A Captive of Fear and Desire

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A Captive of Fear and Desire Page 15

by Sophie Kisker

  Oh, God, he was a first class bastard, he was.

  When he’d gotten back to his office, he didn’t even bother going in to the attached bedroom. He sat down in his desk chair and pulled out his stiff cock. It took less than a minute for the memory of her struggles against the invading dildo in her mouth to make him cry out loud and come all over his pants. If DeLeo had been listening, he no doubt was chuckling with glee.

  And once Dan had spent, and his arousal had fled, he’d taken a good look at himself. He hadn’t liked what he’d seen at all, which was what led to the formerly-full and now almost-half-empty scotch bottle on the floor next to his dead-drunk and pitiful ass.

  ~ ~ ~

  That was how Josh found him a little later, and after brewing some strong coffee and hauling Dan back into his chair, he’d gone to deal with Laura. When he returned to Dan’s office, he slammed the door and strode over to the desk. He pulled out a zip drive from his pocket and inserted it into the USB port of Dan’s computer. A few clicks of the mouse, and the audio that DeLeo received now would reveal nothing more than the hum of the air conditioner for at least an hour while they were able to talk freely. It was a backup that they’d never used before because it was risky. There was no choice now.

  “What the fuck happened?”

  Dan put his head in his hands. “I don’t know, man. I lost it. I put her on that machine, and watching her struggle on it was the most arousing thing I’ve ever seen. I lost my mind. I kept her on it way too long, I pushed her too hard, I made her gag over and over and damn if that itself didn’t almost make me come in my pants. I told her that I had the right to decide if she breathed—or not.”

  Josh fiddled with the computer and pulled up the recording of Laura and the machine. He watched without comment.

  Dan turned his back, not able to re-live it. “I’ve screwed up the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m no different than the people we’re trying to lock up.”

  He was startled when Josh whipped his chair back around to face the computer. “Look!” Josh jabbed a finger towards the screen.

  Dan cringed. Laura was impaled upon the dildo, her eyes locked on Dan’s, struggling to remain still as he commanded. She lost the fight for a moment, a wild panicked look coming into her eyes, but as Dan barked out a command to stay still, she regained control.

  “That’s what I’m talking about right there,” Dan growled with disgust. “My damn dick is twitching right now.”

  “Look at her cunt.”

  Dan tore his eyes away from her face to look down between her legs. They were splayed so far apart that he could see every inch of glistening pink skin.

  And his dick wasn’t the only thing that was twitching. Her cunt was spasming and the juice was dripping down to puddle on the edge of her seat.

  “She’s so turned on, she’s almost having an orgasm, dude.”

  Dan turned to Josh, his forehead wrinkled. “Then why was she shooting me looks of hatred? She was yelling at me through the gag. She was begging me to let her go!”

  “You think she has any idea why she’s feeling this way, too? She’s probably just as confused by her reactions as you are. And, to be honest, how many subs have you had who’ve begged and pleaded while being punished, only to admit later that they were glad you hadn’t stopped? Yes, I know they had safewords, and Laura doesn’t. But were you watching while I punished her a few minutes ago?”

  “Yeah. She went from defiant to contrite to thanking you in record time.”

  “Dan, I don’t know what this all means. I don’t know what’s gonna happen to the two of you after you leave here. You have to face the possibility that she might not want to be with you ever again. But you don’t have much choice. To get her, you, us, out of here alive, this–” he waved at the video on the computer, “–is what you have to do. Keeping her alive is the best gift you could ever give her.” For emphasis, Josh picked up the bottle of scotch and poured it down the sink. “DeLeo gave you three days to get her to deep throat, so that’s what you’re going to do, no matter what it takes.”

  Dan gave a short, reluctant nod. For now, he was going to seal up the huge rip in his heart, and continue being a bastard.

  Chapter 23


  Her eyes were screwed up tight as she tried to get her body to do something completely illogical. She could not get her throat to close around the dildo, and she was beginning to see spots at the edge of her vision. She wasn’t fighting, though.

  She’d spent part of the night staring at the ceiling trying to sort out her conflicted feelings. Then she’d masturbated over and over, every nerve in her body alight with an arousal she didn’t understand. She had been frightened and angry on that machine but she couldn’t deny the feelings that swept through her each time he demonstrated his absolute authority over her. And she recognized now that when he’d declared that he had the right to decide when she should breathe, she’d almost had an orgasm despite her panic.

  What the hell was wrong with her?

  When Master 2 had come in and she’d defied him, she was strangely glad he’d punished her. The tight knot of confusion, fear, and anger had relaxed, replaced by a calm peace. It made no sense.

  A lot of things she was experiencing here made no sense. She was often terrified. Often in pain. When she thought about the possibility that DeLeo could get his hands on her, despite Dan’s assurances, she felt the panic well up from deep inside.

  And yet, she’d never felt more alive.

  Her feelings were more intense. Hell, her orgasms were more intense. She was aroused all the time. She’d been challenged repeatedly, and risen to the challenge. Granted, she wasn’t exactly allowed to fail, but she’d found inside herself a strength she had no idea she owned.

  And there was nowhere she felt more at peace than kneeling at Dan’s feet.

  Now, though, she was attached to the blowjob machine again. Dan stood before her, his face implacable and unreadable. His tone of voice allowed for no disobedience, and she struggled to obey his command.

  “Swallow, dammit. You don’t get to breathe until you do.”

  Somehow she finally got her throat to make the movement. It felt strange, as though the muscles were embracing the large intruder. Instantly her head was pulled back and she heaved in huge lungsful of air for about a dozen breaths, then looked at him steadily, preparing to be sent back down and try it again. There was no arguing today, no protesting, just calm acceptance, and a certain amount of trust.

  A flick of the thumb and she was back down. She knew what to do without being ordered. This time she managed to do it fairly quickly and was congratulating herself when he ordered her to do it a second time before she could come up.

  A second one was not happening. She tried and tried. The spots were beginning to appear again and she lost her resolve and started thrashing. He pulled her back as he sighed.

  “You need to learn to stay on a man’s dick and swallow around it without struggling no matter how long he keeps you there, and we’re going to practice over and over until you can do that, understand? Though it wouldn’t surprise me if Mr. DeLeo enjoyed some resistance.”

  A whimper escaped from her mouth but that was the only protest. She accepted that this was her present and her entire future for right now. As long as he wanted her to do it, she would do it.

  ~ ~ ~

  By the middle of the afternoon, she could swallow almost at will. Dan pushed her relentlessly and by dinnertime, she could take the whole thing almost all the way down her throat. Yesterday she was sure it would never happen, but here she was. She was absurdly proud of herself. She was also exhausted, her jaw hurt badly, and he hadn’t let her pee since before breakfast. And for the second day in a row, she’d missed lunch and didn’t really want to put anything in her mouth for dinner.

  Did Dan think she’d done a good job? It was hard to tell. His mask had been in place all day. The only consideration he’d shown was to remove the ri
ng every couple of hours and let her drink, though he never released her arms or legs. When he finally called an end to the day, he had to carry her back to the cell, but this time instead of dumping her on the bed, he set her down on shaky feet in the shower. To her surprise, he stripped off his clothes, turned on the warm water, and as he stood behind her, he washed and massaged her sore muscles from head to toe until she felt like jelly. She relaxed back into the strength of his arms, feeling the soft tickle of his chest hair on her back and the warmth of his breath on her cheek.

  Just before the water turned off, he leaned in close to her ear. “I am so proud of you.” Then he turned off the water, dried her, and led her out to the beds.

  “Tomorrow it’s time to show what you know on some real dicks.” He didn’t explain any further as he fastened her collar to the bed chain, and she was too tired to ask any questions. Besides, she’d find out then.

  ~ ~ ~

  When she was escorted to the room the next day, the blowjob machine had a cover over it, and there was only Dan. She almost wept with relief as she knelt at his feet.

  “Laura, this morning you’re going to practice taking my cock into your mouth and holding it there until I say you can breathe, but your hands are not going to be restrained. I expect you to hold them at your sides, easy and relaxed, no matter what you’re feeling. Once I think you’re able to do it well, I’m going to come in your mouth and you’ll drink every bit of it.”

  “Yes, Master.” A small shiver went up her spine, part fear and part thrill.

  “After that, Mr. DeLeo will be watching on the cameras. You’ll give a blowjob to each master, and you’ll swallow his cum as well.”

  She looked up at him in distress. Every master?

  “Do you have a problem with a direct order, slave?” The mask was back.

  She returned her gaze to the floor. “No, Master.” Yes, Master! Especially Master 3! He would do everything possible to make her fail, she knew.

  ~ ~ ~

  It was harder than she thought. Time and again she took his rock-hard cock into her mouth and sank down the length of it, surprised every time that she could go down that far. But once she got down there, she struggled with making the swallowing movement. Even worse, he had his hands on her head and he pressed her tight against his balls. She tried to keep her hands at her sides but when she started to get desperate, she was unable to stop herself from pushing on his legs and trying desperately to pull herself off. The fourth or fifth time her hands went up higher in her struggles and she accidentally dug her fingernails onto his balls. With an oath, he shoved her off to the floor.

  “I’m sorry, Master! I didn’t mean to!”

  He didn’t reply; instead, he unbuckled his belt and yanked it out of the loops. She cowered back on the floor, her hands covering her head. Nothing happened. After a moment, she peeked out. He had his eyes closed and was breathing deep breaths. The belt hung loosely from his hand.

  The stress of the last few days hadn’t been easy on him, either.

  The silence dragged on while they both struggled. Finally, she came to a decision.

  “Master, if you use the belt to whip me I’m sure I’ll remember not to do that again.” She couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth.

  He opened his eyes, his gaze piercing straight into her soul. “Yes. I think you’re right.”

  She turned over on her hands and knees and put her face to the floor. The pain of her punishment from the day before yesterday still echoed across the taut skin of her buttocks. She braced herself. When the stroke came, she howled but remained in place, her body shaking as she dealt with the pain.

  “Try again.”

  She knelt up and turned to face him. His cock was rigid. It dawned on her that all this was turning him on, and that he was having trouble dealing with his arousal. It made her sad that neither of them had any idea what was really going on with the other. She couldn’t tell him of her self-discoveries, nor could she truly reassure him of her love and understanding of his struggles.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered as she took him into her mouth again. That was all she could really share. She didn’t know if he’d heard her but this time when his hands clutched her head, she felt the fingers stroke her hair. She relaxed and managed to suck and swallow him over and over until she was seeing stars but her hands never left her sides. Just as she could hold out no longer, he thrust her off of him. She gasped in air twice before he yanked her back on and the head of his cock went deep. She made a swallow movement once and he stiffened and let out a strangled cry. She felt his cock empty its seed into the back of her throat and she swallowed again and again, each time causing him to cry out until his knees sagged. His limp cock slipped out of her mouth and he cradled her head against his pants.

  “Oh, Laura,” was all he said, but it was enough.

  ~ ~ ~

  It was performance time. The camera was on, she knew DeLeo was watching, and the other five masters sat in chairs in a line in front of her. She’d found a corner of acceptance in her mind, and was kneeling quietly while she waited for the order to start. She remembered what Dan had said about DeLeo probably enjoying a little struggle, so she didn’t worry about being perfect.

  “Let’s start.” Dan was addressing the camera. “This slave has been working very hard. I think you’ll like what you see, and I know you’ll like how it feels when she finally performs for you, sir.”

  He turned to Laura. “I believe we should give the honor of going first to Master 3.”

  She looked at him with wide eyes. She thought she’d have at least one master before him to get her feet wet. She realized it was Dan’s way of getting the worst over with.

  “Yes, Master,” she acknowledged. She shuffled over to him on her knees.

  The arrogant prick sat back in his chair, making no move to help her. She reached up to unbuckle his belt, shuddering internally at touching the strip of leather that had so often been used to beat her. She unzipped his pants and pulled out his limp cock. Not only did he not have any underwear on, but he didn’t smell particularly fresh. This time she barely contained her revulsion and he noticed.

  “How dare you!” He slapped her face hard enough that her ears rang. “Get your mouth on my dick and get it hard, bitch!”

  It seemed that slapping her face was just what his dick needed to get started, because it sprang to life. She balled her fists at her sides and opened her mouth, knowing he was going to grab her and pull her forward, and braced herself. He didn’t disappoint. She willed herself to relax as his cock thrust deep into her throat. She even managed to swallow around his thickness and was rewarded with a groan. He showed no intention of letting her up, though. She swallowed again, and again, now feeling more desperate. At least when she couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t smell him, and she clung to that small blessing.

  She was dimly aware of Dan saying something behind her and suddenly she was off his dick and gasping for air. The reprieve was short, though. He pulled her back on, but this time he pushed and pulled, his hands twined tightly in her hair. It was almost like being back on the blowjob machine. He wasn’t interested in letting her initiate any sucking or licking; he clearly wanted to fuck her throat, so she concentrated on relaxing, breathing when she could, and pretending she was someplace else. And eventually he pulled her hard onto his dick as she swallowed over and over and he shouted and came into the back of her throat. He kept her there long past the point where he had to. She felt his dick getting softer, though it still blocked her breathing, and yet he refused to let her go. At last, she lost her control and raised her hands up to shove him away but his strength was so much greater than hers. She heard voices raised in alarm as the room slipped away…

  Suddenly, there was air. She lay on her back, cradled in Dan’s arms, coughing and sputtering. She looked up to see Masters 2 and 4 holding Master 3 back. He was beet red and struggling to get free. Dan helped Laura sit up, then stood and moved nose to nose w
ith the belligerent man.

  “Get. The fuck. Out of here.” His voice was quiet and scary. “If Mr. DeLeo wants to suffocate his slave, that’s his prerogative. But right now, you keep your fucking hands off this slave.”

  They faced off with each other while Laura tried to control her ragged breathing and everyone in the room watched in silence. Then Master 3 shrugged off the arms still holding him and stalked out of the room.

  Dan stood looking at the door for a moment before turning back to Laura.

  “You’ve got four more. Get going.”

  She summoned all her strength to crawl over to Master 2, remembering how she’d done this for him the first day. It took several minutes for his dick to get hard, but Laura worked at nibbling and licking the balls and sucked the long stalk, she noticed with some small pleasure how much better she was able to perform this time. She heard soft sighs from above and smiled. His hands wrapped themselves in her hair, but he used them to guide, not suffocate, and she strove to take his dick as far down as possible. Though it took far longer than she suspected it normally took for him, at last she heard a stifled groan and felt his fingers stiffen. She bobbed up and down rapidly and within a moment, she felt the warm sticky fluid shoot into her mouth. The quantity was more than she could swallow, though, so it leaked out around his member. She slurped and licked her lips as he withdrew but couldn’t prevent some spilling onto the floor. She watched it drop, then lifted her eyes to Master 2.

  “Laura.” She heard Dan’s soft voice from behind her. She broke her gaze from Master 2’s silent face as an unexpected gush of arousal flooded her pussy.

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered in acknowledgment of the unspoken command, and bent down to the floor. She darted her tongue out to scoop up the errant globs that lay in front of Master 2’s shoes. As she rose from her task, head bent in submission, she heard one of the other men off to the side.


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