Deadly Beauties: Blood's Fury

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Deadly Beauties: Blood's Fury Page 4

by C. M. Owens

  "I happen to like it that way," I say with a laugh while pulling down a bowl.

  His body brushes up against mine as he pours it in, and I feel my heartbeat quickening from the accidental graze. He swallows hard, and I look up to see him staring at me.

  "You look… really good," he murmurs softly.

  "Thanks," I murmur while blushing again.

  His thumb reaches up to stroke my blushing cheek, and my breath catches in my throat.

  "Pink really is a good color on you."

  Considering I'm wearing a red top and blue jeans, it's obvious he's now referring to my blushing hue.

  "Movie," I strain out, my whole body suddenly aching to feel his hands somewhere else.

  He smirks lightly, and takes the popcorn from the counter to start heading into the living area.

  "I picked a zombie flick. I thought horror would be better than a chick flick, and those two were quite literally your only options."

  I laugh a little and then nod. "Sounds good."

  He sits down on the large sectional with the remote in his hand, and I sit down a safe distance away from him.

  "You won't be able to reach the popcorn from there. I don't bite… unless you want me to," he jokes, his eyes sizzling through me.

  I swallow hard and force a smile as I move in closer. Our legs graze each other's and I stiffen up a little. The smallest touch from him seems to be igniting fires all over my body, and unless he plans to extinguish them, I'll burn alive with too much contact.

  "You okay?" he asks as the movie starts.

  "Yeah," I shakily release while cramming some of the burnt popcorn into my mouth.

  Bring on the blood and gore and kill this lust.

  The movie is almost over, and despite the blood and guts, I'm starting to burn worse than the popcorn I almost single handedly demolished. My leg has pushed against his more, and he's slouched down with his hand resting on his leg, close to mine.

  So close to my change, my hormones really are at an all time uncontrollable level. This was so stupid. I hate to admit this, but I should have listened to my mother.

  "I'll be right back," I murmur uncomfortably while standing up.

  He pauses the movie before tilting his head.

  "Too much?" he asks, motioning toward the horror scene.

  Not enough. I need something to completely kill my desire to rip his clothes off right now.

  "Um, nah. I just need something to drink. You want something?"

  "Do you have any wine or anything?" he asks curiously.

  "Yeah. White or red?"

  "White, please."

  I smile and nod while diving into the kitchen. I grab the carnations that are resting in the window and bite through the petals while digging around the cabinets for my honey. As soon as I find it, I turn it up and let the slow-falling, sticky mess fall into my mouth.

  I swallow hard, and then cringe as the two combine. I grab a cup of water to force it all down, and then I take in a deep breath.

  Slowly, the intense feelings start to relieve, and I sigh almost happily.

  "Need some help?" Kane asks as he walks in, making me squeal a little from the surprise.

  "Sorry," he chuckles out. "I suppose I shouldn't subject you to zombies and then sneak up on you."

  I laugh uneasily, and then I turn to start pulling down the wine glasses.

  "It's fine. I'm always a little jumpy."

  I turn back around to see him propped up, looking far too damn good, and all the relief the carnations and honey gave me dissipates. The look he's giving me is just as carnal and raw as the one I'm giving him.

  My control doesn't merely waver, it snaps, and I launch myself at him. I grip him behind the neck to pull him down, and his hands curl around my ass to jerk my hips against him.

  His perfect, soft lips collide with mine in the most incredible way, and then his tongue slips in with a commanding force, exploring my mouth. Everything south on me heats up, and then he jerks me up and spins me around to put me on the counter.

  I moan into his mouth, making him pull me tighter to him as my legs wrap around his waist, locking him to me. His arousal digs into the center of my pants, making me all the hotter as my fingers slide up to tangle in his hair.

  Before I know what's going on, his hand slides under my shirt, finding one of my breasts through my bra, making me moan all the harder.

  "Damn, you taste good," he murmurs against my lips, and then suddenly my shirt is over my head and on the floor as his hands slip over my bra strap to unclasp it.

  I should stop him. This can't be sane.

  Instead, I jerk him tighter to me, bringing his lips back to mine as my chest becomes bare. I hear the clap of my bra slapping the floor, and then I feel him lifting me from the counter and carrying me toward the bedroom.

  I gasp when my back hits the bed, and then his lips start trailing down my neck, heating me to my core. I suck in a breath when his hot, wet breath finds my nipple to send tingling shots of excitement shooting through me.

  I grip his head, bringing him closer as he starts unbuttoning my pants.

  "Alyssa, I can slow down," he murmurs while letting his lips travel to my other breast to give it some attention.

  "Please don't."

  His ravaging motions pick up, and I tug his shirt over his head to reveal a body I only thought I was prepared to see.

  "Oh damn," I breathe, and he smiles salaciously as he finishes unclasping my pants.

  "I should be the one saying that. You're fucking ridiculous," he murmurs while his lips find the hollow of my neck.

  His hands push down the open pants, and his fingers slide down to find the slick telltale proof of my arousal.

  A deep moan exudes from the back of his throat, and I keep my eyes closed to prevent him from seeing the rolodex of crazy shades my eyes are flooding through right now.

  "Damn, you're so wet," he murmurs, only making me want him inside me all the more.

  I start undoing his belt, and he rips my pants free while I struggle. I can't look. I know my eyes are in hyper-drive right now, and he'd freak the hell out if he saw them.

  Then I feel his bare body between mine - apparently he decided to help me out. His erection brushes up against my leg as his lips find the center of my breastbone, and my whole body arches as my panties become drenched from his touch.

  His lips slide back up to meet mine, dragging out the suspense. All I can think about is getting him inside me, and I just learned his last name. I met him yesterday. This is crazy.

  "Kane," I exhale with my heavy breath, making his moans louder as his erection presses against me through my underwear.

  I've never wanted anyone so badly in all my life, and I barely even know him.

  Someone pounds on my door, interrupting our crazy hot moment, and he leaps up from the bed to grab his pants.

  "Are you expecting anyone?" he breathlessly releases.

  "No. Don't answer it," I grumble, knowing damn well Frankie is here to douse our fire.

  He drops back down to me, even though now his jeans have been pulled back up. He falls between my legs, and his mouth begins owning mine once again.

  "Kane," a guys voice yells through the door.

  "Shit," Kane gripes as he stands up again. "I'm so sorry."

  "Who is it?" I murmur with a bit of a frazzled tone while covering up with my sheet.

  "It's Deke, one of my roommates. I'll be right back."

  I watch as he quickly buttons his pants, and then he pulls his shirt on while rushing out the door.

  How did he know where I live?

  "What the hell, man?" I hear Kane gripe.

  "Sorry, it's Amy. She's kind of… gone. I think she got upset about you going off with this chick. We need to find her before-"

  "Fine. Fuck," Kane interrupts. "Just give me a second."

  Amy? The chick who's obviously in love with him?

  I hear him rushing back through, and suddenly I feel incredibly
stupid for having allowed myself to be with him. I should have known he had a damn girlfriend.

  "Hey," he murmurs as he walks back into the room. "Something came up, and I have to go. I'm really, really sorry, but can I see you tomorrow?"

  He walks over to the bed and takes a seat on the edge as I cling to the covers.

  "Um, I don't know. Just call me, and I'll see what I've got going on."

  He looks at me sideways, as if he's trying to see through me.

  "Alyssa, I swear this is the last thing I want to do right now, but I have to. Will you please see me tomorrow… or later today rather?" he asks while looking at the absurd hour on the clock.

  "I told you, call me. I don't know what I'll have going on," I murmur, my chill extinguishing the roaring flames.

  He sighs out while gripping his head as Deke yells, "Come on, Kane. We've got to get going before she does something stupid."

  Kane cringes, apparently not wanting me to hear that, and I look away, not letting on I've already heard more.

  "Alyssa, I'll call you after while. I'm sorry," he murmurs while leaning over to kiss me.

  I offer him my weakest, coldest kiss, and he pulls back looking torn about what to do. It's just sex he's passing up. He's doing me a huge favor by bailing out before I offer my first time to a creep.

  He groans as he finally gets up, and then he walks out to leave me in my shameful bed that is laughing at me for my nearly foolish decision.

  I hear the door shut, and then it wiggles as he checks to make sure it's locked. I feel sick at my stomach, and I rise up to rush to the bathroom and expel the proof of my shame.

  "So stupid," I mumble while leaning over the toilet.

  Wiping my mouth, I stand up and head back into my room to pull on a pajama shirt and a pair of pants that match. A huff falls free when I see his boxers he failed to put on his haste. I pick them up and carry them to the wash, along with my uniform and clothes that all smell like him.

  Tossing them all in at once, I flip on the wash and head back to my living room to finish watching the zombie movie still that is paused.

  "Bring on the blood, guts, and death."

  Chapter Four

  My phone buzzes for the fifth time during my shift, and I silence it when I see Kane's number. I groan inwardly and lean over the counter, burying my head in my hands while yawning.

  Butterflies and nerves rattle around aimlessly when I look up to see him and two of his guy roommates heading toward the diner.

  Squealing lightly, I rush to the back to hide from the mistake I desperately wanted to make. Cindy, another waitress, gasps while putting out her cigarette she's not supposed to be smoking inside.

  "Please don't tell," she squeaks.

  "I won't if you'll make Kane and the others believe I'm not at work."

  She tilts her head. "Kane Ice? He's here to see you and you don't want to see him?" she gushes in disbelief.

  "Please," I urge.

  She nods hesitantly and then heads around to do my dirty work for me. I listen in to Kane's smooth voice talking to someone else.

  "Can I speak to Alyssa Coldwell, please?"


  "Actually," Cindy interrupts, "Alyssa left earlier today. We felt sort of bad for making her work over so much two nights in a row, so I told her I'd cover for her tonight."

  "Oh. Did she say where she'd be going?" he asks disappointedly.

  "I think she was going to meet one of her friends."

  Damn it, Cindy. I'm new to town. I don't have any friends yet.

  "Sounds like you fucked up," one of his friends chuckles.

  Kane lets out a trapped breath of air before responding. "If you see Alyssa, will you tell her I stopped by?"

  "Sure," Cindy chirps.

  He sighs reluctantly, and I peek around the corner as he and his friends disappear out the door. Cindy squeals in excitement as she rejoins me, and then she throws her hands up like what-the-hell.

  "Seriously?" she releases in a girly octave. "Kane Ice is into you and you're hiding from him? What is wrong with you?"

  I'm a witch on the verge of turning immortal and I want to fuck his brains out. Probably shouldn't say that.

  "He's… too… complicated," I murmur in a huff while returning to the floor to start refilling drinks.

  "You've lost your mind. If Kane Ice is looking to talk to you, you run toward him, not away."

  She continues following me around like a new puppy as I smile and refill drinks, and then I turn to see her with her hands on her hips.

  "I knew blonds have all the fun," she gripes, and I glance in the mirror to see my hair has gotten lighter and lighter. In less than a month, I've gone from having a light brown color to a nearly solid, golden blond.

  Crap. Soon I'll match my mother too damn much.

  "Well, it's not as much fun as it looks. Listen, just drop it, please. I'm not trying to get involved with anyone right now."

  Her shoulders drop as she silently pouts. "Fine," she grumbles. "So, tonight, will you-"

  "No. I can't work over tonight. My shift ends in an hour, and I'm going to get off my feet for one night," I crankily murmur as I glance to see it's nearly six.

  She chuckles a little and shakes her head. "I wasn't going to ask you to stay over. Some friends of mine are having a little party up the road, and I was wondering if you'd come. Apparently you draw in the right attention."

  The praise in her eyes doesn't go unnoticed. She really thinks I've got something special. She'd feel stupid for thinking such a thing if she knew he ran off to be with Amy - while I was naked!

  I offer a tight smile, and then I glance around the diner to see if I'm finished for now.

  "Sure. I've got nothing better to do."

  "Great," she squeals, clapping her hands once after jumping up.

  "Kane won't be there, will he?" I worry.

  "He's never come to one of their parties before. It's usually just a small gathering of the same old people, but tonight they've got some of the vacationers coming. There're supposed to be some serious hotties."

  I smile and then head back behind the counter just as my phone buzzes again.


  Eventually he'll take a hint. For now, I've just got to dodge and ignore him.

  Cindy's arm loops through mine as we head into the house too close to where Kane lives. I hadn't realized how very close we'd be, or I would have said no.

  "You're sure he won't be here?" I rattle out nervously.

  "Like I said, he's never come before. One of his roommates doesn't get along with Heath, my friend's husband."

  "Okay," I murmur with some relief.

  "So, what's the deal?" she muses. "With Kane I mean."

  He's the bad boy I almost threw my virginity at, only to have him run out in the middle of the night to go be with another girl after she got upset.

  "Long, weird, terrible story. Where's the booze?"

  She laughs and then grabs me a cup full of a liquid stout enough to raise the dead.

  "Whoa," I cough out.

  She laughs and then clanks her plastic cup against mine before sucking it back. I cringe as the tart, bitter taste lingers in my mouth after I've forced it down, but at least I should be able to get drunk.

  "Hey," a tall, blond, smoking hot guy murmurs far too close to me.

  "Hey yourself," I lightly flirt while turning my cup up again.

  "Hey," Cindy squeaks, her red curls bouncing with excitement.

  He smiles at her briefly, and then he turns his attention back to me.

  "I'm Thad. And you?" he asks curiously.

  "Alyssa. Are you a vacationer?"

  "No, I just moved in a little across the way, close to Midbrook and Holtz."

  "Awesome, Alyssa lives around there," Cindy interjects.

  He tilts his head to the side, and then he leans up beside me while clanking the side of his cup to mine.

  "Here's to new neighbors then," he says with a sexy grin, m
aking me flush a little. Another bad boy. Just my luck.

  "I suppose so."

  Cindy frowns, possibly feeling ignored, and she wanders off to leave me alone with Mr. Blond Heaven.

  "So, how long have you lived here?" he asks while getting a little closer.

  "Less than a week," I chuckle out, and he lets a laugh free as well.

  "Well then, I guess we're both the new kids on the block."

  "I guess we are," I murmur while turning up the glass. "So how do you know the people that live here?"

  "I don't," he laughs. "I'm a total party crasher. I guess I'm busted, but I thought it'd be a good way to meet some of the locals."

  "Well, instead you met me. Another newbie."

  He smirks, but doesn't laugh like I do. "I'd say this was a party worth crashing."

  I blush lightly, and then Cindy walks back in.

  "Hey, Alyssa, come here. I want to introduce you to Misty and Heath."

  I turn to face the platinum blond vision, and then I hold my hand out to shake his.

  "I guess I should go mingle. It was nice meeting you, Thad."

  He smiles, pulling my hand to his lips instead of shaking it, and then he plants a soft, sweet kiss on the back. "It was very nice to meet you, Alyssa."

  The way he looks at me makes me blush again, and I turn away, happy that someone else is interested in me besides Kane - the asshole who left me naked in bed while he went to find his missing girlfriend.

  Time to drink until I can quit thinking about him.

  The howls of the drunk exude the howls of the wild as I giggle over every stupid joke told. Staggering, I make my way outside where Heath is standing.

  "This is a great party," I slur.

  He laughs, though nothing is funny, and I laugh too while hanging off the back deck overlooking the lake.

  "I'm glad you came."

  "Me too," I chirp while chugging another guzzle.

  He smiles as he leans toward me, and a sick feeling strikes my gut right before he jerks me forward into a kiss. I push him back with all my strength to shove him off while wiping his slobber from my face.

  "What the hell?" I scold. "You're married."


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