The Space Merchants

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The Space Merchants Page 19

by Wendie Nordgren

"Sweet wife, you do not need permission. It is kind of you, though, to let me know where I can direct my thoughts of you." Yukihyo rose and took my hand, kissing my palm. Color appeared in my cheeks.

  "That was a sweet thing to say."

  "Teagan, please do not distract my brother. I think he wishes to stay here, alone with you, but we have work to do. Please be back on board before nightfall."

  "Yes, sir, Captain Hiroshi," I said. He smirked and grunted at me.

  "Poor, Yukihyo. He's being torn from the arms of his beloved and forced to load up soaps and shampoos," Phillip drawled.

  I got my blaster and Thunderdrop and then drove away from Tora in my brand new land transport. I drove my beautiful new transport, while cushioned in my comfortable blue seat, and parked it in front of Felicia's shop. As I got out, Felicia was standing in front of her door. "Wow, Teagan! That is a lovely transport."

  I raised my eyebrows at her and asked, "Do you want to go for a ride?" Felicia glanced around the sidewalk for customers and then closed her door.

  "Yes! Just around the block, though." We both got in and I drove us slowly around the block. "Is this Phillip's?" Felicia asked.

  I smiled at her, "No, it's mine." I parked back in front of her store and powered down before telling her my news. "My husband gave it to me."

  "Husband?" Felicia asked with sparkling eyes.

  "Yes, that aquamarine dress that you sold me had magical powers," I said laughing. Entering her store, I showed her my wedding ring and told her about Yukihyo's proposal, our marriage at the Singing Rocks, and thanked her for the directions to the Lake of Mist where we had spent our first day together as husband and wife.

  Hugging me Felicia said, "It is so romantic! You seem so very happy that I am happy, too!"

  "How are things with Soren?" She filled me in on the details.

  "I'm glad we are both happy and don't worry, he hasn't made you gain any weight with all of his cooking. I would tell you." We laughed, and Felicia made us tea.

  "Tell me how your venture went on Malta," she said. I told her everything that had happened with Mr. Gregory.

  "If he buys my merchandise, could I purchase my next supply of clothing from you in smalls and mediums? Hopefully, we will stay on Malta long enough for me to see what sells first, if all goes according to plan."

  "Yes! I will begin putting things together and when next you are here, we shall select all that you wish to take. It helps me make money, you make a profit, Mr. Gregory makes a profit, and the ladies of Malta are happy. It works for all of us. Very good!" Felicia and I said our goodbyes and hugged. Then, Thunderdrop and I drove to the store that sold shampoos and soaps. I purchased a few shampoos, brushes, and one set of the curlers used at the baths. In the next store, we bought more hangers and some pretty bowls that matched them. I thought they could hold the hair accessories. As we put the last of our purchases into the back of my transport, Thunderdrop began chittering.

  "What is it?" I looked around while closing the door. He hopped from my shoulder to the flowered trellis. Thunderdrop climbed upside down until he reached a spot right above a toy store's door. He chittered at me. "Okay, seriously? You want to go into a toy store? You can pick out two things because you are such a very good boy, but then we are going home. My bonuses are just about gone." I walked slowly through the store's door. Thunderdrop dropped to my shoulder. Once we were inside, he began to crawl around and examine everything, blinking at items curiously. He jumped into a basket of colorful balls. He chittered at me. I giggled at him. "You want a ball to play with? That's so cute! Which one do you want, baby?" A shopkeeper approached me as I bent over the basket.

  "May I help you find a toy for your child, ma'am?"

  "I think he wants a ball," I said. When I straightened back up, and the shopkeeper saw my baby, she jumped and clutched her chest.

  "What is that?" she asked in a somewhat controlled manner.

  "He is an Arachnean Silk spider of the best breeding, and he would like this striped ball, please. I promised him two toys, though." She took the ball behind the counter and stayed there. I rubbed Thunderdrop's back. "Don't be upset. I was afraid of you when we first met, too. And, I'm sorry for the bad things I said that day. I hope you can forgive me." I got a chirp for an answer. The new sound was similar to my morning alarm. Thunderdrop's second selection was a princess wand with streamers and sparkles. We paid and left which earned us a sigh of relief from the shopkeeper. I put Thunderdrop's bag in the passenger seat next to me. He crawled inside of it, poked his head up from the bag, and chirped. I giggled. "Aww, that was so cute. Yes, it was!"

  We made it back home and waved to Yukihyo, who flashed a brilliant smile my way. I picked up the bag that my spider sat in and the other bags from the back. All of it made it up to the room next to mine in one trip. I carried the bag from the toy store into my quarters. "Do you want me to get your toys out and put them on the floor?" Thunderdrop made his new chirp sound and crawled out of the bag. I pulled out the ball and placed it before him. Then, I pulled out his princess wand, carefully spreading out the streamers and sparkles. He touched each streamer with the tip of each of his claws very slowly. He looked at me and blinked. I sat on the floor near him. Thunderdrop crawled up to my neck and wrapped himself around my throat. I realized what was happening.

  "Oh my goodness, Thunderdrop. You're hugging me to say thank you." I petted his back. "You did this when I was sad, too." I teared up. "Careful, I may start thinking you really love me." He chirped. A few happy tears fell down my cheeks. This is the moment when Yukihyo decided to walk through my door. He froze for a second and then rushed forward wrapping me in his arms.

  "My love! What has happened? Are you hurt?" I started laughing. He pulled back and examined me.

  "No, these are happy tears. I just realized Thunderdrop loves me. Look! He's hugging me. This is how he hugs. And he's smart! I swear he picked these two toys out himself. I told him he could have two toys, and he chirped on these two. Do you think I'm crazy?" Yukihyo raised an eyebrow at me.

  "Maybe you should do some reading about Arachnean silk spiders, lady wife." He stroked Thunderdrop's back. "He is a very good boy," Yukihyo said. "Did your trip go well?" he asked.

  "Yes, we had a lovely visit with Felicia. He still hides from her in my hair, though. If everything goes well with Mr. Gregory, I'll buy from Felicia on the next trip. Can I ask you something?"


  "Okay, so I invested my bonus in things for Mr. Gregory's store. I have spent three thousand and one hundred credits, not counting today. I thought that I would add a thousand and five hundred credits to that amount and sell Mr. Gregory everything for four thousand and six hundred credits. What do you think?" He smiled and kissed my nose.

  "I think it is a very fair deal and will generate good will between the two of you and foster future business."

  "Really? You think so?" Pleased that I hadn't screwed up, I kissed him on the nose back. Thunderdrop chirped and let go of my neck to crawl down and play with his ball. He touched it with one of his legs, and it moved an inch. He moved closer to the ball and pushed it again. Thunderdrop repeated the action over and over, completely enthralled. Each time he looked up at me and blinked. I smiled at him and said, "You are such a good, smart boy! I'm so proud of you! Look how you can push your ball!"

  Chapter Twenty-One

  After dinner Hiroshi took us from Scipio's surface, and we began the trip back to Earth. The two weeks raced by. I had become so proficient in my role as domestic assistant that the habitation deck was spotless. Thankfully, the ice bear, taken down by my brave hunters, had been eaten. Yukihyo and I enjoyed having time together without interruptions from life outside of Tora. Happy and relaxed, we settled into our routine of family dinners and movies afterwards. Of course, during the second night of the trip, before our movie, I asked Hiroshi and Phillip if I could please have their attention. Yukihyo knew what was coming and sat grinning quietly. "Gentlemen, prepare to be amaz
ed! The beautiful and talented Thunderdrop will perform a trick for your enjoyment!" I laughed gleefully and sat on the floor in front of the vid-screen. I smiled at everyone and showed them all the striped ball. Thunderdrop blinked up at me and watched his ball. I placed his ball before him. Thunderdrop pushed his ball a little bit at a time until it reached Yukihyo's feet. I started clapping. "Yea! Way to go Thunderdrop!" Phillip laughed at my pet spider and scratched his back. Hiroshi, much more easily amused by my spider, had completely cracked up.

  "That was even better than the treadmill incident!" he laughed. Thunderdrop chirped at us, obviously pleased with the attention.

  Tora docked at the Union Land Port. The men would be involved in their usual fluster of activity for the next few days. Other than the Sun Palace with my family, I had nowhere that I wanted to visit. Instead of leaving the ship, I stayed and played with Thunderdrop. After a while I said, "Let's take a break." Thunderdrop led the way. Yukihyo had re-modulated the sensors under the habitation deck doors to be sensitive enough to open for my spider. After Thunderdrop had discovered his new freedom, he almost drove us crazy for the next few days. The worst moment had been an evening when my door opened while Yukihyo and I were right in the middle of private husband and wife time.

  Hiroshi had been in the corridor, but had yelled, "Didn't see anything!" Thunderdrop and I had a talk about staying away from the door when it was bedtime. He had blinked at me. I followed Thunderdrop to the kitchen. Then, I had some coffee while Thunderdrop rested on his web above the corner vid-screen. I decided to clean the cold storage unit. It had begun to look rather sparse inside. It needed to be restocked. Hiroshi said that Uncle Lee insisted that restocking it was his job whenever Hiroshi visited Earth. I re-stacked what remained by meal times and placed the containers on the bottom left shelf to provide plenty of room. Then, I cleaned all of the empty shelves and closed the door.

  That was when I noticed Yukihyo, Thunderdrop perched on his shoulder, with his arms crossed over his chest and his butt against the counter. I had only seen that pose once before on Malta, and I cringed inside. "What is this about?" he asked.

  "I thought it would be easier for Mr. Lee." Once I had stepped toward the counter, Yukihyo trapped my back against it placing his hands on the counter on either side of me. Thunderdrop blinked down at me from Yukihyo's shoulder.

  "That isn't what I mean."

  "Then, I have no idea what you do mean," I said as I kissed his neck.

  "Allow me to explain. We have been in port for two days and not once have you left the ship. Why is that?" I looked at his chin feeling sullen.

  "There's no reason."

  "You're afraid. I can feel it. Explain why."

  "I'm not afraid. There just isn't anywhere I want to go."

  "I'm not buying it. Take us for a ride in your transport, but first, go put on something pretty. You only wear that when you feel upset or fragile." Frowning, I checked out my clothes. I wore my comfortable black pants and grey shirt. "We will help you." Thunderdrop jumped from Yukihyo, to the table, and from there to a spot just in front of the kitchen door, chirping when it opened. I let out a sigh of resignation and followed my spider. "It has grown colder since last we were here," Yukihyo said. I sat on my vanity stool. Yukihyo fiddled in my storage unit. He pulled out a rich blue silk calf length dress, a chocolate brown shawl, and my brown boots. "What about this?" he asked. I shrugged and changed. He slipped my necklace over my head and pulled my hair free of it. Thunderdrop crawled up the dress and wrapped himself around my neck.

  "You think I need a hug, boy?" Yukihyo placed my hand on his arm, escorted me down to my transport, opened the driver's side door for me, and then got in on the other side.

  "Drive, lady wife." I drove down the ramp and out through the land port's back exit.

  "Where do you want to go?"

  "I want to know about your life when you were here. Show me where you lived." With a heavy heart, I drove all the way out to the housing community under the old overpass. "Which one was yours?" I pointed it out.

  "What now?" I asked in a dull voice.

  "How did you walk to work?" I drove all the way down to my former sector. Yukihyo wanted to see each of the streets that had been my responsibility. The business crowd had begun to thin out for the day. We neared the Sun Palace, and I smiled for the first time since leaving Tora. "Have dinner with me?" Yukihyo asked.

  "Okay." I parked and we entered Mr. Lee's restaurant. I took a deep breath as soon as we entered. "Oh, it smells so good!" Mr. Lee rushed forward and wrapped me in his arms. I hugged him back. "It is so good to see you!" I said. Mr. Lee placed his hands on my shoulders and stepped back. He smiled in approval.

  "I see my nephew is taking good care of his new wife!" Mr. Lee patted Yukihyo affectionately. I caught Mr. Lee's eyes with mine.

  "Mr. Lee, if it hadn't been for you...."

  "Shh, none of that. What is this Mr. Lee about, niece? You will respectfully refer to me as uncle. Now, come and sit. I know exactly what you want." Uncle Lee brought us glasses full of cold water and then hurried off to the kitchen. He brought out a plate of spring rolls. I leaned forward and grabbed one, dipping it in the sauce. My eyes closed in pleasure. I reached for another and discovered my husband had begun eating his third one. He offered me an innocent expression. Uncle Lee carried out a huge plate of steaming orange chicken.

  "I'm in heaven!" I said as I spooned it onto my plate. Yukihyo laughed and pushed a bowl of rice toward me. Thunderdrop left my neck to examine the chicken.

  "Who is this?" Uncle Lee asked. I introduced them. Uncle Lee went to the kitchen and returned with a plate containing small bites chicken, beef, shrimp, and eel. He placed the plate in front of Thunderdrop who chirped his satisfaction and began trying the new foods. He seemed to like the chicken best. We almost managed to eat everything. Uncle Lee sat with us, sipping tea and listening to the adventures on which we had been. I told him what had happened on Malta and how bravely Hiroshi, Yukihyo, and Phillip had rushed to the defense of Captain Espanoza, the unfortunate events on Arachne, but also how Thunderdrop had decided to be friends with me, and more happily of our wedding day on Scipio. I hugged my new uncle goodbye, before we got into the transport and started back to the ship.

  After I had driven a few blocks, Yukihyo said, "Teagan, no matter where we are, I will never leave you behind, nor would Hiroshi or Phillip. If you ever wish to remain on the ship in port, that is your choice, but lady wife, please never stay there out of fear." Thunderdrop chittered at me.

  "I didn't realize that was what I was doing." As I drove closer to Tora, I saw Phillip directing dock workers while they loaded medical supplies. "Hey! I know them. Do you want to say hello?"

  "Sure. Drive over there." I pulled my transport to a stop and parked by the large transport vehicle. Phillip waved, walked over, and helped me out.

  "Hey, Cupcake! Did you two kids go out on a date?"

  Glancing at Yukihyo I said, "Yes, my dear husband tricked me into it." We all walked toward the ramp where I saw a few familiar faces. Henry's mouth hung open in shock. I rushed to him and gave him a hug. Thunderdrop climbed to his perch atop my head. "Henry! It's so nice to see you!" I released him. He blushed.

  "Teagan? Is that you? You look gorgeous! Wow!" Yukihyo put a possessive hand on my hip.

  "Hello, Mr. Fennick. It is nice to see you again. Hello, Roger and Derrick."

  "Ma'am," Mr. Fennick nodded to me. He shook my hand. Roger and Derrick both lifted their hands to me in greeting and exchanged quiet words with one another.

  Henry said, "Was that you driving?"

  Nodding I said, "Yes, Phillip taught me how. It looks like you're almost finished loading. Are you brave enough to let us drive you home? I can get you there faster than the hoover transport." Henry made eye contact with Yukihyo first and then grinned and accepted.

  "What is that on your head?" Henry asked. I lifted my hand and rubbed a leg.

  "This sweet boy is Thunderdrop.
He's from Arachne." The men got back to work. Yukihyo leaned his back against the transport and pulled me to rest my back against his chest. Phillip closed the cargo bay door and walked over to us with Henry.

  "Mind if I tag along, Cupcake?"

  "Of course, not. Hey, Henry. Did you hear that? Some people are better with nicknames than others."

  Henry grimaced, "Come on, Teagan. I quit that ages ago."

  "Quit what?" Yukihyo asked.

  "Oh, nothing," I said. I drove us out of the land port.

  "You're really good at driving. Was it hard to learn?" asked Henry.

  "Thank you! It took a lot of studying, but I had a really good teacher."

  "She sure did," Phillip bragged. I stopped at the curb outside of Henry's place. We said our goodbyes, and I drove us back home.

  In the lift my husband said, "See, you feel better now." A chittering sounded from the back of my hair.

  "It was the chicken," I said.

  "You ate without me?" Phillip whined.

  "We can go back tomorrow," Yukihyo suggested. I nodded enthusiastically in agreement.

  Hiroshi didn't come home until the next morning. Then the three of them left to complete more orders. Later that day, while they were gone, Uncle Lee arrived. At first I didn't understand what was wrong. My vid-screen started beeping at me. Thunderdrop perched himself on the couch and blinked at it. I joined him. Then, I tapped it. Mr. Lee's face appeared. "Hello, Teagan. Will you come down and lower the transport ramp for me?"

  "Yes, sir. I'll be right down." We went down to the first deck and waited while Mr. Lee drove into the bay in a white medium-sized transport, with the Sun Palace in red lettering on a yellow sun decorating the doors. He got out and opened the back. Cold air rushed out. With an indulgent smile on his face, he said, "I have meals ready for your cold storage unit."

  "What kinds of meals?" I asked hopefully. He raised an eyebrow at me.

  "There is something for you on the front seat." I walked around and saw through the window a bag on the seat. I opened the door, then the bag, and found spring rolls and stuffed wantons.


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