Frog Tale

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Frog Tale Page 14

by JT Schultz

  Though she mumbled the words under her breath, he’d definitely heard them and worried a slight bit. Chloe was naturally sweet, except where his stepmother was concerned;then the love of his life turned cold and lethal. Where did such a fear and hatred stem from? He knew Chloe ten times better than Ella and only one question repeated in his mind as he thought of the love loss between the two women and his stepmother’s dislike for the girl, now a lady, who had saved him from death and a curse.


  Smoothing her hands over the dark blue velour evening dress, Chloe studied her reflection in the mirror. The dress had been a perfect choice considering how much Luc loved her in any shade of blue. The off the shoulder style of the gown dipped in the front sufficient to be sexy but not low enough to induce scandal. Instinctively, her hand touched the necklace hanging around her neck and her stomach fluttered. All these years she had worn a gift from Luc, the notion more than any girlhood fantasy could allow. The pendent and chain were perfect, especially considering they were from a prince. In so many ways he had always been hers―even if only her heart.

  She turned away from the mirror and wondered if Luc had come back yet from his day. Almost positive she’d heard the Maserati come back earlier she walked over to the large window in her bedroom and noticed the vehicle parked on the large circular drive.

  Odd, Luc hadn’t come up to see her but she also knew he’d had a busy day. She did hide away for a big chunk of the day in her office and ventured out only when she knew her mother and the queen left to go shopping. Avoiding Ella had become a new hobby. Not only did the woman give her chills but the royal pain in the ass didn’t hide her dislike for Chloe, which made being near her more than unnerving.

  The woman is downright creepy, queen or not. What was Mario thinking?

  With a heavy sigh she decided he hadn’t been and grief had clouded his better judgment. She crossed the hardwood floor of her room then through the hall and down the stairs toward the drawing room where her father had mentioned everyone would gather before dinner. Apparently, her sisters would be coming tonight. The thought formed a knot in her stomach and she didn’t think she could stomach Georgina and her husband, Ronald, arguing. What had her father been thinking? She stepped deeper into the room and discovered no one there yet, except the one person, she wanted to avoid.

  A slow deliberate smile, lacking all sincerity crossed Ella’s face, the gesture bordered on a demonic look.

  Not good, not good at all.

  Her icy blue gaze raked over Chloe and she stepped closer. “Chloe, don’t we look lovely, trying to impress someone?” Her gaze darted to the necklace around her neck and her eyes narrowed.

  “No.” Gratifying the queen with an explanation wasn’t high on her list, but she could humor the bitchy royal with an answer―as nicely as possible. “I always dress up when my father tells me dinner will be formal, contrary to what you may personally think of me, he and my mother did raise me with some class.” Her tone held disdain despite her best efforts. She hadn’t planned to cross into snotty, but the woman in front of her induced the tendency with such ease. “Why would you care, Ella, what I do?”

  “I dislike you more with every passing moment and I warned you to keep your distance, but you sure didn’t waste anytime falling into bed with Luciano. Do you really think you’re so different from the other women he’s shared his evenings? He’ll use you for nothing more than sex then toss you away like a soiled tissue. He knows you’re nothing more than a slut and you’ve done little to prove otherwise.”

  Ella’s words cut quick down to her soul. “You’re lying to compensate for what a miserable person you are.” Chloe’s proverbial claws came out and politeness fell by the way side. “You couldn’t possibly understand what I share with Luc, nor is it any of your business.”

  The queen’s expression hardened. “You little tramp.”

  “Call me what you like, but I’m not crazy about you, anymore than you are of me. Only, unlike you, I can tell you why my ill regard runs deep.”

  “I’d watch your tongue.” Her tone carried venom and though slightly frightening Chloe continued on.

  Enough is enough.

  “You’ve shown nothing but dislike for me from the first time you’ve stepped into my family’s home, so don’t try and say the reason you're so hateful toward me is because of Luc.” Her lips tugged into a smile and despite being afraid of the queen, her confidence grew. “Telling me that my intentions toward your stepson are what soil your opinion of me just proves that you are as terrible at lying as you are at being sincere.”

  “I have every reason to hate you.” Her voice held a near cackle and Chloe’s heart picked up pace. The woman had a knack for going from scary to frightening in record time.

  She darted a sideways glance to the door hoping Luc, her father, hell even her sisters would be a relief from the woman who chilled her blood. She inched backward, struggling to find her voice and her fleeting confidence as the queen stepped toward her. “Tell me what I did so wrong?”

  “No, I’m not going to make things that easy on you, but…” Her expression took on an evil look and terror cooled Chloe’s blood even further. “So help me, I will promise you one thing. If my stepson ever touches you again, if you insist on having a relationship with him, I’ll kill him and not think twice about the ramifications.”

  “That’s a little drastic don’t you think?” She begrudged the fact her voice carried the fear from her heart.

  “I won’t stop there, Chloe. I will destroy your family and make sure none of them survive. As I recall the last time I made the threat to a family it didn’t work out so good for the Czar of the country I aided in that demise.”

  The words seemed odd but for some reason she couldn’t help think of a certain family in 1917. Chloe shook the thoughts off and decided she would check Russian history later.

  “Stay away from Luciano or suffer the consequences and live with the knowledge you were responsible for his death and your family’s destruction.” Her last words left her mouth with so much venom Chloe swore her heart would stop beating. “One last thing, if you tell anyone of this conversation I will see to it your worst nightmares become a frightening reality.”

  Heavy footsteps entered the room, and she glanced away from Ella toward her father and King Mario who had arrived with Luc. Immediately, the man she loved crossed the floor to her and she cast him a leveled look. He frowned slightly when his hand lifted to touch her and she stepped back with a forced smile.

  With every ounce of strength, she struggled to remain calm. The queen studied her every move and she glanced to her father. “Where are mom and my sisters?” Even her voice had become unrecognizable and she came across less than well.

  “Oh she is talking to Georgina and Ronald while they wait for Stella to arrive.” His expression turned thoughtful then his brows dipped. “You’re pale. Your mother mentioned you didn’t go shopping with her and the queen today.”

  “I had work, to do.” She swallowed hard and bit back the pain starting to form in her chest.

  “Your father is right you are pale.” Luc sounded worried, but she didn’t dare bring her gaze to meet his in fear of him touching her.

  “We just came to collect my wife.” Mario crossed over to Ella who took his arm. “My son would like a word with you alone for a moment.”

  Her heart slammed to stop and grief and anxiety tackled her nerves in a death grip. She stepped around Luc and glanced toward the threshold where her father had departed. Mario and Ella exited the room and she glanced back and stared at Chloe. “Remember what I said.” Her gaze narrowed and her eyes changed color.

  Beneath the length of her gown, her knees weakened and her blood froze from the steely gaze of crimson color. The queen walked out of view and Chloe pivoted on her heel and glanced at Luc. He had his back to her, but finally turned and met her gaze, missing Ella’s eyes change color.

  A worried expression crossed his face and
he shook his head. “You really are pale, are you sure you’re not getting sick?” A strong hand reached for her and she averted contact by again stepping back.

  Pain tightened her chest as a confused and hurt look crossed his handsome features. “Please don’t touch me.” Her voice was soft and she barely recognized the sound as her own.

  He shot a glance to the door then frowned. “What happened with Ella?” His tone became terse and displeasure wasn’t hard to miss.

  “Nothing.” Her heart pierced from the bold face lie, but terror seized her soul. She longed to tell him the truth but Ella’s threat echoed in her mind.

  He didn’t look happy but finally he nodded once. “Okay, that’s fair. You can tell me when you’re ready.”

  I’ll never be ready.

  Everything about her current situation had become completely unfair. If she gave into her heart she risked everyone she loved. If she lied to Luc, she could save him and ruin everything she had ever dreamed. “I have nothing to say where Ella is concerned.”

  “Please tell me why you won’t let me touch you.” The hurt in his baritone wasn’t hard to miss.

  She closed her eyes and struggled, mustering every ounce of energy not to fall against his chest and savor the love and safety of his arms wrapped around her. Giving into her needs would result in the worse consequences, so she had only one option. “I was wrong.” Her voice came out a mere whisper as she opened her eyes.

  The expression on his face became unreadable. “About what?”

  Fierce pricks attacked behind her eyes and the urge to cry overwhelmed her. She couldn’t though, and had to remain strong and definite in what she was about to do or Luc would know the words about to leave her mouth were part of the biggest deception ever told. “Us.” The knowledge she would save him by her next words did nothing to ease the fact she was about to destroy her heart and his in the process. “I was wrong about us, and the way I felt.”

  His eyes closed then opened.

  Not allowing him to say anything that would break her resolve or demolish her composure, she continued. “I really am not in love with you, but had time to think today and realized I was in love with the romantic notion of loving a prince, filling the role described in fairy tales.”

  “I don’t believe you.” Agony coated every word and by the sudden expression, she knew he was hurting.

  “Please believe me. I think it would be pointless for you to stay after your parents go back.”

  “You mean my father and stepmother.”

  Tears were close to the surface. “It doesn’t matter to me who Ella is to you or how you perceive her. I think for the rest of your visit, it would be best if we just stayed away from each other.”

  “Chloe!” His confident manner now gone, the pain in his voice oozed over her spine and guilt plagued her. He stepped toward her and the dam holding back her tears broke. Grief swallowed her spirit.

  “Tell my father I won’t be at dinner. Actually, tell him I won’t be back tonight. It was nice meeting you, Prince Luciano.” She spun on the heel of her shoe and ran out of drawing room.

  Luc called her name again, but she already reached the top of the stairs. Watery grief rushed down her cheeks in hot tracks and she ran into her room grabbed her purse. She remembered Luc had her other set of keys but couldn't worry about that right now. How she didn’t trip from the blur in her eyes, remained a mystery. Her hand touched the cold knob and she pulled open the door.

  “Chloe, please talk to me.” Luc demanded as he stood there with her dad and King Mario.

  She blinked, sending more hot tears over her lashes to her cheek. “There is nothing to say Luc. I was nothing but a fool.” Even now, Ella’s words of threat echoed in her mind, the cost to disobey too pricey. “Good bye.”

  Chloe shut the door, hurried over to her car, climbed in and started the car without a second thought. Tires squealed as she pulled out of the drive and her heart ached. From her rear view mirror, the image of her dad standing on the threshold of their mansion reflected back to her and she glanced away. Terror had her not thinking, but she couldn’t tell Luc the truth, she couldn’t tell anyone and would look like a complete bitch after this just to keep him and her family safe. Nausea rolled over her stomach and she sniffled and sobbed, heading toward the center of Beverly Hills.

  Luc had retired to his bedroom, after apologizing that he wouldn’t be at dinner and started to pack. He had already informed his father to have the jet ready since he was leaving tonight. He stood now staring at the suitcase and shook his head. The velour box he had picked up earlier that day sat on top of his clothes and he rocked on the heels of his shoes. A heavy weight sat on his chest and his thoughts were as scattered as the shards of his heart. He removed his hands from his pockets, reached for the soft velour and opened the box. There inside the satin safety blinked back the engagement ring he’d wanted to give Chloe, instead she broke his heart and ran away as if he were nothing.


  The words that left her full lips telling him she didn’t love him had killed part of his soul and he knew in a couple weeks that he would be doomed to his curse. Again, he would be frog. The notation didn’t bother him as much as living without Chloe did.

  A knock came at his door and he knew it was either Albert or his father. Right now, he didn’t want to talk. Luc wanted to be alone to hurt and come to grips with his now sealed fate. However, he couldn’t be rude. “Come in.”

  He closed the lid on the elaborate ring as the door opened. “Are you doing okay?” Albert asked and stepped over to where he stood.

  He met the man’s gaze and knew he wasn’t alone when he noticed his dad standing next to his friend. He bounced his look between his father and Albert. “I should have known both of you would come up.”

  “You’re like a son to me,” Albert assured. “What happened with Chloe?”

  “She said she doesn’t love me.” Even as he said the words aloud, he couldn’t believe them.

  Albert frowned. “Impossible, Luc, she…” He glanced at Mario who shook his head then met Luc’s gaze.

  “Don’t believe it.” His dad’s expression grew solemn. “The woman I saw with you last night left no doubt in my mind she loves you.”

  Albert made a click sound with his tongue. “I don’t understand what would have her act like she did tonight. She almost came across as scared and upset.”


  The single word chafed his spirit as if a clue.

  She was talking to Ella before we came in.

  He shook his head, but for some odd reason something didn’t sit right about the situation. Could Ella be responsible? He glanced at his father. “Why did you marry Ella so quickly after mom died?”

  His father narrowed his gaze. “A king needs to have a queen, she just appeared one day and I don’t know, I guess she seemed like a good choice.” His mouth curved into a frown. “Why do you ask?”

  He didn’t know what to say. “Just curious.” However the more he thought about Chloe’s behavior a part of him held a small shard of hope, maybe there was more than what she had let on. The question remained.

  What didn’t he know?

  Chapter 11

  Chloe closed the book in her hand and lifted her gaze to the light glow of her desk lamp. Even now, a couple weeks later, inhaling and exhaling hurt her chest and her heart ached for Luc. She glanced to the digital clock on the black phone on the top of her desk and after working out the time difference knew he was already into his morning. Every ounce of her body longed to pick up the phone and tell him the truth. Most of all tell him how much she loved him.

  If you tell him, you will have sentenced him to death.

  The voice of reason did little to comfort her and she knew she couldn’t speak to him and risk everything. Never would she forget the expression of grief on his handsome face. He on the other hand never fully witnessed the tears she’d shed over letting him go or the countless nights since she had sh
attered their hearts, she had cried herself to sleep. Forever she would love him and long for him, maybe the day would come and she would not only forgive herself for lying to him, but for deeply hurting him the way she had.

  “I didn’t have a choice, Luc.” She whispered and glanced to the front of the old hard cover book in her hands. Over a hundred years old, and as expensive as what some people made in a month of working, she held one of the most extensive books on dark magic. She placed the book down and wondered about what she had read.

  Some of the contents still chilled her down to the blood in her veins. Between the heavily bound pages laid lore and superstitions, curses and of course the lineage of darkness reaching into the Middle Ages. Some people proclaimed the ideas hogwash. Those people obviously didn’t experience life-like terrors every time they closed their eyes. She rose from the chair, again thinking of Luc and shivered as images of her worst nightmares flashes through her mind.

  “When don’t I think of you?” Her fingers reached to the picture of them on her bookcase and caressed the glass. The picture taken only two weeks ago when they had spent the day together, now the sunny day seemed a lifetime ago. Her lashes closed, her head hung in defeat and the familiar piercing behind her eyes started. Tears were imminent―they always were. She muffled a sob not wanting to cry anymore.

  “What are you doing to yourself?” Her father’s voice startled her and she glanced to the door.

  “I didn’t hear you knock,” she whispered and brushed the few renegade drops that had formed on her lashes away.

  He sighed heavy and shut the door, then crossed the floor over to where she stood. “I didn’t knock. I thought you’d fallen asleep with the light on. At least I hoped you had. You rarely sleep anymore.”

  She shook her head. “I have a lot on my mind.” Swallowing hard, she tried to camouflage the hurt wrecking havoc on her body and soul.


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