Two Halves of a A Vampires Soul (The Silver Series)

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Two Halves of a A Vampires Soul (The Silver Series) Page 25

by Samantha Bates

  Until she stood next to him on the cross trainer, and watched him. He didn’t need this shit; he left without even acknowledging Talia. He just wanted Beth home; it didn’t matter where she had been. He just wanted to make it up to her, to start anew. Less than thirty minutes later, he wasn’t so sure that he did.

  Beth was tired and a little grouchy; she had carefully reapplied her make up after hours of flying. Even being in a private jet had not helped settle her, she was dreading seeing Vlad. Imogen had even arranged to head straight home, as soon as she knew everything at Vlads house was okay. God her heart was hammering as they pulled up to the gates. At the locked gates, Imogen identified it to be Beth, and they opened.

  Edwardo was staring at the immense house. "I see the grumpy one has style."

  She didn’t answer, she couldn’t. Albert was waiting at the door for her.

  "Mistress how lovely to….." He had clocked Edwardo. As Beth leaned down to kiss him, he whispered in her ear. "Is Master going to be displeased?"

  "Very much so Albert you might want to go home."

  "I do not think so; I will remain until I see you well."

  With a sigh, she entered the house to see Ice coming out of Vlads office.

  "Vlad you can stop pacing she is in the hall." Beth waited with bated breath, Ice saw Edwardo first.

  "Oh shit, you didn’t. You did, fuck."

  Vlad emerged his long hair flowing down his shoulders, his eyes as wide as saucers. The frosty reception didn’t come; he grabbed her in a bear hug, kissing her cheek.

  "Beth I am so relieved. I have missed you so……"

  Beth didn’t need to look, to know Edwardo was behind her.

  "Who the hell is that? What the hell have you done now?" His tone was no longer light or affectionate. She didn’t know what to say.

  "Please listen….." She thought about making excuses, breaking it gently. None would help so she ignored band aid route, and dropped it bluntly.

  "Vlad this is…Edwardo."

  Talia walked into the hallway at that exact moment.

  "What an earth is all of this commotion. Oh you are back then, where the hell have you been? Well it doesn’t matter, I have to say I……"

  "Good evening Talia, Beth has been to see me." Talia's mouth could have caught flies, it dropped open that much.

  Bending to kiss her cheek Vlad whispered, none too nicely. "You brought him here."

  It was Edwardo who answered for her. "Why of course she did, I have to say you are a lucky man. Had she not been so taken with you, I may have made a play for her? Alas I have no chance but not to worry, I have come to reclaim what is mine."

  Beth watched Talia blanch. "I ah...I... would you like a drink?"

  "That sounds wonderful; we have had such a long journey. Vlad maybe we could talk a while. I am sure your lovely lady would like some time to freshen up."

  Edwardo followed when Vlad moved into the mourning room. Beth grabbed the bag that had not yet been taken up to her room and raced away. Her hands were shaking as she jumped in the shower, taking a breath she hurried out. Not sure why she was hurrying, Beth was thinking about running home to her mom and hiding from Vlad when she left the bathroom.

  Running was not an option when she saw Vlad sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her. "Would you care to explain, what the hell you have done?"

  "Not really."

  "Try again." She was trying not to show any flesh, as she dressed.

  "I don’t know what to say, I thought I was doing the right thing. If we could get rid of her then maybe we had a chance."

  "And this is how you do it? You go behind my back yet again and think this will help." His voice was deathly calm, hers was certainly not.

  "You bastard, I was trying to help. I am always trying to help and you…Well you never take it how it is meant. How the hell are we meant to make this work, when you will not even give it a chance?

  Vlad's tone was laced with sarcasm as he answered. "How the hell indeed? Why I thought we could start anew, I don’t bloody know?" She was tired and becoming just a little angry. Beth had just slipped a loose top over her head, grabbing her hair brush as she closed in on Vlad.

  “I will tell you why, because this was meant to be. You and I were meant to be, but you just won't believe it. Think about it Vlad, if you are not meant to be bonded to a person, the bonding does not work. I am your destiny; whether you like it or not, no longer will I try to make you happy. Work it out for yourself but this might help.” Sliding the signet ring from the tie around her neck, she flung it at him. “Oh and Vald darling, fuck you; I will not let you do this to me anymore."

  And with her head held high she walked out of the room down the winding stair case and through the door. Taking a deep breath she walked to the bottom of the long, winding driveway. Imogen met her in the car.

  "Need a lift?"

  Nodding she asked Imogen. "Can you take me home please, to my apartment?"

  Chapte r 43

  Vlad sat on the bed staring at what should be impossible. He had not seen this ring for centuries, the last time had been when he took his friend, his mentor to meet the sun. What he could not grasp was how Beth had it in her possession.

  He was not quite sure what had happened. He wanted her to come back, she didn’t. Heading down the stairs, with the intention of following her Vlad was stopped by Edwardo.

  "Where is she?"

  "She just came down here and left. I need to go after her, please take Talia with you when you leave."

  Edwardo looked at him. "It is Talia who has gone."

  For god's sake he didn’t need this. Ice and Shaun returned to the entrance. "She's definitely gone. Shit we need to find her. You do know that she will go after Beth don’t you?"

  Vlad had no doubt. "Send patrols looking for her." Closing his eyes he pictured Talia, but he never moved from his house. Vlad couldn’t sense her anywhere just like with Beth, maybe the poison had dulled his abilities.

  Chapter 44

  As Beth climbed the stairs into her apartment, she felt as though the air was being squeezed out of her lungs. Closing the door behind her, she could no longer hold it together. Leaning against the door she slid to the floor letting the tears run freely. Imogen had wanted to stay with her but right now Beth could not be around other people. She needed to be on her own; eventually Imogen had understood this and finally left.

  Not sure how long she sat there, she cried until there was nothing left. Climbing into her bed, she lay there, staring at the walls when she was roused from her maudlin state by the knock at her door. Beth saw a pizza through the spy hole.

  "You have the wrong address."

  "Hawiian Pizza, medium with garlic bread."

  "I didn’t order anything."

  "Um, well it was paid for over the phone. I will just leave it here." Beth grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and looked out of the spy glass again. She could just see the pizza on the floor. Unlatching the door, she picked up the pizza intending to put it in the trash. The corridor was empty or so she thought, until she was propelled backwards. Her head hit the wall with a crack.

  "What the fuck did you do?" Blinking back stars, she was facing Talia and had never seen such hatred on anyone's face. It was slightly frightening to see the mania of a mad woman. Spittle was forming at her mouth; her eyes had turned black, tinged with red. Looking for a way to save herself, Beth did something she hated doing, slamming her head down she head butted Talia. IT gave her just a split second to move when Talia stepped back. Beth had just made it to the door when Talia grabbed her by the hair, propelling her backwards.

  Grabbing an umbrella off of the back of the door she forced it backwards, connecting with flesh. Unfortunately it was not hard enough, though Talia grunted she didn’t let go. Instead she used her hair as a propeller and slammed Beth into the wall. Although dazed, her adrenaline was running high, as Talia advanced on her, Beth lifted her foot and kicked out at Talia, this time she fell back
wards. Knowing that Talia was far stronger than her, she made to run but Talia was on her.

  Beth didn’t see the stake in Talia's hand until it was too late. She slammed it into Beth, pushing upwards. Beth kicked out as the pain pierced her chest. The heat of the pain was searing through her, before her body went cold, ice cold. Placing her hand on her chest she could feel blood trickling. Talia let her go with a smile on her face.

  "You smell wonderful." Beth watched as Talia's incisors elongated. "Just think Beth, the last face you will see will be mine, as I drain you dry."

  Beth could feel her head spin; she was losing too much blood. Talia dropped the stake in glee as she became excited by the blood. Beth slid to the floor pulling the necklace off as she dropped, this was her last chance, maybe without the necklace blocking him Vlad would get there in time. Talia was descending on her, as her eyes fluttered and closed. Maybe this was what Xin meant by her being Vlad's destiny. Maybe it was her time to go, but there were so many things she wanted to do. So many places she wanted to go. So many things were left unsaid.

  Chapter 45

  Vlad had been everywhere he could think of, he went to the pack, Silver's Club, he even found Celia in a café who hadn’t heard from Beth, he even went to the idiot Alans place.

  And then it happened, he fixed on Beth and arrived at her apartment. The last place he would have thought of, she had not returned here at all since he had met her. The scene that greeted him was one that would haunt him forever.

  Beth on the floor, Talia bent over her. Grabbing Talia by the hair, he slammed her against a wall. Making the most of her momentary shock, he dropped to Beth feeling for her pulse. Before he had the chance to find one, Talia jumped onto his back screaming.

  Vlad stood with a roar, pushing them both back against the wall. As Talia's head hit the wall, he moved away, his only thought was to save Beth. Talia had no intention of allowing that, closing his eyes he pictured her brain expanding in agony. Talia dropped to the floor near Beth, writhing in pain as Edwardo burst through the door with Ice. Behind them they were dragging Talia's goons, who had clearly been on the wrong end of a beating.

  Vlad saw none of them, he only saw Beth groan with pain. His hand was over her chest trying to stem the blood as he went to teleport them out of the room. When her eyes opened as though waking from a dream, a sleepy smile met him.

  "Sh, my Sohl-neesh-kah."

  He went to lift her, she pushed him back. Lifting her hand, she leaned forward onto her knees before plunging the stake into Talia's unmoving but alive form.

  "Now the bitch is dead." It seemed that the last of her energy seeped from her, Beth fell backwards. Vlad caught her with tears forming in his eyes; he needed to get her help and fast. He wouldn’t lose her, damn the gods to hell, he would not lose the other half of his soul, for he now understood that she was indeed the other half of his soul.

  Chapter 46

  Vlad paced outside of the hospital room, he had been waiting for some time now. Beth was going to be fine and he knew that, he could hear and feel her heart beating. But she wouldn’t see him; Ice had been to get Ben and Lucky because he wouldn’t leave the hospital until he knew that she was safe.

  When they arrived she was unconscious, doctors operated on her immediately repairing her punctured lung, and stitching her bleeding body back together. After waiting hours while she recovered enough to wake, he had been devastated when she asked him to leave. He had respected her wishes and left the room but not the hospital. He was waiting for Ben's wrath, and he would take it. That had been two days ago and they were all waiting for her, Vlad knew she could be discharged today, but only because May had done some talking to the doctors.

  Edwardo was still in his house and Talia was gone. But he didn’t care; it was killing him that he had let Beth get hurt.

  Beth's eyes lifted, her head heavy from the pain killers. Surprised to see her mom and Ben she was more surprised to hear that Vlad had brought them. Beth knew he was outside, she could feel his anguish. Looking down at her chest she saw the neat stitches and her sister May sat waiting with her charts and medical bag. May kissed her head; Ellie was at the door keeping guard.

  "Only twenty two stitches. Keep them dry and try not to move too quickly."

  She could see Ben waiting. "What happened Blondie?" His use of the nickname raised a smile, a small one.

  "It doesn’t matter Ben."

  "It damned well does." His voice was hard, but the fear was in his eyes.

  As the tears slid down her face, her heart felt as if it was breaking. She knew what she had to do.

  "Ben, please leave it and take me home." Their faces displayed their own shock. Neither said anything as she went to stand, Ben stopped her and lifted her in his arms.

  Opening the door she saw him, waiting. She looked him straight in the eyes. "Please go Vlad, I am fine."

  "Come home with me Beth."

  Ben growled at him, she could feel his arms flexing under her. "No Vlad, I am going home with my family and people who trust and care for me."

  With that Ben carried her out, with Lucky following.

  At the moment that he left, she felt the pain slicing through her heart. This time she was able to identify it, it was Vlads pain.

  Chapter 47

  It had been two weeks since she had left the hospital, and the pain hadn’t decreased. Every day she received a present from him. Every day he called her numerous times. She never accepted the gifts, or the phone calls. Albert visited her daily and had even brought Louisa with him on one occasion. So much was happening; Claire had gone on holiday with her friends. Ellie was back, although she spent her days skulking around; trying to find out about something that no-one else knew about.

  For some reason Ben was quite calm; he didn’t seem to want revenge on Vlad. Her mom was fussing around her all of the time, even her brothers were meant to be quiet around her. Beth needed the peace, for some reason she was plagued with nausea. She thought that maybe the pain killers were upsetting her stomach. Until today it hadn’t occurred to her to check, until today. Now that she had, her world had turned upside down. She had a lot to think through and research. Taking May's books, she looked for the information she required, not sure how after such a terrible injury she had managed to protect it. That afternoon she took a little trip to confirm her suspicions.

  By the next morning she knew what she was going to do. No-one would take this away from her; it was time to take control of her life. To do that she would need to speak to Vlad.

  Chapter 48

  Claire was sleeping when he arrived, it wasn’t a healthy sleep. She was crying and agitated; gently nudging her shoulder she awakened. For the past few weeks she had been in, and out of consciousness. Ice had been in to sing her to sleep on many occasions, and it seemed to help her. Tonight she seemed much more lucid. "Has she listened to you yet?" Somehow he had been pouring his heart out to Claire, sometimes she wasn’t conscious on other occasions she became a fountain of knowledge.

  His heart was heavy as he gave her the same answer that he gave her everyday. "No."

  "Vlad you haven’t lost her, you just need to show her that you do actually love her." He looked at this sick woman, who seemed to know everything; she knew exactly what to say.

  "How, I don’t know…."

  "Yes you do. I have felt it every time you have been here."

  "Claire, you do realise that you are an incredibly strong empath don’t you. I have seen your mother in action, but getting to know you has shown me that you even eclipse her."

  "No mom is the stronger one. She always has been." Denial was strong in her voice, denial and fear.

  "Claire it would make sense being overwhelmed by groups of people, having all of these emotions running around you. Your mom I know has struggled with these things but not to the same extent. It isn’t because you are weaker than her; it is because your gift is stronger than hers." Claire was peering thoughtfully at him.

lad you need to go and find Beth make her yours once and for all."

  Chapter 49

  Beth felt drained emotionally and physically, as well as sick to her stomach. This evening she had made the phone call, he would be here soon. She wasn’t sure she could face him. Her trip had confirmed her fears. Vlad teleported into the room devoid of everyone but Beth, it was the quietest he had ever seen the house.

  "Beth come home please." Even she could hear the plea in his voice.

  "I am home." The voice was but a whisper one that he heard.

  Moving towards her, he dropped to his knees so that he could look at her face. "Beth I was wrong so very wrong. I was stupid and mistrustful."

  "No Vlad you were honest." He shook his head in denial.

  "I wasn’t, I was scared. The only other woman I have ever had feelings for was Talia. And look what a monster she turned out to be. I was too much of a coward to let anyone I cared about close. But when I look at you, I see this wonderful, sexy, young woman; you have so much to offer. And me, well I am old and have many enemies. I was so scared that I would destroy your life. I was scared to let you in; I knew that if I did, I would never let you go. But it's too late…." Beth wiped her eyes and looked at this man, the man who had come to mean everything to her.

  "Why is it too late?" Vlad lifted his hand to her face and stroked the porcelain, soft skin. "It's too late to let you go, it was too late the day I met you. You have shown me so much love and loyalty; I am a stupid old fool. Everything you have done has been done through the love that shines through you; I was too blind to see it. Beth, you need to know that you are mine, and I will not let you go again, whether you like it or not. I have forever to convince you, and I will."

  She wasn’t sure what he was saying, the words were going through her although not making sense. All she could see was his stony grey eyes, that kissable mouth and the anxiety on his face. Vlad could see her confusion; still on his knees he slipped his hand into his suit jacket, and pulled out a black leather box. Her eyes widened in surprise.


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