Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful World (Fairy Tale Erotica)

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Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful World (Fairy Tale Erotica) Page 2

by Liz Adams

  She released a delightful sigh and tossed the tired, moistened hairbrush on the table. After turning off the lights she fell backwards onto her bed laughing. What a problem she created for herself! Such an exquisite problem! Just when she thought there wasn’t any chance of Jack being attracted to her, her entire world changed. She snuggled under the covers and tried to go to sleep, but couldn’t put it out of her mind. Hours would go by before she fell asleep.


  Alice lay in bed feeling a need to be touched. Cupping her hand between her legs, she massaged her nub with a determined finger. She’d made a connection with Jack unlike ever before. This time, she was certain that memory could help her reach orgasm. She could finally know what it’d be like to come.

  Her fingers rubbed harder, faster, worrying her clit. It felt good but she wasn’t getting any higher. What was wrong with her?

  There was a noise at the door. The door opened and Jack strolled into her darkened bedroom.

  Alice stopped moving her hand. What was he doing in her room? The better question was, what was he going to do with her in her room?

  Jack ignored her. He went to the window and looked out just as she had done. The moonlight revealed his stern face.

  Since Alice’s hand was under the covers and the room was so dark, she figured she could keep moving without Jack noticing.

  Here he was in her bedroom. A dream come true.

  With Alice’s other hand she discreetly slipped two fingers inside of her. She probed herself deeply trying to find that elusive climax. She thrummed and twirled at her impatient yet stubborn clit.

  Jack turned to her. Was that repulsion in his face?

  Alice continued her fervent mission, her hands shaking visibly underneath the sheets.

  Jack pointed an angry finger at her. “You don’t know a thing about how to please a man, do you? Why I bet you wouldn’t know what to do with a cock if one were in front of your face.”

  Alice worked harder, grinding her hips against her hands, hungry for satisfaction and only getting hungrier.

  “Look at you,” Jack sneered. “You can’t even have an orgasm. Why would any man bother with you?”

  Alice woke up in a sweat. She found herself needing to catch her breath.

  She looked around the bedroom. Her hairbrush still glistened from her juices in the moonlight. But Jack being inside her room? That was just a nightmare.

  No, not just a nightmare. It was the truth.

  Chapter 2

  Alice and her sister’s friend Carol sat outside the manor in the back garden by the lake. They had parked themselves under the shade of an oak tree whose leaves painted a pointillist display of sun dots on the earth. The two of them were separated from the lake by a well-trimmed meadow. A constant cool breeze blew against them. Alice supposed Carol’s sundress struggled to keep Carol warm, as much as Alice’s own blue dress and white apron rippled and fought the breeze.

  “Have you ever had an orgasm?” Alice asked her sister’s friend.

  “Alice!” Carol laughed and plopped the history book down in her lap causing a subtle breeze to blow against the grass they sat in. Carol straightened her beautiful orange dress over her ankles, though it truly did not seem to need any straightening at all.

  True, Alice’s choice of question to change the subject was not the most polite one, but listening to Carol read a history lesson to prepare for an exam was as exciting as watching the trees race to see which would be the first to grow the tallest.

  “Honestly, Carol. Now that we’re on Christmas break from university, I don’t want to listen to your stupid history book.”

  “Alice, your sister may be a wiz at Victorian history, but right now I need a study partner if I want to even hope to pass. And since Lois is off with your parents going shopping, you have the honor of being my study partner until they return.”

  “That’s another thing,” Alice said. “You’ve been spending so much time here that I’ve probably seen more of you than your parents have. I mean, I know Lois is your best friend and all that, but don’t you think your ma and pa are missing you?”

  “My mother and father are on their own Christmas vacation in France. Let them have their fun. Besides, I wouldn’t want you to miss the privilege of my precious company. Now back to my Victorian history book.”

  Alice grabbed the book out of Carol’s hands and placed it far out of Carol’s reach.

  “Fine.” Carol shrugged. “I’ll just have to wait until Lois returns to help me study.”

  “So, have you?”

  “Have I what?” Carol tucked her long, brown hair behind her ears.

  Alice just grinned. It took Carol some time to notice Alice’s smirk.

  “Alice!” Carol looked shocked.


  “Yes.” Carol blushed.

  Alice froze. She couldn’t believe her ears. “You have?”

  “Of course. Haven’t you?”

  Alice let her gaze fall on the history book beside her and scratched an itch at her neck.

  “You haven’t?!”

  “Shh!” Alice glanced around. But there was no reason to fear someone overhearing. “It’s not like I haven’t tried.”

  “I know.”

  Alice scowled. “What do you mean, ‘you know’?”

  “Last night, as I passed your room, I heard panting.”

  “You heard me?”

  “Loud and clear.”

  Alice caught herself from showing any signs that would admit something happened. She slowly leaned back against the tree and said, “That doesn’t mean anything. Maybe I just finished running in circles around the room, or maybe I had insomnia and was trying to force myself to pass out by hyperventilating.”

  Carol laughed. “I cracked open the door and saw you standing at the window with your nightgown hiked up, stuffing the handle of your hairbrush—”

  “Okay! Okay! Geez!” Alice felt her ears grow hot. “I didn’t know anyone was watching me.” Anyone except Jack, that is.

  Carol didn’t have a clue about what really happened last night. Alice doubted Carol had ever experienced something as exciting as being watched in her life.

  And yet, she said she’s been able to orgasm. Alice remembered what Jack had said in her dream. You can’t even have an orgasm. Why would any man bother with you? Why, indeed. If she couldn’t come during sex, her man might lose interest in the bedroom and, eventually, lose interest in her. Faking orgasm was always a solution, but Alice didn’t think a bedroom of lies was great for a relationship. No. If she wanted to have a satisfying relationship, be it with Jack or another hunk in her future, then knowing how to reach the big O was necessary.

  “How do you do it?” Alice said aloud.

  “How do I do what?” Carol reached over Alice to retrieve her history book.

  “You know, reach orgasm?”

  Carol laughed.

  “I mean—” Alice felt her cheeks redden. “Can you do it just by touching yourself?”

  “Yes,” Carol smiled like the cat that drank the cream, ate the pie, went to the pub and got smashed.

  Alice couldn’t believe it. She figured that to get herself to come, she would have to wait until she actually had a real live cock thrusting in and out of her. Save that, and an orgasm would never happen. Was there actually a secret to it? The way to touch yourself? The places to touch? Some sort of proper order?

  “Show me,” Alice said.

  “What?” Carol sounded shocked.

  Alice didn’t care. “Show me how you touch yourself to orgasm.”

  “I will not!” Carol said, but she was smirking.

  “Why not? You got to see me touch myself.”

  Carol laughed. “Oh right. Like that’s a good reason.”

  “Please! I’ve never had one. I must be doing something wrong.”

  “You didn’t seem to be doing anything wrong last night. And what about this?” Carol reached over to Alice’s dress pocket, patting
the book Alice kept there. “Doesn’t that saucy book of yours help?”

  How did she know I’ve been reading The Story of O? Alice put her hand over the pocket, feeling the book underneath, as though covering it with her hand would somehow help hide it from Carol.

  “Honestly, Alice,” Carol laughed. “If that doesn’t make you orgasm, nothing will.”

  Alice didn’t say anything. She just gritted her teeth. That really hurt. As if no matter what she did, no matter how she stimulated herself, she’d never experience what normal people experienced. Just like her dream. You can’t even have an orgasm. Why would any man bother with you? Alice leaned back against the tree and bit back the tears Carol didn’t deserve to see.

  “What?” Carol softened her voice. “What’s wrong?”

  Alice said nothing.

  “I was just kidding.”

  The breeze continued to blow against them. Her vision blurred.

  “I’m sorry if I hurt you,” Carol said searching Alice’s face. “Alice?”

  Alice said nothing. The wind rustled through the long grass. In the distance, the farm animals grunted, shrieked, and lowed.

  “Alice, I’m sorry.”

  “Forget it.”

  Carol caressed Alice’s cheek, but Alice turned away. She supposed it was stupid to be upset over something as silly as not being able to come. Why was she so upset over it? But that wasn’t it. That wasn’t what upset her.

  The tiny door to the truth was opening. A door that revealed how Alice was a freak.

  She had to come to terms with it. Could Jack ever love a freak?

  The truth sliced her heart. Jack couldn’t. No one could. That was the reality, wasn’t it?

  Alice felt like the smallest, most insignificant soul on Earth. She turned her head away so Carol wouldn’t see the stinging wetness in her eyes.

  “Okay.” Carol leaned back against the tree, working to get comfortable. She wagged a finger at Alice, “But don’t you tell a soul about this, or I’ll murder you!”

  Alice wiped her eyes. “Forget it. Nothing can help me.”

  “Alice, just shut up and watch what I do, okay?”

  Alice sat unbelieving as Carol pulled up her own skirt.

  “You’re really going to do it?”

  “Not. A. Soul.”

  “Not a soul,” Alice crossed her heart and spit on the ground. “I promise!”

  Carol scooted against the tree and leaned her head back. “Okay then.” She closed her eyes and bent her knees to bring her feet closer, adjusted the hem of her dress to her waist to bare her legs. Alice watched Carol open her legs. Carol touched the inside of her thighs with one hand and stroked the outside of her panties with the other.

  Alice wondered if bypassing the breasts was the trick. It didn’t make sense.

  Alice looked at Carol’s face. Her eyes were still closed and she had a peaceful look about her. What was she thinking about? Was she thinking about a sordid experience she had that Alice didn’t know about? Was she thinking about a certain guy?

  Carol slipped a hand down her panties, her fingers caressing beneath.

  It had to be a guy. But who?

  Something caught Alice’s eye. She looked up and noticed that Jack was standing at a distance, frozen in his tracks, his eyes glued to Carol’s task.

  And he was hot!

  He must have been working in the garden because all he wore were pants held up by suspenders. His bare chest was slick with sweat, and his muscles bulged in all their glory.

  They didn’t look like the only thing bulging.

  Alice knew she should jostle Carol and stop her. Alice had promised she wouldn’t tell a soul.

  Carol’s breathing got heavier.

  Maybe Carol would never know he watched her. It was probably better that way. It was probably better that she never know than realize she’d been caught.

  Carol’s face stiffened and contorted like it was puzzling over something. Her breaths deepened and got louder.

  Best not to tell her. After all, Alice wasn’t actually saying anything to anyone. She was still true to her word.

  Carol’s hand flattened, her fingertips moving rapidly under her panties. Her other hand squeezed a breast, kneading it.

  Alice squirmed and glanced at Jack. He kept his eyes on Carol from where he stood tall and majestic like a Greek statue.

  Alice’s heart leapt. He was beautiful.

  Then she turned back to Carol. Carol moaned softly.

  Who was Carol thinking of that made her so excited?

  Then Alice felt like an idiot. Of course it was Jack. Carol had visited Lois throughout Alice’s childhood, and Jack was the only man around. The only gorgeous man, anyway. And look at her. Look at Carol. She was prettier than Alice.

  No. Not just prettier. She was beautiful. Those Caribbean-colored eyes surrounded by a shoulder-length flip of ginger hair. That petit nose barely noticeable above her princess smile, full lips revealing a brilliant set of sexy teeth.

  But what about last night? He seemed hot and bothered by my show at the window. He is attracted to me, right?

  None of that mattered. As long as Carol was the prettier one, Jack would never go after Alice. And even if he did. Even if, for some reason, he gave Alice a chance, he’d find out how much of a dunce Alice was as a sex partner, and he’d drop her like a rotten fruit.

  Jack leaned on his rake, his ribbed abdomen breathing deeply. He loved Carol. Not Alice.

  When Alice looked at Carol, she knew exactly what Carol was thinking. That was Jack’s chest she was leaning back on. That was Jack’s hand caressing her breast through the dress. Those were Jack’s fingers rubbing her clit.

  Alice saw red. She stood up and stormed away.

  Let them have their stupid moment. Jack doesn’t care about me, that’s just fine.

  Did Carol, that damned woman, even notice Alice had left her alone? Alice turned to look behind her as she kept walking away.

  And fell down a hole.

  Chapter 3

  The drop hurt like hell.

  Alice landed on a patch of roots and dirt. She clutched the tender part of her waist that had hit a large tree root. There would be a bruise there for days. Standing up in this dark area, she took a damage report, patting herself down. A bruised hip and a bit of a scratched hand. Her dress was dirty, but had survived the fall. She straightened her hair.

  Where was she? The dirty brick walls were just a dark, hollow cylinder straight up. Alice knew this place. It was the estate’s old well, forgotten and left for nature to reclaim.

  Something moved on the walls. She froze. If she didn’t know any better she’d say it was a naked man that went through an imperceptible doorway. A man down here? It made no sense.

  Alice reached out to find the wall and feel if it led to a doorway. Her hands landed on skin.

  “Oh!” She yanked back her hands. “Sorry!”

  She waited for a response, but there was none. Was there really someone there? Instead of reaching her hands out again, she shifted closer, ready to delicately nudge against whatever or whoever it was with her shoulder. She connected, and felt his fingers graze across her arm. She stepped back.

  “Who’s there?”

  Silence. Whoever it was didn’t come after her. As though stepping into the center of the well was her safe zone.

  Alice slowly stepped back into his vicinity. Delicate fingers touched her arm once more. She shivered. Her breaths came, uneven. He – it had to be a man even though she couldn’t see him – was exciting her with the gentlest of touches.

  What would Jack say if he found out Alice let herself be touched by a stranger? Would he be jealous? Would he be angry? Alice could see him now getting red in the face. Alice smiled and stepped closer to the groping hands.

  Desiring to be a little more passive, she turned away from him. Powerful muscular hands massaged her shoulders. Alice dropped her head forward and let his strong fingers push out the tension inside her. Hi
s oh-so-good hands swept down her back toward her waist.

  Where else would his fingers touch her? How far would she let this anonymous man go?

  This is a dangerous game, Alice, she told herself.

  But, oh, it felt so good! Alice’s nipples hardened. Would their desire for his touch be fulfilled? Surely he wouldn’t go that far. But Alice did indeed feel his warm hands reach her waist and inch upwards along her sides. She shivered. She never knew she was so sensitive there.

  She knew where those confident hands were going.

  She should run, shouldn’t she? That’s what Lois and Carol would say. And Jack. Out of jealousy?

  She ignored the voices and let herself lean back against him. His chest was warm and solid against her back. His hardness fit against her, nestling against the crevice of her bottom.

  Then his hands were upon her breasts. He held them so gently, as if her breasts were a precious exotic fruit. A hand loving her left. A hand rolling her right. A hand reaching between her legs…Three hands?!

  Alice screamed. She jumped from the hands and ran to the opposite wall of the well. The wall had an opening to a small cave. She blindly followed the path of the cave, anything to get as far away from those hands as possible. Up ahead was a curve of the cave and a light. She followed the glow into a long, bright hallway. Alice squinted.

  Where the hell am I?

  Dozens of doors were alongside each wall. The hallway looked immaculate. The walls were white, the doors were white. The most curious thing of all had to be how bright everything was. And not a single light bulb anywhere!

  She tried a few of the doors, rattled them. All locked. She hustled forward until she came upon a coffee table in the middle of the hallway. A key lay upon it, a tiny key. It clearly wouldn’t fit any of the keyholes. Then she saw the tiny door by her ankles. No way she could fit through that portal.

  Along the hallway of doors was something else – or someone – Alice hadn’t noticed before. On the lower part of the wall, hanging upside down from chains, was a tiny, bearded man without a stitch of clothing on. He was so small! He looked more like a large doll than a man. Was he even real? If he was a doll, he was the most realistic-looking one Alice had ever seen.


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