Michael made another desperate call.

  “Admiral, we’ve found it. It has taken hold of Becca.”

  Chapter 26

  Gabrielle sipped absently at the hole in the white plastic lid, burning her lip in the process, as she concentrated on not letting her eyes stray to the large body striding along beside her. Unlike some of her co-workers, he ran at the same temperature as her except she would have sworn he was at least twenty degrees hotter at that moment. And very hard to ignore.

  Not a sound came from either of them, only the soft scuffing of shoes on pavement. The grit of salt and sand for traction ground against the occasional patch of ice missed by the plow responsible for clearing the wide sidewalks in town. Her sharp hearing picked up every syllable the mother ahead of her uttered to her inquisitive toddler, the jingling dog tags of the trotting retriever across the street and every other tiny indication of life in the bustling downtown.

  Dog tags brought her mind round to Ryan again and the way his tags were always warm on her skin when they made love. Had sex, she corrected herself. They were having sex; they were not in love. Theirs were dangerous jobs and things could happen. Things had happened. She would not allow herself to be so stupid as to fall in love again. Going a step further, she again stopped her eyes from finding him and the tightness in her chest objected. Ryan’s feelings weren’t serious either, she told herself. How could they be when she’d never had any sort of sentimental words for him? Never allowed him to say more than two kind words to her without changing the subject. The look in his green eyes that night when he’d come bursting in, clearly fearing for her safety, had nearly been her undoing. Then it had helped her to reinforce her walls.

  There was nothing Ryan wouldn’t do for someone he cared for and she had no doubt he would lay down his life for her if the need arose. And that was exactly what she’d been hoping to avoid. No one would die for her. She would never again have someone else’s blood on her hands, least of all someone with as much to offer as Ryan. After this mission she was going to end things. She’d postponed the inevitable long enough. It was time to let him go before he had more than a few bruised feelings. He couldn’t die because of her.


  His voice, surprisingly gentle for such a large man, made her lose a step and she glanced up out of habit. The pain in her chest ratcheted up another notch at the deep sadness she saw in his dulled eyes and lined face. Not only had she caused it, she knew it was going to be worse very soon. Her mouth opened, tongue tracing across her lower lip to wet it. “Ryan, let’s not…”

  Up ahead, the woman walking the toddler with endless questions stepped down onto the sloped sidewalk for wheelchairs and strollers, making ready to cross the street and Gabrielle saw the flash of light brown hair and side profile she wou
ld know anywhere. The pads of her fingers could even feel the short, coarse, darker brown hairs of his neatly trimmed moustache.

  Automatically, with no ability or will to stop herself, Gabrielle made a ninety degree turn and quickened her pace, momentarily leaving Ryan behind before he caught on to her change in direction both physically and mentally.

  “Gabs, wait. Where are you going?” Ryan took two long strides to catch up. Worried, he scanned the sparse sidewalks and streets for any threats of danger; any blatant signs of a seven-foot tall demon spewing fire or brimstone.

  None to be seen, he grew frustrated and laid a hand on her arm. The pull from within her was stronger than his soft touch and her body moved out from under his palm.

  With a growl, Ryan replaced his hand on her arm, tightening his grasp so that she stopped and waited for him to maneuver in front of her. Her progress impeded, Gabrielle became agitated and her other hand grasped at his. “Let me go, Ryan.” Her stare went beyond him, losing sight of the brown haired wraith that had haunted her these last few days. “Please.”


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