Frog Tale

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Frog Tale Page 10

by JT Schultz

  He honestly didn’t like her and right now there was another lady, who he liked and somewhere inside―still loved. He needed to talk to Chloe, she deserved the truth. He hoped she would listen, more so, he wished that she remembered a frog.

  “I’m crazy.” Chloe whispered the words into the night then inhaled deep. Pricks pierced behind her eyes and a watery assault was imminent. She had to be insane and tomorrow morning she needed to see a shrink―everything still hurt so much. “I’m too old,” she breathed into the night as tears clung to her lashes and her heart refused to beat. She closed her eyes as the liquid heartache slipped onto her cheek.

  Chloe was losing her mind. Usually, the insanity was never this bad. First the phone call yesterday morning, then tonight when she stared into a stranger’s eyes. He’d reminded her of the man from her dreams. Her shoulders lifted then fell as she sobbed quietly. She clutched the railing in the garden and lowered her head. How could things get so out of control again? How could she be so illogical to think that somewhere her friend―a mere frog still lived and as a man no less?

  Only the stranger held such a strong resemblance to the man in her dreams, the similarities were almost uncanny. Uncanny and painful. She continued to cry and didn’t even care about the footsteps onto the terrace. It didn’t matter she was crying. “I’m delusional.”

  Large strong hands grabbed the railing on either side of hers. A strong chest grazed her back and hot breath teased her ear. “Don’t fret Il mio cuore.” The rich baritone worked over her body and down her spine, so familiar and so sexy her lungs ceased to function.

  Her hands gripped the rail tight turning her knuckles almost white. “Go away.” Her heart ached to the core of her soul. She hurt and knew sanity was gone; she would have to double her medication tonight before bed.

  The nightmares will be worse.

  “Maybe you need a story.” His voice was a low whisper and identical to every recollection.

  Hot tracks seared her cheeks and she struggled to suppress a sob. This had to be her mind playing tricks or a sick joke by her sisters to wear her down and make her give them money.

  “Once upon a time in Beverly Hills, California, a young, handsome man―“

  A sob cracked through the air―it had left her mouth as her body trembled. The large hands moved off the rail and strong arms wrapped around her pulling her flat against his chest. She turned in the embrace and, with tears in her eyes, blinked. A strange man held her, but the voice, the words and even the features of the stranger were identical to her favorite memories and some of her scariest dreams.

  She scanned his face and beneath the moonlight and dim terrace lights glanced to the scar running above his brow down to his temple. Her gaze met his of sapphire blue and she feared to believe. Despite the scar that ran thick and deep to his temple, he was still gorgeous with dark blue eyes, long black lashes, strong square jaw and a large solid body. He had at least four inches on her five foot ten frame and she was in heels that gave her another inch.

  He released his hold on her, he didn’t speak, but neither did she. His hands raised and wiped the tears from her cheeks. She should flinch and be scared over this bizarre moment, yet she wasn’t. His touch was gentle and his smile made him even better looking. “I remember a young lady crying over wanting to be as pretty as her sisters, I couldn’t wipe her tears then, and tonight she out shined them both, yet again tears fall.”

  Oh God, no―this isn’t real.

  His handsome face broke into a weak smile, making him even better looking. “Only, I wasn’t about to let the opportunity to wipe them away this time escape.”

  “Oh, God! Luc.” Her voice was just above a whisper and more tears started to pierce her eyes.

  “No,” he grinned. “I’m not God, but I’m Luke with a C, not K-E.”

  “This is crazy, I’m crazy.” She stepped back, but his hand caught her wrist and pulled her against him.

  “You aren’t crazy Chloe. You befriended a frog and loved him unconditionally. In a rush to impress some boy, you kissed that frog on the way out the door, and turned him back into a prince.”

  His hold stayed on her wrist and her hand lifted to her necklace. Her mind reeled and everything started to make sense. “I’m not crazy?”

  “No and contrary to what Stella says you look good in blue, but then I’ve told you that several times.” She recognized his sometimes snobby tone and wasn’t sure if the urge to laugh or cry was more overwhelming.

  Her wrist slipped from his touch and her hand covered her mouth. She removed the fingers from her other hand off the chain with the pendant and pressed her palm against his cheek. He turned his face and kissed her skin. Heat radiated through her palm and spread through her body. She lifted toward his scar. “You’re Prince Luciano Mercury.” Things started to fall together in her mind.

  He nodded, “I am.”

  “How could I have not known?” Her fingers brushed along the seam of the scar. She lowered her hand and again touched his cheek. “You’re real.” Her mind raced. “You sent me the necklace.”

  “Yes, to me, you were a princess.” He held his breath. “I’m sorry, Chloe, I should have come to you sooner.” His eyes darted to the necklace then met hers again.

  So many emotions and thoughts collided in her head and heart, but she could sort them out later. “Luc…”

  Again, he nodded and she laced her arms around his neck. His strong arms wrapped around her and a wash of happy tears flooded down her cheeks.

  “Don’t cry, il mio cuore.”

  She lifted her head slightly so she could look into his eyes. “I was about ready to commit myself.”

  “You aren’t crazy, far from it and look more beautiful tonight than any memory I have of you or any picture I’ve seen of you.”

  Fear, disbelief and happiness fought for control over her soul and she blinked. “I have so many questions.”

  “And I will do my best to answer them.” His midnight colored gaze scanned her face, like a soft caress. “Which will be a challenge if you put yourself in a padded room.”

  She inhaled a small unsure breath and darted a look to his lips before lifting her eyes back to meet his. “If I kiss you again, will you turn back into a frog?”

  He chuckled and the sound healed part of her broken soul. “Absolutely not.”

  “Oh,” her chin tilted and her lashes closed as his head lowered to hers.

  His warm breath teased her skin and warm soft lips touched hers. She tightened her hold around his neck and his arms held her closer to him. His soft velvety tongue caressed her lower lip and her mouth parted, granting his tongue access. Heat worked through her body and her breasts crushed against his solid chest. His hands splayed across her lower back and her belly flattened against the bulge in his pants. Pressure built across her stomach from his arousal. He groaned as she deepened the kiss, wanting more than their tongues entwined. She wanted all of him and the need to have him deep inside her grew as desire formed between her legs, dampening her thong.

  His lips lifted from hers and her eyes opened, greeted by his dark intent gaze. “If this continues, we will be leaving the party early.” Desire blazed in his stare and his lips curved into a grin. “And it will not be for conversation, il mio cuore.”

  Still her emotions raged as she stepped out of his arms and lowered hers from his neck. Fear pierced her heart and her brows dipped. So many thoughts and questions ran through her mind to the point she didn’t know if she were dreaming or not and if she was, she didn’t want to wake up. Everything seemed too logical―sort of and perfect.

  “What’s wrong?” His handsome face etched in worry

  Her mind raced and horrible images flashed through her mind. Did she tell him what she was thinking and come across as that scared teenage girl all over again, or did she deny this moment and the truths that seemed to be unrealistic?

  His eyes widened and concern crossed his features under the pale glow of the lights. “Ch

  “I’m afraid I’ll turn around and you’ll be gone again.” Panic worked over her and her breathing became shallow. “I can’t lose you again―not yet.”

  His expression softened and a smile crossed the lips, she again longed for. “I won’t leave you again. You won’t lose me, Chloe.” His mouth gently brushed hers and his grin broadened. “I’m yours as long as you’ll have me.”

  She forced a smile. “That might be a long time.” At the very least until she could make heads or tails of the situation―if this was real, she might never let him go.

  “I hope so.” His hand slid to her lower back and his body turned to lead her back into the house. The touch wakened her body and soothed her spirit. “Now let’s go mingle and get you another glass of champagne, have you relax and then we can have some time alone.”

  Paranoia filled her and she reached for him. Despite how she normally wasn’t clingy, this time fear controlled her. “Luc―”

  “I won’t leave your side, not until we have a chance to talk and I give you some answers to the many questions and many doubts you must have.” He assured her so gently as if reading her mind and the thoughts she had.

  The words he spoke were a small comfort, but still, her nightmares haunted her and terror she would lose him again played a real threat in her mind.

  If he is really a prince, are my worst fears real too?

  Luciano kept his hand on Chloe as they reentered the house. His erection had diminished and he had the woman of his dreams by his side. Desire still blazed through him, but he was patient. He had waited this long for her and if the kiss in the garden was any indication, tonight she would be completely his. Hot erotic images played out in his mind as he imagined Chloe’s naked body entwined with his. His body stirred again and he banished the colorful scenarios as he glanced around the room. His stepmother’s eyes bore into him and her glare focused on the beautiful woman by his side.

  Protectively, he caressed Chloe’s lower back and turned his attention off Ella. The woman was a bitch and her hatred for him burned with intensity. Chloe glanced up at him through her thick dark lashes and smiled. He knew that the longer he stayed by her, the more she would relax and led her over toward the bar. “Another champagne?”

  “Wine, red, please.” Her long lashes blinked as she stared up at him.

  He nodded and confirmed her wish with the bartender then turned to her. “I will get you whatever your heart desires.” He teased lightly.

  Her slow seductive gaze raked over him the same way her hands on his bare skin would have the same effect. His flesh burned to feel her naked beneath him. Lust sparked in her eyes, he knew she wanted him as carnally.

  “That il mio cuore, is a given.” He assured.

  “Chloe Starling,” a male voice called and he turned to see a tall blonde man step near. Her body turned, yet her back never broke contact with Luciano’s touch.

  “Montgomery Anderson, it is always a pleasure.” Her tone was polite, but lacked the warmth it usually carried.

  The blond man reached for her hand and kissed the back of it. “You’re the pleasure.”

  He knew he had no right to be jealous, but he didn’t like the stranger putting his lips against Chloe’s hand and reveled slightly, when she quickly withdrew from the new arrival’s touch. She stepped back slightly so her soft curvy bottom was against Luciano’s thigh. “Montgomery, allow me to introduce Prince Luciano Mercury.” She glanced up at him. “Luc, this is Montgomery Anderson, his family deals mostly in oil lubricants and occasionally Saudi Light, they're direct to the seller.”

  Keeping his hand against Chloe, he extended his other and shook the man’s hand. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

  Montgomery’s eyes shifted to Chloe. “A Prince. That explains why you’ve turned me down so many times.” He grinned at Luciano. “She is one of the best brokers in the business and going to rival her father one day.”

  “I agree.” He was proud at how successful she had become and again reveled that she hadn’t given the man in front of them the time of day outside business.

  “Chloe!” Georgina called and approached. She flashed Montgomery a smile then raked her gaze over Luc seductively, before she turned to her sister. “I need to talk to you.” She forced a fake smile. “Now!”

  Her back stiffened as she reached for the wineglass placed next to her. She sipped the wine and smiled at Montgomery. “If you gentlemen will excuse me please.”

  Montgomery bowed his head slightly and she turned to Luc. Her gaze met his and he shot a look to Georgina before focusing on her again. “Talk to your sister, I’ll find you.”

  Apprehension filled her dark eyes and she nodded before she glared at Georgina. “This better be good,” she all but hissed in a whisper.

  Luciano’s gaze followed Chloe as Georgina led her away. He already missed her and knew she hadn’t wanted to leave his side. He glanced back to Montgomery and smiled. They ended up exchanging pleasantries for a few more moments, discussed sugar and other commodities. From across the room his father and Albert waved to him and he excused himself to go over to where they stood. His eyes scanned the room and he saw no sign of the Starling sisters.

  “How are things?” Albert asked right away as they led him down a hall and away from the hub of people.

  “Did you tell her the truth? Did you tell her you were the―”

  He swallowed and nodded. “I did and she actually believed me.” He smiled. “She also shed quite a few tears.” His eyes darted out to what he could see of the main room and still no sign of Chloe. He turned back to his father and friend. “I know she thought she was losing her mind. I wonder if I should have come to her sooner.”

  Albert smiled. “I had no idea how attached you two had become. She was lost without you and like I said since she talked to you yesterday, she has been completely out of sorts and far from the happy woman I know.”

  His father cast him a leveled look. “Is leaving her what killed your spirit?”

  “Yes.” Luciano’s heart pierced. “Forgive me gentlemen, but I would like to find her and spend some time with her without others. She has a lot of questions and I’m sure she will eventually wonder if she doesn’t already, why I didn’t come sooner.”

  Albert lifted his brow. “Please―”

  “My intentions are more than sincere. They always have been.” Never did he want either father to doubt his integrity where Chloe was concerned.

  “I never doubted your intentions. I care about you both.” He patted his shoulder and winked. “Now go find my daughter, give yourselves a chance to be happy.”

  Turning away he walked back to the hub and remembered where the kitchen was. He drew near when he spotted the navy dress and the slender hourglass frame.

  Georgina scowled. “Don’t be a bitch Chloe. I need the money, I want a divorce.”

  “I told you no. Why should I? You always treat me terrible and are only nice when you’re broke and need money.”

  “Stella told me you gave her twenty thousand.” Her tone to Chloe resembled the hiss of a serpent.

  “And I’ve given you a hell of a lot more.” Chloe’s voice strained.

  In the years, some things never changed. Her sisters were still menaces.

  “Give me the money or I will make sure that Prince Charming knows how crazy you are.”

  Time to cut in and put the wicked sister in her place once and for all.

  The last thing he needed was Chloe anymore upset tonight.

  Georgina’s voice became harsh. “I know all about you, Chloe. I know how you shut yourself down waiting for Mr. Right―you still believe in fairy tales. Give it up and commit yourself, Stella thinks you’re crazy too.”

  “Chloe, there you are.” He placed his hand firm on her lower back and his body relaxed just from the slightest touch. She glanced up at him and he smiled then focused on Georgina. “I couldn’t help but overhearing the conversation.”

  A demonic smile
curved across the blonde’s lips. “Prince Luciano, how nice of you to join us.” She shot a sneer to Chloe then returned her smile at him. “And what timing.”

  “Yes, I am most fascinated over the topic of fairy tales.” He reached and took Chloe’s hand.

  Her sister’s gaze dipped to their hands laced together.

  Reveling in the moment, he smiled. “I was always a fan of The Frog Prince.”

  Georgina’s eyes widened as the horror washed over her face. “No…” her eyes flashed to the scar. “No. there is no way―impossible.”

  A bubble of laughter escaped Chloe. “You know what Georgina; I’ll pay for your divorce, the expression on your face just provided me with enough entertainment for the next decade. Now if you’ll excuse us, I would like to entertain the prince.”

  Quietly he led her away from Georgina, keeping her hand in his. He paused and smiled at her. “And just how did you plan on entertaining me?”

  Her eyes sparkled and his heart started to race. “If you’re ready to leave the party, I would be more than happy to show you.”

  His libido kicked up a notch and his body started to ache. “Lead on.”

  Chapter 8

  After discreetly escaping the party, he followed her up to the end of the house where her room had been years earlier and still located. She opened the door and flicked on the light. The bedroom was nothing like he remembered. Gone was the pink and floral print from years gone by, now the room was rich in earth tones. The wall that had once divided Stella’s room from Chloe’s had large double doors in the middle and revealed an upscale office. He knew Albert’s office was down the hall. A strange ache formed in his heart and he turned.

  Her gaze met his and her brows dipped in worry. “Are you all right?” She shut the door and locked the handle then stepped closer to where he stood. She looked gorgeous and his body heated in need, despite the sentiment of his heart.


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