Lamplight in the Shadows

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Lamplight in the Shadows Page 4

by Robert Jaggs-Fowler

  As for the practice staff, the receptionists were the ones who made him feel most welcomed from the moment of his arrival. It was only later that he realised that this was probably their way of getting the most out of him! For them, the fact that someone was more than willing to answer any of the more difficult telephone calls that came through or would visit patients in the outlying villages without a murmur of dissent was a breath of fresh air after years of having to contend with the four somewhat jaded and cynical partners. Furthermore, it was a great relief to have someone they could rely upon to sign any number of so-called ‘urgent’ prescriptions at a moment’s notice without making the receptionists feel as though they were at risk of having their heads chewed off. The problem was that the urgent prescriptions were rarely urgent ones at all, but were usually the result of a lack of planning on the part of the patients. However, getting them promptly printed and signed allowed the receptionists to avoid the unpleasantness of a confrontation with an irate patient. A doctor who did this for them was someone worth nurturing and supplying with the occasional extra cup of tea. By such means, Dr Armstrong, as everyone in Bishopsworth formally knew him, rapidly started to make a favourable impression on all who came across him.

  * * *

  The partnership was a well-established one, having been started just after the formation of the National Health Service. Although the three founding partners (Drs Hartley, Dodds and Gilchrist) had long since retired, the present two most senior partners had at one time been junior to them. Since that time, and owing to the expanding population, the partnership had itself grown by the addition of one more doctor.

  Outside the main door to the surgery, a brass plaque announced:

  Drs McGarva, Hawkins, Carey & Slater

  Physicians and Surgeons

  A separate white, plasticised sign gave the surgery hours, asked that requests for visits were telephoned in before 10 a.m. and gave a telephone number for evening and weekend emergencies.

  With time to spare before the afternoon surgery started, James turned right at the end of the market place and entered the park, making his way to a wooden bench, so positioned to overlook a lily pond. A small sign on the back of the bench stated:

  In memory of Phyllis Turpingdon


  Whose dedicated campaigning turned visions into reality.

  Mentally pausing to wonder what the erstwhile Mrs Turpingdon had looked like and whether she had been responsible for the development of the lily pond, his thoughts then turned back to the present surgery partnership.

  Drs McGarva, Hawkins, Carey and Slater were all very different to each other. Indeed, apart from the fact that they were all General Medical Practitioners, there was probably nothing else they had in common. That, however, thought James, is nothing new. He was sure that if one randomly selected ten doctors, one would have ten very different personalities and probably half a dozen different opinions on how to solve a particular problem. Almost as bad as solicitors, he mused, except that they would have ten different opinions, with each one having multiple qualifying clauses and exceptions!

  Watching two female mallards effortlessly glide across the pond, he started to mentally summarise what he had so far learned about each of the doctors. The senior partner, Dr Ian McGarva, was very much an old-fashioned GP. Visually he was a short, stocky Scotsman, with black, slightly unruly hair, which had a penchant for also growing in tufts from his ears and nose. It was unusual to see him in anything other than a tweed jacket and corduroy trousers, the outfit usually topped by a trilby hat. He was softly spoken, the remains of a Scottish accent having been watered down by thirty years of living in Lincolnshire, where he had arrived soon after having qualified in Edinburgh. He had ventured south across the border, in his words, in search of a ‘wee bonny Lincolnshire lass’, as he called his wife, Mary.

  They lived on a farm. At least he liked to think of it as a farm, but it was more of a smallholding in one of the local villages. It was of sufficient size, however, to give him an excuse for owning an old battered Land Rover Defender. Or more to the point, it gave him an excuse for not replacing it with a newer vehicle, despite frequent encouragement from Mary. His Scottish parsimony saw no sense in such wasteful luxuries.

  Now approaching his sixty-fourth birthday, he was looking forward to the day he could do nothing more energetic than sell his free-range eggs at the local market and further his academic research. When pressed on the nature of the latter, he usually stated that he was conducting a ‘controlled comparative study into the benefits and effects of the various malt whiskies of the Scottish Islands when consumed on a regular basis’. Rumour had it that the only ‘controlled’ aspect of his research was the steadying arm of Mary when it was time for him to get up the stairs at night.

  By contrast, Dr Charles Hawkins was a distinguished-looking sixty-one year old whom James had met only once in the past six months, as it was owing to the illness of Dr Hawkins that James was working as a locum. On that one occasion, he had formed the brief impression of a rather thin, tidy man about 5ft 9ins tall, with silvery blond hair cut short in the traditional style of ‘short back and sides’ and noticeably thinning in places. The receptionists had filled in the background information for James. Apparently, Charles was well known for wearing bow ties and blazers when at the surgery. This was seen as an affect amongst the rural community of Lincolnshire and tended to psychologically distance him from the local population. They claimed it was a reflection of him being born in Derbyshire, county rivalry not being confined to the standoff on the northern borders between Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire. His colleagues more readily attributed it to him attending St Mary’s Medical School in London, although as a London graduate himself, James had more traditionally associated medical students at Mary’s with rugby and beer rather than stylish dressing.

  For many years, up to the onset of his illness, Charles had been an active member of the Local Medical Committee and was thought to be heading for a career in medical politics. However, his wife, Susan, herself a local town counsellor, had vetoed any such move, recognising that it would have been too much of a strain on an already precarious marriage.

  It seemed, as the receptionists were most keen to relate to James, that Charles Hawkins had been in a dalliance with a local farmer’s wife soon after he arrived in the area. Nobody knew the facts and, to be fair, he was not married at the time. However, rumour had it that the farmer did not see it quite that way himself and for some years Dr Hawkins was most reluctant to venture into one particular village. Apparently, tractors on the road behind him still made him a little twitchy until he was able to clearly identify the driver.

  Such a local reputation had not prevented Susan, then a part-time tutor for adult evening classes, from readily agreeing to become Mrs Hawkins when he proposed to her on their second date. However, she subsequently had reason to regret her impulsiveness and disregard for history when he was caught having an affair with the practice manager of the local dental surgery about ten years ago. Following a brief separation, Susan allowed him back into the marital home, his leisure time now taken up with nothing more sinister than trout fishing at the local ponds, where his blue VW Golf could often be seen parked. All this James only heard from the practice staff. The partners were less forthcoming on such matters, preferring to restrict their discussion of Dr Hawkins to the details of his medical condition. It was Dr McGarva who had fully appraised James in this respect.

  Dr Hawkins had initially found a lump in his neck around about October the previous year. Thinking that it was nothing more than a viral infection, he had ignored it for a few months. By Christmas, it was evident that it was increasing in size and, urged by his colleagues, he consulted one of the local consultant physicians. A biopsy had shown the lump to be a lymphoma, a form of cancer of the lymph glands; subsequent tests revealed that the problem was more widespread, involving the glands in his chest and abdomen. He had therefore been subjected to a cours
e of chemotherapy resulting in his prolonged period of sick leave. Although recovery was hoped for, it was still too early to know for sure whether he would return to full-time practice.

  ‘Hiya, Dr Armstrong.’

  The female voice disturbed James from his reverie and he looked up to see a teenage girl pushing a double buggy, her long, flame-coloured hair shining in the afternoon sun. At her feet trotted a small white terrier on the end of an extendable lead. As the girl spoke, the terrier shot off towards the pond barking furiously at the mallards, which immediately took flight in a flurry of water. Seeking refuge on the opposite side of the water, they sat quacking indignantly at the excited dog.

  ‘I ’ope you’ve got plenty of sun cream on now?’ she continued with a big smile and a slightly mischievous expression.

  James laughed at the joke she was clearly having at his expense.

  ‘Hello, Rachel. I’m glad my efforts are not wasted.’

  ‘Na, I dun ev’rythink you told me to. I aren’t stupid, you know.’

  James glanced to the front of the buggy where her twin boys sat securely fastened. Each wore a frilly white cotton hat over their ginger hair, their noses showing the unmistakeable signs of a liberal application of sun cream. A small parasol gave them an extra degree of protection from the sun. He nodded approvingly. ‘Clearly not, Rachel. Well done. I wish everyone took as much care. You’re setting a good example to all your friends.’

  She smiled again, feeling pleased with herself. It was not often anyone gave her praise.

  ‘I’m just goin’ roun’ to me mate’s ’ouse to see ’er new babba.’

  With that, she pressed a button on the handle of the dog lead and hauled the recalcitrant terrier away from the pond.

  ‘See yer later, Dr Armstrong.’

  ‘Goodbye, Rachel; take care now.’

  Thoughtful, he watched as she disappeared around a rhododendron bush. It was episodes like that which gave him great pleasure. He had first met Rachel Preston two months previously when she had moved across to Bishopsworth from Hull (or ‘Ull’ as Rachel would say). At the age of seventeen, she was very young to have to cope with being the single parent of twins. However, she was a sensible girl who readily sought advice at the surgery when she was not sure what to do. Only yesterday, she had brought the ten-month-old boys to James, concerned that they might have an allergic rash. It was, in fact, a mild heat rash and he had taken the opportunity to impart some sound advice on the protection of her babies from the sun. It was rewarding to know that he had been listened to. Even more than that, it pleased him that she felt at ease to speak to him outside of the surgery and in such a casual manner despite their very different social positions. He strongly believed in treating every person as a human being of equal status and it was something he worked hard at, all the while remembering the words from Rudyard Kipling’s poem, ‘If’:

  ‘If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

  Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch…’

  Nevertheless, one thing still beset itself as a problem for him. He felt sure that it was going to be a long time before he got used to that Hull accent.

  Rachel Preston was registered as a patient of the third partner, Dr Richard Carey, a tall, slim Englishman, whose family were wealthy landowners somewhere in Shropshire. At the age of fifty-seven, and with his dark brown hair slicked back and styled to fall slightly over the collar, he still cut quite a dash with many of the local women.

  Having lived his early life on the borders between England and Wales, and then medically qualifying in Bristol, he continued to carry a west country burr to his voice. This blended well with his habitual dress of brown and green tweeds, the latter giving a clue to his great passion for horses, shooting and various other rural sports, his present favourite pastime being that of riding at Point-to-Point meetings.

  Known as ‘Rick’ by most of the practice staff, and as ‘Dr Rick’ by many of his patients, he had continued the trend within the practice for marital indiscretions by divorcing his wife several years ago. Subsequently, a series of women had in turn occupied the passenger seat of his silver Jaguar, where they sat and watched patiently as he participated in various equestrian events. Rumour had it that at present he was having an affair with one of the practice secretaries, whose husband was one of the dwindling band of merchant seamen operating out of the Port of Grimsby.

  James watched as a mallard drake flew in to land on the pond, leaving a wake that gently lapped at the lilies. From a distance, the sound of the bell from the church clock informed him that it was three o’clock. With another half an hour spare, his thoughts turned to the fourth and final partner in the medical practice.

  Dr Thomas Slater was a character all of his own. At fifty-four, he was the youngest of the four doctors and, being a Yorkshire man from a village just outside Harrogate, was the closest to being classed as a local; not that the historic families of Bishopsworth, Lincolnshire, would ever have considered a Yorkshire man as such; a matter that perfectly suited Dr Slater’s loyalty to the white rose of his county of birth.

  With the assured suspicion of northerners in respect to all things southern, he had travelled no further than Leeds for his medical training and then settled in Bishopsworth for no better reason than the pubs sold Theakston’s real ale and were well known for their folk bands.

  Short, slim and with wiry, grey hair, and a Yorkshire accent mixed with a fair smattering of colloquial jargon, he was renowned for his total lack of dress sense. In Dr Slater’s mind there was no problem in mixing brown jackets with blue trousers and black shoes; unless it was summer, when he preferred the sartorial elegance of rolled-up shirt sleeves and a tie worn loose at an open collar. It was not unusual to see him dressed in this way for a day at the surgery, then later in the evening be sighted in the same attire, sat on a barstool in a smoky pub playing his guitar in an amateur folk band, only then to reappear in the surgery the following day in exactly the same clothes. His down-to-earth attitude and great sense of humour endeared him to many of the local population and staff alike, and the fact that he was the only local doctor who still smoked gave him some dubious ‘street cred’ amongst many of the patients.

  Not being one to spend money, an old grey Volvo Estate was the only car he had ever owned, as he saw no point in changing it whilst it still started. Besides, he never travelled further than the Yorkshire Dales for his holidays. All in all, it was not surprising that his wife had divorced him some five years previously without any evidence of an extra-marital affair. His lifestyle was all the excuse she had needed.

  So, there it is, thought James; all he knew about the practice. He smiled. A more disparate and colourful bunch of doctors would perhaps be difficult to imagine. However, Drs McGarva, Hawkins, Carey and Slater seemed to work well together, even if each one was psychologically more of a single-handed practitioner working under the protective umbrella of a group practice.

  With that perceptive thought, he rose from Mrs Turpingdon’s bench and, leaving the ducks to paddle around the lilies as they attempted to fend off the advances of the amorous drake, wandered back into town to start his afternoon surgery.


  Barminster, East Yorkshire


  ‘There’s a vacancy in a practice in Boston.’

  ‘Where’s Boston?’

  ‘Lincolnshire. In the south, just above the Wash.’


  It was Saturday and, true to form for the tail end of an English summer, the rain was beating down as though someone had opened a floodgate in the sky. Barminster itself held no particular attractions for a day such as this. James and Janice were ensconced within their small living room; a seemingly cosy scene, giving the outward impression, albeit mistaken, of domestic bliss and marital harmony.

  Undeterred by Janice’s obvious lack of enthusiasm, James continued reading from the ‘situations vacant’ section of the British Medical Journal.

‘It says, “Full-time partner required for three-man dispensing practice in the market town of Boston, Lincolnshire, due to retirement of senior partner. The successful candidate will be eligible for the obstetric and paediatric registers and will preferably be a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners. Six-month mutual assessment. Parity in three years.” It’s available from 1st January 1991.’

  ‘What’s parity?’

  ‘For goodness’ sake, Janice, don’t you ever listen to me?’

  James’ voice gave way to his pent-up exasperation. He had already explained to Janice on several previous occasions this and various other details regarding how medical partnerships worked. He took a deep breath and tried again.

  ‘Most partnerships own their surgery buildings and many will have a dispensary. The value of the buildings and the dispensary stock taken together is the value of the practice, as the law does not allow NHS doctors to sell goodwill in their businesses. An incoming partner will usually buy a share of the value of the practice over a period of three years. As his share value increases, then so does his share of the profits until, usually after three years, he owns an equal share in the business and therefore receives an equal share of the profits. That is what is called parity.’

  ‘But you said you wanted to go to Yorkshire.’

  ‘I do. Nevertheless, I haven’t had much luck so far, have I? There’s no harm in looking elsewhere. As long as it is a rural practice or one based in a market town. There’s no way I want to be in a city practice. I just could not cope with that. I would be depressed within a few months and probably an alcoholic within a year!’

  James remembered vividly the premises of a city practice he had worked in as a locum for a few sessions some months previously, on days when he was not required in Bishopsworth. It was a single-handed practice in run-down shop premises next to a tattoo artist’s parlour in a slum area of Hull. There were no members of staff. Most of the patients were drug addicts or prostitutes, or both. James had been shocked to find that the medical instruments were appallingly dirty, with one particular cervical speculum (used for taking smear tests) looking as though it would be better used for planting bulbs in the garden. Exploring the absent doctor’s desk, he had found one drawer full of half-bottles of whisky, whilst a second drawer had a cache of polo mints, cigarettes and matches. If that was how an inner-city doctor ended up then, even with his enthusiasm for helping the less fortunate members of society, he wanted no part of it. He felt that he surely deserved something better after so many years of hard study and personal deprivation as a student.


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