Romance in Dallas - Tycoon!

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Romance in Dallas - Tycoon! Page 5

by Nancy Fornataro

  Smiling at her from the end of the bed, he said, "My back has been bad for way over a year now. It can wait."

  "In my papers, by the laptop, there are some exercises. Try those. They're similar to the stretches we did the other day."

  "Okay, I'll look for them. You just rest now."

  After she'd eaten a bit, she fell asleep again. He went back to his room, propping the adjoining door open with a waste basket, and used the time to get caught up on his work without her distracting presence.

  Jace woke with a start, at dusk, and she looked around, confused. She still felt awful, feverish, nauseated with a sore throat.

  Ramsey came in and flipped on the dresser lamp.

  She thought he looked incredibly handsome, dressed in a black tux, still exuding the heady scent of aftershave.

  "Darlin,' I have to go to the fundraiser. You be okay for now? I won't be gone long."

  She nodded.

  He walked and stood next to her, ran his hand down her hair, pushed it back from her forehead. "Sure?" he asked gently.

  She nodded again.

  On the elevator going up to the ballroom, he thought he'd had to drag himself away from her.

  But he heard plenty of voices coming from the party, so he put on his best smile.

  Victoria waited for him to arrive. She immediately began to converse animatedly with a man she'd met earlier, who she wasn't the slightest bit interested in. Smoothing her red hair, up in a French twist, hair dyed that color purposefully since Ramsey's wife died, her hand slid down her silky beige floor-length gown, preening now.

  She saw how Ram worked the room, kissing women and shaking hands with the men, smiling, laughing, doing what he did best.

  But then, she thought ruefully, she'd never gone to bed with him so she didn't really know about that. "They don't call him Ram for nothing," she muttered to herself, as she walked towards him with her best strut.

  Ram saw her coming, and knew this was unavoidable. And he thought it was a bit peculiar she kept showing up at fundraisers and show openings he attended.

  "Victoria," he said with warmth he didn't really feel. "You are looking lovely," he told her, thinking she may have had some liposuction since he last saw her, and possibly work on her breasts as well. They just didn't look natural, and his thoughts drifted to Jace and her beautiful, curvy body.

  Reaching a hand in back of his neck, Victoria kissed him a little too hard on the lips before he drew back. Unfortunately, one of the photographers snapped a picture just then, and he cursed her silently. He didn't want his picture taken with this woman. He'd much rather see Jace staring up at him with her warm, brown eyes.

  Victoria caught a momentary look on his face that she just loved, a sexy, hot look she'd been waiting for. And she hoped the camera in the hand of the photographer she'd hired had caught it. Then, she'd be in tomorrow's papers.

  "You're handsome as always, Ram," she sighed, while her hand came up and smoothed his suit jacket. "Where have you been?" she asked him, already knowing the answers. "We've missed you in Dallas."

  He grinned, and she thought he looked very boyish and oh, so handsome.

  Smiling down at her, he said, "Here and there. You know business is brisk. With hotels you have to keep on it."

  But she knew about his vast wealth already. And he could get 'on it' with her anytime he wanted.

  God, she thought, the man was worth billions with his hotels, real estate and inheritance. Old money. Just what she needed to make her respectable again. She'd screwed up once too often, and now her father gave her an allowance which seemed like a pittance. She had to scrape her savings to afford all the trips to all the places where Ramsey owned hotels. Following this man was no easy task.

  Ram finally managed to escape from Victoria, worked his way back to the podium, gave his speech from memory, and excused himself from the party as he was applauded.

  Once back in his room, he shucked off his coat and tie, and walked quickly in to see Jace.

  His hand moved to check her forehead, and he thought she was burning up. He quickly grabbed his phone and called Doctor Truman's private number.

  "Yes?" the man said.

  "Seth, it's Ramsey. I've got a situation with Jace."

  The doctor chuckled into the phone. "Whatever I can do."

  "No, it's not that. She's got the flu. With a high fever. How can I get it down?"

  "Oh, yes, that's a nasty flu. The forehead. If she gets too bad, you'll have to rinse her head with cold water. But I think you could just try cold cloths for now. The head is the center of the fever regulators."

  "Thanks, Seth. Send me a bill."


  Ram unbuttoned his shirt a bit, rolled up his sleeves, had room service bring him more ice, and made an ice bath out of it as he added water and sat next to her on the bed.

  He thought Jace looked really out of it, as he gently placed the wet cloth on her forehead. And her eyes appeared glassy while she stared over his shoulder. "Gram?" she said softly.

  "What is it, sweet pea? Is it your Gram?"

  But tears welled in her eyes then. "Gram...don't die...please."

  He pressed the cloth on her cheeks and back up to her forehead. "Shhh, it's okay."

  "You don't understand," she sobbed, looking at him wildly, "She's burning! I have to save her, I have to save her! Gram!" She fought him, thrashing around, trying to wiggle out of his hold now.

  "Darlin,'" he said firmly, "stop this. I'll save your Gram for you."

  Her eyes were wild still, but her arms seemed to run out of fight as he held her close. Murmuring against her cheek, as he held the cloth on her head, she finally calmed down enough for him to pull back.

  "Sweetie, what have you been through?" he wondered out loud. But, she wasn't able to answer him as she looked vacantly at the same spot over his shoulder.

  Chapter 6

  After a very long night, with her fever waxing and waning, Jace woke in the morning to the sound of tapping.

  Looking over towards the glass table in the room, she saw Ram sitting, typing into his laptop. Her eyes roamed over him, taking in his disheveled appearance. His white dress shirt was unbuttoned all the way, and he'd taken off his shoes. She could tell he'd run his hand through his hair several times. Her mind tried to remember what had happened the night before. But she just recalled whispers and someone holding a cool cloth to her forehead, then to her cheeks.

  "Good morning," she said, in a voice which was a little too feeble for her liking.

  Ram stopped, and looked over at her with warm eyes. "How y'all doin' sweet pea?"

  Realizing she was naked, with only a sheet drawn up to her chest, she clutched at the rest of the bedspread.

  He rose and stretched, she thought somewhat painfully.

  "I'm much better today," she said, "I should be able to continue your program tonight." She paused. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

  He smiled, and continued his stretches, "Not much. But then you didn't either."

  "I don't remember," she told him honestly, "these types of things always hit me hard. I'm prone to fevers."

  He strolled over next to her, and dialed the house phone. "Ramon, send two full breakfasts would you? Thanks."

  "I'm not sure about that," she said ruefully, "but I'll try to work up an appetite in the meantime."

  Looking down at her tenderly now, he said, "We need to get you back up and around." His hand came to her forehead. "No fever," he said, as his hand rolled down to her cheek, then the back of her neck for seconds.

  "I'll go shower. Would you like your robe?"

  "Yes. Please."

  He found it in the closet, and placed it on her bed. "See you in a few."

  She was curious what he was working on, what he'd typed in the laptop. Shucking on her robe and tying the sash tightly, she rose slowly and padded over to it.

  But on his computer was a picture of a beautiful young woman, with short red hair, flawless complexion
, and a perfect, even smile on her face. Jace wondered who she was. His dead wife? And, if a girlfriend, how much he cared for her. And she wondered why she would even care.

  Shrugging now, she opened her door, and retrieved the morning paper.

  Natalie called her cell phone. "Girl, did you see the latest?"

  "No, Nat. I've been sick, remember?"

  "I'm sorry sweetie. I forgot. How are you doing?"

  "Much better. Seems like a twenty-four hour thing. So, what am I supposed to see this time?"

  "Society page. He's cozy with a red-haired woman."

  Jace frowned, and opened the newspaper. The large picture showed Ramsey and a woman kissing. "Oh, my," she said, her heart contracting. She remembered he went somewhere last night in his tux. But the picture wasn't the same as the on-screen woman. They both had red hair, but the one on-screen seemed younger.

  "It was some sort of fundraiser they said. Well, at any rate, that's not why I called. We have a billing quandary."

  Still looking at the picture, Jace replied, "What is it?"

  "We received the first check from him and he's paying for twenty-four hours a day."

  "You're kidding." Jace knew this was a lot of money.

  "No. I'm not. And I'm wondering if you should track the hours with a timesheet. I know it would be a drag for you, but talk to him about it, okay?"

  Jace said she would, and they rang off.

  When Ram came back into the room, he looked her up and down. "You seem better, sweet pea." And he walked over and shut his laptop.

  He thought her voice sounded stiff as she said, "Need to talk to you about something." She sat in one of the chairs by the table.

  Noticing the newspaper, as he sat next to her, he said, "Don't believe everything you read in there, sugar. Especially with her."

  She smiled slightly. "That wasn't it, actually. It's billing."

  Sitting back, he said, "What about it?"

  Her voice took on a business-like tone. "You're paying for twenty-four hours, when you should be paying for just the hours I work. And you should pay nothing for yesterday."

  "Well," he drawled, "you're at my beck and call for the whole day. Day and night, that is."

  "I don't usually do PT at night."

  "You never know." His turquoise eyes met hers heatedly. And, she knew what was in his mind.

  She found herself daydreaming about the first night, his strong hands clutching her, drawing her close, and his deep, probing kiss, which she'd responded to on some level. At once, needing it, but then rejecting it as professionalism took hold of her.

  "As I've said, I don't do PT at night. So you can take at least eight hours off the billing. We need to arrange some firm times when I'm on call for you."

  Ram sighed and stretched his feet out. He didn't care about the money or the billing. He did care about the longing he'd felt when he pressed the wrong button on his computer just now, and Susan's picture came up. Like a figure haunting him from the grave. Making him feel guilty for his desires. And he thought another phone call to Warren might do the trick. A minute passed.

  "I'll be right back," he told her, as he reached for his phone and went into his room.

  Warren answered on the first ring. "What's going on, Ram?"

  "Now she wants to cut the billing hours. I've been paying for twenty-four. But I get the feeling she doesn't want to be on call for the nights."

  "You can't blame her there, Ram. I wouldn't want to, either. Be on call, I mean. It's a control thing. Seems like she feels like she's lost control of the situation. She needs her own time. And if you don't agree, something tells me you'll lose her. Although, you might want to remind her, there are plenty of other therapists who would jump at the chance to be with one of the world's richest men."

  Ram sighed. "I get the feeling that does not impress her. Okay my man, talk to you later. And, thanks."

  Jace knew she needed more rest, and while Ramsey was out of the room, she got into bed again.

  He came in a few minutes later dressed very casually in beige chinos, a white shirt and boots, with his damp hair combed back.

  The room service arrived, bringing their breakfasts.

  "All right," Ram said, as he brought her tray to her and sat at the table to eat his. "How about this. You'll be on call from eight in the morning until eight at night. How's that?" He popped a few aspirins for his headache.

  She nodded, watching him.

  "You like the food?" he asked her, an amused expression on his face.

  "Love it," she said, between mouthfuls. "Do you have another headache?"

  Ram nodded and smiled as he watched her eat. Good appetite. When he was done eating, his cell phone rang. The caller said 'private.'

  "Ramsey. How are you?" a familiar voice said.

  "Victoria," he said stiffly, "how did you get my private number?"

  The woman laughed. "Oh, I have connections everywhere. Almost as many as you have."

  "Right," he replied, annoyed at the intrusion. But his voice was level, as he said, "What can I do for you sweetheart?"

  "How long are you in Honolulu?"

  "I'm not sure," he said, purposefully vague, "my traveling companion has taken ill."

  "Nothing serious, I hope," she said sweetly.

  His eyes roved over Jace appreciatively, as she put the tray to one side, having eaten most of it, and sat now staring at a painting on the wall. "No, nothing serious. Why? What can I help you with?"

  "I thought dinner tonight," she purred. "La Maison?"

  Ram thought he might actually take Jace there for dinner if she was feeling better. "I'm sorry, sweetie, but I've got plans." And he made sure to not say anything about 'next time' to feed her hopes.

  He heard her exhale sharply. "Of course. And I truly hope your...companion feel much better very soon."

  They rang off.

  Jace said she needed to sleep for a while, and he ambled back to his room where he sat trying to explain the thing to himself.

  Was it love? Was he in love with Jace after such a short time? In a way it reminded him of his two years with Susan. But with his wife, it had been...tamer. Less raw and intense. He sat, brooding, until a business call brought him back to reality.

  During the afternoon, he was busy with memos and business phone calls. Late afternoon, he found himself pacing back and forth. Jace hadn't called him. But he didn't want to chase around after her like a lovesick pup.

  Still, he picked up the phone.

  Ringing now, her cell phone woke her. "Yes," she said drowsily.

  "I'm sorry darlin,' did I wake you up?"

  Sighing, she said, "Yes. It's okay though. I'm feeling so much better. A hundred percent."

  "You sound sleepy..." his voice was soft, almost like a caress.

  Swinging her legs over the side of the bed she replied, "I need to get up and get my blood flowing." She looked outside. "How about a walk on the beach? Good for me and your back as well. Aerobic."

  "Sounds wonderful. See you in a few."

  After showering quickly, Jace dressed in shorts, sleeveless top and walking shoes.

  He knocked politely before he came in the adjoining door. "We'll go out the back entrance to avoid the paparazzi."

  And on the way down in the elevator, she asked him curiously, "Do they follow you everywhere?"

  He smiled ruefully. "Unfortunately, yes. My private life is hard to keep private." Looking down at her, he said, "You're a secret. Just had the one picture of you. I don't want you to suffer because of my fame, if you can call it that."

  Once on the beach, she realized she loved it all. The ocean and sand beaches on one side, the huge, bustling hotels on the other, the swoosh noise of the palm trees lining the walkway, and the fresh air. She drew the band off her ponytail and shook her hair out; let the breeze blow through it and lift it up capriciously. She held her arms out, relishing the fresh air, and turned around several times in the sand. "Don't you just love it here?" she asked
Ram, smiling, walking backwards now, watching him.

  But, Ram had a hard time answering as he gazed at her. What a beautiful picture she made, he thought, hair blowing in the breeze, like a cloud, her little shorts showing a fine expanse of legs, her figure-hugging top leaving little to the imagination.

  He finally smiled. "I suppose I do, sweet pea. Very much."

  As they walked along, she found shells, showing him each find, before she placed them carefully in her pocket.

  "You going to be hungry for dinner soon?" he asked, as they turned to walk back to the hotel.

  Looking at him quickly, she said, "I suppose so. As long as it doesn't cut into the therapy time."

  "What, honey, you don't like overtime pay?"

  Something in the tone of his voice reached something deep inside her. And she thought she'd have to be careful with this. "We agreed, remember? To the hours and such." Her tone was careful, businesslike.

  "No exceptions? What if we get held up?"

  "I guess I'd have to see. Maybe we should make it nine in the morning to nine at night. I'm not a morning person anyway."

  He chuckled and she knew he was making fun of her now as he said, "Your choice, sweet pea."

  He observed her, and she flipped back her hair in annoyance. "What should I wear then?"

  "Nothing," he said quickly, as he laughed and she slapped him on the arm, as she laughed too.

  "Don't count on that."

  In the end, she wore a silky beige pantsuit and heels. They went to Santelli's Italian Food, a small but intimate little place close to his hotel.


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