Two Halves of a A Vampires Soul (The Silver Series)

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Two Halves of a A Vampires Soul (The Silver Series) Page 10

by Samantha Bates

  "Good evening Talia."

  "Not really." Her voice had reached a whole new high pitch. Talia had clenched her fists, and if he wasn’t mistaken there seemed to be a bruise healing around her right eye, interesting.

  "It is time to take control of this god forsaken City. That bitch who works here needs sacking, and I insist it occurs immediately. Did you know she consorts with wolves? That bastard Ben had the nerve to ban me from his awful club." Vlad looked to Ice and Shaun, their grins communicating to Vlad that no-one was harmed.

  "I take it that you went to Silvers. Can I assume you did not cause any harm to anyone there, I wouldn’t want to have to take action against you Talia."

  Her next words were almost screamed from her mouth, with spittle following.

  "Take action against me, I want you to take action against the wolves. One of them had the nerve to hit me." Vlad had to keep his laughter in check. Talia was now pacing his white rug, her heels stomping on the floor, hair swishing backwards and forwards.

  "Would you like to tell me what happened? I am surprised at your statement; one of the wolves just walked up to you and hit you."

  "What does it matter?" Looking at his men he waited to be given the cliff notes, Shaun helped him out.

  "She went to Silvers and started doing whatever it is she does, people were starting to crowd her, and become aggressive. Beth handled it and banned Talia from Silvers. Anyway Talia saw Ben and started flirting with him, Lucky was there. Well I guess I don’t need to say anymore."

  "So Vlad what are you going to do, it must be a method to antagonize you and flaunt their power, I insist you take immediate action."

  He pondered this for a minute which gave him valuable time to swallow his amusement.

  "I agree, however we will do this within the arms of the law." He left the room to make a brief phone call. Within ten minutes there was a knock at the door, his guests found Talia continuing her rant in the lounge room. Albert brought in their guests.

  "Talia I would like to introduce you to Darius and Mitch, police officers in the Paranormal Task Force. I have asked them visit you, in relation to making an official complaint against your attacker."

  He watched Talia's broad grin. "That's good Vlad; I knew you would want to make a stand against the wolves. Yes, I want this woman prosecuted. She savagely attacked me with at least twenty people looking on, and none of them helped me. I want them all prosecuted."

  Vlad noted that she didn’t even look at them, other than a cursory glance before returning her gaze to Mitch. Vlad himself had never had a lot of involvement with Mitch, as a warrior to the gods he seemed to have this golden aura around him, which made Vlad uncomfortable. He had no doubt that his sins would not be carrying him anywhere decent, not when he moved on from this life. Although over the past few centuries, he had done everything in his power to make up for those sins.

  Mitch sat back and let Darius take the lead; he had to admit that Darius was taking it particularly seriously to start with. He asked the usual questions, where, when, what happened, listening to Talia's account before proceeding.

  "So Talia, do you know exactly who violently attacked you?" Vlad listened to the slight hitch in her voice, giving rise to impending tears. Vlad knew how talented an actress Talia was.

  "Well this is the problem; I don’t even know her although Vlad's men do. They referred to her as Lucky. They will probably know her surname."

  "Don’t worry I think we will be able to find out." Mitch left the room and Vlad could hear him on the phone. When he returned Mitch waited until his cell beeped, he lifted his cell to Talia.

  "I am about to open a link, which will give me CCTV footage from inside Silver nightclub tonight." Vlad stood behind Mitch watching the footage. He was amazed to see the effect Beth seemed to have on the crowd. This amused and concerned him, for several reasons. He had never seen anyone reduce Talia's powers of seduction although it sounded good, it also worried him, if she thought of Beth as a risk to her Talia would have to act.

  It was the clubs wards that truly shocked him, like him Talia seemed able to penetrate the clubs wards, which were supposed to prevent magic being used in the club. And then he watched as Lucky socked Talia, and his respect for Lucky amplified. His eyes kept coming back to Beth, she looked so strong and proud, surrounded by people who loved and cared for her. With a sigh he realised that he couldn’t take that away from her, he needed to stop this lunacy that kept forcing them together.

  Mitch cleared his throat. "What is clear here Talia, is that yes Lucky hit you. However, what is also evident is your manipulation of others in a public place. Lucky's actions could be considered an attempt on her part, to protect those around her."

  "Don’t be ridiculous if she was concerned, she should have called you people. That’s your job right." Her voice had risen to shrieking at a whole new level; one that Vlad was not sure had existed before tonight.

  "You are correct that is our job, but it is also Lucky's job as a member of the Paranormal Task Force. I have requested a full report from Lucky, at which time we will make a decision on whether you will be prosecuted for your crimes."

  As Mitch and Darius stood, he watched the complete disbelief on Talia's face. "Wait a minute this is a disgrace, am I the only one who can see that the wolves are taking over. Shit why don’t you just hand them everything, live with them, eat with them, and give them the city."

  "Hey don’t be encouraging people to live with the wolves, that’s my sanctuary." Darius used a light tone, but Vlad knew where he stood.

  As a vampire, he had been living with the wolves since arriving in New York, more than two centuries ago. Although Darius was over eight hundred years old and a strong vampire in his own right, he had never made any moves to challenge him, preferring instead to ally himself with the wolves. Since that time, Vlad and he had built a friendship although he knew that Darius' loyalty was to the wolves. Looking on at Talia, he watched the change in her going from an angry, pacing woman, to a sad and wronged woman. Ah it was time to try the sympathy card. Turning these emotions to Mitch, she looked pleadingly at him, moving closer to him. He could see her using her seduction on him, and waited to see the outcome.

  "Look, I understand this must be hard to hear these things about a friend yet I have to say it, that Lucky is truly aggressive. I am sure you want to see justice for a woman, one who is never going to be stronger than a man, please help me."

  Not knowing an awful lot about Warriors for the gods, Vlad wasn’t sure how effective this would be, although immediately he was pleased to see it wasn’t.

  "You do realise, that you have now committed a further crime by trying to influence an officer of the law. It will not work, and if you plan on remaining in New York I would make yourself familiar with our laws. Vlad we are going to leave, thank you for inviting us into your home. From what Darius tells me, he didn’t even know you had a front door."

  Laughing Vlad agreed. When Darius had arrived in the City, he had to take action to make it clear that he was strong enough to take Vlad on without Vlad assuming that he wanted to challenge him. Darius was clever; instead he had used his gifts to break into Vlad's home more as a display of his own powers. Since the first successful attempt, Darius had continued to find various routes to get in and out of Vlads home. Vlad wasn’t too concerned, although Darius would be an impressive adversary Vlad was confident that he could destroy him if he had to. He hoped he never had to.

  As soon as the men left he made his excuses and went to bed. The exhaustion was immense, but tonight he felt somewhat sick. After spending some time in his bathroom dry heaving he literally crawled into bed. Vlad found the glass of blood Albert had left by the bed drinking it all before closing his eyes. Cursing at the buzzing of his cell phone he flipped open the message before closing and opening his eyes again, his blood bubbling in shock. There she was on Vlad's screen, clad only in the smallest black lace panties, no bra or stockings.

  Looking at
her face, he could see she was slightly inebriated yet it did not detract from her beauty, she was truly a lovely creature. Her body, firm and lush, he wanted to look for longer, but the wave of dizziness that hit Vlad this time left him weak, and reeling. With no choice he closed his eyes again. This time his dreams found Beth in Silver's dancing, wearing only the panties, her bright eyes beckoning him to join her, before the image faded.

  Chapter 17

  Peeping open her eyes, the glare of the sun sent spasms through her head. Sliding the covers over her head, she burrowed deeper into her bed hiding from the sunlight, similar to a bat. Movement made the nausea increase so she tried to stay still. The dry, fuzzy mouth and spinning head informed Beth that she was well and truly hung over, again. Although reassured that she was not quite dying, she tried to go back to sleep, unsuccessfully. Slowly she managed to get into a sitting position before venturing to standing; her eyes still closed, and stomach still churning.

  The smell of bacon wafted up through the house, the rumbling of her stomach informed her that the hunger had kicked in. By the time she had eaten and drank what seemed to be at least two gallons of water, Beth was starting to feel human again. Her mom somehow managed as usual to be her bright, perky self. Well until her brothers raced through the house screaming, and then she also winced. With nothing on her 'to do' list, Beth bribed Oliver to fetch her duvet so she could flake out, and have a movie day.

  Albert entered the room slightly concerned, Vlad was generally in his office by this time and the evening staff meeting was due to start shortly yet sir had not left his room. He had a dreadful feeling, one that had been creeping up on him for weeks. Sir had been unwell for almost two weeks now, and despite his reassurances Albert knew his master well. He knew something was not right. The heavy curtains were still drawn, even though the shutters had been lifted when dusk settled. Feeling his way through the room, he flicked the switch on the bedside lamp only to find Vlad still sleeping.

  Panic flooded Albert's body, feeling his way along Vlad's neck Albert finally found a light pulse, an incredibly light pulse. Gently nudging Vlad before moving to pushing him, he rapidly left the room his own heart beating so fast, that he thought it might run out of his chest.

  Checking he was alone in the corridor, he ran to master Ice's room gently knocking and letting himself in with the keys. As usual he found this room immaculate, and sparse.

  "Albert what the hell, what's wrong." Albert took a breath.

  "Sir, he won't wake up. He is alive but terribly ill. I can't wake him, I have tried, and I can't." Ice paled yet acted with haste, as he rapidly pulled him from the room taking the same route back. At one point Ice pulled him to a halt; initially Albert was unsure why Ice insisted on discussing the night patrols in the long corridor, until Talia came round the corner.

  "What a delightful evening gentlemen. Ice I was thinking we might go out in a while after I have discussed last night with Vlad, I am determined to change his mind about those damned wolves."

  A thought occurred to Albert, this was her, she had done this. Sir had been well before she arrived. Vampires didn’t get sick, all of his anger and resentment at this cruel, manipulative woman rose to the surface. He had been carrying a stake in his pocket since she arrived, if he was quick enough maybe he would be able to kill her first. He knew she would be too fast, and would kill him. If he took her out, it would be worth it. Louisa would understand and forgive him for leaving her.

  Taking a step forward preparing himself, until Ice stepped in front of him. Damn Albert tried to manoeuvre around him, yet Ice kept shifting with him.

  "Ah, Vlad has requested I send his apologises he, uh is otherwise engaged this evening. Unfortunately he has requested my presence elsewhere. However, Shaun and Imogen will be more than happy to take you out this evening."

  "Otherwise engaged, but how can that be? I can feel his presence here in the house."

  Albert had known this wouldn’t work, she would know if Vlad was in the house. "You are indeed correct Talia. Vlad is preparing himself for a very special guest and is expecting to be engaged for some time. I am sure you understand my meaning." The insinuation was enormous, and not lost on Talia. Albert had to admire the man's ability to think on his feet.

  "Surely not, Vlad does not like to have females inside his inner sanctuary. Even I know this."

  It was then that Albert spoke without thinking and could have staked himself with the error. "Ah but with the mistress, it is different."

  She looked down her nose at him as she always did, considering him insignificant nothing but food.

  "Mistress." The tone in her voice, was as heavy as lead.

  "Mistress Beth of course, Imogen is escorting her." With that he walked away toward Sirs room.

  Ice followed, and he too was unable to rouse him. Whilst Ice made a phone call to Ben to enlist May's help, Albert made one of his own. One he did not want to make.

  "Mistress it is Albert."

  "Evening Albert, how are you? I don’t suppose you know a good hang over remedy?"

  "I do mistress and I will have it waiting for you."

  "Does that mean that the she bitch has left?" He hated to hurt Beth, he had grown terribly fond of her and the excitement in her voice was almost too much for him.

  "I wish that were the case. No I am sorry, but Sir has taken ill and I need…he needs…" It was then that Ice took the phone from him, speaking in a hushed tone while Albert pulled a chair sitting next to his master. One he had willingly followed for a long time, a master his family had served for centuries.

  Chapter 18

  After hanging up the phone, she raced upstairs and flung on some clothes just as Imogen arrived.

  "Right I am ready, let's go." Her mom, Ben and Theo, were already there waiting and Darius was just coming in the door.

  "Wait a minute Beth, we have a plan." Ben called her as she readied to leave.

  "Great update me on the way." She grabbed her bag, and turned to find May at the door with her medical bag.

  It was Ben who stopped her, again. "You are going to go in with Imogen and Darius, Darius is going to stay at Vlad's until he is on his feet again."


  "This illness doesn’t make any sense, it has something to do with Talia; Darius is the strongest vampire in New York, after Vlad. She hasn't met Philippe his brother either. As brothers, Darius and Philippe are stronger together. So Philippe is going to make a little unannounced visit. Darius is going to say that he is acting for Vlad while he is…Actually what are they going to tell her about his absence."

  Beth was not going to say that she was the decoy, the one that was going to keep Vlad busy in his bed room. Ben would throw a hissy fit over that.

  "Ice has taken care of that." Thankfully he asked nothing more. She could tell he was worried about his friend.

  Ben nodded and then continued. "Darius is going to go use some of his discreet unknown entrances into Vlads, this way it looks as if he has been there for some time. He is going to sneak May in that way so she can examine him. Beth please listen, Talia is dangerous. Ice said that he would like you there, it will project a sense of normality, but I do not want you to put yourself in danger. My instinct is to come with you, but that would tip her off to a problem, and quite frankly I would rip her throat out. Talia would also sense me in the house, so I have to remain here. Ice has assured me that you will be protected, and I will have to trust that, but please be careful." Her mom was stood behind him nodding in agreement. Hugs all round, and then they left.

  It took about fifteen minutes to get to Vlads, but it had to be the longest fifteen minutes of her life. When they arrived, she went to jump out of the car only stopping when Imogen grabbed her.

  "You are here to spend time with Vlad is his bed room. Running in as if a ghost is chasing you, is not portraying that, slow down. Can I just say something; I do not like omitting the truth from Ben, so make sure you are safe? I have seen the way you look at him Be
th. It isn’t my place to say anything, but make sure you know what you are getting into. The consequences of what I think you are going to do, will be far reaching."

  Taking Imogen's advice she patted her hair, wishing she had taken the time to look the part, never mind. Smiling she stepped out of the car, head held high she entered the house to find Ice waiting for her.

  "This way." They went to leave the entrance stopping when Talia came down the stairs.

  "Hello again Beth, I must say you look slightly worse than last night. It's surprising how much better a little makeup can make someone look." That Talia was a bitch was the main thought running through Beth's head.

  "I am sure you won't understand Talia, but having a vampire teleport into my bed in the early hours of the morning is exhausting. I imagine that by the time morning comes again; I will look as exhausted as you." With that, she sauntered to Vlad's room escorted by Ice who was chuckling.

  As soon as the door closed behind her, she ran to the bed. Albert was sat next to it waiting for Vlad to wake. Beth pushed and shoved Vlad still he wouldn’t wake. He looked peaceful, peaceful and dead. Just the thought sent chills through her body. Eventually, when she realised he wasn’t going to wake the tears slid down Beth's face.

  Albert moved and came to rest a hand on her shoulder, he didn’t say anything, he didn’t need to. It was Ice who broke the silence.

  "May and Darius are here, I will bring them through." He moved to the side wall taking the air conditioner remote control, he pushed a button.

  Beth looked on in amazement as the wall moved opening up to a staircase. Before he left the room, Ice turned to address Beth.

  "You are now seeing the inner chambers of this house. If you betray him, I will kill you." She didn’t answer, this time it was she who didn’t need to. The wall closed, only to open a few minutes later. May was somewhat bewildered and a little dusty, but otherwise safe. Darius moved to touch Vlad, apprehension etched on his face, but May stopped him. "Wait let me look."


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