Van, Becca - Leah's Irish Heroes [Slick Rock 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Van, Becca - Leah's Irish Heroes [Slick Rock 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Becca Van

  Slick Rock 4

  Leah's Irish Heroes

  Leah Harmer meets the men of her dreams when they walk through the door of the diner in the town of Slick Rock, Colorado.

  The two O’Hara brothers, Connell and Seamus, are so hot, tall, and muscular that Leah is speechless when they ask her for a table. She is even more astonished when they rescue her from harassment at the hands of her boss and take her away to the safe seclusion of their ranch.

  The two brothers know instantly that Leah is the woman they have been looking for. Now all they have to do is convince her to accept them both. When the situation to get Leah into their house arises, the two men jump in with both feet and don’t look back once.

  Will they be able to convince Leah she is the woman of their dreams? Or will the danger stalking her make her run?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 36,243 words


  Slick Rock 4

  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Becca Van

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-186-3

  First E-book Publication: January 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To anyone in need of a hero or two.


  Slick Rock 4


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  “Oh my God,” Leah muttered.

  Leah Harmer looked up as the bell above the diner door rang. She froze in her tracks as she watched two of the sexiest, tallest, most handsome men she’d ever seen walk through the door. They were sex on legs and oozed confidence. The shorter of the two had crew-cut blond hair, blue eyes, wide muscular shoulders, muscular pecs she could see rippling beneath his tight white T-shirt, a slim waist, and the longest, strongest thighs she’d ever seen under a pair of worn denim blue jeans. He looked to be around six foot four, two hundred pounds, and maybe a few years over thirty. He moved with the grace of a feline predator.

  She slid her eyes to the man slightly behind him and off to the right. He was even bigger. He had to be at least six foot six, around two hundred ten pounds, and he had to be at least thirty-five. His biceps bulged under the seam of his black T-shirt, making her panties damp. He was dark, the complete opposite to the other man’s light coloring. His hair was also crew-cut short, but it was black. His eyes were a deep, stormy gray, his shoulders nearly as wide as the door he’d just passed through, and she could see his cut abs through his tight shirt. His waist was slim, as were his hips, and his thighs were nearly as big and tree trunks. She could see his quads rippling beneath his black denim jeans as he moved.

  Leah couldn’t take her eyes off of them. She felt her breasts swell, her nipples pucker, and her pussy clench as fluid leaked onto her panties. She looked up and up and up as the two men stopped in front of her and she met their eyes.

  Blondie reached out and pushed against her chin with a large finger, closing her mouth with an audible snap. Leah felt her cheeks heat and knew she was a red as a fire truck.

  “Hi, darlin’, do you think we could get a table?” Blondie asked.

  Leah felt her cheeks heat even more, turned, and led the two men over to an empty booth. She kept her eyes lowered and hoped they didn’t see the way the man’s lyrical Irish accent had affected her body. Her nipples were rasping against her bra, and she could hear her own elevated breathing.

  “Wh–What can I get you?” Leah asked.

  “I’ll have a burger with the works, fries, and coffee,” Blondie ordered.

  “I’ll have the same, thanks,” the dark-haired man replied.

  “I’ll be right back,” Leah squeaked and scurried off to the kitchen.

  She leaned against the doorjamb and tried to gather her wits. God, what is wrong with me? I fall to pieces at the sight of two large, sexy men, and just after getting over my crush on Damon. Am I so fickle?

  “Leah,” Earl, the owner of the diner, called out to her as he worked the grill. “What are you doing just standing there, girl? Get your ass moving.”

  “Sorry, Earl. I need two burgers with the works with a side of fries.”

  “Okay, that order will be next, now get this meal out to table five,” Earl barked as he placed the ladened plates in the serving window.

  Leah took a deep, steadying breath and headed back out the door. Leah served the food and then she grabbed one of the warming pots of coffee off the large hot plate, poured two mugs, and took them over to the two Irish gentlemen.

  “Thanks…Leah,” Blondie said after his eyes had drifted to the name tag pinned over her left breast.

  Leah turned to leave but was stopped when a large hand wrapped around her wrist. She turne
d back to see the two men eying her with hunger. She felt her cheeks heat again and wished she could hide in the kitchen until they left. She hadn’t blushed so much since she was a kid. She was totally out of her element and had no idea how to handle it.

  “How old are you, Leah?” asked Blondie.


  “Hm, have you lived in Slick Rock long?” the dark-haired man asked her.

  “Um, what’s with the inquisition?” Leah asked, pulling her wrist out of Blondie’s grasp.

  “Just curious. My name’s Seamus O’Hara and this is my brother, Connell.”

  “Leah, get your fat ass over here, now,” Earl yelled through the serving window.

  Leah jumped and rushed over to the window. The fury on Earl’s face when he was talking to her was nothing new. The man had been mad at her ever since she’d turned down his request for a date. His bark was much worse than his bite though, thank goodness.

  “Stop fraternizing with the customers and get back to work, gal, or you’re gonna find your ass out on the street.” Earl growled at her. He shoved the order of burgers and fries into her hands.

  Leah scowled at Earl but took the order and headed over to where the O’Hara brothers sat. She placed the food before them on the table and spun on her heel, ready to head back to the kitchen. A massive hand gently closing around her wrist halted her in her tracks. She looked over to Connell and saw the anger in his eyes.

  “Does he always treat you like that?” Connell asked.

  Leah looked away from the big man and shrugged her shoulders.

  “Answer the question, darlin’,” Seamus demanded.

  “Look, not that it’s any of your business, but Earl’s bark is worse than his bite.”

  “I don’t care. He shouldn’t be talking to you that way. I think I’ll have a word with him before we leave,” Connell stated.

  “Are you out of your mind? Are you trying to get me fired?” Leah whispered furiously, tugging against his hold.

  “No, Leah, but there is no need for your boss to treat you with such disrespect,” Connell replied and let go of her wrist.

  “Look, he’s just grumpy because I wouldn’t go out with him. I’m used to it. Please, I need this job. I don’t want you rocking the boat and upsetting Earl any more than he already is. Now, I have work to do, enjoy your burgers,” Leah said, turned on her heel, and headed for the kitchen. She could feel their eyes on her as she walked away. It wasn’t until she was behind the kitchen door that she relaxed again. She moved toward the pile of dirty dishes and began to scrape and load them into the dishwasher. The sound of Earl’s whiney voice grated on her nerves.

  “If I catch you fraternizing with the customers again, your fat ass is out of here. I don’t pay you to stand around talking all day long.”

  Leah just rolled her eyes and continued working. She was used to Earl’s put-downs, and even though his derogatory comments hurt, she would never let him know that. By the time the dishwasher was on, Earl had finished another order. She took the two plates of food to two of Earl’s “best” friends. They were regulars, and they liked to belittle her just as much as Earl did, if not more. She’d learned long ago not to show any emotion. The last thing she wanted was to let the bastards know they upset her.

  “Well, if it isn’t our fat little cow, Leah,” Eli Jones said with a leering grin, his eyes traveling the length of her body.

  Leah knew everyone in the diner had heard Eli’s comment and felt her cheeks heat once more, this time with humiliation and anger. She glared at Eli and his brother Hershel, but the comments kept rolling around in her head. She had so wanted to pick up his food and dump it in his lap, but she needed this job more than she needed to defend herself, and she knew if she bit back at the nasty men, she would be no better than they were. She turned away from them and caught the O’Hara brothers glaring at the two bastards as she walked back behind the counter.

  Leah poured more coffee for the gentlemen sitting at the counter and began to wipe it down. She ignored everyone as she did her chores and dreamed of getting out of the small town of Slick Rock, Colorado, and leaving everything behind.

  Leah had grown up in the small town with her mom. They’d lived in a small trailer on the outskirts of town, right on the edge of the national park, ever since she could remember. Her mom had tried to be good to her, but she had been a child herself when she’d had Leah, and even though she’d asked her mom who her father was, her mom had never answered the question.

  She didn’t think even her mom knew who had created her because she had always just shrugged her shoulders whenever she’d asked. Her mom had slept her way through most of the single men in Slick Rock and even some who weren’t single. In fact, her mom had been labeled the town prostitute.

  Leah had grown up being shunned and disparaged her whole life and didn’t have any friends to speak of. She was treated like her mom had been, as if she would lie down and spread her legs for anything in pants, but that was not the case. She was a good girl, with hopes and dreams of one day leaving all this behind.

  Her mom had caught a bad bout of pneumonia two years ago and had never recovered. She passed away six months later, leaving Leah with a stack of bills for a funeral she couldn’t afford. She was stuck, and she couldn’t see a way out. Every little bit of money she earned left over after paying for expenses went to paying off that debt.

  Leah knew she wasn’t skinny. She had a full figure with an abundant chest and hips with a small waist in between, but she hadn’t thought she was fat until Earl and his buddies had started in on her. Her self-confidence had taken a nosedive, and she had begun to believe she wasn’t worthy of a second look. She had worked in this diner since she was eighteen years old, giving her mom whatever she could to help out with the bills. She had been a good girl all her life, and that had gotten her nowhere.

  “Hey, Leah, get your fat ass over here and fill my mug,” Eli yelled then snickered.

  Leah grabbed one of the coffeepots and stormed over to Eli and Hershel’s table, she was so tempted to pour the hot coffee over the bastard instead of in his mug, but caught herself just in time. She filled his mug, and as she turned around toward the counter again, she tripped over something. The coffeepot flew out of her hand, shattering on impact. She fell to the floor, her arms outstretched to break her fall, and as her hands the hit the floor, landing amongst glass and hot coffee, they slid over the slick linoleum and she landed on her chest, her forehead bouncing on the floor.

  Chapter Two

  “She is gorgeous,” Seamus said to his brother. “I wish we could take her out of here. Her boss needs a good beating for the way he treats her.”

  “I know, bro, but we can’t interfere beyond giving him a talking to. She’s so skittish, she’d run as soon as we looked at her,” Connell replied. He and Seamus had both moved further around in the booth so they could watch the beautiful woman as she worked. When he’d heard those two men call Leah fat, it had taken all his self-control not to get up out of his seat and hit the bastards, knocking their teeth into the back of their heads.

  Leah was tall for a woman, standing around five foot nine and weighing in around one hundred thirty pounds. She had blonde hair and the saddest brown eyes he’d ever seen. She had a luscious hourglass figure with full breasts and wide hips, just right for a man to hold on to as he loved on her. Connell had felt his cock twitching in his pants and knew by the way his brother shifted in his seat that he was just as affected by her as he was.

  Connell could tell by the flush on Leah’s cheeks she was humiliated and angry, but she just went about her job, ignoring their verbal jabs. He had wanted to go to her and enfold her in his arms. He had wanted to take away the pain he could see lurking in the depths of her eyes. When he’d heard one of the men yelling at her to get her “fat ass” over to him and give him more coffee, he’d had to grab hold of Seamus’s arm to stop him from going over and punching the bastard’s lights out. What had happened next
had both him and Seamus roaring with fury as they rose to their feet. They didn’t get to her in time. They had been across from her on the other side of the diner, and when he had seen the bastard deliberately trip Leah, sending her sprawling on the floor among hot coffee and shards of glass, his ire snapped.

  Connell grabbed the prick by the neck of his T-shirt, lifted him from the chair with one hand, until the man’s feet were dangling a foot off the floor, drew back his fist, and plowed it into the man’s jaw. He let him go and was satisfied to see he had knocked the man out cold. He turned just in time to see Seamus pick Leah up into his arms and carry her out the front door of the diner. Connell stepped up to the serving window and gave her boss a look which had intimidated many men. He slapped money on the ledge as he stared into the man’s eyes and was satisfied when he saw fear looking back at him.

  “Leah quits. If I catch you or any of your cohorts near her again, you won’t know what hit you,” Connell stated in a steely voice. He turned and glared at the other man who had laughed when his brother had tripped Leah and glared. He was pleased to hear the coward whimper. Connell left the diner without a backward glance and headed to Seamus’s truck.

  “Is she all right?” Connell asked Seamus, who had seated Leah on the edge of the backseat of his truck.

  “She’s covered in coffee, has cuts on her palms, and has a knot and bruise forming on her forehead,” Seamus snarled.

  “Well, get her buckled in and we’ll take her to see the doctor,” Connell replied.


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